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Sitkal (Remembrance) Arman, Trapdoor soldier

Started by nephero, September 05, 2021, 02:55:52 PM

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showing off his tattoos


Sitkal (Remembrance) Arman



Male, pansexual

Human, Cortlan Adelan

6'5" and super strong

Trapdoor, currently on guard duty for the Governor of Cortla

Skythread City, Cortla, Adela



Build; Sitkal is physically very imposing. He's tall and broad, with thickly muscled biceps and legs and a sturdy core. He's got a strong, square jaw, and his entire posture denotes someone who would not be easily knocked to the ground. Almost in perfect opposition to this initial impression is how he carries himself: his steps are graceful and quiet, and he moves with a fluid ease that one might not normally associate with his build. His voice is deep and rich, and when he does choose to speak it's very hard to not hear him.

Color; Like other Cortlans, Sitkal possesses medium-brown skin that darkens easily in the sunny summer months. His long, curly hair is a deep brown-black with some red undertones, and when he doesn't shave his facial hair grows in the same way. His eyes are a dark brown, though in bright direct light there is some green hazel to them.

Alterations; He human, human shape.

Modifications;  Like many of his people, Sitkal is pierced and tattooed. He has a bridge piercing, and two further dermal piercings high on either cheekbone. His tattoos are multicolored and geometric, with matching sets that go from his trapezius, down over his shoulder and along his bicep.

Dress; More often than not, Sitkal is in uniform as befitting of his station as a Trapdoor squadron member, and will braid his hair back into a single tail to keep it out of the way. However, when he is able to relax, he favors much more comfortable clothing. He often wears a shendyt, and a type of Cortlan shirt that is made of a hide panel in the front that reaches his neck, and is tied in the back, leaving much of his back open and uncovered. If it's the chillier months or closer to sundown, he'll wear a poncho overtop to keep warm, or just so he can bundle up all cozy-like by the evening fires.


Patient almost to stubbornness, observant, flexible, loyal, playful

Fun Facts!:
  • Can fall asleep anywhere with minimal effort, and is much harder to wake than the rest of his squad.
  • His favorite prank to pull on people is to sneak up right on them and go "boo". It's even funnier if someone manages to startle him instead.
  • Is a favorite with the local kids for tossing them way up in the air to catch them.
  • Does very well at haggling which gives me straight up anxiety.


Telekinetic; Sitkal is able to use his mind to move things, but rarely utilizes this ability, almost to the point where many easily forget he's even capable of doing such a thing.

Trapdoor; The specialised military that operates within the Cortlan territory. Rather than platoons and regiments, Cortla has soldiers known as "Trapdoors", who operate in small groups to protect the territory's borders as well as engage in major hunting. Trapdoors are masters at ambush and guerrilla tactics, using the environment to trap their targets and attack.


Great-grandma Jahanara Arman; the daughter of an Essyrni merchant and twice as shrewd as any Merchant Prince, she settled in Cortla to make a more stable living facilitating her family's movements from Essyrn to northern Adela and beyond. The family story is that she bartered at Sitkal's great-grandfather rather than danced with him, and it's a story that usually has all the family members laughing fondly. The eldest child of each generation is given her ring to carry.

Great-grandpa; A quiet shepherd who was rather thankful for this break in tradition, because he was notoriously clumsy at dancing and had difficulty not stepping right on people's feet.

Grandma; A very strong presence in Sitkal's early life, he spent many many years toddling off to sit with her and listen to her tell stories while she knit or wove. His poncho was made by her in celebration of his apprenticeship with the Trapdoors, and he's had it ever since.

Parents; While his mother and father are not together, both play an active role in his life and he'll often split his free time to go visit both of them.

Various aunts, uncles, cousins and so on.




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