Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Serendipity Riverlands => Topic started by: Goldie on September 04, 2023, 06:15:27 PM

Title: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on September 04, 2023, 06:15:27 PM

Lenoryn had held her head high as her carriage left the city streets of Arca; her home for the last fifteen years. She had learned how to be independent, learned to trust her gut, learned how to grow and study. Her father had given her literally everything.

It was the least she could do for his wife, her stepmother, and her three year old brother.

There's had been a tearfull goodbye. Jeanine was a lovely, kind, and caring woman. She had loved Lenoryn's father despite their large age gap and the fact that Jeanine was only a few years older than her. They had grown close over the past years, but this was their home now. Lenoryn had no true place here. Not without splitting the household. She couldn't take that from them. They deserved to keep their home, to keep their titles without fight.

Truth be told, Jeanine hadn't wanted Lenoryn to leave, but she too understood the politics surrounding their noble house. A boy didn't have to inherit and so, Lenoryn was the natural next in line.

It took most of the ride through the riverlands towards her new home for her to collect herself. She hadn't seen her birth mother in years. Hadn't even heard from her since her father had whisked her away. She was about to meet a woman who was a complete stranger but whom had accepted Jeanine's pleas almost...too quickly.

She's after money, Lenoryn thought cynically. Why else would she want a 20 year old daughter she barely knew to come into her house?

The carriage clattered along the stones and the passed many decent homes. They were mansions to some, but were nothing compared to the rolling estates she had left behind. The horses began to slow in front of a perfectly manicured lawn behind an intricately carved marble gate.

Lenoryn absent-mindedly pressed at the wrinkles from her silk traveling gown. She reached up and tucked a few loose pins back in place, making sure her intricately plaited hair remained where it had been this morning. Jeanine had insisted on giving her her personal collection of solid gold and pearl pins, claiming they made her deep auburn hair look like a forest of autumn leaves tumbling over her shoulders after twining about her head.

The carriage stopped. She flattened her emerald and gold gown one last time.

The door opened and a hand reached out. With a deep breath, she blew out her anxieties and took it, stepping into the sunlight.

The marble gate stood open and she was greeted by a comly woman surrounded by servants. Her own red hair matched Lenoryn's almost perfectly if not for the streaks of gray that dulled the color without making her look old.

A large smile broke out across her overly painted face and she spread her arms wide as she stepped across the yard towards her daughter.

"Lenoryn! My dear dear daughter." She pressed her cold hands against Lenoryn's cheeks. They felt soft, like a child's. She had clearly never lifted a finger in her life, "Oh, just look at you! Shame on your bully of a father for keeping you from me. Come, come! Let us meet everyone!"

She gripped Lenoryn's wrist in a vice-like grip and practically dragged her towards the line of young men who attended her. Already it left a sour taste in Lenoryn's mouth.

"Thank you, Lady Heleane. For your hospitality. I know my coming must have put a strain on your....household..." she eyed the men. So many men. All in their twenties if she could wage a guess. All fit. All....haunted.

"Oh no no, that won't do. You must call me mother. That's who I am after all." Her grip on Lenoryn's wrist tightened, causing the young woman to wince before she could hide the instinctual reaction from her face. "And who would doubt it, what with that hair." Her smile was sinister, her eyes cold.

"I apologize, My Lady," Lenoryn smiled through gritted teeth, "but I would feel more comfortable addressing you by your title until we've gotten to know one another better." The grip tightened and the woman's smile faltered, "You must forgive me, of course, as all of this has been so sudden. I am still mourning the loss of my father and gaining my footing in this new world."

"Ah...yes...resthissoul" she rattled off much too quickly, but her grip relaxed as she gestured to her entourage. "Lady Lenoryn, I present to you my staff. Minus the maids and the cooks who are busy preparing for your arrival. You," she pointed to one of the servants, his dark skin stood out against the others and Lenoryn was immediately intrigued. He was a long way from home. "Take the Lady to her chambers so she can change into more....presentable....attire for our arrival feast tonight. The rest of you, collect her cases and deliver them to her room." She turned to her daughter, "I gave you one of our very best rooms. Only the best for my daughter."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. (GoblinFae)
Post by: GoblinFae on October 02, 2023, 07:49:48 PM
The fire in his eyes should have burnt the entire estate to the ground with the sheer volume of fury he felt for this woman, her household, and her family. He was a man of renown and pride back home. But here he was, an ocean and thousands of miles of land away from it all. To add insult to injury, not only had he been enslaved, but he'd been purchased by an Inima cursed redhead of all people!

Vile, despicable, godless foreigner!

How dare she covet him! How dare she lay her hands on him! How dare she cage him and order him about! He was Maoin! He was better than the old hag in every way! SHE should be the one worshipping him, not the other way around.

Yet, lined up on the front path like a row of crabs in the sand, he and the other slaves stood for the arrival of the house's young lady. Because that's what Rene needed, another spoiled, vile, red headed brat to defile his person with her presence.

He did visibly sneer at the direction for the briefest of moments, only moving forward when a servant shoved him forward to obey. Rene understood the trader's tongue near perfectly, he also however absolutely refused to speak it or acknowledge that he understood at every available opportunity.

Without even looking at the young woman, Rene turned on his bare heel and began to shuffle towards the main doors. The gentle clinking of chains announced him wherever he went. There had already been too many escape attempts to allow him out of the ankle and wrist manacles for good behavior and everyone knew better than to get close enough to be within biting range. Perhaps this new one would provide entertainment by being unlucky enough to not know of the newest slave's viper bite.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. (GoblinFae)
Post by: Goldie on October 03, 2023, 04:10:33 AM
Lenoryn followed silently, taking in everything she could as they walked past the entourage and into the house. Despite it being smaller than her previous estate, her mother's home was still quite sizable and decorated in a way to scream wealth.

She found it....gaudy. Tasteless. Much like the woman who met them at the front. Gods she hated this place already.

They passed an extremely intricate display of crystal miniatures that had been placed near a window so the sun could shine directly onto them. Even now, prisms danced. A display this extravagant would cost an absolute fortune! Lenoryn recognized the artist - she had had the pleasure of meeting her once long ago - so she stopped, and gently picked one up in her hands to examine it.

An unladylike snicker burst from her lips as she looked, "Fake." She determined before placing it back. "Gods this whole place is fake."

Then she turned and continued to follow the servant....no....slave, who was showing her to her rooms. If her education served her, he looked to be Thanati. The chains around him made her heart ache as did most of this barbaric practice. No one should be forced into servitude.

The chains were confusing to her, however. They suggested he was possibly new? Possibly "unbroken" as the worst kinds of people would say. But here he was being chosen to escort her through the house like a trusted servant which suggested he had been here for some time. It also was clear that her mother wasn't about to waste her better workers on her despite the insistance that her daughter deserved "the best."

Lenoryn watched him closely, her heart breaking with each clank of the chain. This is wrong. she told herself over and over Gods this is so wrong. But what could she do? Owning slaves wasn't illegal and she had no power to do anything at all.

On a whim, she dug into an almost decade old memory when one of her tutors had been from Thanatos. Her skills were limited and her memory cobwebb-filled, but she sputtered out a few words in awkward Thanati, "I am sorry....for the bitch. Great bitch."

Naturally most of what she remembered were curses and poorly constructed sentences that made teenagers laugh but, hopefully, it got the point across and she doubted people around them spoke it.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 12, 2023, 06:45:21 PM
It was a good thing that Rene was unaware of her assessment of him otherwise he would have taken great offense to being appraised as less than the best. The man still had his pride after all, especially in this hellish nightmare of a current existence.

As it was once she started speaking his native tongue, and very poorly he might add at that, his eyes slid over to her in silent contemplation. It was a trap. It had to be. The Mistress was indeed a bitch but this guest, her daughter wasn't it, was surely cut from the same cloth and perhaps even worse. What games were these? What new horrors would she rain down upon him when he finally slipped up?

Rene ignored her and opened the doors to her rooms, glaring silently at the gaudy lavishness the other slaves and servants had spent the last few days grueling over to meet the Mistress's ever-changing whims. 
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 12, 2023, 07:25:16 PM
She wasn't exactly surprised when he didn't answer, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Maybe she had insulted him instead of her mother? She chewed on her tongue and silently mouthed the Thanati a few times to herself to see if she possibly just pronounced everything incorrectly.

Obviously she would need to take a trip to the library to rectify it. It might not do much by way of pronunciation, but if she could find a Thanati dictionary or something she'd at least be able to try. And if there was one thing she enjoyed, it was a project to study.

Lenoryn was about to attempt another conversation with her limited knowledge of his tongue, but they had arrived. The doors to her room opened and...

Her jaw dropped. "Oh." She stepped into the room and took a slow turn to take in everything.

"It's..." she bit her lip, "Pink." A tiny snicker bubbled in her throat that she tried to cover, unsuccessfully, by clearing her throat, "I...it's...wow. Um...."

She removed her traveling gloves and left them on the fluffiest pink comforter she had ever seen. It was satin with tufts of white....puffs...was the only way she could explain it. The windows were open and a gentle breeze blew intricately gold embroidered pink curtains.

Her trunks were being brought in as she took it all in and she was overcome with a desire to be anywhere but here.

She turned to her escort, "Does Lady Heleane have a library?" She asked, "Could you take me there, please?"
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 12, 2023, 07:48:32 PM
More eyerolling; more displeasure. Of course she wasn't satisfied with keeping out. Of course she had more demands of him. What next? She would demand he kneel to be used as her step stool to reach the books on the higher shelves?

Rene waved her out of the room, a sneer briefly curling his lips once her back was turned. She certainly seemed the type. He grimaced as they began to walk, his ever footstep shuffling and clinking as he wound them through the halls and festered in his ill thoughts of her and her people. Without him realizing he had managed to walk them in a circle of halls, twice and not only that but had managed to get himself turned around enough to be lost. By the time he realized it was too late, so in a third circle they went. Maybe she would find something shiny and get distracted?
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 13, 2023, 04:49:04 AM
It wasn't until their third lap that Lenoryn realized that they had passed the same tapestries. She frowned, wondering if this was some kind of subversive plot to make her annoyed, or if maybe this man truly was new and just didn't know the lay of the land yet.

Up until now, she had been shadowing him just taking it all in. All of its gaudy splendor that Heleane decided was a good style. Despite growing up with money, her father had been one of simple taste and let nature lead by example. This...excess was new for her.

Once it became clear they were lost, she took a few larger steps forward and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder only for a brief moment to get his attention.

"It's ok." She said softly, "I'm sure you have more important things to do. I can look around and find it myself, I don't mean to keep you."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 13, 2023, 07:09:22 AM
Rene openly flinched at the touch, shying back as he turned to face her, eyes showing the whites on three sides before he was able to compose himself once more. There was no sense in earning extra beatings just for having reacted to the potential of one. Her words though made him scowl something fierce. He was not lost! Okay, so he was but he wasn't about to admit it!

The slave lifted his chin some, eyes shifting beneath a furrowed brow as he looked at the halls around them, wracking his brain to remember the way. He was saved from further discussion on the matter though as a servant came to his aid just in time to box his ears. The briefest of winces crossed his striking features before he was able to bury the outward pain the ringing in his ears, saving him from the berating that followed. Otherwise he remained as still and unfettered by the assault as stone before rain.
"Forgive this useless slave, Little Miss," the servant hurried to beg. "It seems Lady Heleane's trust and opportunity at redemption was misplaced again. Where is it you're looking to go? I can better assist you."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 13, 2023, 07:32:44 AM
His reaction startled her and caused her mind to race. She could sense the fear, could see it before he was able to adequately compose himself. What kinds of horrors had this man seen? How much if it had been at the hands of her mother and her trusted circle?

Before words even formed, another servant was there actively beating hands against his face. But she was too slow to stop it. Never in her life had she seen someone treated this way in public. She was not naive enough to believe it didn't happen, but the blazeness made her nauseous and her heart beat wildly in her chest.

She could make his life so much worse with one misstep.

"Oh! No no, he's not to blame here." She forced herself to smile and laugh like a silly girl, "There's just so much to see and I keep changing my mind. First I wanted to see gardens, but then we passed My Lady's beautiful glass figure collection and I insisted we stop. It's just so silly and I'm embarassed I've lead him around in circles." She hid her mouth with her hand and sighed absent-mindedly before turning back to the slave, "The library maybe? I promise I won't change my mind again."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 13, 2023, 12:27:10 PM
The servant looked between the pair in clear skepticism before gently pulling Lenoryn aside. "Little Miss with all due respect, this particular slave is a known troublemaker. Allow me to come with you so he doesn't lead you astray or worse attempt another escape when you're least expecting it. You really can't trust people like him after all."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 13, 2023, 12:56:36 PM
She smiled sweetly at him and took her free hand to delicately remove his fingers from her arm.  "And I assure you," she continued with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "That the next time you wish to discipline a servant under my care you will check with me first to see if it is even necessary."

She didn't break his gaze for a few very uncomfortable seconds. "I believe we are finished here? Unless you have other recommendations that I did not request?"
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 13, 2023, 08:01:15 PM
The servant while accepting the removal of his hand, did not either recognize or accept the dismissal of his person. "Right this way, Little Miss. The library is much as your late father kept it, Kia rest his soul, save for a few minor adjustments of course. Would you care for some refreshment? I can see to it that some delicacies and tea are sent over to tide you over before dinner. You must have had such a long journey," he battered on while briskly marching them in the correct direction. 

Poor Rene was helplessly dragged along as the man had made absolutely sure to keep a crushing grip on his forearm to prevent any bubbling thoughts of escape. The dove himself remained deceptively docile, with lowered lashes, silence, and zero resistance to his own man-handling as he was all but shoved out of the way so that Lenoryn could take in the breath-taking sight of the library as both doors were thrust open before her. 
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 14, 2023, 09:42:57 AM
"Thank you," she forced herself to reply despite the crippling annoyance that bubbled within herself. None of this was wanted nor was it needed, yet here they were. The poor slave had even less choice than her and even she felt trapped. She was regretting the decision to come here by the minute. Not only was Heleane possibly the worst person she had ever met, but it seemed her servants were under her thumb as well.

She would have no friends here. But she couldn't go back. Her father's estates back home properly belonged to her brother. Lenoryn would not be the reason they were turned out on the streets or thought of as "less" simply because they were from a second marriage.

The library was, indeed, impressive. The bookshelves rose high into a ceiling that was at least two stories high and were accessible by tall ladders and a few balcony-esque walkways that circled above their heads. The servant had mentioned it had been mostly kept the same, but despite trying to pull from decades old memories, it all seemed new to her.

"I can't say I recall much from my time here." She admitted, "My father and I left when I was so young, as it were."

But how to get rid of him?

She strode forward a few steps and made show of looking through a number of books before pulling three heavy tomes down and handing them to the slave without so much as a glance. She had to play the character, as much as she hated simply treating him as property.

"Over to that table, if you could." She waved towards some ornatedly decorated tables where there would be enough room to spread out as she perused.

She turned towards a stack of paper and a quill and began quickly scribbling the names of some texts making sure her handwriting was just barely legible and the list extensive. Then she returned to the overbearing servant and handed him the list.

"Food won't be necessary. However, as you probably know, I spent much of my time studying at the college in the city and I was in charge of my father's estate for years. I would hate to see this incredible home fall prey to miscalucations and fraudulent hearts. I will need these texts as well as the ledgers from the last year just to make certain all is well. If you need credentials, I'm sure we can procure them from the city and the numerous masters who can vouch for my qualifications. I will also need a Thanati dictionary. I need to draft a letter to Lady Cordalé - she was my tutor for many years."

If this man had any intellect, he would know of Lady Cordalé as she was the single highest ranking professor of arithmetic in all of Serendipity.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 14, 2023, 01:48:10 PM
Rene's eyes narrowed as his body sagged under the weight of the books. There's her true colors after all. Sure her mother was a 'Great Bitch' as she had poorly tried to proclaim but she was the snake. 'That's right, viper, look down on me. Treat me like the dirt beneath you feet, see where that gets you,' he angrily thought while letting the texts slam onto the table, and immediately regretting his actions as a plume of dust sent him into a coughing fit.

"With all due respect, Little Miss, as commendable as your qualifications are, you will have to discuss such changes with the lady of the house. Your mother is in charge of the running of the estate but I'm sure she would be more than happy to hear any ideas you may have for changes around here. Now will that be all?"
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 14, 2023, 04:01:08 PM
"No, that will not be all. I would still like to have those books on the list. If you can't procure the ledgers, fine, but you can still help by collecting the ones in this list, yes?" She paused and rethought her current course, "I apologize." She added with a sigh and rubbed her temples, "You are doing a wonderful job making sure I am comfortable and I am just making demands. I've always been critized as jumping before I think."

She walked to one of the chairs and sat down delicately and closing her eyes as if in exhaustion, "Of course I should check with...my mother." Calling that woman by the title she didn't deserve made her stomach turn. "Thank you for everything...would it...be too much to ask for some tea and perhaps some biscuits? You are right, of course, it has been a long journey."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 14, 2023, 04:06:51 PM
"Of course, Little Miss. Although I'm afraid we do not possess a Thanati dictionary. I believe the language texts were a favorite of your father's and thus taken in his separation. I will see to the rest of this though. Please just rest and should you need anything, send it," he pointed at Rene, "to get it for you. Please don't strain yourself climbing up and down. I shall return shortly," he continued, bobbing up and down in a series of awkward bows as he shuffled out of the room.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 14, 2023, 04:32:14 PM
Lenoryn kept her head bowed until she was certain he was gone and then let out a long breath, "Oh thank the Gods. What an insufferable, boot licking, incorrigible," she added a few extra more colorful descriptors under her breath before leaping to her feet and taking a step towards her mother's slave.

"I am sorry." She began softly, eyes full of regret, "I don't agree with any of....this." she gestured around to the entirety of the library, but her intent was the household itself, "I especially don't agree with what they're doing to you." She frowned and looked at his head where he had been struck, but made sure not to get closer. After his reaction to being touched earlier, she did not want to risk frightening him more.

"Are you alright? I...think it's clear there isn't much I'll be able to do, but please know I will do what I can to try and ease your suffering. None of this is right. It's disgusting. It's inhumane. And if I had even an ounce of power I'd have you freed."

She sighed again, "I'm sure you don't believe me - you have no reason to trust me - but please at least remember that anything within my power is yours." She turned to the table and took a look at the tomes she had selected and immediately deemed them unimportant, scooped them up herself, and returned them one at a time back onto the shelves while balancing them precariously on one arm. A plume of dust tickled her nose and she sneezed. The books almost toppled from her arm, but she was able to steady them and avoided disaster.

"I'm Lenoryn, by the way." She added with a smile towards the slave after the books had been returned, and then she disappeared into the stacks searching for a section on world history. She may not have access to language books, but there had to be something of use.

"Ah! There!" She stood on her toes and her finger tips barely brushed the shelf. A quick step or two and she had managed to move a table over to the shelf and promptly climbed up to pluck the book before sliding down with it tucked under her arm. She didn't even move the table back or move to find a chair, but sat on the edge and opened the book in her lap with the tip of her tongue peaking out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 14, 2023, 06:16:18 PM
The man jerked back at her quick movements towards him before resettling back to where he had been standing. Did this woman ever just stop talking? On and on she went, talking to him as if she actually cared, as if she actually thought he was human, as if she had not just proved otherwise.

Her words, as many as they were, were met with a dead fish stare as if he did not understand a single word she was saying. 'Lenoryn? Try Little Bitch.' Rene quietly snorted to himself at the thought before realizing he'd made a sound and glancing her way in wide-eyed apprehension.

'Now, what is she doing?'
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 14, 2023, 06:58:23 PM
Lenoryn didn't register his sound at all. Books were her happy place. The library was her home. How many years had she spent falling asleep amonst piles and piles and piles of books? Too many to count, that's for sure. She'd often wake up with a blanket over her shoulders when her father had found her but chose not to disturb her sleep. Dust and ink were a part of her blood.

So she sat, silently flipping through the pages of History of the Eastern World.

It was unhelpful, but she kept the book open to the chapter about Thanatos before deciding to search for another. How could she refresh herself on a language she didn't fully comprehend without a book about that language? Truth be told, she almost wasn't sure that man even understood her when she spoke to him.

But he had tried to take her to the library when she had asked....


"I'm going around the corner," she called out to him without even looking his way. He could have been right next to her and she wouldn't have noticed. She had a mission.

Leaving the history book behind, she circled her way through the library muttering under her breath until...ah! Yes! There! Nothing she wanted was within reach and she couldn't see the titles well enough from the ground.

"Ladder....ladder ladder ladder....." she looked around but nothing was connected to this particular shelf. What the hell....who had organized this place? Was it supposed to be a deterent?

She groaned and muttered to herself, "Fine. You won't get me a ladder, I'll desecrate your shelves." She hiked her skirts around her knees and began climbing up the book shelves.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 14, 2023, 07:47:49 PM
Rene sighed heavily as he shuffled along behind her. Aaaaand now she was...climbing? In those skirts?! Now this was going to be good. Surely she didn't expect him to catch her when she inevitably fell?

He allowed himself to bask for a moment in how good the thought of her falling and getting hurt was. Just one sudden fall and SPLAT! She's just be laying there skirts akimbo, covered in layers of books and dust. Hilarious...riiight until he got blamed for it. 

And therein was the rub. If he let her fall and get hurt, it would be his hide that was beaten for it. If a worse fate befell her as delightful as that might be in the moment for him, it would be his own life on the line. Why was the goddess so cruel today?

Another deep, heavy sigh and he stepped closer to stand directly behind her. There was a slight problem with his plan to support her in that as he raised his hands in a catching motion, his manacles prevented him from expanding them apart enough to support properly around the waist or arms. Instead he could only manage to firmly cup her rear. Eh, close enough. 
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 14, 2023, 07:57:41 PM
She hadn't even heard him come up from behind, which was honestly a feat because his chains were loud, but she was so intent on reading the spines of the books that everything else just faded into white noise. It seemed like she was going to have to get higher, so she reached her hand up towards the next shelf when his hands pressed against her butt.

A surprised squeal escaped her lips and she startled. Startled in possibly the worst spot to be startled. Her hovering hand tried to grab onto something, but all she got was a fistfull of texts that tumbled from the shelves and into the air behind her.

Unfortunately, she wasn't far behind. Her other hand thankfully kept her from falling completely backwards, but didn't help with much else. Her cheek smacked into the shelf and she toppled down onto the man below.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 15, 2023, 05:16:25 AM
See! He knew that she would fall! Now he'd probably get blamed for this too. Foolish woman! This was all her fault!

A thunderstorm of books rained down upon his head and shoulders even as in those few seconds he remained determined and upright to catch her. A hefty thunk and a whisper of fabric later, and Rene's were suddenly if a bit awkwardly filled with the annoying woman. He cradled her much as one might hold a baby or a new bride.

His lips pursed into a thin line as he stared down into her eyes as if deep into her very soul. "You are entirely too much trouble," he suddenly declared, his voice clear and confident if slightly accented. Swiftly he spun them about face before in a few elegant strides unceremoniously dropping her into a plush chair.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 15, 2023, 08:48:49 AM
She flopped into the armchair and her skirts poofed for a moment before settling down. A hand absently rubbed the cheek that had hit the shelf, but her eyes were staring unabashedly up at the man and glittered with mirth. Her lips tugged up in a small, triumphant smile.

"You do talk." She declared, her smile brightening, "I knew it." Traces of a bruise were already forming right underneath of clear, strikingly blue eyes. They couldn't be more opposite in appearance nor in demeanor.

"What is your name?" She asked after a few moments, "I suppose I could always call you 'boy' but that seems awfully demeaning, don't you think? I would very much like to thank you properly."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 15, 2023, 09:46:56 AM
And just like that Rene realized his slip up. Still he stared down at her once more with the same unseeing, emotionless gaze, head tilting slightly as if questioning the sounds coming out of her mouth. 'Nope, clearly mistaken, Little Bitch. Move along. Nothing to see here. Go back to forgetting I exist and I'm just another piece of the furniture to you.'

His eyes drifted to the ugly, forming bruise on her cheek. He was going to be in so much trouble the moment she caught sight of that. He could hear the screeching already. What punishment would it be this time? No meals? Kneeling in the courtyard all day? A whipping? 'I bet she'll be laughing then too.'
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 15, 2023, 10:14:34 AM
She leaned forward and rested her arms on her knees, clearly unconcerned about her face or anything else really. Her eyes were focused on him completely and she clocked the moment the switch happened. What had she expected? The things this man had seen she could only imagine and even then she probably only guessed the half of it.

Her smile wilted and a sadness swept over her features.

"I'm sorry." She told him softly, "I know you don't believe me, but I am. For all of this. For the life that was stolen from you. For the people who hurt you." She stood and bowed ever so slightly towards him, "I hope that, one day, you'll feel comfortable enough to share your name with me. Until then, I won't take it from you."

And she swept pasted him to begin straightening the books that were askew on the ground from her fall. There was no way she would be able to get them back up....so she piled them in her arms and deposited them onto a nearby table.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 15, 2023, 11:18:38 AM
His entire expression and body language was that of sarcastic disbelief. She didn't want to take his name? Because after all the indignities he had suffered THAT would be too far. His freedom, his home, his human rights, his voice, his language, his pride, but sure his name was too much.

After a pause he moved carefully to bend and assist in picking up the books. "You heard nothing."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 15, 2023, 12:31:50 PM
She didn't even make eye contact as he stooped down to help. Instead, she replied to his comment softly, "Not a damn thing. And...thank you. For catching me." And then continued putting the books in neat piles in silence.

Then she sat down and began perusing the books that had been accidentally collected. Most were also useless, but she wasn't about to climb the shelves again and was beginning to wonder what use any of these collections would serve her.

Until, underneath the larger tomes she pulled out a small music book and she couldn't help the small smile that tickled her lips. With a glance up at her companion, she slid it across the table.

"This one seems interesting. I wonder if you could hold it for me?" Music held no interest for her, but she thought, maybe, this little book might offer him even the slightest bit of happiness, even if just in nostolgia. The tiny book was opened to a page that read "Thanati Folk and Ceremonial Songs."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on October 17, 2023, 07:03:39 PM
He snorted and rolled his eyes at her response. Rene didn't trust her as far as he could run from her in chains and that certainly wasn't far at all. Still he stood silently at her side as she sifted through the texts. When she placed the opened text in his hands he could only spare it a glance before looking ahead again. No look of recognition passed his face as while Rene had proven to be adept enough in the Trader's Tongue, what Lenoryn had failed to consider was the fact that the Thanati slave could not read either the text in his hands nor the music that was written on the pages. As far as he was concerned, she had just handed him the recipe for Thanati slave soup.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on October 17, 2023, 07:58:06 PM
A small headache began to form behind her temples at the look that remained plastered on the man's face. She realized that he had no reason to trust her, but good Gods what did she need to do to get even the slightest reaction other than being completely ignored? Did his idiot act actually work with the others in the household?

She sighed and rubbed her forehead absently while getting lost in whatever text was before her. The Serenian Guide to Travel. Riveting. But she was too tired to actually look for something that sparked interest. The days of travel were actually catching up to her and she found herself dozing onto her propped hand without realizing it.

"Daughter!" A very unwelcome voice jerked Lenoryn from her slumber and she bolted upright in a very unladylike fashion. Sure enough, coming towards them, was the Lady Heleane in a completely new gown. This one was quite possibly even more gaudy than the first. Not a single section of cloth was not bedazzled or embroidered and every finger held at least one ring, sometimes two. Her salted red hair was piled high on her head and a crystal tiara glittered amongst the chaos.

As she swept past the slave, a single finger brushed across his collar which caused Lenoryn to pause. It was an odd gesture.

"Dear sweet daughter, you aren't even starting to get ready for dinner but instead getting dirtier in this forsaken place. Your father had no idea how to raise a daughter, but I'll make sure you are brought up to speed. We certainly must make sure your prospects are good. Harp lessons, embroidery, proper....hygiene...." she turned up her nose at the dust that had settled along the sleeves of Len's travel gown.

"There is still time before dinner, I trust?" Len responded with fake sweetness. The list Heleana just rattled off sounded absolutely dreadful.

"Oh, not nearly enough. Not any more. You'll need to go immediately. Rene " She whipped around and walked much too close to the slave. Len felt her stomach turn. Something about it was just not right. "I believe you can get her safely back to her rooms." She pressed her have against his face and said firmly, "With no trouble. "
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on November 30, 2023, 08:18:08 PM
Fire flashed in his eyes at the initial touch but otherwise he remained like a stone statue, unfeeling, unmoving, unthinking. It was as if the conversation happening around him was nothing more than the buzz of gnats and he heard nothing at all.

Only once the lady of the house was once more turning her wrathful gaze upon him again did he show any signs of life. His glassy gaze turned sharp and alert as he held his breath to not breath in the cloying scent of her perfume. Her touch repulsed him and it took every fiber of his being to resist striking her and instead resort to a simple disgusted twitch of his lip. The movement was brief and easy to as he was quick to turn his cheek into her hand and close his eyes as if being quite the good little boy. Inside all he wanted to do was bite her fingers off.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on December 01, 2023, 04:56:09 AM
Lenoryn watched the exchange with budding horror and a cold chill ran down her spine. This couldn't possibly be...she must be imagining...the days travels had left her...but no excuse, no "but if" could explain away the twitch in his armor before leaning into Heleane's touch.

Before she even knew what she was doing or even taking a moment to list off the possible repercussions, Len was on her feet and not-so-gently pulling her mother's arm into her own and steering her away from the slave. Her heart pounded in her ears and her cheeks were flushed. What was she going to do now? This wasn't planned. She had no plans. She didn't do this. Impulsiveness wasn't her strong suit.

"Mother," she was panicking, maybe the endearment Heleane had been trying to force would be enough? "I am so sorry to have caused you discomfort." She loosened her grip to make it appear as if she had grabbed her out of affection and began steering her away from...Rene was it? She risked a quick glance back at him before returning her attentions to the demon on her arm.

"I am..." what could she possibly say!? "I am quite overwhelmed." Very true, "My father never did push the womanly arts and I'm afraid I won't be any good. Perhaps....but no...no I couldn't possibly...I would be asking too much." What the hell was she doing? This was never going to work. Heleane would see through it in a heartbeat. Len was a horrible actress.

"Just speak it, daughter." Heleane's other hand reached around her body so her other hand was resting on top of her arm.

"I believe my...uh....prospects...might increase if there was maybe something visible while I'm....learning..." the poise she'd had up until the point had completely and fully fallen away as she tried to piece together her words. Surprisingly, the stuttering seemed to be having the exact effect she had been hoping for as her mother tenderly patted her arm in support.

"Just speak plainly, Lenoryn." She said with a tenderness Len had not seen in her yet. She doesn't see me as a threat. she thought suddenly, she sees me as a child needing guidance.

"I've been told that slaves are a sign of status. If he were to accompany me then your, no, my...suitors...might overlook my other...uh...failings."

Heleane froze for an instant and glanced back at Rene and then at Lenoryn, eyes calculating. For a moment she thought the plan would fail and that her mother had seen through the ruse.

"You wish for me to gift him to you?" Heleane asked slowly.

"I have a lot of failings." Len replied almost too quickly. Her heart was racing, her palms sweaty.

"Fine." She let go of her daughters hand and stepped towards the door, "I'll have the servants prepare the side room off of your chambers." She frowned and jammed a finger against Len's chest, "His chains stay on."

Once her skirts had disappeared around a shelf, Lenoryn wilted visibly and leaned heavily against a table. "Gods, I hate her." She murmured to herself as she clutched the table until her knuckles turned white.

"C'mon, then." She gestured to Rene and began walking back to her, no, their rooms.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on December 16, 2023, 08:27:11 AM
And there was Little Bitch now scrambling to claim him from Mistress Bitch and showing her true colors after all. He had not been wrong to not trust her. She was just as deceptive as all the rest of the Inima-cursed pale-skinned monsters of this country. She was just another snake trying to lure him in with her pretty scales and hypnotic movements before striking with twice as much venom. Foul beast!

The fire grew within his gaze now directed at the back of her head as they walked to her rooms. What new indignity would befall him here? Would he now be shared between the two? How vile. Or perhaps it was humiliation she was after for having touched her rear and bruised her cheek? Would it be beatings? Would it be kneeling bare all night on the cold floors? Whatever it was, he knew he was not keen on it and would need to be extra watchful so that his escape efforts might bear fruit. She was not wise to his antics yet. She could in turn be deceived if he played his cards right.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on December 17, 2023, 06:59:32 AM
Lenoryn had a pretty good sense of direction and was able to find her way back to her rooms with only a few moments to pause and ponder her way. The house wasn't overly complicated in its layout, thankfully, and Heleana had placed her on the main floor. She assumed, from what she had seen so far, that her mother lived on the upper floor.

That was interesting, though not disagreeable. It was always nice being a closer to the earth, where things grew. The earth she understood and she had no desire to look to the skies when she had everything she needed right here with both feet on the ground.

A sigh escaped her lips when she entered into her room again. Though, this time, she realized that her initial reaction had been slightly exaggerated. The pink was closer to a coral and there was a good amount of ivory interspersed. Not that it helped much. It was still gaudy and, quite frankly, ugly.

And then there was the insane dress that was laid out for her for the evening. It was almost a duplicate of the one Heleana had been wearing in the library.

No no, she wouldn't be wearing that.

"It looks like they must be finished setting up your room." She commented when realizing there were no servants bustling about.

She made her way to the door on the right side of the room, opposite of the windows, and frowned when she tried the handle and realized it was locked. A Quick look around showed a key hanging on a hook next to it. Her frown deepened and she silently chided herself for being an idiot.

He was a slave. She was in charge of his captivity.

Her stomach churned as she turned the key and opened the door to...

A completely empty room. There was no furniture, no windows, just wallpapered walls and a large chain hooked into the middle of the floor.

"Shit..." she couldn't stop the curse before it left her tongue, "oh, Kia, no. This is...no."

She turned to face him, concern and disgust readily on her features, "Is this...how they force you to live?"
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on December 17, 2023, 01:10:02 PM
Rene looked at the back of her head as if she was insane. Nice joke, the servants who had no idea that he was now her property having already finished preparing a room for him? Just how cruel was this woman? First she feigns concern and horror followed by attempts at camaraderie and then she's claiming him as her own property and cracking jokes about his fate. What a monster!

He raised a brow in the face of her faux horror, completely unimpressed. "It too good for you?" Rene sneered back, his voice soft and low, barely above a whisper as he angrily walked in and sat at the expected spot by his chain, waiting for her to put him in his place and punish him for speaking out.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on December 17, 2023, 03:10:05 PM
"What?" She exclaimed as he spoke and brushed past her to angrily sit on the floor by the chain, "Too good for you?" His ire was justified, she couldn't fault him for it. If her suspicions were true he was staring at the daughter of a monster who had just, basically, purchased him like a business transaction.

How must that look? How must that feel? To he who had nothing. He who was plucked from his own to be the property of another.

"No...that's not...I didn't mean..."she was so far out of her element that she didn't know the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry." Was all she could muster before turning away to hide the tears that started pooling in her eyes. No one deserved to live a life like that. No one.

She began bustling around the room pulling the gaudily embroidered comforter from her bed along with a few decorative pillows. They weren't much, and she certainly wouldn't call them comfortable, but Kia they should serve better than the floor.

She folded them neatly and than approached the side room, setting the key to the room on top of the main pillow. Then she placed them just inside the door but didn't dare go in any further. She couldn't offer him much. Hell, she couldn't offer him anything he might actually want.

She kept her eyes on the floor when she addressed him next and her hands were clasped tightly together, constantly wringing around each other.

"I won't use it. But you should have it so you can be sure. I don't...want to make your life more difficult than it already is...Kia, there's so little I can actually do...but...I'll do what I can."

Then she turned from him and began pulling a dress of her own choosing for the dinner.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on January 07, 2024, 06:36:34 PM
He audibly scoffed at her, glaring daggers into her back. She did not want to make his life difficult she said in one breath as her actions did the opposite. He did not believe those shark tears for a single second.

"Haven't you done enough?" Rene growled, getting to his feet to stand in her doorway. "You will not survive here if you do not bend to her will. Suffer all you like but you are going to get me killed."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on January 08, 2024, 04:55:01 PM
Her shoulders stiffened as he scolded her and she felt anger rising in her born from his accusations. She was making his life harder? Being nice to him was going to get him killed?

She whipped around, her hands in fists by her side, "Why?" She hissed, but kept her distance, "She is horrible. I imagine she has done unfathomable things to you and what? You would prefer to continue under her thumb? I saw your face when she touched you. She is a monster, but I doubt this is new information for you like it is for me. My father never spoke of her. When I was five he took me away and that was the last time I so much as set eyes on her. I may be naive. I may not have known what I was walking into by coming here but I'll be damned if I don't try to do something right. So you can sit in there by yourself and be angry with me all you want, but I brought you here so you didn't have to be with her."

She turned around again and stomped towards the bed where that Gods awful dress still laid and only then did she notice the matching male clothes that laid near by. Apparently her slave was intended to look good for these events, too.

A loud curse exploded from her mouth as she scooped them up and dumped them on top of the folded blankets.

"Apparently she wants you to wear this, too. We can look like fools together."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on January 24, 2024, 09:32:56 AM
Rene was unimpressed and rolled his eyes at her words. "Shall I get on my knees and thank you properly for saving me then Mistress? How do you prefer it? Bent back over the bed or standing in domination? You did nothing but bring more attention to me for your own devices. I am not the fool you take me for," he hissed snatching up the clothes without seeming phased at all.

Wordlessly he stripped out of his clothes right there without bothering to turn away or close his door as if the act had been performed so many times that there was nothing to feel shame over. It took him little time at all as it was to put on the scraps of fabric that constituted 'clothes' on; a privacy cloth that covered his front with longer, sheer panels over top for the front and back was all he received in matching colors to Lenoryn's outfit. He was completely bare from the waist up and too strong a movement on his part would flash anyone in the vicinity; a smaller concern however given his still shackled ankles.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on January 24, 2024, 01:07:47 PM
Lenoryn expected the anger. She was feeling it herself. How could she prove to him that she wasn't her mother? That she didn't approve of any of this and was just doing what she could to help him even a little bit? Should she have just let him be?

No...that would never be the right choice, not in this situation...but Kia he was already making her regret it. She could feel sorry for him, feel pity even, and still find him completely frustrating, right? Did that make her a bad person? Should she be more understanding? Probably...but he was just so...infuriating!

She was about to open her mouth to tell him so when his next words caught her by surprise, "If you hate it here then go!" she began and then blinked, brain processing slowly, "What? You...bent over?" the blood simultaneously left her and rose in her cheeks all at once. Surely he wasn't...he couldn't be insinuating that she...that they...

And then he was stripping.

Kia, he was taking off his clothes right now. Right in front of her. Without a care in the world. No, not without a care, with anger.

"What are you doing!?" She couldn't help the squeaks that replaced her normal speaking voice and, quite without thinking, her hands flew over her eyes and she turned from him, heart racing in her chest. "Oh my Gods. Oh my, Gods!" she repeated to herself, voice still many registers higher than it should be. Her hands were still over her eyes despite being turned away from him and she even took a few purposeful steps in the opposite direction. Her toes his the leg of the bed and she stumbled, half falling, half catching herself on the banister as all grace and decorum fled.

Kia, she wanted to run. She needed to get away. She needed to give space between them!

So she did the only thing she could think. She grabbed the dress she had selected for herself, not even remembering or thinking about the matching one her mother had laid for her, used the fabric to cover her face, and sped past him into the little side closet of a room that had been "prepared" for him and closed the door.

"You...you stay out there!" she called through the crack, "Don't come in here! I'm going to change."
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on January 25, 2024, 10:52:21 AM
It was a grave understatement to say that Rene was simply amused by her shock and horror. It served her right. She wanted a slave, then she would have to do better with directing and keeping one. He was determined to make her as uncomfortable as he respectfully could as punishment for keeping a man against his will. He would make her feel as humiliated as he did before he finally took his leave and sailed back home to Thanatos, home to where he belonged and was respected and revered, not used as a toy for the whims of these pigwomen.

"You have the wrong dress, Mistress," he called after but otherwise making no effort to do anything about it.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on January 25, 2024, 02:12:56 PM
She was so distracted and her face so hot that she heard him but didn't actually register the words themselves. If anything, hearing his voice simply made her blush even more. She hadn't thought this through, having a man living practically in her bedroom, and now couldn't get him out of her head. There were plenty of books about the subject of men and anatomy that she had read, but she'd never actually see a living and breathing person before in such little state of dress. She'd never really thought about it before, nor had she cared to. Relationships were just...extra work she hadn't felt any need to have.

And now he just existed with her. Was just here stripping down, probably because he knew it would put her into this kind of state. She needed to calm down. He wanted a reaction. He probably wanted to punish her.

Breathe. She needed to breathe.

The dress in her hands was on her body as fast as she could manage because she didn't actually trust that he wouldn't just barge in to make everything even worse. She was able to roughly pull the ties closed, but didn't care if they were perfect. Servants would come to collect them and she could always ask them to fix it. Now, though? She just didn't want to be caught naked.

The lavender silk complimented her hair and her eyes and was adorned with simple silver embroidery that started at the hem and dissipated the closer it came to her waist until it was gone completely. The fabric draped delicately across her collarbone and the sleeves had been dyed to create and ombré effect of lavender to white by her wrists. It wasn't nearly as gaudy as the dress her mother had selected, but it was certainly nice enough for a dinner party. Maybe not for a grand ball or something, but certainly it would work for tonight.

And then she cracked the door and peered out into her room. Her eyes were met with his back and his very, very exposed behind.

She raised her eyes and made a point to star directly at his hairline. She wouldn't make eye contact. She wouldn't look anywhere else.

"That...those are your clothes." It wasn't a question, but she couldn't believe what she had walked into.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on January 25, 2024, 03:18:52 PM
Rene turned to face her, his face a mask of impassiveness once more. Where she refused to look at him properly though, he openly and slowly looked her up and down. It seemed she had slightly better taste in color choices than her mother; not that that was saying much.

"Would you prefer to wear them instead, Mistress?"
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on January 25, 2024, 03:46:49 PM
"W...what?" She stuttered, unconsciously dropping her gaze from his upper forehead to his eyes before quickly moving them up. Her hands were clasped tightly before her and her fingers shifted nervously.

"No. N...I'm perfectly happy as I am." Her cheeks continued to darken to an even brighter crimson with each passing second. Her mouth felt dry compared to the clamminess of her palms. "Thank you for...uh...asking..."

What was wrong with her?

The knock at the door was the saving grace she was looking for and she practically ran to open it for the few servants who waited across the threshold. They swarmed in and exchanged nervous glances between the dress she was wearing and the one selected for her, but they said nothing as they deftly fixed the ties she'd rushed to close. Then she was seated and her hair was unpinned and styled to lay in loose curls down towards her mid-back. There were many I'm sorrys and nervous explanations that there wasn't time to do more, but Len was too distracted to take much notice. She could practically feel Rene's nakedness even when she wasn't looking.

And then they were ushered out, down the corridor and into the main hall where her mother waited with half a dozen guests.

Len froze.

Not just any guests. Men. Half a dozen middle aged to old men who all turned to leer at her as she entered.

Oh Kia...
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on January 29, 2024, 08:37:34 PM
He was bored, completely and utterly BORED. There she was getting primped and primed and fussed over like a little baby while he could just stand their and watch in disinterest. They didn't even know how to style hair properly here. What even was the point?

Blessedly they all ignored him though right up until it was time to go. Then he was back to trailing behind her like a little train of flesh and fabric right into the apparent lion's den. He could practically see the men devouring her with their eyes as her mother rushed up on them all booming voices and flowery words.

Rene's arm stung as the woman pinched him hard enough to bruise as she hissed through her teeth about how he failed to ensure she wore the correct dress.

My darling daughter! Come come there's so many people I want you to meet. Isn't she just beautiful gentlemen? Takes after her mother of course," she tittered on with a wink, linking arms with Lenoryn as she whipped them about and into the throng of jackals pretending to be men. 
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on January 30, 2024, 05:53:13 AM
If Lenoryn has been distracted by Rene's state of undress, because truly the outfit was nothing more than a few scraps of brightly colored fabric and he might as well just be naked, it was quickly dashed from her mind the moment they had entered the room. She had been uncomfortable with the slave undressing before her, but here, in this room, with their eyes sweeping her from head to toe, she felt worse. She could see their intentions. She could feel them.  Even mostly nude, Len would have picked being alone with Rene over these roaches.

And then she was mingling. Or being forced to mingle, truly, as Heleana paraded her around the room with a hand so firm on her wrist that she wouldn't be surprised to see bruises in the morning. Where would I run to, mother? she thought was she was dragged from man to man like a sheep to the slaughter.

Old Hat was probably the oldest of the group, and she had already forgotten his name before he even said it. He gushed over her hair, even reached forward and ran his ugly pig fingers through it around her face. It took every fiber of her being to keep from flinching.

Then she was off to meet Pock Face, then Youngest Old Man, then Oh God No, Baldy, and Thin Lips. She hated them all. But they clearly loved her and seemed to almost be fighting over where to sit once dinner was finally announced.

Once, Len was able to slip away under the pretense to grab a drink from the serving table on the side of the room and made a show of meticulously filling her glass with whatever punch or wine had been laid for them. Her hands were shaking so much she needed to grip the glass until her knuckles turned white to keep the liquid from sloshing out. There, facing the wall, she was able to drop the mask for a few blissful moments, close her eyes, and take steadying breaths before an arm snaked around her waist. Old Hat didn't seem to notice how stiff she became at his touch, and the mask of "pleasant hostess" was back up – not that she thought he'd notice her discomfort anyways.

Then they were seated. Extravagant foods presented on glittering platters were placed before them, and Old Hat's hand began moving up her leg.

Breathe. She commanded herself. Keep still. He wouldn't do anything here in front of the others.

Her hands were clammy and she didn't touch the food on her plate.

"Thank you all for coming this evening to celebrate the reunion of my darling daughter. As you know, my late husband whisked her away before she could be properly trained by a woman to be a lady, so I hope you'll forgive her slips in decorum." What was this? Len thought angrily, forcing her face to remain passive, "She is so naïve and will need our help to understand the world. I do hope you'll be willing to help her."

Was...was this a dinner to find a potential husband or to make this group of men think they could take advantage of this naïve and stupid girl who sat before them? What was Heleana's goal here? Surely if Len's virtue was in question it would hurt the house....or Kia, was she actually that naïve? Was she actually just as stupid as her mother was making her out to be? Her mask slipped for a moment and fear crept into her eyes as she, unconsciously, cast a glance at Rene. He lived this. He had said her stupidity was going to get him killed.

Maybe she should have listened.

Old Hat's hand continued to stroke her upper thigh under the table.

"Now! For our entertainment! I have an exotic treat for you. I gifted this beautiful slave to my precious child this morning." She gestured to Rene, her mouth twisted into a smile, "Perform. Enthrall us." She commanded him.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on February 05, 2024, 02:34:26 PM
Rene had seen how the vultures had descended upon the young fawn, seen the way they touched and poked and prodded as if she was theirs to play with, seen and done...nothing. It left an oily pit in his stomach that no amount of breathing it away could actually make it...go away. He understand better than anyone else in the room how vile it felt to be touched without permission, to be surrounded and talked about as if you were not just standing there, to be treated as less when you were so much more.

She downed drinks as if they would save her and a piece of him wished he could do the same. Instead dinner was served and he was kneeling painfully at attention on the cold, stone floor. The grit dug into his once so well-cared for skin and his excuse for clothes did little to retain any heat for him as it was sapped out of him. How could these mainlanders live in this place?! Everything was so cold! Back home at least the sun was warming!

His lips pursed together in thought as he dutifully stared up at Mistress Bitch. She couldn't even be bothered to bring a pillow for him? Once again, all talk, no action. He clenched his jaw to keep from rolling his eyes and being caught misbehaving. Rene was not looking forward to a public punishment or worse. The hungry look in the men's eyes did not only extend to Mistress Bitch but some strayed to him too and he was far from blind to it.

And then the command rang out and everyone was looking at Rene. His gaze slowly slid from Lenoryn's face to her mothers as he lifted his chin and stared defiantly. Like hell he'd be obeying her! Even if it meant taking matters into his own hands, he would not suffer this treatment. He was not their little puppet. He was Maoin. He was a person whose very existence demanded respect.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on February 06, 2024, 05:56:17 AM
Heleana stood slowly, her smile never wavering as she stared at the slave who refused to stand. The only inclination that she was angry was the small vein that threatened to pop on her left temple, otherwise she was the picture of calm; the perfect host. Lenoryn wasn't sure if this calm was more terrifying than straight rage, but it certainly felt that way in the moment. Dread coursed through her veins and she found herself willing him to just get up, to save himself from whatever wrath her mother would unleash if he continued to stay where he was.

But even that plea was unfair and she knew it. He would lose whether he remained kneeling or entertained these...creatures. One way he would be physically tortured, the other was to be tortured by degrading himself to their plaything.

She knew which path she would choose.

Kia, what was this place? How could she possibly be related to such an awful, evil woman? And why the hell had she not just listened to the quiet urgings of her father to pretend that she never existed. No...she had to meet her. She had to know the other half of her lineage.

"Lenoryn." Len jumped, her eyes ripping away from Rene in surprise to find the cold, calculating eyes of the devil herself, "You need to control your slave. Discipline him. Now."

"W....what?" She blinked, still processing the words. No. No no no no...she wouldn't. Her eyes returned to Rene, her mask completely shattered and every emotion on full display.

"Discipline him, daughter."

Len shook her head, knowing the consequences would be terrible and suddenly realizing that she didn't care, "No."

A soft murmur went through the crowd of old men and all eyes were upon her, boring into her like daggers piercing a prized hog prepared for a feast. They shook their heads, made soft comments about the poor dear and how much she needed to learn. Old Hat leaned closer and began whispering in her ear.

"You are a soft, soul, my dear. I can help you." His hand on her leg moved even higher and she could feel his lips on her ears. It was too much. She couldn't do it. Blood pounded in her ears as she forcefully pushed herself out of her seat and took two large steps away from him.

"Don't you dare touch me." she hissed.

"Lenoryn!" Len had inadvertently stepped away from one threat and directly into another. Heleana's hand closed painfully around her upper arm and began dragging her, "I am so sorry, My Lords, my late husband did not raise her properly and she doesn't know her place." she was practically thrown towards Rene and Heleana held out a rod to her with her free hand.

"Hit. Him. Now."

Lenoryn must have lost her mind. She must have left her body and forgotten everything she had every been taught about how to deal with difficult situations. None of this had be covered in her studies. None of this could have prepared her for the pure evil that exuded from his woman and her minions. She was prey trapped and surrounded by an entire den of lions.

"Fuck you." And she slapped Heleana across the face.

It was enough to loosen the grip she had on her arm and Lenoryn was able to wrench herself free before all but running towards the door, reaching for Rene's hand as she passed, "Come with me. Please" her words came out as a croak and her hand shook when she touched him.
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: GoblinFae on March 29, 2024, 10:55:37 AM
The display was not completely unexpected to say the least. That is at least until Mistress Bitch decided upon her noble proclamation of refusal to dole out punishment. He could already imagine what price he would pay for that later as repayment for her grand gestures on his behalf. Nothing in this goddess-forsaken land came free after all.

Still, the devil you didn't know was better than the one you did. Rene placed his hand within hers and allowed her to yank him to his feet and right out the door. He could still hear her mother's shrill voice shrieking after them before turning honeyed sweet in her attempts to placate the gathered men. Things certainly did just get a whole lot harder for him here. Escaping was not going to be now that his own keeper was likely to be placed in a gilded cage of her own. All his plans were likely ruined and the metaphorical timepiece tracking the days until his freedom was once more reset.

However, the look on Heleana's face might actually have been worth it. The moment they were in Mistress Bitch's rooms though, he yanked his hand out of her grasp and crossed his arms to stare at her pointedly. 'Well, you started this, how you going to end it little girl?'
Title: Re: For the love of all that is holy just...stop talking. [GoblinFae]
Post by: Goldie on April 02, 2024, 05:35:07 AM
Lenoryn was numb. She didn't even realize she knew the way back to her room until she was standing in front of the door. Hell, she didn't even recognize that she hadn't let Rene's hand go the entire trip back through the house. It wasn't until the door closed and he ripped his hand from her that reality began setting in once more.

In surprise, she stared down at her now empty hand as if she was just now seeing it for the first time. It shook as she stared at it but no amount of will would make it stop.

Her life had been charmed, she knew that now, and she wished she could take everything back. She wished she could go back to the naive girl she was before stepping foot in this house of horrors. Instead, she was trapped, wasn't she? Would she be able to just up and leave? Could she pack a bag, jump out the window and flee?

She could still feel that grandpa's hand on her thigh and the hot breath in her ear. That dinner had been set up by her mother. She was being paraded around like merchandise on her first night here! What would a week look like? A month? Years?

Slowly, with wide fearful eyes, she lifted her head to look at Rene with a sudden sense of understanding. She was looking at her future.

"You need to get out." She whispered, "How do I help you get out of here?"