Spirits of the Earth

Northern Le'raana => Kilanthro Mountains => Topic started by: Lion on November 16, 2009, 08:01:27 AM

Title: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on November 16, 2009, 08:01:27 AM
He never thought that he would ever make it this far.  Not with anti-magic land just below the border of the mountains.  He'd gone the long way around, taken a boat that was headed north towards the jagged crags along the west.  Though the trip itself was tedious, each day dragging by and each night providing little sustenance more than an unwitting sailor or any live animals that may have been brought on board.  But though his connection from home had been severed from the roots, he'd kept his pendant firmly locked around his neck and from plain view of the others on the boat.  The trip had been a rocky one and he hadn't expected the waves or winds to get as sharp as they did coming toward the north.  But they had and that only prepared him further for what was to come.

Already his flesh was somewhat numb, but having been dead for five hundred years make the sensation a little less uncomfortable.  He wrapped himself in his coat and tossed the extra coat over his neck, bracing himself against the bladed winds that threatened his eyes and face.  He knew that he'd have to get to his destination as soon as he could before the sun would rise again.  Though these mountains were blessed with hopelessly short days and wonderfully long nights, the expanse of the land made up for the amount of time that he had to travel.  No one place was too close to another and he therefore had little time to waste.

According to Cronus there was a run-down castle nearby, the likes of which he'd never heard of before in his life.  Dietrich cared little beyond grounds of Beniste Castle where he resided himself.  Errands in the mountains wasn't exactly his idea of a wonderful vacation, but it was better this than spend another moment in Cronus' presence, with the threat of his wrath hanging over his head like a sword on a thin thread.

Dietrich dressed not in his finery now, but in layers of cloth and furs that kept him from being buried in the snow-encrusted winds.  His frown drove him on toward the cliff's edge before him.  "Almost there," he reminded himself, knowing he'd reached the end of Cronus' directions.  He neared the cliff's edge with some difficult, falling over on his stomach as he peered over....  And just as he suspected, the image of a castle, most of which was fallen to pieces was just there at the bottom of the mountain, nestled by some jagged trees that were sparse in number.

He checked the distance...  The fall would kill him if he was anyone else.  But he wasn't so that meant that there was only one way down from here.  To climb down, would bring the dawn.

So what else was there for him to do but jump?  Taking a running leap forward, Dietrich dove off the cliff's edge and rocked down toward the trees.  In a blinding flash he'd hit the hardened snow, cutting himself along a broken rock.  "Damn!" he muttered, climbing to his feet.  But with the castle now looming over him, he lost all focus on his wound and instead took in the structure's full-size before him.  He saw the doors were open, or rather broken through.  Whatever he wanted inside was now his for the taking.  He wandered in.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2009, 08:40:32 PM
The bitter air enveloped her; it tickled her skin in delight as she lay crouched in the mountain range. She looked down the side of the mass that was touching the border of Connlaoth. Mere hours ago she was fleeing the guards and angry villagers, leading them into the depths of their country, smiling her way across the lands. Nothing pleased her more then teasing the locals.

She rather liked the area. The cold air matched the permanent state of her body, the snow made it easier for her to blend with her surroundings. Her white skin – undisturbed by clothing, which she felt hindered her swift movements; or head hair, that stopped growing after several enchantments - matched the snow perfectly. Only her black eyes, belt, sheath and red lips contrasted with the colorless setting. Another aspect that attracted her to the mountains was the seclusion. She always managed to find blood to sooth her hunger in spite of it being a barren place, but she preferred keeping to herself, and being on her own. She smirked; no companion ever lasted very long either way.

She stood up, letting herself follow the gusts of wind, keeping her footing steady on the icy rocks. She jumped from one ledge to the next, sometimes pausing to look at the clouds slowly engulfing the skies, impatiently anticipating the coming snow. She closed her eye and smelled the air and found what she was looking for. She made her way higher north; embracing the delight of her next feast. Not the most nutritious blood she's ever smelled, but the fear that she could append to the mixture would bring her much satisfaction.

She continued her flight, slowly increasing her speed as she approached the shore. After several years, she gained self-control. She did not need to feed as often as in the past, however when the opportunity arose, she never ignored her desire for the warm liquid. A shiver ran down her spine, she abruptly stopped and focused all her attention before her. There was something else on the boat, her own kind. No other creature never gave her the same sensation as a vampire. She smiled to herself; it seemed to be ages since she last encountered another vampire, surprisingly. She enjoyed the challenge they could offer her – of course; it all depended on their age and number.

The boat had already reached the shore when she arrived and the new snow quickly mixed with the wind, making her even less visible to her surroundings. The vampire was no longer with them, he seemed to have headed deeper into the mountains; but first, her midnight snack. She did not slither, crouched or hid on her way to the shoreline, the blistering snow easily concealed her. An unsuspecting sailor, standing on his own, was deeply immersed in his duties, paying not attention to the predator approaching. "To easy." she grinned.

Her feast was brief, wiping the remains of her drink from her red lips, she looked away from the dismembered body, and trying to sense the path the vampire took. She did not worry about loosing his scent, its aroma was delightful and unique, it intrigued her more then anything. Her trek was short as her strides were fast and long, hardly letting herself touch the cold ground as she made her way up the mountain.

She reached a ledge, he had been here. She looked downwards at the white snow and quickly spotted a blemish. Though it was only a spot, she immediately identified the substance and it merely intensified her curiosity. She grinned as she leaped over the cliff, crouching down to brace her landing. Her thin pale finger softly brushed the remains of the vampire's blood, bringing her finger to her lips. She smelled the faint fragrance before licking the small smudge from her finger - this was not the first time she tasted her own kinds blood. Her smile grew larger as she closed her eyes. The taste was like ambrosia to her. Her attention was now completely focused on the vampire. She kept her pace slow and steady, walking towards the outcrop of the castle before her. She felt him ahead of her, and she was certain he would also become aware of her presence soon.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on November 18, 2009, 11:16:05 PM
He was not yet aware that he was being followed or that his mark was left on the rock, making him a target for the woman following him.  Dietrich was far too focused on his current task, a task that would mean furthering his existence or bringing himself a quick and brutal death.  Cronus never played around when it came to an order; all orders were to be obeyed when issued or else face the dire consequences.  Dietrich had no fear of him, but that didn't mean he wanted to test his anger.  It was better to let sleeping beasts lie before you pour poison into their cup.

The trees around him gradually got thinner until they were pretty much next to nothing, leaving little space to hide for anything that might be following him.  Not that they'd probably want to anyway.  Dietrich ran across the snow, knowing that he was in the open aside from the fact that he looked little more than a bundle of furs running across the way.  His muscles worked quickly and he was into the ruins before he knew it.  All he had to do was get in and get out, no matter what this place had in store for him.  Normally he would have taken his time in surveying a dangerous area like this, sought out what dangers existed and how to thwart or avoid them, or what was the best method of escape.

Surely anything that was following him now might not be as careless.  Dietrich generally did not leave a trail and moved with a swiftness abnormal even to most of his kind.  He was not stocky in build nor too lithe to withstand oncoming gusts, but he was build enough to the point where he could step and maneuver into a place where one would usually consider to be unmanueverable.  In evading hunters and other creatures willing to grant one an early destruction, one learned to be crafty.

Dietrich felt his hairs stand on end though as he vanished into the building...  Indeed something was not quite right here.  He leapt up and swung up to a wooden bars up in the ceiling, hiding himself in the shadows.  He figured anyone who was following would wander in through the run-down door, and at this moment he would get a glance at them.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on November 22, 2009, 07:56:22 AM
Every step followed the next; she almost flew through the density in spite of her slow pace. She glanced from tree to tree, surveying her surroundings as she walked. All she sensed, besides the vampire, were small woodland creatures. She always kept her wits about – to truly be able to enjoy situations, one always had to be well aware of obstacles that could hinder such pleasures. She sensed his pace racing through the clearing, "Clearing?" She grinned and hastened her own tempo to mimic his. Did he think she was hunting him? She hoped so; nothing delighted her more then mind games.

The clearing approached, and so did the ruins. Searching for a relic? She never was a relic buff. Of course, unlimited powers, overthrowing and ruling would be quite a conquest, but she would rather have her own fun then create total chaos. How could she ensue the surprise of fear when everyone expected it? It certainly would not be fun for her.

She thought back to when she kissed a child goodnight, before indulging in its mother's blood.

That a was a nasty day...

Eve stopped in her tracks, her eyes widened and her grin vanished. For less then a second it seemed like color crept into her irises, but as soon as it started, she was on her way once more, a smirk placing itself upon her features once more.

Yes, a wonderful day. When she bit into the mothers throat, taking in the blood filled with fear, surprise, anxiety. The mother even had time to build a small amount of adrenaline. Though the father was out hunting himself, he would never expect the horror that would wait for him in his home. When was the last time she did so? To long. But this, tracking this vampire did entice her so much more.

When she reached the edge of the clearing, she stopped and observed the region. Nothing seemed to be awaiting her but the ruins. Any wandering beasts had already fled at the sight of the vampire that preceded her, and still did not dare wander nearby. She cocked her head sideways and smelled the air, broadly smiling. She swooned at his smell that remained. She encountered a handful of vampires, some almost older then she, but none was so tantalizing then his aroma.

"Now, where are you hiding?" Her voice was chilling. It was almost taunting but remained a smooth melody. A bird cawed in reply, flying towards the ruins. She already knew his whereabouts, his hasty steps in the snow revealed his destination. She decided to feast her eyes on the vampire as soon as she could; it was almost unbearable to wait any longer. She started in a walk, but soon hastened her strides and reached the entryway of the ruins within seconds.

Walking in, she knew perfectly where he hid, but she wanted to give him the sense of ignorance. This way he could have a good look at her. Make him question who she was, what she was. Creeping in, waiting for him to appear, she looked at the ancient ruins. They were probably as ancient as she, and she enjoyed it.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on November 23, 2009, 05:30:52 PM
Most would cringe at the thought of paper skin, but to Dietrich the knowledge that his fangs could penetrate virtually any fleshy surface was satisfactory in the knowledge that he could dominate anything that came into his path.  He was not a cowardly vampire, taking caution only when needing to and saving his own skin because it was the only one that was valuable to him.  He bided his time when necessary, savoring the hate he held for anyone and everyone.  There was nothing that he wouldn't show his power too.  Though his age was nothing in comparison to his power, he knew there were few vampires that would rise to challenge him.  The threat of Cronus was minor to the immediate dangers of these ruins.

And that brought up another matter.  What was this place exactly?  And what lied beneath here that was so precious to Cronus?  It was understandable that the ancient vampire was someone with little time to do anything but run his coven.  But the vile hatred Dietrich had for him, a poison that would drive him into a murderous rage, was enough cause for him to question why someone as all-powerful as Cronus couldn't take care of this shit himself.  Surely he was trying kill Dietrich by sending him headfirst into the fray.  Of this Dietrich was doubly sure.  For now, Dietrich was not ready to challenge him and kill him.  Perhaps, when he too reached his three thousandth year, he might be ready to slay him in cold blood.

For now, Dietrich huddled, staying in the shadowed alcove before looked up through the darkness above him.  He saw that the woodworks continued up ahead.  Having no need to keep the furs about him and that the weight would only burden him further, he shed the skins, leaving him only in his tunic.  Before he hoisted himself upward, he glanced downward and saw the shape of a woman coming in through the main hallway.  "What the?" he breathed to himself, a little surprised.  But he thought nothing much of her before grimacing and heading upward.  Every piece of wood was soon surmounted as he climbed higher and higher through the wood structure.

As he did so, the more and more it seemed he was climbing up what was a bell-tower.  The wood did not seem so stable but with the removal of all his furs, he was much lighter than before, which made balancing all that much easier.  Eventually he saw a crack in the place along his right, a small crooked slash into the rock that looked kickable.  Dietrich wasn't sure he wanted to make a whole mess of noise, but as he peered downward and saw the distance between here and the ground, he decided it was better here than there.  Whatever that woman-thing was, he didn't want her crawling after the relic.  He could take care of himself, no matter what came his way.  Cronus was another matter.  It was best that he got to the relic first.

And with that in mind, he crashed through the stone fortification with little effort and made his way through the hole that was just big enough for him to squeeze through.  Dietrich landed safely on what looked like stable flooring.  Looking around him he saw that there was no other way one could have entered other than the path he made.  What was this place!?
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on November 26, 2009, 08:28:43 AM
Eve looked upwards at the vampire's movements. She grinned and returned her gaze ahead of her. She now remembered the ruins. When was her last visit? Two, three hundred years ago? At that time the building was barely in use, though the residents were still in the process of their move down south. She fed on one of the servants and then completely understood why they were leaving. Malnutrition. The arid environment seemed to have affected the castles inhabitants negatively. So they did like most do, leave.

The castle now stood in shambles. She unsheathed her long sword and let it drag beside her, leaving a thin line in the snow that crept through the walls gaping holes. The bricks still stood, not all of course, but she was surprised by its endurance. The cold most likely helped keep it solid and frozen, lasting as she did through the long years.

She observed the engravings that were still visible on its pillars. Following the symbols with her fingers she closed her eyes and thought back to when the castle had more life. She enjoyed bereavement just as much as the next undead, but the movement of the living is that much more eccentric and stimulating. She smiled at herself then kept walking down the narrow corridor, still leaving a trail behind her. After walking a safe distance, she turned to face the entrance and sat on a collapsed beam, waiting for the vampire to retrace his steps.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on November 26, 2009, 10:15:30 AM
Dietrich stepped carefully on the cobblestone embedded floors, his steps leaving little to no traces of footsteps behind him.  He shifted his weight evenly, coming from one foot to the other without making so much as a sound.  His boots were so quiet on the floor that perhaps the mouse that lurked nearby was also intimidated by the silence.  Dietrich looked at the oval room around him, something that was probably a treasury chamber in its earlier days.  Along the rafters was a loosely made chandelier with all the candles burnt out of it, the wax was low and there was no chance of them ever giving light again.  He saw also that there were several chests along the wall, all of which were opened and their contents empty.

This was a ghost room to be sure and Dietrich felt that the relic he was looking for...the Raven's Eye, as Cronus had called it, was not going to be here.  This room was nothing more than a dead end.  It was best to go back and search more.  And that was just what he did.  Exiting the room as silently as he'd walked it, he squeezed through the slit in the wall and stepped onto the woodwork yet again.  There was no point in going down...that woman was probably down there waiting for him.  There was only one choice to be made, and that was to go higher.

Climbing far up, he saw that the tower finally ended up in a small hallway, a narrow crawlspace that seemed to end in the shadows.  Dietrich, irritated by the intruder down below, bellowed out to her, knowing that she was listening: "If you're so curious to know who I am, you may as well come up to get me.  You're better off helping me rather than standing around."
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2009, 05:28:53 PM
Eve smiled, amused by his request. Help? Why would she do such a thing? Nothing would please her less then help a lost vampire. She guessed he was looking for the relic. All whom of which explored the castle searched for the same object. Most failed and got tired of the search so they packed up and left. Others bothered her more then anything during their search when she lingered in the area, they were not the best blood she has ever had but they did the trick, and the added peace made up for the rest. She personally never felt the need to find the relic, so she mostly ignored its existence.

She lifted herself from her position and sighed. What else was she to do until she found a suitable quest? She marched forward, keeping her strides at the speed of any human. Mere minutes passed before she reached his cloak that was dropped beforehand. She looked upwards and smiled.

Eve crouched down. She enjoyed the coolness the snow provided, she lingered in the white and took in the remaining smell from the nearby coat; she finally looked upwards once more and gave herself a little push. The small amount of forced she used to propel herself at such heights could have impressed any mortal, she felt no satisfaction from such a minor task, at least not like she used to.

The silence surrounding the two was undisturbed by her climb. When she reached the towers floor, she walked quietly forward, settling one of her hands on her hips and the other on the hilt of her sword. She stood behind the vampire, taking in his gorgeous back view; she couldn't help but grin.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on December 22, 2009, 08:28:10 PM
His feet along the near-frozen-solid stone would have had trouble gripping if he didn't brush his hand against ice cold wall.  The bricks were sleek like the floor and he could feel the moisture in his mouth near the freezing point as well.  But that didn't deter him in any manner.  The cold here was something he felt before....  But not in the mountains of his home to the south, not in the apathy that surrounded his heart, but something else, something near and familiar yet so far away....  It was if he'd been here before, carousing these halls with shadow meeting him far on the other side.  Dietrich glared into the darkness and let his eyes peel through it.  Yes, he had been here before, but in another time, in another place.

He felt himself be yanked out of his short nostalgia when he felt her presence behind him.  He kept his vigilance down the hallway, taking in the darkness and soon allowing it to swallow the whole of him as he walked down it, this time without caution.  

He grimaced, snarling at whatever might be ahead of him.  "You got a name?"
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on December 25, 2009, 09:38:52 AM
The woman smiled, she marched forward and restrained from answering his question so quickly. She kept her movements slow, letting him gain more distance as he moved in the shadows. She joined him, letting the darkness cover her whole body. She still retained a glow around her, her white skin reflecting on whatever light that remained in the area. She looked at her surroundings; cobwebs were blown in all directions, their original design being disembodied by the cold winds. The beams of the structure held, barely. Some of the wood had fallen, lodging themselves in an upward position. She remembered this cellar several years ago; it never was well maintained, making it a perfect spot for her to relax. Looking to her left, she noticed a dark corner where she remembered feeding on a young male servant. She licked her lips, he was quite a plump boy, and his blood was most enjoyable.

She looked back at the vampires back, minutes passed since he asked her name.
Be sly, mysterious yet authoritative, he will know you are not to be trifled with.
She smiled.
"Eve." Her voice was clear and resounded on the empty walls. Though it was a short syllable, it seemed to linger like a song. She followed her name with a grin, still remaining her hand on the hilt of her sword.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on January 01, 2010, 12:28:42 AM
Bah! Women!

The thought was a scoff and he felt himself snarling even with his back turned to her.  He didn't even see her yet and already he knew that he hated her.  He hated everyone, and he felt he had every right to.  Invaders were bothersome and needed to be crushed, and she, right now, was invading his personal space, by being even in his vicinity.  He wanted to kill her.  And perhaps, he would when he saw the chance.

Dietrich repeated her name on his tongue, her own voice piercing his ears like a jagged blade.  Though her voice was like a song, to him it was a song that was horribly sung.  "And what are you doing here, Eve?" he spat softly, still refusing to turn around, and not wanting to mutter even his own name, for she was not worthy to hear it nor worthy of his presence.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2010, 06:19:32 PM
Indulge him, give him an answer. He could be a friend! A new companion, change your wicked ways and start a new!

He is a vampire, you twat! He is just as much the reincarnation of the Devil as Eve.

She paused, keeping her façade flawless. She simply made herself seem to hide in the shadows, giving him the space she felt he wanted. How could he seem so insulted by her presence when he invited her up? She grinned wider; at least his annoyance pleased her. She had made a good choice to come up.

Move closer, look at that skin. He might be your kind, but imagine the succulent taste he might divulge.

Oh dear! Panic took over. Do not attack! He is but a simple being. Don't add another notch on your post.

Eve started her slow pace once more; she kept her gaze on the vampire this time, ignoring the familiar surroundings and the voices that kept filling her head. She knew her footing incase he decided to attack. She released her grip from the hilt of her sword; she did not worry for the speed she needed to re-attain it. She cocked her head sideways and turned her grin into a smile. "That is none of your concern." Taunting, would that be a reasonable tactic? She was not foolish. She knew he had abilities, he carried himself in such away she could not deny – and vampires always manage to surprise her.

"And your name sir?" She finished her sentence letting the last syllable sing on her tongue.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on January 01, 2010, 09:28:06 PM
Though he was no empath, he could detect her gaze and it made him cringe within, his flesh quivering for half a second before it hardened again in the coldness which seeped through the cracks of the hallway.  He resumed his journey into the darkness, ignoring what reminiscence it might have brought to him when he....No,...no thoughts on that at all.  If he did, if he strayed, he'd fail his mission.  And being one step closer to tearing off Cronus' head and placing it on a platter.  Now that would be a party!

He couldn't help but grin internally as he entertained the thought for a time and wandered away from the woman who stalked him, or at least continued to move forward despite any considerations toward her.  If she wanted to continue following him, she could, it was not his will.  But Dietrich was stubborn in his decisions.

He was, as of yet, unaware of any designs this woman was placing on him, to make a meal of his flesh or whatever thoughts she entertained.  But he was prepared to defend himself should the situation called for it.  He still seethed with hate, and would continue to do so until he saw some worth in her.  She answered his question after sometime, though it was one that displeased him.  He couldn't help but offer a scoffing laugh at her audacity.  "None of my concern...  Hmph, then so be it.  As for my name, that is none of your concern either.  Call me Chapel; if you earn your place, then you'll learn the rest of my name if you wish it.  But save the 'sirs.'  Those are reserved for Knights and the rich, of which I am neither."
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on January 08, 2010, 07:11:30 AM
She let a short laugh dance out of her. He really thought she needed to find her place in order to EARN his name? This pleased her. He was an arrogant vampire. Though it became almost an acquired trait for others of her kind after several years of life, if you could call this life. She kept her pace; gradually broaden the space between the two. He kept authority, but she felt his... not panic. He was definitely not at such a point, but his persistence. He was working for someone? A pawn in someone else's games, a member of a coven. Her smile broadened.

"You are nor rich, a knight or seem to follow your own agenda, yet you speak as if you deserve respect?" She was now completely shrouded in the shadows, only emitting a slight glow in the dark. You could easily identify the laugh that accompanied her words.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on January 08, 2010, 11:14:17 AM
He was pleased that she could detect his arrogance, for he floundered in it as if it were a pool of water to swim in.  The cooling currents of his arrogance, stayed his temper from responding to her in anger as he was wont to do.  He, instead, regarded her with an amused indifference, yet at the same time, his impatience still lingered.  So far she was doing well in showing that she was not the common simpleton that he found most women to be.  What should he do with this one?  He did not care a moment ago, of whether or not she existed, and suddenly now she intrigued him.  Who was this Eve?  Hm, only time would tell, and that was something that he had an exceptional amount of.

It was now that he finally stopped walking, pausing and letting his hand linger in the shadows, caressing the smooth and numbing ice that grew in the crevices of the walls.  And now he finally turned around, letting her see his pale and iron-like face.  He smiled at her wryly, cleverly feigning amusement, his sights piercing through the shadows she hovered in.  "Respect?  What has that got to do with anything?  Tut-tut, that is earned, not given, my wan fiend.  But why do you suddenly find yourself in high standing?  What gives you the right to offer such a question?  Do you deserve anymore respect than I do?"

He laughed for a moment before backing away into the darkness again, realizing that they'd reached the end of the long hallway.  "Do you know anything about this place?  You've been here before."
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on January 11, 2010, 02:31:34 PM
She cocked and eyebrow when he turned, letting a smile continue to trace her lips. Eve enjoyed this. Now that he had a good look of her - not a distorted angle from the beams, he can finally fully assess that she is not your average vampire. She lifted her head a bit, giving a small air of arrogance.
"I have no greater being dictating my actions, therefore I feel no need to reduce my questions due to blinded superiority." She turned to look at the structures that surrounded her, still smiling as she spoke.
"I know the history of this castle, nothing to extravagant. Mages, sorcery surrounds this place as most do, until it became a villa for an ignorant royal family. They left soon after they experienced the arid conditions of this area first hand." She turned her gaze on the vampire once more.
"But you must know that, you've been here before also, have you not?"

She did not wish to divulge all the dark secrets of these ruins. If his clan leader sent him on a blind mission, which happens more then not, she preferred to have the advantage when it came to the playing field. She felt a shiver run up her spine at the thought of the beautiful tortures that had come to pass in these very rooms.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on January 11, 2010, 03:10:29 PM
Yes, it certainly did weigh the playing field to her advantage when it came to her knowledge of this place.  Dietrich wouldn't underestimate that since it seemed, she was drawn this place inexplicably.  Maybe she had lived here some time before.  Or perhaps she was the one that tormented the ignorant royals that took up lodging here.  He experienced a similar occasion himself, though none of the inhabitants of his home were alive...  Ghosts, pah.  Whether in life or in death, all women were the same: pitiful.  

Dietrich kept his eyes on her, the iron of them hardening and sparkling with the electric blue they were.  To stare into them was to get caught up in the current of an oncoming storm; one could almost feel the fury lurking in his soul, or what was left of it.  He grinned now as he observed her pallor further; thinking her as to be a walking manifestation of an avalanche, so pale was she.  He nodded in understanding, only partially listening.

"I deal with what I encounter," he said plainly, and turned to continue on ahead through the hall's end and approaching the dark stairwell that spiraled upward yet.  "Where does this lead to?"
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2010, 08:54:08 AM
Her smile never left her lips, since first tasting his aroma, she had a permanent grin perched on her features. She took a step forward, keeping her eyes on him all the while. Many assumed she came to this area due to an inert pull, like a migrating bird – never intentional. She loved it when many assumed such a thought. She simply liked the environment, the cold and the chill that it gave her every time she came back to this place. Of course, it held less population then before, forcing her to either wait for a boat to come to port or travel south into more preferable temperatures for her human meals. She cocked her head sideways, then redressed herself and looked at the stairwell. She now stood beside the vampire and in front of the first step.

"Now, you must know, the only way to find out is to ascend." She closed her eyes for a second, letting his sent fill her as she stood beside him. After she reopened her eyes she moved to the right, giving him access to the stairs, inviting him to go forth with a small bow. She smiled at herself, creating suspicions would be much more amusing.

Oh, you can just tell him what is up there! There is no shame in being helpful!

An exasperated sigh followed the thought. Eve ignored the bicker, keeping her attention on the vampire before her.
Title: Re: What lies beneath (Eveea)
Post by: Lion on January 12, 2010, 11:02:41 AM
She was a pushy broad wasn't she?  Dietrich frowned at the thought and considered venturing further ahead alone at this point.  What was the point of this?  Sure he had company, but not when the company refused to behave itself.  Or perhaps, really, that was just in his own mind's eye.  She was calm for now, it seemed, though perhaps she had intentions to be otherwise.  Dietrich no longer gave her another glance as he might have been wont to do in a situation like this.  He knew that he would have to venture on ahead, himself.  He hated when one was in a situation where they were no help.  He didn't expect her to help, not in the least.  Yet, he was sure she would at least answer his questions.  Perhaps now he'd been wrong about that.

"Why stand around, if you're not going to be useful, woman?" he said softly, taking his time on the steps.  His tone did not exhibit any kind of emotion, not even the anger that kept baiting him to lash out at her.  He spoke as if this were a casual moment between them, two strangers who were merely passing in the night with nothing more than a placid greeting.  Indeed, even the tranquility of his words tasted odd on his tongue.  He did not want to have to get used to them.  "All I asked was a question.  If you cannot answer, then leave me.  I am well prepared to deal with whatever dangers I face.  Even you."  And it was not that he looked at her again, the storm in his eyes once more.