Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Hyoite => Topic started by: quaggan on September 03, 2018, 03:17:21 AM

Title: Holwantha-Sat, Grumpy Guardian
Post by: quaggan on September 03, 2018, 03:17:21 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Holwantha-Sat
Age: It would take a whole college of mathematicians to calculate it. Suffice to say, she's ancient.
Gender: Somewhat female-aligned. She uses female pronouns, but more out of habit and laziness than identity.
Species: Vahlok Kaal
Ethnicity: RizUn of the tundra
Height: Varies, as a shapeshifted. Her dragon form is relatively small, only ten feet in height. Her bear form measures up to nine feet.
Occupation: Guardian of the tundra
Residence: Hyoite

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: Hol's preferred form is that of a giant polar bear. She is a hulking mass of muscle and fat, armed with razor-sharp fang and claws. There is a small, almost imperceptible aura effect - her white fur seems to shimmer with all the colours of the aurora borealis. It is a stylisation of Monah Sathurra, shared by all of her Riz.
She does have a dragon form, but has almost forgotten it due to lack of usage. Dragons aren't exactly common in the tundra.
music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzlrlsw9o2o)

Personality: Holwantha is quite focused on her work. She takes her mission quite seriously, and has little regard for other things to busy herself with. The other guardians of the tundra would find her an useful ally on the job, and an insufferable grump outside of it. She has, however, a soft spot for the Vahlok Kaal of the ocean.

Unlike the others who interact with mortals enough to have a specific form dedicated to this purpose, she sees little point to it. A single person's life is but a blink in the millennia-spanning existence, and mostly inconsequential. She prefers the silent, constant company of nature. While she has fashioned some RizSeins out of snow and stone to aid her in her task, she is mostly content to leave them to their duties and avoid oversight.

Magic/Abilities: She's a natural shapeshifter, capable of altering her body at will, and not beholden to laws such as conservation of mass.

- Her Monah: Sathurra
- Other Guardians

History: As one of the first RizUns created by Sathurra, Holwantha is pretty ancient. She has lived in the tundra before any humans ever came to its wilds and knows the entirety of it like the back of her own paw.

Through the millennia of their work, she and her mother Monah, Sathurra, developed a good working relationship. Out of all the RizUns, Hol needs least instructions to do her job, and can understand the implicit and the unsaid the quickest. They rarely interact - not out of any unprofessional dislike, but out of respect and confidence that the other can handle the mission without need of oversight or checking in.

Every now and then, she ended up in need of creating RizSeins of her own. She gave them strong, tough bodies, and enough directions, but wasn't so fond of social calls that she would keep in contact later. She was never loved, or even liked, but she was respected, and that was enough.

Unlike other Vahlok Kaal who interacted with mortals enough to even have a special form to match theirs, she never saw any point in that. Their lives were too irrelevant, too insignificant, too short for ever to see them as fellow sentients. This led her to developing a rather reclusive nature, and avoiding any contact. She made her lair in the deepest wilds, where few dare tread.

Character Limitations: I don't think she'd get into combat threads, so I'd ask for the standard hands-off approach. Feel free to move her if the thread is building up to it.

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