Spirits of the Earth

Southern Le'raana => Zantaric => Topic started by: Rhindeer on July 27, 2006, 10:43:35 AM

Title: Tying up loose ends.
Post by: Rhindeer on July 27, 2006, 10:43:35 AM
Zantaric had certainly changed since the last time he'd been here, to put it lightly.

For instance, the last time he'd been here, he certainly couldn't say he remembered there being guards stationed or any gates about. Really, the last time he'd been here the village had been far less organized, more of a free-for-all than anything, which was why he had loved it. Ah well. Now he really didn't care. Whatever the village wanted to do, he was through with it--through with armies and organizations and leagues and politics. He was simply returning to his old roaming ways, returning back to his original quest to track down his brother, to become whole again. He really didn't give a shit about anything else. That was his only goal, his original goal, and he nearly had a one-track mind for it; he'd been damaged a lot in the past months, and now J'aari was surging within him, almost desperately, wanting to be whole and healed. There wasn't room for much thought or action beyond what the magic wanted.

But not after tying up some loose ends. Oh yes. J'aari could erase all other thoughts and cares, it could erase his grief over the death of his lover and loss of his child, even hide their memories completely while under its influence and replace the memories of his own torture and violation with apathy, but the magic nearly leaped at the opportunity to cause more death and hurt. Nope. Nakaris no longer knew why he hated Venorik and Darlig, just that he hated them and wanted them dead. And that's what J'aari wanted. The possessive magic fed off of such hatred and anger, and grew even stronger with violence.

Despite the sentries, it had been rather easy to get into the village. All he needed was an alias and to express his "wishes" to join this "Vharzyym", and he was good to go, not to mention he looked different now so identifying him would be more difficult for someone who didn't know him or hadn't seen him before. Once clothed in gaudy, attention-grabbing clothes and an assortment of accessories--earrings, bracelets, necklaces--he was now dressed in simple, travel-worn clothes that were covered in a nice layer of dust: brown breeches and a white, long-sleeved overshirt, stuff any peasant would wear. His red-gold hair was pulled back into a simple, loose ponytail at the nape of his neck. His hair, and perhaps the scar on his cheek that ran from temple to chin, were probably his only real distinguishing features, but even those features could be common.

Whatever. He wasn't worried. There was really only one person he wanted to be recognized by, so if he recognized him, props to him. The was still going to die, either way, and if Nakaris died, too, he couldn't really give a fuck. J'aari, however, did care--and the magic was taking every precaution to ensure his survival. That was why memory repression was pretty much vital.

Heading to the building where he was directed toward, he approached the sentries casually and confidently, regarding them with cool blue eyes.

"I request t' see Lord Venorik. I'd like t' join Vharzyym."

A flat out lie, but unless they were mind-readers, there was no way they'd know.

One loose end down. Two more to go after this.
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2006, 03:05:10 AM
Zantaric, still as bleak and filthy as ever. But beggars can’t be choosers, and this particular beggar needed to be here.

Well, he appeared to be a beggar. That was, after all, the easiest guise for Kerrigan to pull off. His apparent blindness made him perfectly suited to the role, and with a hunch of the back and some dirt on his face no one could tell the difference. The woollen cloak he had become attached to was fraying at the bottom as well.

He hobbled along the main road through town, though it was little more than a dirt path, leaning heavily on the knotted piece of wood in his right hand. People of all races walked by him, completely oblivious to his apparent plight. Such a despicable place. His people had always been honourable folk, the type of people who wouldn’t let a poor blind man go on unaided. Unless he was a drow of course, the scum sucking bottom feeders that they were. Not fit to scrape his boots.

The Vharzyym fortress loomed ominously ahead, its dark shape a foreboding presence. The thick walls which encircled the complex were enough to keep any army out. A truly remarkable defensive structure, but then again it followed the normal drow cowardice. Hide as deep and as dark as you can and curl up in a ball.

He spat at the thought of them. Venorik would have already died at his hands if it weren’t for that thing which shared his body. Whatever demon had infested him was too powerful for Kerrigan to attack head on. His one comfort came from the knowledge that the beast was using Venorik as his host, his puppet, nothing but a weak shell. And once the demon was removed the shell could be cracked with ease. Almost poetically he heard a crunch and looked down to see an egg crushed beneath his boot and a small girl running away in terror, leaving behind her a broken bag of eggs. Everyone was afraid in this place.

Getting closer to the complex he slipped into a dark alley. Skirting around behind building he came within hearing range of a man talking with the gate guards. He was lying. And poorly too. The slight flutter of his heart as he said that he wanted in on the Vharzyym was all Kerrigan needed.

Taking on a slurred accent he called out “Salas! Salas!� Leaning on his makeshift cane he hobbled out towards the men, his left hand cast out as if searching for obstacles.

“Salas you great git where have you got to?� Pressing forward he ran directly into one of the guards then shuffled back as if startled.

“Oof! So sorry.� He turned left and ran into the idiot trying to lie his way into the Vharzyym. Grabbing onto his clothing Kerrigan exclaimed, “Ahah! Salas, didn’t think you could evade me forever did you?� He turned to the guards, “Sorry if he’s coused you any trouble, a bit wrong in the ol’ noggin’ this one,� he tapped his stick to his own head for emphasis, “Don’ know when to keep his trap shut. If he said anything don’ be thinking anything of it.� He smiled and turned pulling ‘Salas’ along with him. Yanking the man down to his level e whispered, “Don’t say anything more.�

Grasping the man’s collar he guided him forcefully down the street and into an ally. Once they were sufficiently away from the complex he let go, straitened and lost the cane. “Now,� he said returning to his normal voice, “It isn’t a very smart plan to walk right into the Vharzyym if you’re not actually planning to join them. For one thing their floor will eat you if you go in with….lets say less than friendly intentions.� He gave him a sly look; well, as sly as you can get without any eyes. “The only reasons I can think of for lying to the Vharzyym are to steal something or to kill someone. Now if you’re a thief or a spy you’re a pretty bad one, so who are you trying to kill anyway?� All of this was said quite forcefully, as if he had not just pulled someone along the street and started demanding details about them.