Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Serendipity Riverlands => Arca => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 05, 2007, 01:57:44 AM

Title: A different kind of diet.
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2007, 01:57:44 AM
Pressing his long pale fingers to his lush red lips, Ashley, or Ash, looked at the vendors at the market, looking for good vegetables for his pet, Dai. The boy, well, man kind of, only ate vegetables, sure they made nice side dish but, a main course? Blegh. Ash liked his… meat… all cooked and spiced and with cut up vegetables… on the side of his plate. Ash pushed his long silky black hair out of his face and looked down at the purple eggplant in his hand, squishing it slightly not really sure what to look for in an eggplant. Ash blinked his light blue eyes and tilted his head to the side and looked at it, was it even supposed to be purple? And… hollow sounding? The demon frowned slightly and just bought it, Dai was the one who was going to eat it, and if he didn’t think it was fit for a pack of rats, they’d give it to some human children or something.

Standing, Ash was just below six feet by an inch or so, but the slight heal on his boots, which were mostly covered by his long black slacks. The pants were just high enough that they wouldn’t drag on the ground and get all wet if it had been raining or he stepped through a puddle. Ashley pushed his long black hair over his shoulder and looked around for someone who was staring at him, lots of people were. They didn’t know who he was, or what he did in his own time in his own large house, they did know he was more well off, and they didn’t know why he was at the market. Buying vegetables. Usually his servants bought the vegetables while he stayed at home and read or wrote or did business or some such thing. Not today though, today he was getting these things on his own. Hmm carrots? Horses liked carrots, so Ash assumed Unicorns did as well, they were like horses, right? Ash personally hated real horses, anthros were okay but not horses.

They scared him.

With their hooves and neighs and just… Ash suppressed a shudder and bought a few carrots for Dai and his own meals. Hmph, horses. Ash began to walk again, his bag of vegetables and fruit getting larger and heavier by every passing street vendor, not that he noticed it. While Ash looked like an exceptionally beautiful human male, he was stronger, faster, usually smarter, could see farther, hear better and pick up specific scents, which was quiet a few things humans couldn’t do. Ashley, was an exceptionally attractive man, his cheek bones were high his nose was straight his eyes were almond shaped and a lovely blue which changed hue depending on the light. His hair was a different matter, pure black and silky to the touch, it reached his waist, completely straight and his bangs, if they covered his face and weren’t pushed to the side or behind his ears, would reach his chin. Pale skin, large hands and thin fingers, and he moved with a feline grace and looked relatively friendly. Despite the fact he ate human females more often than not for dinner.

Which reminded him, he still needed to get home and make his food.

Turning around, Ash began at a leisurely pace towards his place of residence, a rather large home to show off his wealth, which he accumulated from quiet a few places and from living for so long and not having to buy expensive things with his money. With his bag in one hand, his other hand in his suit coat pocket and his hair loose and flowing with each step and every slight gust of wind that decided to make it ripple. All in all, Ash was a rather fetching image and who knows, maybe today he’d make a new… ‘friend’ on his way home.
Post by: Goldie on January 06, 2007, 01:04:01 PM
The mountain's had taken their toll on the woman who had attempted to cross them, creating a person that even she would not be able to recognize if she looked into a mirror.  The cold had slowly eaten away at her physical strength until she had practically crawled into the closest village.  Now she was on the road to recovery, for once not worrying about traveling from place to place, villlage to village in order to keep the scent of her hunter confused and searching.  Even she wasn't stupid enough to travel when she knew her body would not allow her to continue without serious repercussions.  Better to gain her strength back and then continue on her way...hopefully her presence would be masked enough by her diminished spirit force....

The first few weeks of recovery were a blur of waking and sleeping, slowly being nursed by a kindly woman and her husband until she was back to her full strength, or close to it.  She could still feel a tightness in her lungs that had not been there before, but that was something with which she could live.  A slower pace was better than nothing.

Once she was able to leave, she went, and found herself back in Serendipity....but this time she felt like a completely different person. Her long black tresses had been chopped and layered right underneath her ears, framing her thin face in a way she had never before seen, having kept her hair long for so long, but it had become tiresome and the upkeep for someone constantly on the move was not something that she wanted to continue to do.  Now it was much easier...she no longer had to worry about picking leaves and twigs out of her hair at the end of the day no matter how tightly she tied it back.  The mountains had paled her skin significantly, but thankfully the ghostly green hue was gone from her cheeks, and a little bit more sunlight would give her a little more life.

But she couldn't complain.  It was her own stupidity that had caused her to fall ill, so she'd just deal with it and carry on.

With a sigh, she walked through the market she adjusted her leather tunic slightly and checked her purse.  It was about time that she pick up something to eat as her stomach was beginning to complain loudly.  She didn't need to eat much, in fact she didn't have the coin enough to pay for more than a few pieces of vegetables and the cheapest slice of meat she could find...probably nothing more than two or three ounces.  No wonder she wasn't quite able to regain the weight she had lost in her tussle with the mountain....

Looking over the choice of foods at one stand, she couldn't help but notice the man who had purchased his items before her.  It wasn't his physically appearance per say that caught her attention, but rather that he was quite a few inches taller than she.  Sahirah was use to being taller, or as tall, as the other people she ran into, her height reaching about 5'10".  Luckily it allowed her to wear flat, comfortable shoes, instead of those rediculous heals that girls seemed to wear in order to increase their height.  She didn't need anything enhanced when it came to that.  Yet, as she looked, her eyes were next drawn to his long black hair....making her almost thinking that he was a female and that her eyes were deceiving....after all, he was rather gorgeous....a little too pretty....it was slightly unsettling.

Realizing that she was staring after him, she shook her head and purchased her meager meal and went to rest against the side of a house, unconsciously moving in the same direction of the man, before taking a seat on a box that rested outside one of the shops, planting a carrot between her lips to give her stomach the reprieve it was crying for.
Post by: Rhindeer on January 19, 2007, 09:44:07 PM
Ah, if only Ash were scared of horse anthro types.

Not that Dai was an anthro, exactly. He had normal human hands and feet and a normal human body and face. It was just that some of his parts were a bit different. For instance, instead of a human's rounded, hairless ears he had the ears of a horse, soft and velvety and a sort of pale, sea green color, like foam on ocean waves. His wavy hair was much the same color as his ears, just a shade darker, and was long enough to reach down to his waist, curling around the bottom while the shorter strands curled around his face. And, okay, so he did have a few extra parts, like his horn and tail. After all, he wasn't a horse-person, but a unicorn, and in the manner of unicorns a single dainty horn grew from the center of his forehead, a mere six inches long and seemingly made of mother-of-pearl.

If Ash was a bit too pretty for a man, well, his "pet" was certainly a good match, for Dai was built slender and fine-boned, with thick eyelashes, pale skin, and long legs. People might call him feminine in appearance, though in truth it wasn't anything unusual at all for his species! Unlike a lot of species where the male or female was prettier to attract mates and the like, both male and female unicorns had much of the same features. Well, except for the obvious things, of course.

Currently, Dai was shuffling reluctantly behind Ash on bare feet (he never did like shoes and his feet were surprisingly tough), a good twenty feet behind him with his hands in the pockets of his breeches while making a point not to look at Ash. Instead, he looked at the various wares people were selling, the various fruits and vegetables and sweet breads that made his mouth water. Every now and then, though, he would glance ahead at Ash with a frown, just to make sure he wasn't falling too far behind, his ears laid back against his head. He'd considered running more than once since he'd come outside with his "master" today, especially since the man didn't seem like he was paying much attention at all to him, but he knew that would be a bad idea.

Because it wouldn't be the first time he attempted an escape. And failed. Dai was fast but the demon was faster, and each time he ran it wasn't long before he was hauled on back "home" to the manor where he had been taken in as Ash's guest that could never leave.

Slave was probably the more appropriate term, but don't tell Dai that.

Of course, none of that meant that Dai had given up on the notion of escape. Not by a long shot! Unicorns weren't meant to be owned, and Dai certainly balked at that notion. All it meant was that he was taking a break so he could regroup! And try again later.

When Ashley suddenly stopped ahead of him, looking over an eggplant, Dai stopped too and pretended to look over some mushrooms, even though he hated mushrooms. Too...meaty. He didn't like eggplant, either, or any other kind of squash (too slimey!) but he wasn't going to tell Ash that now! Sure, he was a vegetarian and ate only fruits and vegetables (and sugary things) but it didn't mean he liked them all! Still, he remained silent--especially since Ash just went ahead and bought it anyway before he could even say he didn't like them. Oh well! He was just keen on keeping his distance and enjoying his minimal freedom for the time being and just the fact that he was outside with no walls around him.

The carrots Ash bought, however...that was another story! Dai's turquoise eyes fell on them and already he could feel his belly rumbling at the sight. Those were yummy! In fact, they were one of his favorite vegetables, something he couldn't get enough of. Darn! Ash just had to buy carrots right when he was trying to be all defiant!

Whatever "defiance" Dai had been subtly expressing soon faded away, and his ears pricked up, his long, tufted tail waving out behind him as his features brightened. Without a second thought, he began to close the distance between Ash and himself until he was walking beside him, an extra bounce in his step. Hey, if he couldn't get free yet, at least he could get some good food to eat! Especially since it looked like they were on their way home, the manor in sight. There also seemed to be a woman standing nearby...and eating a carrot right there. A carrot! That...was not helping! Staring at the woman for a moment as they walked, Dai finally looked up toward Ash. Up, because Ash was a few inches taller than him, given Dai was around five foot seven.

"Are we gonna have lunch when we get home?" he asked, smiling a little. Okay, so maybe he was a little simple-minded. But yeesh! The carrots...they were haunting him! Speaking of carrots, it seems that woman over there kept staring at them...or rather, at Ash. Gah! Dai looked over at her, then back at Ash, a slight jolt running through him. He knew good and well what Ash had an appetite for...and he had no way of preventing it.

All he could do was look over at her and give a slight shake of his head, hoping she'd notice it and continue to just stare, but otherwise stay away. Hopefully Ash would stay away, too...he should have enough...left overs, right?

Dai shuddered, and the carrot suddenly didn't seem so appetizing.
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2007, 11:33:55 PM
((Ignore spelling mistakes, Kudasai! or laugh at them if its completely the wrong word.. i caught characters instead of carrots o_O; Also, Gold, Rhi, I am SO sorry for forgetting about Ash... but think! if I had posted it sooner you wouldn't have gotten a Demon Biology lesson...?))

Ashley, a demon of an unknown and fairly rare species, was a natural killer. Not the type to claw into someone and eat their intestines, oh no. More of a stalk and 'pounce', add a bit of a purr on pounce, relocate ones mind to a mental gutter and you've gotten Ashleys type of pouncing. Brushing his hair over his shoulder, his light blue eyes were straight ahead, giving him an early look since he didn't look where he was walking, assuming people would part for him like he was a god or something. Well, he was pretty enough to be one. At least he thought so. Vain? Why Yes! Yes he was. Not as vain as his pretty pet though, if Dai knew the eggplant produced a slight reflection he was sure that his Pretty Pet would be checking himself out right now.

A sly smirk and Ash's eyes were caught by a rather lovely lady leaning on his wall. Not that it was really his wall, it was actually a public wall, he'd just pretend its his so his thought line was valid. Narrowing his eyes he was about to quip at her to get her hiney off of it before he made her sit in a chair in his house. If she was going to put her bottom on something, it was either his lap, bed, or a chair in the sitting room, the first two were an 'either or' situation. His attention was taken by the lady when he heard Dai speak, turning slightly, ah, did he eve realise how open of a statement he made? And how many delightfull replies he could make it turn to the simple yet desaterous question? Not being able to stop himself from full out grinning like a mad man he looked at Dai, his eyes taking on a bit of a feral light and his grin, though not fanged or anything creepy like that, was unnearving because of how well he beared his slight human fangs.

He was so very pleased with Dai, Ashley pressed a hand on Dais back, tangling his long pale fingers into Dais pearly looking sea green hair. Not exactly a repulsing colour, if it was any darker and not as soft or long it would have been disgusting to have a pet with green hair. In this case, Dai was allowed to keep his hair unbleeches, along with his delightful tail. And that cute horn. Ah, if only Ashley liked men because they were men and not beautiful. Rather yet, Ah, if only Dai was female, then, he'd have the right equipment and be gorgeous! What a wonderful combination!

 "Why, yes Dai, my pet, we are going to have lunch when we get back, infact, I was thinking of offering that lovely young lady over there to stay for lunch. Here, " Ashley pulled out a sleek dilicous looking carrot from the bag, and put it into Dais hand, leaving his own lingering on Dais palms a little longer thatn would be confortable for post people. " Use this to entertain yourself while I accure our lunch guest so I can arrage room at the.... House..." A quick smirking grin before he pulled on a mask of a gentleman, Dai knew that if he said anything to the possible 'meal guest' would get him locked in a room without anything to do but pace, sleep, eat breat, drink water and do the dairly nature things that many a human did.

On a random note and probably something many a person didn't want to know, Ashleys breed of demon, even while in human form did not do daily nature things, their bodies used up all 'fuel' and any waste was simply ejaculated along with the poison that killed their meals. Sometimes it could be fairly messy, which is why Ashley tended to have 'dinner guests' regularly. Ahem.

Looking at the girl, his bangs falling into his face in a blatant flirting manner. He wasn't a mind reader, so he didn't know her name, and his demonlike senses failed him here because the only thing he currently knew about her was that she'd been ill. Ah, perfect pray, it was a hunters instinct to kill off the weak and leave the strong to breed better tasking flesh for him to eat. Er.. animals, leave better tasting meat for the animals to eat. Not that animals ate humans, at least, Ashley knew of no animals like that. He'd offer himself up for a human eating animal, but, he was a Demon not an animal. Oh well.

Reaching out with his hand, he lightly closed it over his shoulder before he brushed infront of her and slowly raised his hand to brush it lightly over her cheek. A polite boyish smile on his rosy lips, when he leaned in towards her and tilted his head to the side. He had no special powers of seduction, every single part of the women he had hanging in his freezer... er.. He had brought home as lunch guests had been won over by his good looks and charm. "You appear like you could use a good lunch, my companion and I are curently headed towards my home in search of a good meal from my cook, would you care to join us? I swear we don't bite" You when you're alive.

 The occational one really did only get lunch, though of course she was unaware she was eating human flesh, which usually entertained Ashley immensly, he didn't know what to think of this current target... She had the scent that she was going to simply become a guest for lunch. He wasn't feeling that funny oozing feeling he got when woman drapped themselves over him to get into his pretty black trousers.

Casting a look past the woman towards Dai, he jerked his head slightly in a 'come hither' motion to tell his pretty pet that they were going to go home, and Ashley was going to lead her into his home before she could come up with a good excuse to get away. Ah, wonderful plan!