Spirits of the Earth

Western Le'raana => Niahi Woods => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 17, 2007, 11:56:20 PM

Title: Birth of a new evil
Post by: Anonymous on September 17, 2007, 11:56:20 PM
Those yellow eyes glared rather harshly ahead as those boots left their print upon the soft top soil. The air around this man held an almost electrical charge to it. The majority of the animals had sensed the man and ran away long before they could fall into his view.

A low growl graced his throat, he remembered the days when no one feared him. He used to be the good guy, and now some pathetic demon's last resort to survive changed everything. That nose twitched lightly, those eyes cutting sharply to the left. A black aura suddenly flared up, a flame like dance issued as it faded into the air.

That left hand raised, the trigger finger extended, each motion was calm, and calculated. That thumb raising momentarily, and then dropping. A faint flicker of darkness flew from that finger tip. A sound equivilant to that of a RC car revving up heard as a small chipmunk ran out. The sound was coming from inside of it. "So ist das Leben..." He muttered under his breath in german.

As he walked away from the creature the revving noise grew in volume, going from the RC car, to that of a small truck, to that of a fully blown race engine, finally the creature perished in a massive explosion. Leaving a fifteen foot wide crater in it's wake and downing a few trees.

"That was totally unescessary you pathetic monster!" He yelled aloud, just before slamming his forehead right into a nearby tree. "I'll kill you and be free of this living hell!" Aparently he had a fondness of chipmunks... not like that demon gave a damn about it.
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 07:56:46 AM
The woods didn't interest Aiol. While he couldn't call himself a city person, having spent maybe a month or two in anything bigger than a village, he wasn't interested in the untamed wilds. Aiol liked people, not animals and especially not wild animals that had to be tamed before they were remotely useful for anything besides eating. At least wild people didn't need food and infinite patience to whip them into something worth having around. Traveling through the woods was necessary though, they were in the mountain path and it would take too much time to skirt around them on his way to Zantaric. At least he didn't have to walk - a well placed sob story to a knight with a wide chivalrous streak and a lack of brain to match got him (her at the time) a horse that could move faster than he could. Learning to ride hadn't been as hard as keeping the knight from tagging along. Once the horse was moving he just had to kick it to get it to speed up and jerk its head around to get it to change direction. He also had to make sure it could get food and water whenever he stopped - the horse wasn't too happy to see him the first night he left it tied to a tree out of reach of grass with no stream in sight.

The pack of stolen clothing and other geegaws he picked up on this little trek bounced on the horse's rump, for now uneeded. On this side of the mountains, with the mage villages close (hopefully) his attire shouldn't be all too strange. There was no telling what he would find useful once he got into Zantaric so he wasn't going to-

The sudden explosion made his horse panic before he could. The dumb animal jumped and seemed to wheel around in midair, dropping a stunned Aiol on the ground and nearly trampling him in its haste to run. Aiol lay on the ground, eyes wide, dark skin nearly pale from shock and ears ringing so loud he could barely hear the woods around him.

An explosion. In the woods. The thought didn't seem to add up. Forests weren't supposed to explode, not without some sort of reason. For a while he wondered if he should make like the horse and run back the way he came, take the long way around the exploding forest. No, maybe people made the explosion. People meant a possible new horse, a place to sleep and maybe someone to make breakfast. Maybe coffee. Ugh... his own stash was busy running away on the stupid horse. Aiol hoped it would trip and break its neck.

Once his ears stopped ringing so intensely Aiol clambered to his feet and tried to figure out where the explosion came from. Not the easiest thing, since the sound seemed to come from all directions at once. Maybe it was close, if he walked in circles he should come across some sign of it - or start hearing people. Aiol brushed himself down and began circling, walking round and round and round and nearly falling into an enormous crater. So close, it must have been his good judgement that lead him along the path he was following and not this one. He walked around it and began looking through the trees for any signs of people. There wasn't a strong scent of blood in the air. That was a plus, they hadn't blown themselves up.

In fact, Aiol thought he saw one. He decided to stay male for now, he didn't need to attract anymore hero types and didn't want to use any feminine wiles on a man. It was all Jezzie's fault, she got him on his current female craving. The person seemed to be a man, though if this new person turned out to be a sodomite he supposed he'd count his good graces and humor him, should he be interested.

"Hai-" Aiol paused, noting the err, state of his forhead. Troubled much? Ah, trouble was good in a person, it gave them wants and when people wanted something they were easy to lead around. "Hail there. Did you get hurt in the explosion?"
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 08:17:50 AM
As the stranger spoke, that self-abuse ended. Those yellow eyes narrowing swiftly towards the male. That same trigger finger from earlier pointing towards him, a rather amused grin passing the man's face. "Well now, isn't that sweet of you to ask?"

That same aura flared up from earlier, just seconds before the tiny magical projectile flew from that fingerip, it pulled slightly to the left; if the stranger didn't dive that way it would miss completely. A loud growl gracing his throat. "What kind of person runs right towards an explosion!, and stop trying to kill stuff!" Obviously he was still having that internal struggle the initial statement issued to the stranger and the latter seemingly to himself. This time he somehow managed to perform a front flip, landing flat upon his back. The wind instantly knocked out of him.

Those digits painfully moved to one of his pockets retrieving a hand-rolled cigarette and a flint. Using the latter to ignite said tobbaco product as it was placed between his lips. He gradually righted himself, those yellow eyes focusing back on the stranger. "... I do apologize for... my 'other half' " He grumbled lightly as he dusted himself off. That nose twitched lightly. "Miss...er...ter" That head tilted lightly in confusion. "No offense... but have you been to a brothel lately... you've the scent of a woman on you." That right brow erked lightly. "No... can't be that... hmm musta got lucky out here... gotta give you kudos sir... not like women just wander around here for those sort of things.."

That right wrist rotated slowly, a few audible pops coming from within it. "Oh how rude of me, ... my name is Markus Korbinian.. I am a... err hun..ter" He had to think up a good occupation the pause rather notable as he thought up a profession. That same hand that had attempted the attack extended to shake his. "Terribly unsafe around here these days... found a trap out here some crazy mage must have crafted...had to uh... activate it to keep anyone else from falling in to it." Well it sounded like a good lie to him.
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2007, 06:58:41 PM
(Me jump in!)

No women in the forest... what a load of bunk.
No NORMAL women... now that was a fair statement. The two men were not alone in that forest... Something... else... someone else... was there with them. Her presence was not obvious: While unnatural... she was far enough away that her scent would not carry... but no animals spoke out near her. She was a lonely red-haired woman... very alone in that massive evergreen forest. She wore the clothes of a peasant... rags, really, torn apart as if by an animal. She was haggard, bruised and battered, with a wildness in her eyes that spoke of a person who was surviving by the skin of her teeth in a place she was not accustomed to being in. She was lonesome... she'd caught scent of these men upwind of her... a human scent... and heard sounds that bid her not come, like the sound of a dragon falling to the dust... a massive sound that struck the heartchords of fear in her breast... but something pressed her on through the dark.

"Go..." she murmured to herself, her bright red eyes struck with delerium... she was barely concious, only awake for the fear of what would happen if she fell asleep... as if the darkness of that forest would swallow her up... change her again... run away with her soul into the night.

The open, deep wound on her chest had mostly closed... her labored breathing, gurlging with a little blood, did not slow her for some reason... she should have been dead... she knew that intensely... first was that horror... she couldnt even remember it all: it was a blur of fear, death, and pain... and blood... by the gallon... her blood. Then... she was chased from her home... into this accursed forest... by her own father, by her family, by her friends, by the only place she'd ever known... and her goddess would not respond to her prayers... as if her heart was not her own. It beat, partially exposed in her chest... her ribs had healed alot since that time... she was regenerating, she knew with gut-wrenching horror that almost consumed her very soul. She was regaining blood faster than she could lose it... it just... was not natural... she had an open wound in her chest... my god, she could feel her own heartbeat in her chest... but it did not beat like it should... like it was too big for her chest... because it was. Grittign her teeth and pausing to spit up a glob of blood the size of a melon, vomiting violently... something solid... she swooned and almost collapsed onto the forest floor.

She had to keep going... someone would help her. Clenching her massive wound, the girl staggered through the underbrush... and at last caught sight of those she had scented. By then, her eyes were glowing... if she did not have this horrible thing beating in her breast, she knew, she would very much be dead. She felt... strong, though... somehow. As she paused, staring at the two men... her eyes burned fiercely. She was a wreck... but there was something... fierce about this lovely peasant girl, her hair and eyes the color of her blood that flowed from around her hand abundantly... yet she did not fall. It was... a horrific sight, the girl, cut and battered, and crusted in blood that had been there for hours.

"H-help..." she managed, her voice a hoarse whisper... where had her voice gone? It was cracked... she could not help but gasp and gurgle out words, blood flowing down her chin as she did.
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2007, 11:53:18 PM
That nose twitched yet again, this time catching the scent of blood as the red-haired woman neared. Those yellow eyes widened with shock at the condition of the stranger. That darkness in him almost rising to the surface again while that mind was momentarily stunned.

That black aura had already began to flare up yet again, ready to commit an act of euthanasia on the poor girl. His eyes locking on to her glowing ones ceased him from even attempting to lift that finger to direct the energy towards her. "The hell is going on here" He muttered to himself as he approached the girl cautiously.

That scent of blood was almost driving that demon inside of him wild with a blood lust. His own pain from that inner struggle didn't show. Those eyes of his reflected sympathy. And hearing that hoarse whisper made his gut wrench.

"I..I.. Lady look I'm not a healer... I'm quiet the opposite actually" He commented weakly himself. The scent of blood was overpowering him, his sense of control quickly melting away. A slightly more gruff voice had made the later statement, that hint of a germanic accent completely gone.

"Oh my, two souls to add to my collection" A wicked grin crossed the man's face. He turned momentarily to look towards the other man, quickly facing the injured woman again. "Both have something different about them though, are you sure you want help?" He said in a sing songy voice.

"Now why would someone do such things to such a pretty thing" He mused lightly. "Oh let me guess, a poor soul like old Markus in here" He tapped his head lightly. "With something nasty taking over?" He attempted to circle her, almost like he was sizing her up. "Markus hates the fact that sooner or later this will be my body... he should be happy, after all technically he will be immortal... it's not like I'll hog all the fun from him." He stopped and looked her right in the eyes again, if one looked hard enough they could see several mutilated faces within those pupils.

"So why not just let it win, it's trying to help you right now isn't it" He offered a smirk. "Scared of the change?, Change is good," A brow erked, "After all I'd be stuck in the nether world if I hadn't made my changes, and look at me now... a wolf among sheep" That black aura shifted to hover around just his right hand. Aiming to just lightly move her hand away from the wound. If sucessfull, he would then attempt to take an edge of the gory opening. Draining a few of those souls he collected to attempt to accelerate what already seemed to be a quick healing process. Depending on how her body reacted the souls could have anywhere from an immediate healing effect to nothing at all.
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 09:08:17 AM
(Ooc: Ima go ahead and do the second part of the post... easier to react to for poor mister Nightcandle. Heh... this is your thread, but I figure... hey, spice of life. I smell a fight coming on ^^)

The girl... she looked barely sixteen years old, about the age that a woman would have been at the starting of truly being a complete person... too young to be made to suffer like this. Her gore-covered body twitched, and the sound of her bones rubbing together... or breaking... could be heard deep within her slender, worn out body, making her face contort in pain and her knees buckle, sending her to the ground as the man approached, and she fell to her hands and knees.

Blood gushed from between her fingers as the open wound, like some macabre bowl, dumped its contents onto the forest floor, staining the leaves with deep red blood and a clear, oily fluid... and both continued to steadily trickle. A human being would have been dead, should have been dead. Her heartbeat... was clearly audible, clear as the lack of birdsong in this forest. She looked up to the demon-torn man, despairing. She seriously doubted he'd help her, before his voice confirmed that. A sort of... contempt for him overtook her... but she was weak, and had no choice but to remain there... in his presence.

She heard him claim her soul as his own, as if through some deed he could take it... and she had no doubt he had some way of keeping on that. .. and she thought SHE had problems. She loosed a guttural moan, and vomited another massive chunk of hard... something. It looked like flesh to her, probably her own. Her throat was raw, and her stomache churned.. but now that another chunk of.. whatever it was... left her, she felt something horrifically familiar start to creep, more strongly, underneath her skin. The glow grew... but the glow was no longer red, but a golden color, even if her eyes remained red. Naturally, she had no idea her eyes were red: Last she looked in a mirrior, her eyes were blue.

He seemed to mock her as he called her a 'pretty thing...' but then... he said something that struck home... yet horrified her more. Sure, fate was poking fun at her, and in the absence of her goddess, dark ones had come like vultures... but she felt compelled to let him speak, to listen in turn. She looked up, almost pleadingly, her eyes glowing furiously then, the fire in her burning bright. She listened to each word, her innocence appearant in her. She had no idea why all this was happening to her, but what he said was true enough.

Ah, but he was walking on dangerous ground, this demon... but he was, himself, unnatural... not a native to this world at all. He had no idea what needed to be given a wide berth in this world of flesh. She was just such a thing... well, so was he, but that was aside the point, and irrelevant by now. He was already too close. He, using his dark energies, pulled her hand from protecting the gaping hole in her chest. Deep inside her, a heart beat furiously... and it was clear that this heart was not really her own, but a surrogate... it was too big, clearly visible between her ribs as it pushed her lungs, also visible, aside with its girth and sat in the middle of her chest.

"Stop..." her hoarse, horrific voice pleaded, fear in her eyes as she tried to recoil, but he had already grabbed one of her ribs, and was actually feeding some kind of energy to the beast within her. She shrieked in agony, her voice reflecting the souls he was draining. She was disgusted by this man... he was actually damaging an eternal thing to... do something to her. Her wound grew hot... but it certianly was not from this demon's actions. The energy accelerated her healing, it seemed like... or maybe that was something else.

Her blood-freezing shriek slowly changed... into something else entirely. Her voice grew, both in depth and in volume, and, without any kind of warning, she seized his arm. (I'm assuming, since you're already touching her, she would be able to grab you.) Her grip was supposed to be weak, judging by her state... but it was like red-hot steel, boring into the man's flesh and causing his mortal ligaments and flesh to do one thing. Let the fuck go. Her cry stopped, and the tone was double, one a deep and terrifying snarl, the other her own, but bearing a kind of weight that made reality quiver helplessly around it. She looked down into his eyes, her face borne to him, and glowing, wild blue runes had appeared, centered around her forehead.

As they spread around her face, then neck, then shoulders and so on, she spoke again, in that guttural, horrific whisper, mixed with the sound of that hideous snarl, saying, quite clearly "Nein, Sie sind noch ein Schaf. Schmeicheln Sie sich nicht." (Heh... if he would understand that, she said "No, you are one more sheep. Do not flatter yourselves.") she said, her eyes unfocused. It was definately her speaking... there was no second presence within her. From touching her like that, he'd have been able to tell if there was. She was one being.

One being who, holding his arm like this, was crumpling the flesh and bone of it like paper in her hand as the blue runes surged and spread across her skin, throbbing with ancient power. It felt like the combined energies of several mages were at work on this woman all at once, like they had been incanting on her for hours on end, all that power stored in the runes surging across her skin... yet that energy was not diminishing as she burned it: she was simply venting. The horror of what she was had yet to be seen... she was still venting that power as a human entity... but the demon did touch it, for a brief moment, in contact with her as the runes overtook her hands and touched his skin. In her, beneath the surface of that teenager, in chains deep within, was a beast, a monstrosity, not a human, but also not a wolf, yet both at once. It did not belong there... she did not have the means to restrain this part of her, which had, judging by the state she was in, only gained this much strength in her within the last ten hours or so, and was getting stronger and stronger... soon, she'd be free.

This had all happened in a second. Without even letting him react, her eyes flashed once, and she channeled that strength in her to flick her arm, and send him, in his frail human body, hurtling through the air at one of the charred trees nearby. She drew no pleasure from hurting him: she was innocent. She scaracely even recognized that she'd spoken to him at all. Not much conciousness was left in her eyes as she slowly forced herself to stand, the wound in her chest nearly closed, but still bleeding, a golfball sized, deep hole in her flesh. The runes flickered on her, reaching that spot... the pattern was still incomplete, she was still sealed... but thanks to the demon, that hole was slowly shrinking. The chains of pain were rusting away, the soul energy like an acid on them.

"Göttin, nein ..." She pleaded, with herself and her silent goddess, shaking her head and holding it in her hands, writhing in pain on her feet as she almost fell, again and again, but remained standing, staggering. "Sie weiß nicht, was Sie getan haben..." she said, her voice wracked with horror and searing agony. Then... the wound closed, and the runes completed themselves on her, eliciting a shriek from her yet again, and she covered her face, collapsing to the ground and beginning to convulse violently, frothing at the mouth as she did.

The sound of bones cracking began to fill the air.... something was happening to her, though what exactly only the demon-posessed man could know. To the other, it would probably look like her body was rejecting itself, her skin leathering and tehn starting to sprout hair. Beneath the surface, muscles buldged and bones broke and reformed themselves repeatedly, redefining her shape quickly. Her cries carried across the rooftops, hellish and alien, deepening slowly into a pained, sorrowful-sounding cry remeniscient of a wolf's, but... with a kind of human quality that froze the blood and elicited ancient reactions of terror in any man that could hear it. Soon, the girl was no longer there, but a grusome mockery of what she was. It filled out quickly, becoming something more familiar, until, rolling to its stomache, a shewolf, with grey, black, and dark blue fur, blue, glowing runes all over her body, her red hair visible in her mane as streaks of red here and there, longer than the rest of her coat. Standing to two legs, shaking all over, she was nearly twice the size she was before, her burning scarlet eyes with the yellow glow seeming to drain the light from the area and put it out again, yet not re-illumate.

The human girl was drug, screaming, deep into the inner recesses of Samantha Jezabelle's mind. The beast was awake... and returned, alone, after chaining her to he back wall of her mind, eyes open to see a world she was not used to... one full of red... and prey. Yet... the beast was not some demon, or some foreign entity in her... It was her... through a different looking glass, so to speak. Steam rose from the shewolf's body, every inch a good twenty degrees hotter than the air around her from that change... it seemed impossible that the girl from before could turn into something so big... so unnatural. If the demon-man would look hard enough at her, the air around her was slightly... off. The runes exuded a kind of light that seemed almost to change the air's properties even as the blue light bathed her, electricity arcing from rune to rune once every couple of seconds.
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 10:28:44 AM
((Np enkashi, np. The more the merrier!))

There was nothing on this Earth that would have made Aiol dive at the little speck of darkness that came off the man's finger. He did watch it though, one eyebrow rising a little. It rose further when the man seemed to... accuse him for killing stuff? He must have missed something. Or the man could read minds. Nyar'hep's teeth and claws, he wasn't going to stop killing anyone anytime soon, some things deserved to die. Like that damn horse.

Or maybe the man was just crazy, trying to talk himself out of killing stuff. That wouldn't do either. There was nothing wrong with killing. Aiol decided not to react to the... bout of insanity. So he was glad when the man began smoking and seemed to sane up a bit. Aiol shrugged at his apology. "Just keep it from pointing your finger at me," he said, cracking a smirk when the man struggled over a title for him. He had a good nose on him. What fun.

Now for the whys of him smelling like a female. Aiol always figured he smelled like both, but his nose wasn't sharp enough to pick them out. Or maybe poor, normal beings could only smell the one they wanted to smell. "Sort of, the last girl took my shirt so I took one of hers. A fair trade.

"I'm Aiol Cyan, I usually run towards explosions when they've frightened my horse away." He didn't bother to give an occupation. At this point in time it was most likely moocher. Not the sort of thing that impresses people. He could have dressed it up, but Markus' hand was offered.

-And some random, torn up female stumbled up to them. Ew. Markus seemed to forget he was around when she appeared, completely unnaceptable. Even if the other thing was almost a walking corpse. Actually... it seemed like Markus was going crazy again. Nevermind, give the girl your undivided attention. Aiol stepped back when Markus started talking to himself and began circling the girl. Watching, he wasn't going to run until more things started exploding, and even then he'd just sit himself in one of the craters.

They were both crazy.

No. He tilted his head to the side when the girl began to babble nonsense and change. This was something different than madness. There seemed to be something else inside these two. One part, the human part, was the typical good person that didn't want to hurt anything and then there was the killer. A thing with its own will that was somehow part of the human. Interesting. Possession? He'd heard of it but never saw it in action.

Only, the action in question seemed to be the two killing each other. He couldn't let that happen. It'd be a complete waste!

Aiol opened his hands, held them palm down over the ground and began to chant, one of the rings on his necklace glittered, a sudden breeze rustled his hair, half-robe and shirt and his mismatched eyes glowed. The last two were pure dramatic effect, but he had the energy, might as well flaunt it. A circle of ropelike vines shot up around Markus and the wolf-thing and began to sway back and forth. Waiting.

"Now, now both of you," Aiol purred. "There's no need for you to waste your talents on each other. Why not use them on something that will beg for mercy."
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 02:11:06 AM
A low growl graced his lips as she clutched his arm. Of course his reflexes caused him to let go. Those eyes merely glaring back into hers, the gore caused that human side of him to almost vomit, but due to the demon's current control he found mild humor in it, and the pain of her grip, well up until she flung him like a ragdoll into a tree.

"That wasn't very fuggin' nice, oh I'll show you exactly who the sheep is!" He practically roared as he gradually got back up, missing the girl's transformation process. That black aura coating the arm she had gripped and flung him with, a serires of rather gut wrenching snaps and pops heard from withing it. Those digits then moving to his sides to retrieve those fighting knives.

"My... what big teeth you have my dear" He mused lightly as he casually made his way back towards her. He noted the increase in size, that human side to him currently freaking out in the recesses of his mind. Those runes were focused upon only once. afterwards, those yellow hued eyes locked right on to hers.

Well, up until those vines popped up. At which point those eyes cut sharply in the direction of Aiol. "...Oh there'll be some begging for mercy... if you don't get this overgrown kudzu out of here I plan on having a wolf pelt in front of my fireplace tonight" Well the swaying vine threat apparently didn't bother this man at all. It seemed to just made him annoyed.

"First I'll kill the wolfy girl, and then I'll kill vine Guyirl... over there" He muttered to himself, that smirk returning. The dark aura just seemed to keep growing around the mortal form the demon had taken over at every passing second. "Never had wolf meat before... I was wondering would you prefer I grill, fry, broil, or bake you after I'm done handing you yer arse!" He attempted to rush towards the large creature standing in place of the bloodied girl, those blunt portions of the blades tilted back to rest against his forearms, leaving the edges exposed.
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 10:42:31 AM
It was within a few moments of her ordeal that these two men made the first of a series of critical errors in this encounter with their wolfy friend. They showed hostility. Her world was swimming with pain and rage in the first place... and she'd derived little to no satisfaction from throwing the demon man into that tree.

Ah... but Aiol was the first to startle her, with his vines surrounding her. That set the tone for the encounter... she was startled by that first. The demon's words were lost on her, she was not listening anymore... she was growing increasingly furious. When the demon at last decided to make a sudden move at her, she was far from sluggish in reaction. The runes burned fearsomely on her flesh, but not quite as brigtly as her eyes... she was an innocent, even now, and now she was an angry innocent in a corner with a curse she had no idea how to restrain. With an angry snarl and a roar issuing from her that seemed to shake the air for a good fifty feet in terror, she extended her claws with a loud KISH and got ready for combat. This was one angry bitch.

Supernatural energies surged through her runed claws... they weren't just sharp, they were intensely magical, like the rest of her, each like a dagger-sized scimitar. As the demon drew closer, she was almost ten feet tall, and thickly muscled... yet somethign was still deeply femenine about her. Despite the blood from before... she had been a reeeeeeally cute girl... and now, though the form she was in right then somehow reflected the girl she was before. Her red eyes were angry... yes... but... they did not want to hurt him.  She was afraid, and terribly sad and lonely... she wanted none of this... but this was hers to have, and she was still an angry, cornered monster. As soon as he was within her reach... well, slightly before so she'd hit, a good estimation of how long it would take her two swing at him, she wound up and swung, her claws whizzing through the air, aimed at the demon's chest.

If she hit, he'd go flying, no ifs, ands, or buts, with burning wounds deep across his chest that would not be so easily healed. If not, he'd have to contend with her other arm, which was already wound up and ready to smack him as well.
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 02:22:40 AM
The demon had already been struggling to keep the human half from returning, that booming roar literally scared the being right back into the recesses of Markus's mind. Running primarily on adrenaline at this point, he didn't even yield at the sight of those claws. Sure the bullheaded demon would have ran right into that horifically powerfull arm of hers, but Markus liked his body being in one peice.

The roar had pretty much given away the fact she wasn't just going to let him attack her without trying to rip him to shreds. A glance into those eyes and he frowned lightly. "Verdammen Sie all das" He muttered under his breath, that germanic accent back yet again.

His body tilted back sharply and he aimed to slide right underneath that massive swinging paw of hers. She still managed to catch him slightly on the shoulder in the process, a set of fine lines cut right into his shirt, and a small amount of blood produced, along with who knows what kind of elemental damage he possibly suffered. Aiming to get just the slightest little knick to the inside of her leg as he passed. If successfull he would stab those blades into the ground to instantly cease his sliding. Merely keeping his back to her, hopefully the little scratch he gave her wouldn't piss the shewolf off that badly.

"You can calm down kid... if I wanted to take you down I could have just cut through both of your achille's tendons" He commented, still keeping his back to her and remaining in that somewhat kneeling position. Well if she was more pissed about the nick, hopefully she wouldn't hear him and think he had a heart attack. His shoulder was killing him though he certainly wasn't going to admit to even being hit by her. The scent of the man's obviously could be caught by her. "Aiol... I don't think she likes your vines... y'know... and they are kind of creeping me out"
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 12:32:30 PM
So much for discussion. Aiol wasn't going to jump into the fray and start pummeling them anytime soon and one of the two didn't seem too impressed with his vine trick. Scratch that, one wasn't impressed, the other one was rattled for a second and they went right back to fighting each other.

Simple. Just because a being could possess another didn't mean it could make plans and savor any fun to come. Aiol shrugged, dispelled the breeze and glow and sat in front of a tree. The vines remained in their circle around the combatants, but they swayed a little slower without Aiol's direct control. They actually seemed to flinch when the wolf-beast roared, though Aiol scowled and put his hands up around his ears.

At least he could hear his ears ringing... or feel them, he wasn't sure if you heard ringing ears or if you felt them. It didn't matter, they were ringing and he was probably going to go to sleep with a pulsing headache. He'd grin and bear it if he didn't go to sleep deaf too. While Markus was busy sliding between the wolf-beasts' legs Aiol was scowling, shaking his head a little and popping his ears.

Slowly, he began to hear again. The wind in his ear, the rustle of the vines, the sound of Markus' voice telling the wolf-beast he could have cut her achilles' tendons. Such a nice thought... he didn't think Wolfie would appreciate it too much though.

Aiol perked up when Markus began talking to him. She didn't like his vines? She didn't seem to care much about them other than that first second. The way Markus was talking it sounded like he was back in control, instead of his little black-speck tossing 'friend'. Of the two hosts he looked to have the most willpower to fight against his possessor. Since Markus was taking the time to address him (without the implied threat, heh like he'd beg for mercy), Aiol felt it best not to argue. He closed his hands and dropped them to the ground, the vines stiffening and retreating.

"I hope you have an idea to humor her," Aiol said dryly. "I'm awful with slavering wolf beasts."
Post by: Anonymous on September 23, 2007, 10:40:06 AM
The wolfess was something far from in a reasonable mood right then... but so was her runecarved flesh, throbbing with power softly. The demon-man's cute little knife was about as effective as a stick on an ancient oak tree. It tickled at best: Pathetic. Her massive paw only grazed him, and her other struck the ground hard, open-palmed, making the forest floor for about twenty feet shake and pine cones fall from the canopy high above.

The two were yelling at each other, and the shewolf was not moving, seething and watching the world through eyes of distortion, unable to see clearly right then. Too angry... too tired... She growled lowly, her voice as alien as it was before, shooting them both furious glares... but she wanted nothing greater than to be left alone, throbbing with blue light. The wound she inflicted did not bleed... it would not heal naturally, or unnaturally: He'd likely bear that mark... for the rest of his life, demon or no. A mark of poetic justice.

Just the same, she did not derive any enjoyment out of it... but... now that the stimuli were gone... and both of them seemed to want to be as innofensive as possible... she was starting to calm down. A Dull growl escaped her, and the actually gentle creature's fire left her eyes. She seethed and breathed heavily, but started lumbering off into the forest again, shaking hard all over. As she went... the creature started to change again... started to shrink. Her power was being stolen by the screaming human inside, trying to push the monster back in isde... she was winning, too.

She shrank quickly, the sounds of bones cracking and a sorrowful howl escaping her lips. Her clothes were long since shredded to ribbons and now totally useless... but soon, the pale, red-haired girl replaced the once massive shewolf, and she even managed to take a few shaky steps... before collapsing onto the leaves, spent, and sleeping peacefully. She was so tiny compared to what she was before... the runes still burning into the dark of the forest, slowly fading, their reason to be active gone. She was completely at a calm state, naked and once more adorable, curled tight into a ball.
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 01:53:46 AM
That impact of her second paw sent a light shiver down the man's spine. That permanant wound she had inflicted ached lightly. As he heard that dull growl, that wave of adrenaline began to wane. He turned to see the creature slowly lumber away. "See I don't need no stinkin' demon to scare away even something that powerfull" He mused to Aiol, "Humoring things is for cowards"

He jokingly stuck his tongue out at the man, and began to follow the slowly changing she-wolf. "Well, we might as well figure out what the hell that was all about anyway right my explosion chasing freind?" He chuckled towards Aiol.  A brow erked as he spotted the naked girl, that shirt and coat removed, and then wrapped around her. He then attempted to pick her up. He made sure to check the spots on her legs he had grazed on the she-wolf, to ensure he hadn't done anything to drastic to her human form in the process.

It was indeed rather amazing how tiny she was compared to the shewolf that had scared that darkness back into the recesses of his mind. "Thanks kid" He commented under his breath. The rather skilled man rarely got to see even the slightest form of confrontation lately, thanks to that demon.

"So... erm, care for a drink" He tilted his head as he looked towards Aiol. A jerk of his head issued towards town. "I mean, we can't just leave her out here, probably drop her off at an inn and grab a pint right?" Those eyes of his focused on that wound, it was strange that the darker half of him hadn't began to heal it yet, or perhaps it was trying to heal it to no avail.
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 07:38:23 AM
The runes still burned away in Samantha's skin, at about the brightness of candlelight... they'd still been completed and made active within the last few minuites, so they'd likely burn for a while... though they did not look like they hurt her at all. Like... they were coming from beneath the shroud of her soft skin, like their glow was the glow of her blood. They were a part of her, there to stay on her. Her soft heartbeat was just barly audible, her chest too small to muffle it completely as it pumped her lifeblood through her veins, testament to the fact that the organ beating in her chest was not her own.

As Markus lifted her into his arms, she hung limply, utterly exhausted from the whole ordeal. The clothes he wrapped her up in were more than one or two sizes too large: she was, again, so very tiny compared to the man who held her. They were welcome, though, as was his appearant act of kindness towards her. The flesh on her thighs was a little red with irritation, like someone had raked a nail across her skin but had not pierced, but other than that, she was unscathed, her pale skin left (almost) unblemished. She slept peacefully, innocently, and in relative silence, only her heart, soft breathing, and slowly rising and falling chest letting her bearer know she was still alive.
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 08:24:44 AM
A light smirk graced his face, and he patted her on the head lightly. "Well that was random" He chuckled lightly. That loud heartbeart still had him a bit curious not to mention the runes, and his still not healing grazing wound. 'What are you' he thought to himself, that demon within drawing nothing but blanks so far.

A sigh of relief passed his lips at the lack of wounds, the demon within him cursing the fact he hadn't actually attacked. A toothy grin crossing the man's face as he turned to face Aiol. "Wow, I meet another random wandererereesser, only you run towards explosions, and now a crazy wolf lady thing, and and and... well hopefully you know where the closest town is" He seemed a bit more giddy after that little 'fight'.
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 09:38:44 PM
Markus sighed lightly and moved to continue along what he assumed to be the way to town. Those yellow eyes keeping an eye out for any other kinds of random encounters he might have along the way.

Careful not to trip or shake the strange girl too much, he made his way up a small hill. A light grin crossing his face as he spotted a small village. "Lucky" He said in a sing-song voice to himself as he made his way down the slight incline.

The animals of the forest seemed to avoid the very sight of him, another side effect of his little 'alter-ego', a frown graced his face. He did miss the days when birds flew over him and chipmunks flung acorns at him.
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 07:48:13 AM
The guards of that town seemed to be on high alert, and most of the townspeople were out in the square... there was a mob going on, complete with torches, and ragtag implements that showed they meant buisness... whatever that buisness was.

As Markus started walking down the incline towards the village, the guards, of course, took great notice of him, and stood there, dumbfounded for about a moment, until he got within spitting distance, when they immediately readied their spears against him. They were jittery, shooting the girl in his arms nervous looks, and him as well, looking him right in the eyes... these were simple people: they knew something wrong when they saw it, but they seemed to know the girl in his arms.

The guards stammered, looking ready to attack them both outright, trembling all over with stark terror of the both of them. The theme of this town seemed to be fear... but this was the kind of little colonial town that was full of the heartiest of folk, not to be trifled with.

"Sh-she's back!" one managed to cry out to the townsfolk, and almost immediately, the entire mob turned and let out a collective cry of hate-induced rage. This was not a reasonable place to be right then, not reasonable at all, and at the head of the mob was a bear of a man, clad in what looked like knight's armor, with a burlap cloak and a tarnished finish, and the very same shocking red hair that the girl in Markus's arms posessed.

"Drop her, wanderer! You hold in your arms a monstrosity beyond reproach! Drop her and leave, or die where you stand!" he cried, as he started charging, gleaming sword drawn into hand and looking reeeeally sharp. The girl bore a shocking resemblance to this man.
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 10:03:51 AM
A rather annoyed sigh graced his lips as the guards readied their spears, initially he thought they had gotten word about him, aparently they were fearful of the girl. "Oh a monster huh?, you fools have no idea who the real monster... or should I say monsters are around here," He gently set the girl to the side. A faint series of black arcs that seemed almost electrical coursed down his right arm.

He wasn't really much of a man for talking, that trigger digit on his right hand swiftly lifting and leveling with the spear wielding men. "   " He commented before one of those dark projectiles shot out, the goal being to blow up just those men, in an attempt to hopefully scare the villagers badly enough to run.

Those eyes focused on the large man, his right eye began to twitch lightly as he made the connection between him and the girl. "And you..." He spat towards the man's general direction. "The most digusting of them all" That accent began to gradually fade. "It's fun enough to kill one thing, but when it's a bunch of pathetic cowards that run their own out of town... well that just makes me warm and fuzzy inside."

That black eletricity began to course through his entire body now, the crackle of the energy put out by those trapped souls very audible. "So... appetizers are done... how about my main course?"
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 10:07:06 AM
A rather annoyed sigh graced his lips as the guards readied their spears, initially he thought they had gotten word about him, aparently they were fearful of the girl. "Oh a monster huh?, you fools have no idea who the real monster... or should I say monsters are around here," He gently set the girl to the side. A faint series of black arcs that seemed almost electrical coursed down his right arm.

He wasn't really much of a man for talking, that trigger digit on his right hand swiftly lifting and leveling with the spear wielding men. "Gute nacht narren.. " He commented before one of those dark projectiles shot out, the goal being to blow up just those men, in an attempt to hopefully scare the villagers badly enough to run.

Those eyes focused on the large man, his right eye began to twitch lightly as he made the connection between him and the girl. "And you..." He spat towards the man's general direction. "The most digusting of them all" That accent began to gradually fade. "It's fun enough to kill one thing, but when it's a bunch of pathetic cowards that run their own out of town... well that just makes me warm and fuzzy inside."

That black eletricity began to course through his entire body now, the crackle of the energy put out by those trapped souls very audible. "So... appetizers are done... how about my main course?"
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 12:51:31 PM
The two guards were blown to pieces, screaming as they died their violent deaths, the ground shaking violently as the gates collapsed and made the townspeople jump... but they were in angry mob form, and even to a fearsome demon man like him... that would prove to be a frightening thing indeed. He was strong... but not strong enough to take on this many angry, frontier-hardened people.

They knew it, too. They readied their spears as they charged, the man in front ignoring the demon's words almost completely, retorting only once, and simply. "Silence! Prepare to die, foul one!" and, running full speed in full platemail, a feat of strength in itself, he charged full-on, sword ready to skewer Markus. He was a lot bigger close up... he was a bear of a man, contrasted to his tiny little daughter who now slept on the ground druggedly, the runes humming softly still.

Once the man got in range, he swerved suddenly sideways, aiming to blitz right past him for his daughter, looking like he fully intended to kill her on the spot if he got the chance... and now was that chance, while Markus would have to pay attention to the angry townsfolk behind him.
Post by: Anonymous on September 29, 2007, 12:36:57 AM
The demon coughed nervously as he noted the villagers weren't running after the attack, and the huge man was running at him. "Well that's my cue"

As the demon half wanted the body to run, that human side kicked in yet again. "The hell!" Markus shouted as the man attempted to swerve and kill his own daughter. That form darting into the path of his weapon, if he followed through with the attack he would easily land the sword in Markus's abdomen.

Whether or not the man stabbed, Markus would remain upright. Those yellow eyes locked on to his. "You want to kill an innocent person for what they are?, you probably ran your own child out of town just to cover your own ass," That almost electrical build-up of energy amassed around him yet again. This time that sound similar to a low revving R.C. car motor heard, it seemed that attack he had used on the chipmunk was building up yet again.

"If you all want a death, oh I'll give you death" That noise began to grow louder, now sounding like a diesel engine revving up.