Spirits of the Earth

Western Le'raana => Niahi Woods => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 18, 2008, 11:37:34 PM

Title: A Long Way From Home (open)
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2008, 11:37:34 PM
(( sorry if it doesn't make much sense, my brain kinda decided to shut down somewhere in mid post so I more or less have no idea what I wrote down. ><))

"Hey, hey, let's call it quits for the night 'kay." A rather cheerful voice followed a deep sigh; that of which was a mixture of heavy-heartedness and restful relief. They had marched steadily for roughly 2 days; from the farm in south Connlaoth, over the Terrin mountains and across the woods. Two days had not been enough however, and it appeared that Rin and the cargo beast that accompanied her would have to spend a second night outside. At least this time around it would not have to be up in the mountains.

La'marri was still too far off to get there before nightfall. Especially now, that the starry sky had begun to emerge; the sun flashing it's last rays through the dense canopy. A good meal and a quiet night, in a comfy bed would have to wait for another day. Too bad, she'd really been looking forward to it.

The woman's companion was massive, but extremely docile; following orders with little to no defiance. Probably taller than an average human adult, the creature had humps like that of a camel, but was large and bulky. A thick coat and a small horns gave it the appearance of a bison. One large enough to deal seizable damage, should it become 'unruly'. Luckily, this species was incredibly gentle, like some kind of giant puppy; not to mention they were great with children and amazing all-weather creatures. Rinslet had borrowed this particular one from her neighbors back in Essyrn many times in the past, so they were very acquainted with one another; the human holding patty conversations with the beast during the length of their travels.

Bang, as the critter was called, laid flat on its stomach upon order to stop; being relieved of much of its cargo by its companion. Large sacks containing various food items and clothing were placed on the ground by the beast. A pair of blankets were also laid by the animal, creating a sort of makeshift bed for the girl to sleep in.

Once the burden had been lifted off of Bang's 'shoulders', Rin proceeded to light a fire as quickly as possible. This northern weather was horrible; more so for one such as her, who lived in the desert. Coat and hat were on also. Anything to stay warm, as she began to cook some dried meats over the open flame; already wishing to savor to tasty meal of an Inn at La'marri.
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2008, 12:00:18 AM
Demya sat preening her feathers and humming quietly. Waiting for her sister to arrive with food. She was nocturnal, she loved the night sky near the woods. The stars were always much brighter away from the cities.

A light shone from under a tree not too far away so she hopped over and squatted above where two travellers were sitting, this would never do. She did not like fire and thought cooking meat lost its flavour. She smelt meat cooking. Disgusting. She glared down at the two offenders.

'I would appreciate it if you doused that fire. You're dimming the stars.'
Title: Vehement Vampire
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2008, 08:33:15 AM
Shadows were the scene which this snake was found.  Never had it been burned by the light of the sun, but then again it was annoying.  People would audit it, notice it, and chase it in the daylight.  The ebony of night hid its ghostly flesh and elongated canines.  Olut's was a being that had never lived, but had already died.  He did not fear death, but he did not want to be destroyed before his time was up.  La'maari had already tasted the death that the vampire brought with him, and now he was transversing further along the hillside, skimming the slick shadows for any beckon of life.  

An odor wafted through the atmosphere, enticing the snout of the blood sucking fiend.  Nostrils flared as he glided toward the source of the scent; God it was allouring, almost as if there had been crimson liquid poured on the ground before him.  Saliva worked within the confines of his orifice as the aroma intensified.  A slender tongue would come from the ashen lips, running along their width.  Something stirred within the shadow of a man as he looked down the hill at a fire; a woman neared the fire and told the other female to douse the flames--Oh no, not the stars! thought Olut's.

Stiffling manical laughter, the parasite moved down the hill toward the fire.  That lick of hair plastered across his forehead would ebb with his movement.  Beautiful, plush pale lips pursed as he began to whistle a loud tune.  How he wanted to be noticed by the females before he fell upon them and devoured their life force.  It was always the women who would put up the most fight--men gave up too easily.  They would scream, say how they had children, cry, and fight.  God, all of those emotions made this man downright hot.  Hazel eyes scanned the two figures as he neared them, taking in their appearance.  One of them...  Was missing an arm.

Imperfection...  Disgusting.

Movement stopped outside the reach of the flame's light, and the whistling ceased.  Now he would watch; now he would wait.
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2008, 11:26:10 AM
As movement stirred beneath her, Radjah woke up only a little bit, only to notice a being moving under her, only to register the sound of feet on dead leaves. Then she dozed off again, until the realisation hit. She shot up straight, widely awake, the sudden movement the branch on which she was sitting was unable to hold. It snapped with a loud crack, and Radjah cursed gravity as she came down on a not too soft surface. Her leg had fallen on the branch, and a twig had fought its way into her skin and muscle, making it almost impossible for Radjah not to scream in agony out loud. She realized she had to get the wood out, and with one hand she gave the twig one hard pull, and her skin gave way. But the twig was out. Warm, red liquid poured over Radjah's leg and soaked her pants, her face holding a painful expression. With quite a bit of pain, she stood up, leaning against and behind the cursed tree she'd just fallen out. Stupid. Stu-pid. And of course there was absolutely no chance no one had heard her. Radjah clenched her jaw as she again heard the rustling of leaves, but this time in her direction.
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2008, 07:47:37 AM
A single finger pushed the front of the woman's hat up, allowing her to search for the source of the voice that had fallen from above. Dimming the stars? The creature certainly didn't look like the poetic type. But then again, what would the human know; all her attempts at poetry had been ridiculous failures. A bit of annoyance crossed Rinslet's features as her gaze wondered from the harpy towards the sky; the stars almost invisible from where she sat, thanks to the trees.

"Sorry, but I rather keep my fire..." The response was firm, even if the woman's voice gave way to girlish innocence. "... but I'm sure if you go higher you can watch your stars just fine. Or you're welcome to join us, we've got plenty of food here." Indeed, Rin had the amazing ability to invite people to join her or to get away from her in a single comment; always leaving the choice open for the invitee.

This however, would prove to be a long night, as a more eerie sound emerged from the darkness. A shiver falling down the Mordecai's spine at the sudden realization of the whistling near by; the behemoth beast reacting in a similar manner, roughly shaking of the feeling. Bang becoming uneasy was never a good sign. And a scream, painfully close, would only cause the creature to jump; it's head raised carefully studying the direction from where the sound had come. The woman's hand caressing the gun that rested on her side, hidden under the flowing, white coat; ready to strike at a moment's notice. How troublesome this was starting to become.
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2008, 06:32:36 PM
She heard a twig crack

'It appears you have more than one visitor this night,' Demya said, pulling a loose feather from her wing. It was bright red and had little strike of gold through the tip, 'shame. It was really pretty.'

She wrongly assumed it was her sister calling her from her hunt, 'fresh meat. It is a shame your hideous fire casts such long light. Otherwise the stars would have been easy to see at the forest's roof.' She glared down at the weird creatures sitting around the fire - not that she could talk - she was the one of two harpies in existance. It was a shame that only her unattractive sister was painted in human art. She was so much prettier.

'The horned creature is scared. Make it stop.'
Title: Re: A Long Way From Home (open)
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2008, 02:55:55 AM
Ebbed in from the darkness that surrounded the glow of the flames, his body enticed by a flowing cloak of ebony.  Pale skin was lustrious against the light thrown by the dancing fire, which seemed to shudder as his being neared its body.  Twilight chilled as the man took a seat next to Rinslet, knees brought up to his chest, the narrow slits of his eyes staring at her; hazel eyes usually hold emotion beyond that of a normal man, but these oval oracles appeared to hold none.  Lips crooked upward into a sly grin as he leaned forward, his finger making small circles on the knee of his left pant leg.

"Now woman, we do not think that a gun is necessary...  Do we?"

Velvet, smooth...  enticing.  Olut's orifice spoke so soothingly that one may be confused at his aura, but it was obvious that he was not a God fearing creature.  Vileness poured from his vehement visage, dousing dreams and desires.  He was not at the moment causing any harm, but would that last...?
Title: Re: A Long Way From Home (open)
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2008, 08:06:38 PM
'Oh! For crying out loud!'
Demya hopped from the branch and scratched at the earth, flicking up dirt over the fire. The light dimmed so that only red embers remained, 'much better.'

She punced without opening her wings and landed on the branch. Her sister should be here. Where on earth was that ugly brute?
Title: Re: A Long Way From Home (open)
Post by: Anonymous on May 24, 2008, 06:44:33 PM
You can stay Lyra. :) This is what the characters are doing.

Olut: spying on Rinslet and Bang, just revealed himself to them
Rinslet: Holding a gun towards Olut, uncomfortable
Bang: Shaking with fear (I thought he was screaming, I was wrong)
Demya: Standing in a tree, has just kicked Rin's fire out, told Rinslet to shut Bang up
Radjah: Fallen out of a tree, wounded, hasn't been spotted yet
Title: Re: A Long Way From Home (open)
Post by: Anonymous on May 31, 2008, 06:53:44 AM
Radjah released her breath once the negative aura focused on someone else, and tried moving her leg but winced in pain. Dammit. There was no way she could walk away on this without cursing or falling over. She sighed.

Her bag that had fallen next to her lay open, and the items were scattered across the ground. Radjah let herself fall on the leaves and began pulling them towards her, organizing them in her bag again. She left a white blouse out, and began tearing it apart with the knife she always carried on her, and just hoped it didn't create too much noise.

Once it was in broad, ragged bands she started cleaning the wound with some clean water from her waterbottle, and then wrapped the bandages around it to at least stop the bleeding. When she was finished pinning it down, she stood up again and this time didn't almost fall. Better, she thought. She pulled her jeans over the bandage, soaked in blood, and picked up a stick that seemed strong and she walked while leaning on it. Her bag was over her shoulder and almost fell off. At the point she wanted to put it on her shoulder properly again, a light came in her visual reach. A fire, softly burning, with a huge creature next to it as well as two human figures, one threatening the other with a gun.

Radjah quickly stumbled away behind a tree, hoping she hadn't been heard or seen. Holding her dagger in her hand, she clenched her teeth. This just keeps getting better, she thought cynically.

[OOC: Yeah sorry guys, I know it's crappy, but I just didn't want to make you wait any longer... Thanks for explaining, mdu =) Appreciate it...]
Title: Re: A Long Way From Home (open)
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2008, 01:56:22 AM
'Hoy hoy. You there behind the tree! I can hear you so don't think of doing anything stupid.'

Demya flapped her wings a bit to make herself look larger and came to peer around the tree, 'hello. You look like it hurts.' She put a finger out and touched the woman's leg.