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First Impressions [DragonSong]

Started by Arocraes, March 25, 2016, 08:14:36 AM

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Arocraes thought for a second. He didn't want to engage in a fight, as he was sure he'd win but not sure if he'd be allowed to remain on the ship. The best thing to do would be to hide.

Arocraes rolled the captain's still unconscious body underneath the bed and moved to remove the chair blocking the door. "Hide" he told Tara in a soft whisper as he rolled underneath the bed, grabbing onto Tara's hand.


"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Tara hissed. "This is your idea?"

But she didn't actually have anything better, so she slid under the bed with a wrinkled nose and a few muttered curses.


Arocraes grunted. "Where else would we go" he said in an aggressive whisper, as the voices from outside grew louder and they party drew near.

"Check this room" a distant voice ordered, when suddenly the heavy door swung open in full force, revealing the guard captain and a couple of his men. They paced around, moving objects surely searching for the whereabouts of Arocraes. Arocraes, however, clutched his katana while the bag of black iron was stowed away in the cargo area, likely in the middle of many other passengers' possessions.

"Like I said before, sir, a boy with tattoos and a katana did not board the ship" a familiar voice, that of one of the sailors, said to the captain. The guard captain grunted as his men left the room, shutting the door firmly behind them.


Tara pressed closer against him instinctively as they waited for the guards to leave.

"Why the hell are they after you in the first place?" she muttered when they'd left.


"I guess they're attracted to me. I don't blame them, I am quite pretty" he joked without giving her a straight answer. "Wouldn't you agree?"


She rolled her eyes and crawled out from under the bed. "Someone's awfully sure of himself."


Arocraes rolled out of the bed immediately after, leaving the captain's body underneath the bed. "It's okay we're all friends here, you can admit it" he replied as he gripped his katana and moved the chair to block the door once again.


Tara eyed him for a moment, a smirk twitching at her lips. "Alright, fine. You've got me," she purred, stepping up behind him.

Gripping his shoulder, she turned him around and leaned up to press against him, letting her lashes flutter and her eyes go soft. "You are kinda cute, I guess," she murmured, leaning in dangerously close.


Arocraes' cheeks flushed with warmth and his heart began to beat fast and he began to blush. However, he did not resist nor did he move his head back. Instead he leaned in forward, tilting his head slightly and closing his eyes.


"Ha!" Tara skipped away, giggling. "Oh gods, lad, that was too easy," she chuckled, tilting her head at him with a smug little smile.


Arocraes clenched his katana as he looked downward, ashamed to look up. He laughed in amusement, "Okay I'll admit that you got me." He walked towards the bed to sit. "You're quite cruel you know that?" he said with a smile.


"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" Tara quipped, perching on the bed next to him with a crooked smile.

Her eyes flicked over him and she realized she actually did feel a little guilty for teasing him. She pursed her lips and glanced away with a frown, not particularly enjoying that feeling.


"I'm just joking. Like I said, don't flatter yourself" he lied to her. He pressed his palms against the bed and looked at the ceiling again as he feigned a smile. He began to feel the ground shake, as the ship began to move. He sighed in relief. "Finally" he said to the girl.


"Hm." Tara gave him a calculating sort of look but decided to let the subject drop.

As the ship started to move, she let out a sharp breath and stood. "I need to walk around. If I don't get my sealegs quick, I won't get them at all."


"Alright, I'm going to get rid of the captain then." He dragged the body from underneath the bed. "We can meet again once the ship lands at Thanatos." He waited for her to leave the room before continuing.


"Sir, yes, sir." She gave him a little mock salute before she left the cabin and made her way up onto the deck.

A sigh of relief left her at the first breath of fresh air and she made a beeline for the rail, leaning out over the sea as far as she could.