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Trouble and drugs. (OPEN!! mention of Potent Pleasure...)

Started by Anonymous, June 09, 2007, 10:24:32 PM

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((The idea is that Starolf wants to find that demon who's off selling drugs and get in on the deal -- he wants more of that drug. But that doesn't have to happen right away; there could be a struggle to find him, get close enough to talk, etc. So join up if you're interested or just want a cool dude to talk to. I swear he's cool. Really.))

Starolf woke with a jaw-cracking yawn to find himself sprawled in the gutter. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was shining far too brightly for his tired eyes. "Nngh," he said, and then repeated it even louder when an old woman accidentally -- or not so accidentally? -- kicked him as she passed.

This is much easier done unconscious, Starolf thought with a wince. He achingly got to his feet and was amazed at the lack of cracking joints, although there were certainly a number of bruises that had not been there the night before. Or the night before the night before? Starolf couldn't quite remember the events; only that it involved a vomiting teenager, a naked woman (or two, or three, and give or take a number of naked men), and a combination of drugs and alcohol. One of the drugs had a particularly nasty bite, but only if by "nasty" one meant positively orgasmic. The very thought of his experience -- what little he remembered of it, of course -- was enough to make his whole body tense and thrum with sensuality; his clothing felt not like the bedraggled rags they were but like a beautiful woman pressed tightly against his naked body. What had they called it? Potent Passion, or Pleasure, or...

Oh, blast it, thought Starolf with a scowl. That's not important. What's important is that I really, really want more.

In all his many years as rogue extraordinaire, he had never turned down a new concoction. It was a point of pride. He would stoop to any level of debauchery, any level of depravity, and he felt no remorse except for perhaps the desire to remember -- only a few, mind you -- more nights of his life. He had little skill apart from having a good time, but he more than made up for that by his utter disregard for moral (or hygienic) scruples. No, Starolf was a rogue in the truest sense of the word: no nobility, no redeeming qualities, and absolutely no sobriety.

But now, suddenly, for perhaps the first time in his rotten little life, Starolf had a goal. He felt like a new man. A new species. A butterfly breaking from its coccoon, the Sun piercing through fog, a father renewing his dedication to his family by renouncing alcohol-- well, no, Starolf thought, perhaps not that last one.

So absorbed in his thoughts, Starolf almost ran over one of the passers-by on the path. "'Scuse me," he belched, and as he passed lecherously grabbed for the person's rear. Then: "Hey, hang on a tic. You have the look of someone who might be able to help me, now. You wouldn't happen to know where..." Starolf lowered his voice, and exaggeratedly looked back and forth before continuing. His breath reeked, but then again, so did his entire body. "You wouldn't happen to know where a lad could get some pleasure, would you? And not, surprisingly, the two-legged kind."


Rys cocked her head slowly to one side, a calculating, feral gleam in her slate eyes. She blinked once and ran a hand through her hair, the long, loose sable tunic rustling with her movements. It sagged over the deeper brown belt around her high waist, and fell in tousled folds to her knees. It was her only item of apparel other than quiet and scuffed ankle-boots to match her belt.

She let her arm fall slowly back to her side to hang loosely. "No." With a step to bring her eye-to-eye with Starolf, she inclined her head and sniffed delicately at his neck. "You smell of poisons and of man." Rys stepped back again, her face blank and gaze stony. "Is it customary for men like you to paw others? Because it is not," she lifted an eyebrow and brought her hand up to rest on her hip, "an agreeable gesture where I come from."


((Mona, if you ever see this, still feel free to join in :)))

"No? A right shame, that," Starolf replied, eyeing the woman appraisingly. Tall, slender, bare knees -- his type, although these days he was not that picky. And her wildly coloured hair was enough to attract anyone's attention, and Starolf, a self-proclaimed appreciator of art, was no exception. "And I don't think pawing is much acceptable anywhere, or at least nowhere I've been, and like as not I've been where you've been so really that's just to say I generally don't care about acceptable behaviour. But if you liked it I wouldn't say no to giving it another run, eh?" Starolf leaned forward and leered, but then remembered her comment about his scent and hurriedly leaned back again.

Alright, a bath then, or at least a cold bucket of water. Not a bad idea. He couldn't remember the last time he had had one, and raised an arm to sniff at his armpit. Blech. A very long time ago.

"But, say, I'll be hunting down this here Potent Pleasure whether you know who's got the stash or not," Starolf continued. Long drugged out of respect, his keen golden-hazel eyes met her cool blue ones unflinchingly. "And I isn't ever one to say 'no' to a lady. You want to join me? The drug'll near blow your mind clean off, it's that good." He grinned, and his teeth were surprisingly straight, white, and clean compared to the rest of him. "The name's Starolf. What's yours?"


"Rys." She drew the end out like a hiss, instinctively responding to his demeanor and bared teeth. Her shoulders rolled back as she lifted her other hand to mirror the one fisted below her waist. The pose was a blatant challenge and just a bit cocky, but her voice was as cool as ever.

"I don't ingest poisons of any sort," Rys stated, dipping her chin to look up at him so her demeanor softened slightly, "but if there is... compensation..." she let the idea dangle, unfinished. Internally she was rolling the name of the drug, 'potent pleasure' over and over again. With innate curiosity and just a little bit of disdain, Rys couldn't help but wonder why, when races became more human and less animal, they felt the need for such things. Pheromones, especially at the height of breeding season, were enough for her.

Regardless, she eyed Starolf, taking in his scent underneath his uncleanliness and analyzing it - people, men especially, could often reek of dishonesty. Among other things, of course.


Starolf cocked his head comically and looked her up and down -- she looked human, but there was definitely something a little fishy about the way she drew back like -- like some kind of cat, Starolf decided. Hissing? Something just a touch different about this little lady. Starolf grinned. He really didn't mind; when you lived a lifestyle like Starolf's, you brushed against folks much stranger than just a girl who acted a lot like a cat. He wondered if her luxuriously different hair had anything to do it. Maybe it was more than acting...?

He shrugged. He never knew anything about magic or Others and frankly, he didn't care much. Life is life is life and women is women is women, right?

"Well, hello then, Rys, and it's a pleasure to meet you." Starolf grinned, but in mock puzzlement scratched his head. "Compensation, you say? Are you telling me you never heard o' the kind of compensation a drug peddler gets? Why, girlie!" he exclaimed, grinning all the wider. "You must be the most sinless creature I e'er did meet. Drug peddlers are always filthy rich. Their clients can't help but buy the product, y'see."

He shrugged, made to walk away, and cast a mischievous glance over his shoulder. "But if you're not one for that sort of compensation, well, there's not much I can do for ye. Except the obvious, of course, and I thought we already decided you isn't one for touches." He laughed, and it was the kind of laughter that was held back by nothing; Starolf, though a complete rogue, let nothing but his own desire for pleasure stand in his way.

"Oh!" He stopped, jerked back around to face Rys. "You wouldn't happen to know where a fellow could get a bath, hey? A friend o' mine was askin', see." Starolf winked. His movements were so spontaneous and unconnected that he was the total opposite of Rys's inherent grace; Starolf seemed more of a man who had given his entire soul over to sensual pleasure, and it was his body that had control and moved abruptly after every passing whim.

There was no guile in his face, nor any true ill will. Starolf had little time for lying and although he could do it when he chose, most of the time he had no shame at all, and he certainly felt none now. Why would he lie about his attraction to a pretty woman, and why would he lie about how absolutely bloody wonderful this new drug was? Like or not, Starolf was, at least, utterly honest about his debauchery -- he was merely extending an invitation for the lovely cat-lady to join him.


Satisfied that Starolf was no threat to her, Rys relaxed into her usual loose-limbed, I-really-don't-care pose. "Monetary compensation is what I'm after." Her eyes were back to their depthless apathy, but her mouth lifted at one corner. "If I can gather an equal amount, I'll help you track down your pleasure poison."

"Oh," she lifted her arm at the elbow and her hand drifted out to brush the filthy cloth covering one of his shoulders, "if you need to bathe, and you do," a pause and a lift of her eyebrow, "why not go to a lake, or pond? It's free and clean, unless you're modest." That last word was said with something like sarcasm and deep doubt, accentuated by the heavy fall of her arm back to her side.

Rys was sure Starolf had noticed her inhumanity, and figured that he'd use it to his advantage; which wasn't particularly bad for Rys, as long as she got a cut of whatever money was in this new venture. And if she didn't, she'd steal as much as she felt entitled to. She wasn't malicious, simply animal - as long as she got what she desesrved in one way or another, her lack of conscience rarely got the better of her.

As she watched his thought processes clearly on his face, the sheer lack of inhibition brought surety that, while Starolf was entirely too human for her taste, he was unusual in his lack of false smiles and lies. A trait Rys appreciated, if for no other reason, than because it kept her safe.


((May have to drag this out a little (ie, ShizukuTonderui's druglord Akabu is busy elsewhere right now) so I just thought I'd give you a heads up. If you have any ideas plot-wise, I'd love to hear them! Starolf is up for anything :)))

"Looks like we're a team, then," Starolf said. "You look clever enough. No doubt whoever's producing this gem of a drug will appreciate a -- what do they call it? -- oh, a femme fatale on the peddling team. Even if she's a bit of an innocent," and here he winked again. "A few hours with me and I'll have that skivvied off in no time. Of course, we've first got to find the lad, and that'll be the trick of it." This unfamiliar city left Starolf a little worried as to how he'd even find the man -- or woman, he amended. He was especially worried that the angelic threads of sheer sensual bliss, bare remnants of the powerful sensations he had experienced the night before, would fade away before he could get his hands on another round.

Starolf noticed the tension in her body melt away and leave her loose and relaxed, presumably after she realized he was not a threat, and again he was struck by how strangely feline the movement was -- lithe, efficient, flexible. Flexible, eh? His mind latched onto the thought, and if Starolf were not so keen on finding the maker of this Potent Pleasure, he would have directed his efforts more towards getting to know this Rys woman better. Then again, she was a bit cool for his tastes; Starolf always did like the passionate (not to mention impulsive) ones.

"Not modest at all, Rys," he said, half-reaching to give her another squeeze but not actually completing the action. "But I'm a little hazy as to how I even got to this damned city. You know where a lake or pond is, maybe? Care to take me there? Take a bath with good ol' Starolf?" His lechery was mere habit now; Starolf wasn't really serious. Rys didn't seem the type of girl to be into that sort of thing. Not to mention the fact that if he got the girl round with child, she seemed as like to whelp a litter of kittens as a baby. Not that Starolf was the type to stick around when that happened, of course; there were too many wrathful fathers on his enemy list to count, and what made the men even angrier was that Starolf all too often could not remember their daughters' names.

"Change o' clothes would be dandy, too."


((Absolutely. I'll think on some mini-plots and get back to you.))

Rys followed Starolf's faux-grab with her eyes, and then lifted them to his face. "I know of a place you can clean yourself," she replied, followed by a huff of air as she looked over Starolf's clothes. With what looked like a roll of her eyes, she pivoted and began to move away. "Wait here. I'll find you something clean to wear." Her eyes lit with a wry humour that was mirrored on her mouth. "Not that it's too difficult to be cleaner than that."

The easiness of his demeanor gave pause to the automatic dislike with which Rys treated all people in general. It didn't cure her of her dislike, but it did make her less inclined to simply cast off any merit he may have. There wasn't any reason for her to fear him; what's more, he didn't seem to have any idea that she was more cat than human, which tended to make people want to own her rather than work with her.

But there was no time to brood on that. Rys was almost certain she could procure him appropriate clothing, seeing as his build wasn't too far from that of any normal human man, and she needed to make sure she had enough time to do so. There were many advantages to being a werecat, and her softness of step and ability to hide in the most awkward of places were only a couple of them.

Before she stepped into the flow of people, Rys gazed at the man and lifted her chin stubbornly, eyebrows raised. "I'm not innocent in the ways of man," she peered at him and dipped her voice into a purr, "or animal."

With that, she was swept away in the bustle of pedestrians, giving Starolf no time to see her grin at his expense. If there was one thing that gave Rys true pleasure, it was playing with people the way they so often played with her more feline brothers and sisters for their own empty amusement.


Ah, so much to do, so many people to see, so many drugs to give out! Word down his grapevine had told him that someone was out asking questions about his drugs. That was a very dangerous thing to do, some people just could be so...strange and silly. Publicly announcing the drugs that they wanted to get, and with his drugs being so...controversial well...there would always be trouble here. Why did some people have to be so...well...human. They needed to learn some discretion when looking for their favourite drugs. Blah.

He liked being so tall though, that was always his advantage. Large trench coat wrapped around his body, the colour had changed to a lighter grey than the usual one he wore. He kept his large fedora of course to cast his face in darkness, and to keep the sun off. Sunlight always seemed to burn him when he stayed out too long, he had to just make sure that he kept his head down and out of sight...which was hard to do being so damn tall. Sometimes his height was a curse...sometimes.

Now, he had to find the right person. He was looking for a very disheveled man, smelled to high heaven as well. Yeah, like that wouldn't be hard to find. Truth be told it was easy, he was just following the smell of his own drugs at this time. He could follow that easily. His strides were quick as he started roaming along the streets of Connlaoth, or at least, roaming the alleyways that were connecting all the streets and aruond all the buildings.

It took him a while, but he found his mark. The smelly man. He was talking to someone it seemed. This was interesting...maybe he had found a hooker or something to join him. She didn't look like a prostitute...maybe a friend. What did he care? Crimson eyes flashed as he decided to take this time, not very interested in the conversation he could barely hear from the alleyway.

Akabu rushed forward as the woman departed from his company. This was his chance. Akabu came up behind Starolf, carefully placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "I heard you were looking for me." His voice was a deep rumbling purr, excited that he would be able to tempt this poor man. Heh, he was rather excited about being able to finally get someone hooked on potent pleasure. Not many people really got hooked by this sort of thing. Some people really liked the pleasure, and some people didn't. This man seemed to really like it...Heh...he was glad that it could blow his mind then.

"But I'll tell you this now friend, you need to be very careful when talking about this stuff y'hear?" Mouthy humans attracted attention to everything,a nd he really couldn't have that. The authorities might like to get their hands on him...if he didn't already have some of the authorities in his pocket so to speak. He just had to keep everyone cool or else there might be trouble, a whole lot of trouble.

"Now, it's pleasure you want right, my little Potent Pleasure tablets. Heh, I'm guessing you want something that lasts a while right? Just tell me how long you want the fun to last. Up to a full day if you so want, but you won't be able to stay up that long with all that pleasure coursing through you and your little...friend." Akabu had a quick tongue, mainly because he loved to talk and hear his own voice. It was his greatest asset after all. His tongue was his gift, a silver tongue that was honed after many years.


((haha, looks like it didn't take so long after all, Aiobhan -- but mini-plots are still always welcome, of course))

Starolf's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he heard the voice come out of nowhere -- as if from heaven, considering what it spoke of -- and a huge, deliriously happy grin spread across his face. Now this is what I'm talking about, he thought. This is it. Maybe now Starolf would finally start to make some money, doing the one thing he loved so much.

The touch, well, that didn't bother him so much. Starolf was used to touching. He rather liked it, even if he didn't know who the owner of the hand was -- even if the owner, as Starolf turned to look, was a seven foot tall demon with sharp teeth and dangerous eyes. No, Starolf didn't care much at all. He was used to strange visions; the only difference here was that this was, as far as Starolf could tell, stone-cold sober reality. "Aye, I probably am looking for you," Starolf agreed, not batting an eye. "And I've no doubt that your stuff is going to take over this whole city. The whole world."

Starolf stood a little straighter, looked the beast right in the eyes, and did his best to come across as a determined and responsible man. He was not sure if he was actually capable of those qualities, but Starolf was sure he could wing it if he had to; he was pretty talented at thinking on his feet. "A variety would be good, I think. I've had that day-long stuff before and let me tell you it sure knocked me out cold after the first rush. But say," and Starolf almost sidled up to him, but remembered his hygiene issues just in time, "you'll need some help distributing it. I'm your man. In fact, we're your men," and Starolf gestured at Rys beside him. "Err--we're your man and woman, I suppose. I've got the brains, she's got the beauty, you know how it is." He winked, nudged Rys conspiratorially in the ribs. "I can pay you for my own use but if you give me extra, I'll have it back to you double its worth within a week. I know all the right people."

All the low-lifes, all the sluts, all the scoundrels and the alcoholics, all the bums and hobos and beggars and con-men and crooks. Compared to the rest of the country's seedy underbelly, Starolf was one of its saints -- but a well-connected one. "I should warn ye, though," Starolf added, "if I were you I wouldn't be calling my companion here a 'little friend.' She's right feisty, that one. Oh, and my name's Starolf Guri. Yours?" He began untying the elaborate, nearly paranoid knots that secured his money pouch to his ragged belt, something that would take quite a few minutes.


Rys, having slipped back to Starolf in time to drop in on a conversation he was having with a very large demon, took the prod in her stomach but cast a dirty look all the same. She was carrying a pile of folded clothes - rather clean, not altogether too fashionable - and a bar of rough soap. The smell of deceit rolled off of the large demon in waves, assaulting her senses, and the tangy catch of drugs and poisons piggybacked on the already noxious fume; Rys wondered idly if humans had any idea how lucky they were that their sense of smell was all but gone.

Her chin held up, stubborn and proud, Rys looked the demon over and wrinkled her nose. "You're the one who supplies this... Pleasure drug?" Her tone held little of the disapproval she felt, in favor of a more neutral one. Until she could be sure of how to play this demon, her demeanor had to stay completely detached and uncaring.

Although she never once looked at Starolf, Rys knew he was keen on getting more of his drug and probably wasn't paying much attention to anything else - but he was hatching some sort of plot, and she caught just the tail of it. He wanted to steal the drug straight from the dealer, but she was yet unaware of how they would go about it - so for now, she simply agreed.

"Yes, we're well connected and could easily get well over what the drug is worth." As if just catching the 'fiesty' comment, Rys pulled out her most amiable smile and shot it Starolf's way, feigning friendly warmth with the ease of a seasoned actress. "Fiesty is one word for it, I suppose."


Akabu loved to scare people, give them a good jolt. More so the people who were getting addicted. That and coming out of a dark alley way just felt right and cliche. How could he pass something like that up? Being cliche was just fun for him, it was an enjoyment for him. playing the part of the bad guy was something he was born to do after all. Well...technically he had been born to make magic and such but...Bah. That wasn't important right now.

The touch on the shoulder only worried Akabu because the man seemed so dirty. He didn't want a funk or anything to get on him. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to smell like Starolf seemed to. Ah well, to each their own right? This man was quite...interesting, eager really. He liked that.

"Ah, trying to flatter me. I like that. I admire it. It's funny really." He didn't really care if the man was lying or not. He was going to give the fellow drugs anyways. He had to after all. Deny no one, ever. That would just be wrong of him. He couldn't just...deny people this sort of thing, he had to make sure the drugs got out, just not who was supplying them. He had to remain the shadow government here, working behind the scenes and letting no one know who the person was. "A variety? Heh, that works then." He raised an eyebrow as the man decided to try and get his way into the drug racket. Yes, having people helping him distribute the drugs would be good...

"Yes, I am the one who supplies the pleasure drug. Potent Pleasure, PP, the Pills of Prowess. Word play is just in my blood tonight for some reason..." He murmured at the end, wondering what he was going on about now. Sometimes things got away from him, he wasn't sure why.

"Pay? Oh friend. My drugs are free you know. Mostly free. Heh." Sure you had to give your immortal soul, you got stuck with a harsh addiction, dulled all your pleasure receptors and needed the drug to make you better...but still...they were mostly free. "If you want to help me give out drugs, then that's fine. I'll supply you with all you need. No quotas, no money needed, just as long as the drugs get out there. Just try not to skim too much and spend all your time fucking each other. Seriously." Being psychic was something Akabu loved, being able to skim the minds of others and have some knowledge that people had...surface knowledge anyways.

"And I'm about seven feet tall. Everyone is little. It's simple truth, not a demeaning observation. Ahem." He moved back just a small bit, bowing to them with a grand flourish. "You are talking to Akabu, Daemon Lord of Temptation. Prince of Pills, Duke of Debauchery, God of Gluttony, Saint of Sins, and so on and so on. If it tempts you, that's all my doing. Except for chocolate. I don't know whose that was..." Was it a joke or the truth? No one could really be sure on that one. Just nodding and accepting it would probably work out for the best.

"I'd love to test out the potent pleasure with you strange one, but I'm afraid that business before pleasure. For me anyways. You two are welcome to do what you want. Now let's get you some drugs." Akabu began to dig around in his pockets and began to produce some vials of liquid and jars of pills. "They're all labelled, what they do, how long they last and what not. Just take as directed. Oh, you'll need these for the liquid drugs..." He produced a small bag of sterile needles, grinning, his razor sharp teeth flashing as he handed them over. "Each needle is wrapped up. DON'T take the wrapping off until you're using the drugs. However I think you two will just be using the potent pleasure pills so...I wouldn't worry about the needles." He would turn Potent Pleasure into a liquid form but then it would be just way too strong, and the over stimulation might blow out a person's mind. That would never be good for business.

"The drug isn't worth much. It doesn't cost me anything to make, so I don't need to sell it for much. Charge whatever you want, but nothing over a silver. You can keep whatever you make. Not in this for the money. Ahem. There you go though. Three drugs, Caerin, Sixth Sense, and Potent Pleasure. Try to enjoy them. Heh heh. Ah what the hell, I'll throw in some RB Acid." Another small bag full of vials were given to Starolf and his companion Rhys with that unnerving smile of his, which turned of course into a large grin.

Heh. This was going to be good.


If Starolf weren't so used to the bizarre and the twisted, he would have found Akabu's absent-minded chitchatter very strange indeed, considering that Akabu was a seven-foot demon, wings and claws included, with the deep and booming voice to match. In fact, Starolf rather liked the discrepancy; he had a fondness for the weird and the wonderful. Not really knowing what to say for the most of it, he listened (trying to look as respectful as he could) and remained silent.

Then: "Did I hear that right?" Starolf ventured. "You can't be serious... your drugs are free? Free, you said? Why -- why that would mean that Rys and I could -- are you sure you don't want any of our profits? Are you sure that -- " His voice trailed off as the enormity of the offer hit him. Free! Free! Free! His muscles tensed up in anticipation of the coming hit, and it was with great effort that Starolf kept his fingers from twitching and grabbing. No, he told himself firmly. First, bath. Then fun. Although the sensation of water spilling over his skin would certainly be amplified if he only had a little first... Mmm. Just a little, then.

"Oh, I don't think we'll be fucking each other at all, Rys is a little touchy, y'see, not that I wouldn't mind o' course, she's a right beauty in my eyes, but I'm sure you know how it is, don't worry, you can rely on us, we're excellent salesmen, err, salespeople, salesperson and salescat..." Starolf rambled, waving his hand in Rys's direction, but he was still caught up on the idea that he could be high for the rest of his life and never pay a thing. The knowledge was mind-boggling.

At Akabu's declaration of his identity, Starolf suddenly snapped up straight again, his eyes keen and triumphant. "So there actually is a Lord of Temptation? I knew it! I told my buddies way back in the day that someone had to be producing all that stuff -- it had to come from somewhere and -- hey, you know what?" Starolf asked, and then answered his own question with frank admiration: "I've always been very fond o' your products. You are excellent at what you do. You probably hear that all the time, but it's as easy to get addicted to flattery as to wine, eh?" He grinned, as a friend to a friend. Starolf was a real connoisseur of the addictive and the illegal, and he was probably one of Akabu's best customers. "Thanks from all your addicts, Akabu. And feel free to experiment on me any time you like." Another toothy grin.

He gaped at all the many drugs piled into the bags: even if he had wanted to use them all, he'd never have the time. Why, they could start handing these things out to children in schoolyards if they wanted -- not Potent Pleasure, of course, Starolf was uneasy with the idea of introducing pre-pubescent children to the highest ecstasies of the senses (it's just plain unnatural, he thought), but anyone else? He and Rys would have to come up with appropriate code-names, of course, and appropriate passowrds -- no real drug ring is complete without code-names and passwords, Starolf knew -- but from there on in it would be easy sailing...

Starolf looked over at Rys with the wild grin of success, and would have whirled her around in a dance if he hadn't known she would disapprove so thoroughly. Instead, he murmured, "Alright, lady, looks as if we're set. Get me that bath and I'll get you rich." A new personal goal rose unbidden in his mind: She should, of course, know what she's selling... Starolf liked to share, and now he wanted to share his extensive knowledge of substance abuse with the world -- and, if at all possible, with Rys.


Rys watched Starolf with her eyebrow cocked and her hands fisted on her hips. He was giddy, in every sense of the word, over the so-called "free" drugs coming his way. Rys, on the other hand, was skeptical.

"Free drugs?" She took a step forward, placing herself between Starolf and Akabu, and gazed at the demon. "Do you not intend on making a profit? Or are you after something else?"

If I were a drug dealer, I'd want my clients to get addicted first - then start charging them as much as I wanted, because I knew they'd give their soul for more,</I> Rys thought, eyeing the demon, <I>perhaps... quite literally.

Reaching behind her, she snagged Starolf's wrist and pulled him up to flank her. The move was impersonal in the best way; no affection on her face, no friendliness in her eyes, no amiability toward her companion at all. But when she turned to him, releasing his wrist to lift her free hands and place them on his shoulders, Rys gave off an aura of concern which was not entirely false. "Don't you suppose we should pay for these drugs anyway?" Her head turned so she could look at Akabu, but her body remained still. "As a... down payment, of sorts."

All of her instincts, both animal and human, sensed something was not quite right with this demon drug lord. He was... so willing, so ready to give away these drugs, that there must be some retributive properties to them which would work in his favor even as they ruined the addicts. Whether she liked Starolf or not, she wasn't entirely dispassionate toward him - and if she could spare him from some of the drug's evils, she would.


"That's right little guy, free as the wind and the air." Akabu confirmed with a nod. Though he lacked the wings to show he was a Daemon, he had most of everything else, large dagger sharp teeth, two rows of them too, the feet, and the tail. Of course...he kept the tail wrapped around his leg inside his pants. Heh...he held another long thing inside his pants...Ahem, right, business then first. Well...if she was on the drugs it would be business-no! Akabu kept a level smile as he listened to the ideas from Starolf, or at least, the thoughts of the man. He really wanted these drugs again. Pitiful soul. Maybe he would let the creature keep it.

"I know you have. You look like a man who has...interesting taste." Akabu noted as he looked the man up and down again before keeping his gaze level on his face. Such a fascinating man. He knew he lived in depravity, but he didn't care. If only he knew more people like this man, then he would probably have a lot more power. Oh well. "It falls on deaf ears I'm afraid. I can't come to let myself be swayed by pretty words." Akabu pointed out with a small apologetic look on his face. He did wish he could perhaps get to know the man and trust him even a bit, but he couldn't be sure yet. "Though, if I make anymore drugs like Potent Pleasure, you can be sure that I'll come a calling." Akabu would be sure of that, because he wanted to see just what this man could do before...well dying.

"Profit is for suckers really." Akabu looked downward at Rys, grinning and flashing his teeth at her. "I'm not charging anyone anything Rys. Not even their soul. Unless they wanted to give it to me. I don't feed on them, I'm not powered by them either." He leaned down until his razor sharp teeth were just inches from her ear to whisper to her. "Because the temptation is all I need. This country is ripe with it. I'm harvesting it for myself. You're full of it too, you reek of temptation." More power came from people who were tempted recently, or were being tempted at the time. Though residual power could be taken from those who had been tempted earlier. Not as much though.

"And no, no paying for the drugs. Use the money on whatever....tempts you." Akabu said as he pulled away from her, laughing to himself. Sure he had bigger plans than that, but he had to start small and somewhere!

His eyes focused on Rhys for a moment as something troubling caught his ear...or...his mind's ear. That was a dangerous thought for her to be having. "Starolf, if you will excuse me please, I need to talk with Rhys alone." He gripped Rys's wrist tightly and pulled her along away from Starolf. "I want you to stop those thoughts. Those are VERY...VERY bad thoughts to be having. Starolf is very happy where he is. I'm not just saying this as a drug lord either. These drugs can't kill you, you can't overdose, you can't be harmed from them, and I'm not charging people. Don't try to be a martyr here, because I will stake you to a wall in Hell and let the Demons of Sodomy have their way with you." The Daemon hissed angrily to her. He really didn't like her trying to think that way, like she could stop him.

"Now! I must be off. You two have a wonderful time. I'll be watching Starolf, and you too Rys. Heh heh. Make me proud my little dealers." Akabu said as he headed into the alleyway, enjoying the darkness of it. Ahh...he felt better in the was really...pleasing after all. He disappeared completely into the shadows, being sucked into the shadows of the alleyway. Heh. He was going to look after them, check up on them once in a while to see how they were doing. If Rys messed up, he'd end her. He'd make sure of that too.


Rys blinked slowly once and then smiled at where the demon once stood, tilting her head to the side and stretching out every muscle, tendon, and ligament in her body one-by-one in the manner which only cats seem to have mastered.

"I don't need to be tempted," she said quietly, not caring if the demon could hear her or not, "I don't care. You can't tempt someone who doesn't care."

But I'll bait you just the same. The thought slithered into her mind, settling in a coil at the base of her psyche like a snake in a dark hollow of ground. You have an ego like only a man could have, but big enough to swallow your stature. What fun.</I>

Rys knew her apathy would get in the way of the demon, just as she knew that she could do as she pleased. She didn't care about pleasure or highs as equally as she didn't care about the state of mankind. Pure and simple: Rys was in it for the money. If she wanted to salvage Starolf, it was based solely on a whim, a passing interest.

Though guilt nagged at her briefly for the sake of people like the woman who took her in when she needed to be re-humanized, she also knew that it was because of all the rest of mankind that her family, cat and human, were hunted and dead.

Pausing in her reflection, Rys chuckled internally at the demon Akabu's expense. So he can read us. Our thoughts aren't safe from him, but yet... If it were possible to smirk with one's subconscious, she did so. But yet he can't fathom how we operate. If only he knew. But he doesn't, which is all the better for me!

Rys grinned with feeling for the first time in a long while at the fun she would have during this endeavor, and decided that Starolf really didn't need to know about the details of Akabu's one-sided conversation with her. So instead she sidled up to him, stooped to grab the clothes and soap from their resting place on the ground, and shoved them into his arms.

"We can't sell anything to anyone when you look like garbage and smell even worse." Her tone was dry but her eyes alight with wicked humour as she pushed gently on Starolf's shoulder. "I'll show you where you can bathe.


(Shizzy, you have any ideas for people we could eventually approach to sell to?)

"Pay for these drugs? Hell no! Akabu, she is addled in her wits, don't pay her any mind at all," Starolf said, grinning at them both. He added, as an aside to Rys, "Why fix something not broken?" Her grip on his wrist had been tight and he rubbed it, thinking he might end up with a couple more bruises to his skin and honour. Stronger than she looks, then.

Starolf watched, slightly bemused, as the demon dragged off Rys to have some private conversation out of his hearing. Now what was that about? He watched keenly: Rys's body once again tense and displeased, Akabu looming over her as if to impress the fact that yes, indeed, he was a big and scary demon -- as if it wasn't obvious enough. Starolf was happy to see that Akabu's size and scariness did not really seem to affect her one way or another, or at least she didn't let it show. A girl after my own heart! Starolf wondered briefly if they were plotting some backstabbing move for him, but then decided that they would never do it in such an obvious location and, more importantly, neither knew him well enough to want to backstab him yet. So what was going on?

Before he could follow the train of thought any further, he found his arms full of clean-smelling clothes and rough, yellow soap, and his sore wrist being yanked up to stand beside the cat-woman once again. Akabu had vanished down an alley, and when Starolf strained to see the demon's tall form he saw nothing but shadows and trash.

Starolf let Rys push him along the street amiably, even putting up a show of resistance just to tease her. "Some people like garbage, you know," Starolf protested mildly. "Hobos, for instance. Clean people are more likely to kick." All the same, he'd be damned glad for a bath -- and, remembering the leather bags in his hands full of pills and vials and syringes, it would be a damn good bath, too.


(( I have a friend who's joining and she might be interested in playing an addict. I'll keep you posted ;D ))

"They don't like garbage," Rys replied with a huff and a roll of her eyes, "they just have to put up with it. I refuse to put up with you in this state."

He's so friendly. It's odd. The thought came with only a twinge of discomfort, but a swell of relief. One didn't have to distrust someone who had nothing to hide. Given time, she thought, she might actually like this man. Might.
When she'd led him out to a less densely populated part of the city, she lifted her head and scented the air - a very animal gesture. Looking about to get her bearings, Rys motioned to a more suburban part of the city where there were larger trees and far more plants growing. "It's a small inlet over there. Not big enough to be a lake, but clean and private enough during the less warm months."

She went to reach for his wrist to guide him along again but paused, noting the vague discoloration. Rys blinked twice and looked at him, confused. "If I hurt you, you ought to have said something." Not wanting to apologize or even to explain herself, she simply fell back to walk alongside him instead of half in front of him. "It's in my nature to drag people along behind me."


((Eeeexcellent. I think another new RPer, Jen, may be joining us soon too.

...Unless that's the friend you meant, haha))

"You're putting up with me just fine, little lady," Starolf replied, laughing. "Bringing me clothes and soap, bathing me, putting up with my jokes -- you know I ought to be worried you'll spring the question on me soon! I isn't ready for marriage yet, Rys. Couple hours from now, maybe, but not yet." He grinned again. "We hardly know each other!"

Away from the bustling crowds, the bags of drugs in Starolf's arms seemed to burn into his skin, a constant reminder of their presence; the privacy here would make it so easy to swallow a pill or two, let it take over, drift off into sweet oblivion for a couple hours or days... Later, Starolf told himself firmly. Not now. Not at the start of business. He did not add, Not in front of Rys, but the thought still lurked at the back of his mind.

"Thanks much," Starolf said. He barely waited for Rys to finish her next sentence; as he made a run for the concealed water, he shouted over her shoulder, "I bruise like a peach -- don't worry your pretty head over it! And I'll warrant people--"

Whatever the sentence finished with was drowned out by the sound of a giant splash and an exhilarated whoop. "Jeminy, but it's cold!" Starolf exclaimed loudly for Rys's sake. "You're as like to kill me as to wash me!"

The water wasn't as all cold as that, but as Starolf began flinging his soaked and filthy clothing onto the bank, he couldn't help but think that one pill, just the one, might ease the shrinkage a little. The silky mud between his toes felt good, but how much better would it feel with some of Akabu's Potent Pleasure coursing through his veins?

"A lot better," Starolf said to himself, his eyes lit up with anticipation. He waded towards the leather bags again, found the right pouch, released the drawstring and, instead of "just the one," placed two on the tip of his tongue instead. Two were always better than one, after all. With a small gulp -- Starolf had long perfected the art of swallowing basically anything without a drink to wash it down -- the pills were gone, and the first brief shimmers of glory shivered down his limbs. It wasn't enough to knock him out, or even really incapacitate him, but it would be a wondrous ride.

Starolf sank back into the mud to enjoy the show, and, while lazily, gleefully lathering up his body with the soap, his face brightened with more than just the drugs: "Maybe if I'm in here long enough the cat'll come looking!" His laughter was loud and echoed outside of the ferns' shelter.


Rys shook her head and perched a fallen tree, preening as only cats can do. She heard Starolf's shout and, while she cocked her head in the direction of the small pond, she didn't get up.

"People." She huffed, stretching languorously in the dappled sunlight. There were so few of them here, though, and it'd been two nights and three days since she last prowled about in her animal form...

I'd still be able to keep an ear on Starolf and change back when he's finished,</I> she thought idly, picking at the folds of her skirt. There's no harm in it, not if I stay that way for just a little while.

Mind made up, Rys stood, and ran a hand through her already touseled hair. She sniffed at the air and, smelling nothing but Starolf's rank human scent, shed her tunic, belt, and shoes.

Within moments she was doubled over. It was a challenge every time to keep her muscles loose and her body limp - the more she tensed up, the more it hurt. The sickening pop and crackle of bone and cartilage breaking was the first sign of her impending change, and when her flesh began to tear and reform, Rys went down on her hands and knees. Fingers that were not fingers gripped the soil, and the head that hung down was less than human. Finally she rose, from a furred pile to a large, sleek cat.

Her fur was the same colour as her hair as a human - burnished gold shot through with reds and yellows. Her stripes were white-gold and large, only four of them on her back and three smaller ones on her face. She was large but smoothly lined, resembling a tree-climbing jungle cat more than a king of the desert.

In cat form she prowled about, amusing herself as cats often do with little nothings floating in the air, or simply rolling around in the dirt. She amused herself that way for near an hour before deciding to check on Starolf - she figured the fool could have drowned himself, and she knew for certain he'd imbibed on some of the drugs in their bag. Rys had let him take it with him simply because she knew it was inevitable.

So she padded silently through the bushes, crouching low to the ground and peering around trees until she came upon the lake. At it's bank, some feet away, she stopped and cocked her head to one side, blinking her large eyes at the pool where Starolf looked like he was experiencing sheer  euphoria.

Oh, good. He must be on his Pleasure drug.</I> Cats don't generally roll their eyes, but Rys pulled it off. This is going to be interesting, she decided and simply stood there, staring at him, waiting for him to notice the large predator - no threat, of course, but even humans have survival instincts. Most of them