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Something in the Darkness (Open)

Started by Anonymous, August 10, 2011, 08:46:32 PM

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Shadyo looked at Loki with a spark of anger, "Loki?  You're going to go with them!"  She stepped back and glared at the creature like men.  She looked at the warriors, they all seemed to be giving up as well! Handing over their swords and spears.  This should not be happening.  "Loki? What are you doing!  They will kill you for tresspassing!"  

She was surprised that the boss wasn't already there.  Unless...he doesn't care who enters...that would mean that these men could have been expiramented on and turned into these filthy looking things.  If that was the case, she wasn't about to let Loki and the warriors go with them to be turned into creatures themself!


"Shadyo..." Loki warned. "Give up. There's no hope. There's just too many of them."

"Yeah...listen to your beau... give up!" After tying up Loki and the warriors, only Shadyo was left. They surrouned her. "Give up your weapons, girlie! Just come with us and you won't be hurt..." The leader eyed her up and down. "Much."

The men-things inched closer and closer, weapons out, inhuman weapons out. Shadyo had no choice: either fight under impossible odds, and likely lose, or give up and hope for a chance to survive. Loki watched, tied up, his dark eyes boring into hers with a determination not suited to those who've surrendered.


Shadyo couldn't belive what she was hearing...they gave up!  As she watched her friends get tied up, they creatures came closer to her.  She was forced to step backwards, only to find a wall in the way.  She looked into Loki's eyes and saw something there that surpirsed her.  He was determined about something... Determined to get us all killed?!  She felt something on her arm and she freaked.  She opened her wings and kicked wildly.  

She felt a sharp pain and looked at her right wing, a creature stabbed it.  She felt another and her left wing was stabbed. She was pinned to the wall.  She held in a cry of pain.  She looked at Loki and then back down at her feet that were barely touching the floor.  The pain in her wings was almost unbearable.


Damnit, Shadyo! Loki couldn't bear to watch, but didn't dare look away as the creatures, the beasts, the demons pinned her up by her wings. He could see the pain in her eyes, and he despaired. Why couldn't she have followed his lead? Why couldn't she have bound her need for freedom?

"Now, girlie, you're coming with us!" They tied her up, being as rough with her wings and skin as they could without breaking, and they pushed all of their prisoners deeper and deeper into the volcano. It got hotter and hotter, of course, and they saw more people creatures the deeper they went. At last, they entered a cavern filled with row upon row of cages.

Most of these cages had beasts; some were like the ones that had ravaged the jungle. Others were even bigger, scarier, wilder or more twisted. They all fought at their binds, slashing at the metal bars, roaring and hissing, looking for a chance to escape and kill everything in sight.

The prisoners were all stuffed into different cages; some of which still had bones of deceased animal. Loki and Shadyo shared one such cage. They were thrown in, quite savagely, and the cage was locked without untieing their binds.

"I'll come back for you later, girlie," snickered the beast-man. "We all will, before the boss has his turn at you." With guffaws and snickers, the troupe walked away, out of the cavern, and their voices died away. Loki rested his head against the cool iron bars with a sigh.


Shadyo looked down, "I am sorry Loki...I didn't know that you had a plan."  She didn't look at him.  Those disgusting creatures....she knew what they wanted from her.  She pulled her legs in closer to her. Her wings were bleeded and drooping around her.  She didn't care, she got them into this mess and she was going to get them out!  It was just the way it had to be.

She looked up and then around.  The twisted creatures were very grotesque and she had to look away from some of them.  But what she was really looking for was a way to escape before those creatures came back.  She looked at Loki, then opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

What was she going to say?  She didn't know any of this was going to happen..but it was still her fault. She shouldn't have fought, it was just...her instincts to get away from people that could hurt her.  Her mother taught her that, and she always wanted to appease her mother.


Loki hardly paid her any attention as he looked around, scanning the area, taking it all in. Then, sliding onto his back, he wriggled until his leonine haunches were by the door, and he kicked. Hard. It only took one kick to knock it off its hinges. Not even bothering to listen in case someone heard, he scuttled out.

"Shadyo. Let the other men out." After all, he didn't have hands. Kicking worked good on the inside, but not the outside of the cage. "Now that they've brought us into their base, we can really see what's going on. If we had fought them, we would have had to continue wandering, and we would have come upon all sorts of things. Now, we already get to meet the mastermind, and possibly discover what is going on."


Shadyo got out of the cage, impressed by his strength.  She ran over and opened the rest of the cages.  The warriors staggered out.  She looked around and noticed a small door.  She crept over to it and put her ear to it.  Nothing.  She grabbed the handle and twisted it slowly.  Opening the door just a crack, a large gush of air came rushing through. She looked at the others.  It was the only door in the room.

She took a step in and then motioned the others to follow.  She walked swiftly and quietly.


Loki followed Shadyo out of the cavern. At least she had the sense not to walk out of the cavern entrance, Loki thought. He didn't think much of her after her little fiasco, but he knew that she had spirit, determination and will. That was vital for growth. If they survived it.

"Um... could you?" Loki's wings were still bound. A warrior helped untie him, and they followed Shadyo, streching out their limbs. Loki didn't bother to be stealthy, although he didn't try to be loud, either.


Shadyo looked at Loki.  He didn't like her.  She sighed and shook her head, it shouldn't matter to her! She was a warrior and she would prove it.  She stood up straight suddenly, feeling a vibration in the ground.  Whatever was beyond the wall was huge and moving.  She learned to listen for those type of vibrations from her mother.

She couched and slowly started to walk.  She stopped at the corner and looked around it.  A large tiger type dragon walked around in a circle.  It's tail was huge and had large spikes on the tip of it. She narrowed her eyes and looked back at Loki and the warriors.  She looked at each of them.  Behind them the Guard Creatures appeard, angry.  She gasped a little and then jumped up.  She jumped behind them and kicked the creatures as hard as she could.


The creatures fell back, though they weren't felled by a kick of hers, though they would be feeled, and not simply have fell if it were Loki's kick. As it was, they recoiled from her savage kicks, and crawled, then stood, away. "You idiots!" The creatures cried. "The boss will be angry that you've escaped! He's going to punish you, and he's coming!" Footsteps, sounding strange, echoed as they approached.

Loki looked around desperately. Meeting the boss was part of the plan. This situation, between a rock and a hard placce, was not. He flung one of his own kicks, breaking more ribs than Shadyo had, but did not continue his onslaught, and motioned with a wing for Shadyo to stop, before she broke more ribs through sheer fierceness. There wasn't any point. Down the way the beast-men came from, were the footsteps. They didn't want to go there. The other way led to a dragon. They didn't want to go there either. The plan had been to draw out the boss... but Loki had expected them to get out farther away from the main base. He waited, tense, for 'The Boss' to come out. The creature men treated the victims od Shadyo and Loki's feet in a surprisingly human gesture, but did not retaliate. It was clear that they wished to, however, in their murderous looks and crude language.


Shadyo looked at the Boss.  She was not scared, but pissed off.  She wanted to bash the guys head in.  His "minions" said that the boss wanted to do things to her.  She looked at Loki, and then straight into the eyes of the Boss.  "What are you doing!?"  She could see the mischeif in the Boss's eyes.

She was silent then.  She messed up the last plan, she wasn't about to do that again.  She looked down at her feet.  She didn't want to be here suddenly.  She broke out in a cold sweat, and felt like she was going to pass out, but she kept herself still.


The Boss looked very... humane. He was human, Thanati by the look of him, though he had no tattoos. His eyes were kindly and warmed, and his cronies all relaxed and smiled when he looked at them. When he looked at Loki and the warriors, however, they did not feel relaxed at all. Loki bent low to the ground, wings held out on either side, hissing. He lashed his leonine tail wildly. This animalistic behaviour, completely different from his usual composedness, showed the fear in his heart. His eyes were wild in terror, from just the man's look. The other warriors, too, showed fear from one who stood stoicly, but sweating, and a wet stain spreading on his pants, to one who was panicking completely in terror, shrieking, running around, and trying to fly in the cramped space.

"There is a god," said the man kindly. "A god of misses and matches." He smiled gently as he told his tail. His servants fawned at his feet, and our heroes could feel the fear grow stronger. "When the world was young, he made people like him. They were beautiful. They were good. They lived in peace. Then came another god. He was a god of perfection. He made people who looked like him. The first people, who were beautiful, looked ugly in comparison. The new people called them misshapen and hideous, and scorned them. These new people were evil. Their souls were evil. They caused chaos, and wreaked havoc on the world. The god of perfection laughed, evil as he was, and smote the mis-matched god. That god fell into a sleep.

"In order to reawaken him, we must wash ourselves of the taint of perfection. One must be sacrificed that is good of heart, but has the evil soul of perfection. Only after all the world has been cleanse, shall he be sacrificed, and only after he is sacrificed will the god reawaken and bring peace. To cleanse this world, those perfect must be killed, or their perfection missed and matched. Come, child." He looked at Shadyo, who had the least fear. "I will wash you in my holy waters, and cleanse you of your perfection. Only then will you be able to live in the land of peace that is our future. It will hurt much. That is the cost of purification. But you will go from fear from the evil in your soul," he gestured to the panicked warriors. "To peace from the good your soul has become." He gestured toward the men at his feet. Peaceful, they were, but there face was mixed and matched to create an ugly Picasso of a face, mixed with other human species and animals.

"You have the most evil in your soul, child. Your perfection... is a sure sign. Do you fear me?"


Shadyo had stayed silent through his tale.  She was mesmerized by his tale, but something made her feel uneasy about everything. She looked at Loki who was on the ground hissing, obvious fear hung on the air, that made her feel uneasy as well.  When the boss asked for her to come with, she hesitated.  She did not know what to do, and the fear was growing more inside her.  She stepped back away from him, and put her wings out, in a gesture that said, "come any closer and I will rip your face off"  

Her wings were still bleeding, so the gesture merely said, "Come any closer and I might tap you."  She still held them up proudly.  

((Sorry about the absence, real-life got really busy))


The man smiled at her, his own perfection giving him a welcome, friendly cast. He held held out a hand, open-palmed, welcoming. When she didn't come, he beckoned with his other hand to his men. They srpang to their feet (except the injured) and stalked forward. "Is it the pain you fear?" He asked with that calm smile. "Or is it the evil in you, fearful of its demise? Or is it fear for your cohorts? They will surely be killed. Perhaps one or two will join you in your fate, also cleansed and changed, but many will die. Many in the world will die. I have not the power to cleanse them all."

Loki and the warriors dropped back as the Boss' minions advanced. One look into Loki's usually calm and calculating face made it obvious that all of his plans, intelligence and determination were all gone. Nothing was left but the mind-shattering, heart-squeezing, throat-throbbing fear. Shadyo was alone. Only she still had the wit to move a chess piece. The question was... did she have the courage to overcome her fear? Or would she succumb?

((It's okay. I have a lot going on, too! <3))