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Crooked as the Crow Flies [RINA!]

Started by Thief, June 25, 2011, 06:37:10 PM

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Jack was close now. He was told that he was in a province called Ravensway, and that it was the last province between him and Adela. Once there, he would question a group of gathering mercenaries in the hope that someone had information on Scarlet. If there really was some big contract, she would surely find a way to get invovled.

He was supposed to be heading for a river, where he planned to make camp. He had not had much luck in finding it however. These forests seemed to go on forever. The road he travelled, which was supposed to be a shortcut, was little more than a game trail. In most places, he could barely make out the path. Somehow, he could not shake the feeling that he was getting hopelessly lost.

It was far too late in the afternoon to go back and try a new route. Even if he were to teleport back, it would be dark in a couple of hours. He was already pressed for time. He had to get to the border to Adela before nightfall. All he could do was keep going forward, and hope he found the border soon.


Wren was out in the woods, up in a tree, one leg swinging as she watched the road. She was hoping to catch some unwary travelers, but her luck had been rotten all day. Only a couple of shake downs that landed her and the guys a few coins.

It was getting dark and chances were that people weren't gonna be coming through much.

With an grunt, Wren dropped from the trees, "Well, enough of this! I'm heading back!" The other men teased her a bit, a few complaints, but none were going to stop her. It wasn't worth the temper tantrum she would throw and if she got in trouble, it would be all on her head.

Wren took a short cut, angling through the woods and whistling a bright song. It might have been a boring day, but maybe she would have an exciting night!


It was drawing ever closer to nightfall, and still there was no sign of the river. Not much he could do at this point but accept that he would be traveling all night. At least he did not need to worry about sleeping in the middle of the forest. One of the few benefits of his insomnia.

As the sun began to set, he stopped. He could hear... whistling. Someone else was out here, and they did not seem to be concerned about it getting late. Jack followed the sound of the whistling, hoping they could tell him where he was. If they knew how he could reach the river, then that was even better.

The source of the whistling turned out to be a young woman. She was not following any road, but seemed to know where she was going. Jack called out to get her attention, "Excuse me, miss!"


Wren turned, puzzled by the voice calling her as it wasn't one of the men she had been with, her hand going to the the sword at her hip. She didn't draw it yet, though she kept a cautious eye on the man, "Hello! What are you doing out here?"

Didn't he know their were bandits here?


At least she did not run. Jack was afraid she might think he was a bandit. She was reaching for something at her side, however, and it may have been a weapon. He walked closer, making sure to keep his posture non-threatening and his hands in plain sight. A girl with a sword? All of a sudden, there was a bit more to her than he thought.

"I'm a mercenary. I'm on my way south, to Adela. I heard news of some big job, and thought I might find a friend of mine there. Such a thing would surely attract her attention. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction to the border? I'd appreciate it."


"Well, well, I'm not so sure about that. Can't just be givin' ya something for nothin'!" A mercenary huh? Wren decided against robbing him, he had enough of the look that he probably wasn't lying and she was on her own. Not worth the risk.

Flashing a bright smile, she relaxed her posture, one his sticking out, though she kept her hand lightly resting on her hilt, "Gotta make it worth my while, see? Girl's gotta eat."


Jack smirked, perhaps he did need to worry about bandits. Asking to be paid for directions, it might as well be highway robbery.

"I don't really have much money on me. Perhaps we could work something out." He did not like the fact that her hand was still on a weapon, so there was no sense letting her know how much he actually had at the moment. She may not be a bandit, but he was not going to chance it. He was in too much of a rush to waste any time.

Jack needed the directions though, so he would have to pay her at some point. However, he did not have to pay the first amount she asked for. "How much is it going to cost me for you to tell me the fastest way to the border from here?"


"Well, let's start with what ya got." Wren grinned, her expression a little feral, her thick curls bouncing around her face, "I mean, 'm not askin' fer a lot here. If ya have somethin' 'sides gold ta give up, 'm happy ta hear it. But, well, likes I said, a girl's gotta eat an all."

Tilting her head, she looked the guy over. He wasn't bad looking and she could use a bit of fun, "Tell ya what. Fer 7 pennies an a kiss, I'll give ya directions." It was pricy for directions, but the man looked well off.


That was unexpected. Over five hundred years of experience dealing with people, and, somehow, women still managed to surprise him. However, with no time to waste, he decided to just play along. As long as it saved him some time, he was okay with it.

"Sounds fair," he said, as he pulled the coins from his pocket. "I think I can manage seven." Any time he could save was worth that, which made her directions equally valuable. As for the kiss, he decided to ignore it and see if she would forget about it. Besides, she was cute, and one kiss could not hurt.


Wren's hand went out instantly, pocketing the offered coins with a deft hand. Never a good idea to leave money flashing about, even in the woods. There might be bandits after all. With a quick grin, Wren stepped closer, "Now there's another half o' this er-angment."


She pocketed the coins quickly, as if afraid he would change his mind. Jack wondered if it was because she wanted the money, or if she was eager to get that part of their deal out of the way. Then, as if in answer to his question, she brought up the kiss.

"If you insist," Jack said, raising his hand to her chin. He moved his lips closer to hers, stopping only a hair away. He tilted his head slightly, and pressed his lips gently against her cheek.


"Hey! That's cheating!" Wren's hands came up while Jack's face was still close to hers and held him in place while she kissed him right on the lips. No fair welching on a deal! Just for that, she would give him the much less pleasant directions.

Pulling back, Wren gave him a pout, "You'll hurt a girl's feelings, avoiding a kiss like that."


Jack's lips remained motionless, not returning her kiss. Went she pulled away, he said, "I'm sorry, but I'm not that type. You shouldn't take it personally." He did not mind kissing women, but he also felt that he should get to know them first. However, one should not make the mistake to think he was chivalrous.

"Now, I believe you owe me directions." Hopefully there would be no more negotiations. The sun was setting, and he hoped to cross the border before he rested for the night, if he even did.


"Oh, I ain't so sure 'bout that. We had a deal and you ain't filled yer end." Wren didn't actually want the kiss that badly, but it was the principle of the thing. And it irritated her that he had rejected her.

"Ya ain't gonna give me a kiss, I expect somethin' extra then. What ya gonna offer?"


Unfortunately, Jack had no idea which way he was going. He needed those directions, which meant that this girl was in control of the deal. He would need to hurry, as each second threatened to bring with it the sunset. He would never be able to find his way after dark.

 "I don't have much more to offer. At best, I can give you a few more coins." Jack reached for his pocket. "How much more is this gonna cost me?"


"3 more coins." Wren held up three fingers and grinned. Plus, she was going to take him on the long route. Teach him to mess with her.

"Yer no fun, ya know that?"


Jack gave her a smirk. "So I've been told." He quickly produced three more coins, but made sure he kept them firmly in his hands. The sun was already vanishing over the horizon, so he could not afford to waste another moment.

"Before I hand over the coins, I'd like to hear those directions." Jack was not going to be taken advantage of any further, if he could avoid it.


"Tryin' ta drive a hard bargain ain't ya. Well, I ain't gonna be just tellin' them to ya see. Cause yer already real lost and I figa that if ya can't handle just the road an' all, well, the forest gonna be real hard for ya."

Wren grinned broadly, hands on her thick hips, "'Sides, I ain't wantin' ya mad at me cause ya got lost."

This way, Wren got to kill some time, mess with the jerk who wouldn't kiss her and not have to feel too guilty about it. He would get to his destination, just not on time. With a wave, Wren started off into the thick trees, whistling a rather outdated tune.


Was that an offer to guide Jack along the path? If it was, he could not decide if he should consider himself lucky or not. It eliminated the chance of him getting lost, but allowed her to present the directions only as they were needed. She could back out at any time, leaving Jack wherever they parted ways.

Jack returned the coins to his pocket. "Fine, then I will give you your payment when we arrive." Another thought occurred to him as well, the sun had finally vanished behind the horizon. "Are you sure you feel safe traveling at night with a mercenary?" he asked her. Not that it mattered, Jack knew how she would answer. Besides, somehow, Jack felt that she was more of a danger to him than he was to her.


"Why not? Ya gonna do something ta me?" Wren's hand dropped back to her weapon, legs apart as she stared at him, "Best ya not think o' tryin'. Just cause 'm a lady ain't mean I'm no pushover."

It rather amused her that he was worried about her safety. He was the one traipsing around with a bandit.