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Life is but a dream

Started by Ycharley, January 12, 2013, 11:51:07 AM

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"Well there is no harm in trying, is there?" He asked finishing off the glass. He had to admit that the wine was spectacular, and he wouldn't have minded a second glass but judged against it. Adrien was pleased the Samantha decided that she would go on the walk with him, he would have to kick in the charm to get her to at least lower some of her walls a bit. Maybe if she let herself get to know him she might even start to like him a bit, or atleast find him standible.


Samantha stood from her chair. "Mother we will be going to the waterfall, we will be back sometime around nightfall, which is in about four hours." She stood and walked out of the room, motioning for Adrien to follow. Once outside she started walking on the trail to the waterfall. "Well at least I know you aren't spineless, most suitors leave after I call their status into question as well as other things, I won't marry a man without a backbone, so you're better then most. Still uncertain though, I know that you were not named nobility anytime recently and your eyes seem to tell a different age then you look, so what exactly are you?"


Adrien followed Samantha, chuckling as she spoke about him having a backbone. She was right he wasn't one to back down. "Look back a little over three hundred years, you will find my name, and you could probably find a portrait of me as well if you looked," He started with a chuckle. "I am a being that transcends time, as long as I don't get murdered I will never die or even age," He began, his voice revealing a bit of loneliness, more emotion than he had planned on showing. "A man who has only lived twenty years doesn't have a chance against your wit and blunt nature anyway," Adrien joked.


Samantha chuckled slightly. "You've got that right. The upside of being a Savant is my mother trusts me to make the majority of my own choice, Otherwise I'd be married by now. The downside is the plethora of knowledge can be overwhelming at times. I turn eighteen in a month and I know more then the college at Arca can teach. And I remember all of it, everything I've ever read or anything I've seen. You pick any date in history and I can tell you what day of the week it was. I can do arithmetic in my head faster then someone trained to use an abacus. It's scares some people. Being a savant can be scary, someone could say something and my mind references it and then references that and suddenly I'm off on a tangent, lost to the world until I reach its end. I've more or less gotten control of it." She paused, realizing she was ranting. "I'm sorry. That happens sometimes."


Adrien shrugged, "I find I like you talking about things like this. I'd rather you talk about this then trying to verbally neuter me," Adrien spoke laughing. He was being honest, he much prefered this side of Samantha then her analytical harsh side. Her offered her a slight smile, before taking a deep breath. "So is your bourse really sick or were you making something up?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he asked.


Samantha chuckled again, to laugh out loud would be unladylike and her mother ironed that out of her. "I save verbal castration until I decide you have a spine. And no, I wasn't lying when I said my horse had not eaten since we got here. But he has been conditioned to eat next to nothing when we aren't traveling, he has taken to eating every three or four days but will eat if I tell him to. He was wild when we encountered each other and I was able to tame him. Wild horses don't eat often because food can be scarce at times. It just made sense to keep that up. Now I have a question for you. If you are a being that transcends time, why are you looking to court someone who is most definitely not immortal? I know that there are immortals in this world in fact I know a few and I also know I will die someday. Wouldn't that only subject yourself to emotional pain."


"That my dear lady is where the saying that it is better to have loved than to have never loved at all would fall into place. Plus I have never met a fellow immortal that I would be able to fall in love with. Most immortals are in love with the fact that they won't die of natural causes. They get bored and then start to start trouble with mortals for the simple fun of it. That isn't me you see," He answered as he continued to walk alongside Samantha at a comfortable pace.


Samantha pondered over what he said for a moment. "Oh so you are a hopeless romantic. But I don't think I could go for a man so much older then myself," she teased. Though truthfully, she was starting to enjoy him being here, not that she would admit that, he was rather a gentleman and pushed back when she pushed. She liked that. They were still a ways from the waterfall but her mother would have sent the guard after them by now. Samantha was not allowed to go anywhere without her personal guard, Sieg Hart, following not far behind. Sieg Hart was her closest friend, he came to be her personal protector not long after she was born, he was eight years older than her and she trusted him more then her father.


"Are you trying to say that I look old?" He asked with a chuckle. "I think I carry my age with grace, or at least I did last time I checked," He continued to joke with a smile. He was glad that Samantha was finally letting her guard down, finally talking and not just judging and snapping. Soon though Adrien could tell they were being followed, he could sense the man thanks to his demon abilities.

"So I'm assuming that the man following us is your guard and our chaperone?" He asked looking over to Samantha, judging her reaction to his words.


Amazed at Adrien's ability to sense Sieg Hart, Sam felt it was best to tell. "Yes it is probably my personal guard. His name is Sieg Hart and his father is Nathanial Hart. The Hart family has been protecting the Liem family for generations, the story behind it is very lengthy but the gist of it is my family got theirs out of fighting in a war which a prophet said would be the end of the Hart family. They have been protecting us since. Sieg was actually in the dinning hall while we ate, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't notice him as sometimes I forget he is there until I look at him." Sam looked behind her and sure enough, there was a man in a flowing white coat with red designs over it and wild red hair. That was all she could make out at that distance but it was all see needed to recognize him.


Adrien nodded as he listened. He had figured the man was her guard for two reasons. First off, she was of relatively high ranking, and second suitors were never left alone with the girl they were suiting for obvious reasons.

"I travel too much for any need for a guard, plus I am relatively skilled with a blade. I should be with some many years of practice with it," He stated with a chuckle. "I've built up a tolerance for most poisons, so it is virtually impossible to poison me. So I have no need for a butler to taste my food," He stated with a sigh. He looked over at the girl walking beside him and offered a soft smile before turning to look ahead.

"So tell me M'lady, what are you looking for in a suitor?"


Samantha Giggled softly, "Like I would tell you that. Twas a clever try though, might have fooled someone of a lower mental caliber then myself." With that she picked up the pace, she was eager to get to the waterfall for she had an idea that she could use to test him, no suitor had ever made it this far before but she had planned what she would do if they did. though the plot took place at the Arca bathhouse she could still go through with it, it would just be a little colder.


"I was just asking so I would know if I would live up to your standards, I would hate to waste your time," Adrien teased with a smile. His long legs easily kept up with her quickened pace with ease. As they walked in relative silence he began to think. His mind wondering all the way from his properties and responsibilities to why he was there in the first place. He had to keep this up, he had to keep his human side at the surface.


Samantha chuckled. "If my only problem with suitors was them wasting my time, then I've got a long and lonely life ahead of me." She was about to rebuttal that her statement sounded worse then she meant for it to when a long and low rumbling crossed the sky, thunder coming in from the south. Sam's body went rigid and her mind went off an a tangent, processing the information of the thunder and it's direction and what it meant.

Sieg came up from behind them. "She's gone off on a tangent, this world is lost to her until she reaches its end." He went over to Sam and manipulated her body to get her to sit with her back against a tree, "When she comes back, she will have something profound to tell us, something that may help us someday. But I wanted to take this time to tell you, you are different, you're unlike any man she has ever met. Even I cannot get her to laugh near constantly like you have. SO I will let you in on a little secret, Samantha likes someone she can trust. That means if you haven't been forthcoming with something really important, tell her. Even if it is something horrendously bad, she will think less of you if she finds out herself. Also, don't let her catch you looking at her body unless she wants you to, she is not fond of men's attraction to it."

Samantha's mind was moving from one thing to the next, the thunder that triggered the tangent came from the south, it was high heat. And it was low rolling thunder, low pressure. The high heat, low pressure system would hit the cold Connloathian air and a vicious storm would ensue. She came back to reality with a start. "We need to get back to the manor, a Squall is coming."


Adrien was stunned as her body went rigid, he didn't know what to do and was glad that her guard seemed to. He looked at her for a moment. He wondered what was going on inside her head. He knew that it had to be pretty intense if she completely froze.

Adrien listened the her guard. He considered his words and wondered how Samantha would act if he was to be completely open. Would she run from him, tell him to leave because of how he was born. Adrien wasn't fond of rejection and he didn't react well to it. He took a deep breath, a little relieved when she came too. He quickly looked up at the sky and decided that she was probably right.

"Okay," Adrien said, his voice calm and soothing. He didn't want to spill his guts to the girl with the guard there so he decided he would wait until the guard was out of ear shot. He decided he would tell her, she deserved to know didn't she?


Heavy raindrops started to fall as Samantha came to her feet, which Sieg picked her up bridal style. "If Sam is right it will only go from bad to worse quickly so try to keep up Adrien." With that he took off running, the years of training showing as he made a great pace even while carrying Sam. Before too long they were at the manor, albeit a little wet.

"Sieg can you go get one of the sweet wines from the kitchen at take it to the study?" Sam asked her guard.
"Yes M'lady." and he was off.

Sam walked to the nearest bathroom and grabbed two towels, tossing one to Adrien then using the other to dry her hair. "Sorry you didn't get to see the waterfall, perhaps another day when the storm has passed. Also, you are not leaving while this storm is above us, it is going to be powerful, you can use one of the guest beds." It was a simple gesture of kindness, one she had never shown to a suitor before.


Adrien's long legs moved swiftly, but he refused to let himself get ahead of Sieg and Samantha. His strong lean form had no easy, his body was built to be irresistible after all. He was happy to be back in the manor though, it was warm and dry.

He took the towel that Samantha had handed him and ran it through his thick black hair. "Thank you M'lady," he said looking up, his hair a dark mess. He looked down, his face becoming a bit somber.

"I have something to tell you, I think it is only fair that I be completely open and honest with you, though I hope what I'm about to tell you won't change your opinion of me, or make you want to shun me away," He spoke his voice soft, timid almost. He felt vulnerable, and he didn't like it.


Having wrapped her hair in the towel, Samantha crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows ever so slightly. It didn't do much to help make anything that Adrien was about to say any easier, which is exactly what she wanted. "Go on." Was the only thing she gave in response, no assurances, no comfort.


"Well," he started, taking a deep breath. "I am a demon, an incubus to be more exact. Not something I can control, was just how I was born. I just thought it would be good to share now before we continue to get to know each other, so it wouldn't be a potentially hurtful or shocking thing to find out later," he spoke, his voice low, soft.

He felt nearly naked as he exposed his darkest secret with the girl, still he refused to show weakness. The girl might be smart, but he had power.


Sam didn't let anything show on her face, inside, she was both scared and proud. Scared that she was in the presence of a demon, it was exhilarating and made her pulse quicken, he hadn't done anything to threaten her and so far she had no logical reason to fear him other then the fact he named himself demon. And she was proud, proud that he was forthcoming with something that was obviously hard for him to tell. She turned. "Come with me." She then turned and headed for the grand staircase.

Once on the upper level she led him to the study, where she spent most of her time. waiting at one of the tables was the bottle of sweet wine. Sam broke the wax seal and poured two glasses. Finally, she spoke. "Courage and selflessness are one in the same, man soldiers will experience selflessness and the throw themselves at the blade in service to their country. And many servants to the people will know of courage when they stand up for those who are meek and can't stand up for themselves. Admitting that you are an Incubus, is both selfless and brave, you must have been fighting wanting to tell for a while, and you must have felt very vulnerable afterwards." she turned to Adrien and raised her glass. "To Adrien Kione, a very brave man indeed."