Spirits of the Earth

Community => Open Roleplay => Topic started by: Rhindeer on December 19, 2010, 01:43:50 PM

Title: Wtf, mate? [open!]
Post by: Rhindeer on December 19, 2010, 01:43:50 PM
"Uhhh...I think we might've overshot the North Pole, dude," Kota announced slowly, staring out across the field they had landed in.

Sort of literally. One minute they'd been sailing the open seas, being the awesome pirates they were, and the next? In a field. Ship and all. Somehow, they had beached themselves completely on dry land that Kota had never seen coming, or maybe those funny lights and stuff had something to do with it, but he'd just figured it was the Northern lights. Little did he know, it was a PORTAL TO AN AU DIMENSION MUAHAHA!!! and now he and his friend were stranded in a strange land of unicorns and dragons (okay, so the dragons weren't too strange) and werewolves and whatnot. In the distance he saw a table. A table that had cake on it, unbeknownst to him, with people and kirikirin and stuff.

But right now he was more focused on the whole being in a field thing.

Turning to his friend, Sei Yuk, Kota pointed an accusing finger at him. "I told you girls were bad luck! We should've never let that girl on board! Look! She's not even here anymore!" Never mind that Kota hadn't exactly wanted to throw her overboard either, but...
Title: Re: Wtf, mate? [open!]
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2010, 07:34:33 PM
"Wow! Dude! Check this out!" Sei Yuk ignored Kota and his accusatory finger. Bad luck? How was this bad luck? "This is so cool dude! We like....we like found an entire new world! We're like heroes!"

Turning, he beamed at his friend, "Let's go check it out!" Sure, they were in some unknown land and there were some weirdos in the distance, but he would worry about all that later. Right now, all he cared about was the adventure he was about to go on.
Title: Re: Wtf, mate? [open!]
Post by: Anonymous on November 08, 2011, 03:50:33 PM
Katrina raised her head and slowly started to take in her surroundings.  She quickly noticed two things. One, she was in a jungle and two, she had no idea where she was.  'Figures, I would end up lost on a deserted island,' she thought as she slowly rised to her feet. The minute she fully stood up though, she felt an intense throbbing pain coming from her head.  She quickly grabbed the trunk of the nearest tree and leaned against it.  'Just what I need,' she thought as she pushed off the tree, 'an injury..now, not only don't I know where I am but I probably have a decent bump on my head too.'  Katrina started her slow trek north in hopes of finding a person, a boat, anything.  She was desperate.  Feeling around for the bump on her head she thought about those two men she was on the ship with.  Hah! She laughed.  This is what happens when you let a man steer a ship.
Title: Re: Wtf, mate? [open!]
Post by: Anonymous on November 09, 2011, 10:47:00 PM
Jade was mystified by his current situation. He had not fallen asleep, so surely it could not be a dream he was in. He had simply been in one place one moment, and in this strange existence quite unllike his own the next. The man sat at a table full of strange confections. He could only assume that they were food. At the head of the table, was a large sweet of some kind covered in candles and fruits. Surprisingly, the man found that he was calm. He had no idea where he was, nor how he had gotten there, but the fact still remained that he was simply mildly bemused.

 Jade observed his surroundings. The Medium appeared to be in a meadow surrounded by trees. Aside from his table, there were no real landmarks.  He could make out the vague imprint of people in the distance. Jade decided against getting up to go to them. He simply waited at the table of odd colorful things for some sort of explanation and hoped that whatever it was in the distance decided not to eat him.