Spirits of the Earth

Community => Open Roleplay => Topic started by: Rhindeer on June 08, 2005, 06:46:21 PM

Title: The OOC character hang-out (or Rehab Facility)
Post by: Rhindeer on June 08, 2005, 06:46:21 PM
Um...yes. Random idea which I thought could be both fun and, whenever the need arises, boredom relieving randomness! The idea came up because SOMETHING kinda similar happened in one of the old threads at random back at the old forums, and then Tal was joking around in an MSN convo about SotE Survivor and SotE: The Real World, so...um...yes. XD

This is a thread where you can post out of character with your characters in character! XD If that makes any sense. Bwah.

Have fun. XP Knock yourselves out.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 06:56:06 PM
That sounds really kick ass, I'll have to think up some stuff
Post by: Goldie on June 08, 2005, 07:06:42 PM
LMAO!!!  I still have a long convo from something I did like that!  *dies*
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 07:10:27 PM
*stares in awe* Wow, great idea XD.

'Phion: Great indeed. Who brought the rope?
Amee: $&@* forgot it! *races off*
Samari: Hmph twit. We don't need a rope, we'll just get him to hold her down. *points behind self to Hyacinthe*
Hyacinthe: *snickers and cracks whip*

o_O And that would be my que to exit... stage left. Good day to you sirs *exits...stage right! Ha!*
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 07:14:04 PM
Ooo!! *bounces and bounces and eventually whams into a brick wall*

Ziarre: Of course that'd appear THERE. So conveniantly in front of you.
Toviel: Of course. *agrees*
Ziarre: Too bad that never happens for you.
Toviel: Actually, I'm quite happy it never happens. Or I really would have no reason to live. O___o
Ziarre: You mean it's not like that already? Damnit. I'm loosing my touch.
Toviel: v.v I dug my grave, didn't I?
Kieli: Yes you did.
Toviel: Mother fucker. *sigh*
Ziarre: *sniggering*
Post by: Goldie on June 08, 2005, 07:24:57 PM
Tai:  So...*sob* then she told me 'You have to die because of the plot'  thinking that that would make me feel all good and stuff *sniff*  But did she ever think that I just wanted to LIVE!?!?

Shrink:  Ah....I see.  Please go on, you're doing a great job.

Tai: Yeah...well, I'm sick and tired of her stupid plots!  *clench fists*  I want to do something about it!  KILL THE CREATOR!!

Shrink:  Let's not get violent.  Please sit down and let's talk.

Tai: *sits* You don't understand....

Shrink:  Of course I do, I understand completely.  Let's try and work through these aggressive feelings you've been having.

Tai:  I can tell...she wants to kill us all!  ALL OF US!  I CAN SMELL THE DEATH!!

Shrink: Then why would you want to add to it?

Tai: *shrug* I dunno.....because death and destruction is...fun?

Shrink: Really?  I'll take note of that.

Tai:  She's going to kill you too...

Shrink: What was that?

Tai: Yeah...Katie...she's terrible...even you're a figment of her imagination and she's going to give you the boot to dead land and never think about you again and leave you to rot in a hellish black hole of the imagination and you'll never escape and then the world will crash down around you and---

Shrink: Please Tai, calm down!  If you're in a dark hole in her imagination...then why is she writing about you now?

Tai:  *pause*  I.....

Shrink:  Maybe she really does love you!

Tai:  No...this is all a plot for me to shout out  DARLIG SUCKS AND NEEDS TO DIE!!!!!! HE'S A FREAKIN PEDOPHILE!!!!!
Post by: Rhindeer on June 08, 2005, 07:55:16 PM
*cackles* Shouting death to Darlig and other such slander WASN'T my true purpose for creating this thread, nope, uh uh, never! >.> It was just for FUN! Yeah...

Nakaris: ...fun...yeah...like AGREEIN' t' let me be captured so's I could be tortured 'n' so Ani could go insane an' I could go insane an' so EV'RYUN could go insane 'cause J'aari 'n' blood 'n' angst an' kidnappin' an' post-traumatic stress disorder's jus' SO BLOODY FUN T' YA PEOPLE!

*decides it's best not to go with Gold's answer concerning plots and stuff* Um...yeah...soooo...how's it been goin' with the psychologist? ^^

Nakaris: Th' usual. Gave me more meds 'cause I keep gettin' those...urges...t' kill people an' stuff. Wouldn't believe me when I said it was magic. Jus' gave me 'nother prescription after I said that, weird. Oh, Ani's on meds, too, now. THANKS T' YA AN' YER STUPID DUNGEON PLOT THAT SET 'IM OVER TH' EDGE 'CAUSE 'E FELT EV'RY DAMNED THING!


Nakaris: APPARENTLY his wife was in labor, too, when it happened. O' course, YOU would know that.

Ye-heah...uh...wasn't MY fault, though! I was the innocent! I was just going along with things! In BOTH cases! I even saved your willy, for goodness sakes!

Kajioh: OHH! Willy! Like the whale in that one movie that the kid had to free 'caus the people were being mean and its fin was all bent and it was sad and depressed but then everythiing turned out okay and there was a big wall that it jumped andâ€"

Yeah. ^^;; That willy.

Kajioh: Where's Willy?? I wanna see!

Nakaris: Off limits. -_-;;

Kajioh: But whyyy! I wanna pet him!

Nakais: What th' HELL?!?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YA PEOPLE!?!?

Kajioh: But...but...that one kid rode him...and he was nice! I always wanted to, too!

Nakaris: I'm gonna kill yâ€"

I somehow get the feeling we're not all on the same page...AHH! NAKA! NO! BAD NAKA!


Aniketos: Naka! No! violence is not th' answer!

Nakaris: HE'S DEAD!

Kajioh: But...where's Willy...? ;_; You said Willy was here...

Aniketos: Remember what th' psychologist told ya! GOOSFRABA!!!

Nakaris: Goosfraba? Goosfraba?! What th' hell kinda language are ya...wait...I feel kinda...better...

Aniketos: Gooooosfrabaaaaaa...

Nakaris: Heh...wow...that's kinda neat... *passes out*

Passing out! The best way to take care of pesky scene changes! ^___^ Only rivaled by sleeping!

Aniketos: That's not nice...

All part o' the business! ^__^
Post by: Goldie on June 08, 2005, 08:13:14 PM

hey hey hey now!  I let the one outburst go because you were talking to a doctor, but right now you are way out of line mister.  You are the ONLY one of my characters who's died!

Tai: A dark...painful death....

And why are you talking to Nakaris?  Wasn't he the one who killed you?

Tai: No, you just brainwashed everyone else into thinking that so you could get away with MURDUR!

--_--  Straight jacket please?

Tai: And what about Rayne!  She's dying now too!  And technically died once before!

once again...the before part was because of Nakaris...do you really want to go on a killing rampage with him?


*decides not to put her two cents in for what the great good really is*

Fayina:  OH MY GOODNESS!  A WHALE!?!?!?  WHERE WHERE WHERE!?!?!  I wanna see willy!

O_o;;;;; *decides not to say something*

Fayina: Set Willy FREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Rhindeer on June 08, 2005, 08:27:22 PM
Hey...wait a minute...I just realized something...Naka...he named it? O.o

Aniketos: Uh... what...?

Don't act so innocent, you got laid first! It! You know...it! I mean, I was just referring to it in a general sense, but then he kept reacting so indignantly to the name...so, did he?

Aniketos: ...how would I know...? O.o

Did YOU?

Aniketos: What? NO! O.o;;;

HAHAH! YOU DID!!!! Learn somethin' new about your charries every day! So! What is it?

Aniketos: I'm gonna go cry now...

Nakaris: *wakes up* What th' HELL!?!? Y' people STILL talkin' about my bloody #$^$!? WHAT IS WITH Y' SICK, SICK, SICK PEOâ€"whoa, Tai?? I...I coulda sworn I killed ya...

You did kill him. ^^

Nakaris: An'...'e's...talkin' t' me...um...

This is the OOC arena. Anything goes.

Nakaris: Really, now...hey Tai! S'up, homey! *walks over and slaps his back, buddy-buddy*

...I didn't mean literally...

Nakaris: I'll join ya! See that chick o'er there...that's m' creator. Lately, she's been givin' me some really funny looks, 'n' she's th' reason I'm here t' begin with. Now, think that if I help ya off yer's, we can do somethin' aboutâ€"

Aniketos: Wait, what's goin' on here...? O.O Um...Tai...Naka...to...gether...did...I miss somethin'...uhh...

Nakaris: Come o'er here, bro! I've decided that Tai's cool. ^^ He's gonna help m' kill peeps. I think.

Aniketos: Okay, that's niceâ€"WAIT, WHAT???

Nakaris: So, Tai, no hard feelin's, eh? Hope it didn't hurt TOO much, but it was jus', yanno, "part o' th' plot". Gotta do whatcha gotta do, y'know?

Aniketos: Tai! I thought better o' ya! An' YOU, Naka! get yer butt back here! The psychoogist saidâ€"

Nakaris: Screw that. So, anyway Tai, as I was sayin'...wait, free willy? WHAT TH' HELL WOMAN!?!? WHAT IS IT WITH YOU PEOPLE AN' MY FRIGGIN' [censored for mild sexual language]!?!?

Um...okay, I think I'll just head this way and walk for a long, long time...
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 08:31:11 PM
Ziarre: *in HYSTERICAL laughter*

Toviel: *laughing right along with her*

Kieli: You sick.. horrible.. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E people... *shudders*

Amaie: O________O

Ziarre: Bad.. baaaaaaaaadddd...

Toviel: x-rated!

Ziarre: *snickering* Soooo! Ish Willy a HAPPY willy? *laughing*

*sniggering too*

Kieli: You all traumatized my sister!!!
Post by: Goldie on June 08, 2005, 08:39:04 PM
Tai:  WOOOOOOW!  I'm a freakin' HOMEY now!  That's so awesome! *stupid grin*

Wow....and I thought he was strange all ready....

Rayne:  Tai?  You're...you're really going to kill...to killl.....*pause as the conversation sinks in*  Ani?  You....named it? O_o  And you didn't even tell me!  I feel....so....violated.....you...that....it...*shivers*

*gasp*  What will your CHILDREN think!?!!?!?!?

Tai:  O_o....um....I'm thinking that...sometimes...they're worse than us.....

*sniggers* did you name yours Tai?

Tai:  This is SO SICK!  *storms off*

*BOL*  Rhi....look what you've started!

Fayina: Willy...Willy...Willy the WHALE!  Wil---*stops*  OH! Willy Loman!  Death of a Salesman!

O_o how the crap do you know that?

Fayina:  I...have no idea....
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 08:41:14 PM
Medicine, by golly that's GENIUS!

Fleurety: Which is why it slipped your mind until now?

Precisely, Nall my gun.

Nall: *hands over gun which looks eerily like a plastic lightgun* Can I see the whale?

Of course *loads gun with syringes of valium* Stand back Nall, you don't want to get in the crosshairs.

Nall: Where's the whale at?

I dunno o_O I think Rhi had it.

Nall: How can I see the whale if you don't know where it is?

Use your imagination Nall.

Fleurety: *to Nall* I wouldn't take it, she promised you a whale, so go for the whole whale.

Nall: I want the whole whale.

But I don't *whip coils around gun and tugs it out of hands* o_O

Hyacinthe: *pulls gun to self and tosses candy to Nall* Kill creators eh? I like sound of that. *smirks*

O___O Nall! How could you?

Nall: *looks sheepish*

Fleurety: Should have let her see the whale.

T__T eep?
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 09:44:16 PM
Kanina: *sitting in a corner, trying not to laugh at it all*

*Kitty walks in*

Kitten: Look, Kitty, this place even has a DOOR! See? It isn't so uncommon as you thought. Now.. back to business. I want a door to the outside world. NOW.

Kitty: *apparently talking to herself, but really talking to Kitten* Oh, I suppose... but wait, what do you need a DOOR for, anyway? You got a girlfriend or something? Ooooohhhhhhhh, do tell!!

Kitten: NO, I just... need it.. to.. conquer all lands that I see... so that I WON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH YOU WHILE DOING IT!

Kitty: BAAAAAAD KITTEN! think you need a time out. Oh, hey, where are we, anyway? I don't see any bushes arou- AH THERE'S ONE! *looking at the spot right next to Nakaris, which is occupied by a small, fake palm-like shrub*

No, Kitty, that is a good bush, yess.. goooooood bush...

Kitty: You sure, Kanina? Because I declare, it's looking at me the wrong way.

Kanina: ...what?

Nonononono not YOU, Kanina, me- KITTY, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

*Kitty has charged the bush*


*Kitty stops*

Kitty: SHUT UP!

the doctor: what the...? Okay, I'm going to prescribe som-


Shoo, doctor, can't you see she's upset?

Doc: yes, bu-

so GO!

*randomly, a door appears in the room Kitty is in, and Kitten strolls into view in a cloud of purple smoke!*

Kitten: Much better, Kitty!
Post by: Anonymous on June 09, 2005, 12:40:01 AM
Venorik: <_<  >_> ......"do i get to have sex with something?"
Balkin: "something?"
Balkin: "Even like a goat?"
Venorik:"i dunno...never really thought of that...i don't think i wanna have sex with a goat..."
Balkin:"that would be kinda wied dude"
Venorik: "yeah i know, i don't think i'll do it."
Balkin: " well now your being a pussy"
Venorik:"i'm not a pussy and you know it!"
Title: Wha....?
Post by: Anonymous on June 09, 2005, 05:32:16 AM
It's like a freaking three ring circus in he...
*bursts out laughing at Goldie's crazed baby pic* Omg...holy crap... *falls over snickering*

Sakki: o_O what the hell are you doing....? *pokes me with a toe*

Sierra: *spots the attempted Kajioh attack by Naka-poo* LEAVE MY KAJI ALOOONE!!! *dashes up and latches onto Naka-poo's head* Grrrrrr!

*blinks, gets up* Holy crap Sierra....note to self: never threaten dah Kajioh... ^_^;;

*gets twitchy at Naka-poo's accent* GAH! CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! *grabs Nakaris by the ear and hauls him off to a speech therapist*

Sierra: *deprived of her prey* Aww.... *remembers dah Kaji* KAJIOH! *GLOMPS him*

*pokes Ani* Er...what's a 'goosfraba'?
Post by: Rhindeer on June 09, 2005, 09:45:10 AM
Aniketos: ACK! Rayne! Hunny-bunny! It's not whatcha think!

Nakaris: That Fayina chick is SO deaâ€"wtf, "hunny bunny"? Now that's jus' disgustin'...

Aniketos: ...oh, like ya don't have pet-names fer Mina...

Nakaris: Not like THAT. Jeez. Lucky no'un's diabetic 'round here, 'cause th' sugar content's so damn high...

Aniketos: Er...okay. What would YOU suggest?

Nakaris: Somethin' that don't dredge up images o' honey-coated rabbits?

Aniketos: ...Yer so mean...

Nakaris: Yeah, well, anyway...back to riddin' th' world of al th' SICK, SICK people with m' buddy...wait, dude, where'd Taiâ€"ACK!

*and in that span, many, many things happened which this disembodied narrator is too lazy to go into, so we'll just paraphrase! WHEE! Paraphrasing fun! A horse charged at a bush near Naka, and then some chick attacked him for some odd reason, and then ANOTHER chick dragged him off by his ear to an unknown fate...dun dun DUUUUâ€"*

Hatame: Hey, Rhi? That tree isn't wide enough for you to hide behind. Just thought I'd let ya know! You look silly like that. ^^

*Oh crap! Discovery! Time to play the accusatory card to take the focus off me!* What? Are you calling me FAT?

Hatame: Well, it IS a sapling. So, compared to it...yup! ^__^

*Thwarted.* Right...eh heh...oops...

Hatame: But I LOVE my creator! She's so pretty and kind and molestable! *GLOMP!*

ACK! Molestable, right, you'd molest a TREE if it moved the right way! GET OFF ME YOU PERVE! Waitaminute...okay...what do you want this time...?

Hatame: Only to tell you you're the GREATEST creator a guy ever could have and I luff you forever and ever and ever and ever and you're just SO sexy and SMART and KNOWLEDGABLE and POWERFUL andâ€"

Cut the crap.

Hatame: ...can I be let off my leash now? Sakki's over there... *whimper*

Now that just wouldn't be fair! Blue's gone now and wouldn't be able to help Sakki smack you around, didn't you read the red print?

Hatame: That's the pooooint! Now, I like it when Sakki does it, but Blue...now she just goes crazy. Sakki's are love-filled! And it's SAKKI! <3 <3 Blue...now, once ya start pulling off limbs, it just goes too far. I have limits too!

*twitchy* Eh heh...some limits. Bad Gryphon-turned-human...thing. Bad! Now sit! Don't make me muzzle you!

Hatame: Oh baby, bring on the leather!

-_-;; Why do I even bother...

Kajioh: SIERRA!!! YAY!!! *CLINGS!* I have TWO saviors now!! ^____^ YAY! Saving me from the mean man that...that...he wouldn't let me see his Willy! And I asked SO nice but then he got all mean! ;_;

Aniketos: ...we're still talkin' 'bout willies...? O.o

Hatame: Whoa, serious? Hah! Awesome!

Nuuuu! We're talking about WHALES! WHALES which somehow got turned into an innuendo...or visa versa...uh...something happened, but now we're talking about WHALES! The things that swim in the water and have fins and blow holes and eat fish!

Hatame: *starts to laugh uncontrolably*

*WHAPS HIM* DANGIT! Only YOU would find something dirty in THAT statement! Ughhh... *rubs temples*

Aniketos: No...no...I...I think I got it...


Aniketos: *rubs neck* ...okay. ^^;; *coughcoughRayneKnowsOtherwisecoughcough*

I'll pretend I didn't hear that. AHEM! Goosfraba...it's...from the movie Anger Management! It makes you veeeery calm in a moment of anger! Yes...goooosfrabaaaa...
Post by: Goldie on June 09, 2005, 12:09:20 PM
Rayne:  *sheepish grin* Know?  I don't know whatever you are talking about *Drapes arms around Aniketos and begins whispering in his ear*

O_o  I never thought that the characters I made would become this dirty....

Tai:  *covering ears* I hear nothing...I see nothing....I speak NOTHING!

Rayne: and it's AMAZING!

Ok, running away right now.  Good grief....*crashes into a mirror*  Hey!  Where did this thing come from!

Vaenain: My face!!  *sobs as he looks at himself in the shattered mirror*  My beautiful...beautiful face....LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!!  LOOOOOK!  NOW MY FACE IS CRACKED!

um....isn't that just the mirror that's cracked?

Vaenain: But now I can't look into it and see my beautifulness!

Petaekka:  oooh!  Is that real ivory?

Vaenain:  *wipes eyes* Yes....I had it custom made....

Not a good thing to tell her....

Petaekka:  WOOOOOAAAHH!!!  Hey look!  *points* Someone made a giant billboard with your face on it!

Vaenain:  WHERE!  *runs off*

Petaekka: ehehehehehehe *takes the mirror and runs*

*smacks forehead*  This is rediculous.....remind me NEVER to let my characters out of my head again...

Rayne: I LOOOVE YOU SOOOO!  *smooch* <---to Aniketos
Post by: Anonymous on June 09, 2005, 12:52:09 PM
Venorik: "wheres that vampire chick you told me about?"

  <_< >_>...huh?

Venorik: "you told me i was gonna do a hot vampire chick."

  oh yeaaaah. i did, huh?

Venorik: "where the hell is she?"
   i dunno ask rhi

Venorik: "why Rhi?"

  um....she's hers

Venorik: "and i'm yours..."

  Um, your my creation, yes....

Venorik: "thats weird dude.not normal weird, like, really weird."

  shut up lol

Venorik: "incest perv!"

 screw you, its rp!

Venorik:"now you wanna screw me? *thinks....* hm.....threesomes are fun....."


Venorik:" come on asshole, take one for the team."

  fuck you man

Venorik: "don't be a pussy."

Balkin: " You wouldn't do a goat!"

Venorik:"goats are different!'
no their..wait..kinda, but...

Venorik:" HA!"

 stop changing my words around

Venorik: "make me. My master skillz come from your imagination, i can pwn you."

  god damnit.........fuckin freshman....

Venorik:"your the freshman, perv!"

 screw you man!

Venorik:"only if Naviko's involved."

  you know...i wouldn't argue lol

Venorik:"damn straight."
Post by: Rhindeer on June 09, 2005, 01:06:16 PM
Aniketos: *grins secretively and starts whispering back to Rayne*

^^;; Ani AND Rayne...oh man...always the innocent ones...

Kiyan: HEY! Stop that! What're you doing??

Hatame: Ouch, ouch, put the basket down! Ow! Stop hitting me!

Kiyan: Well stop trying to peep under my skirt!! O.< It's creepy! *holds skirt down, all self-conscious like*

Hatame: Sorryyy...but...it's not everyday you see a guy in a skirt! Just checkin'!

Kiyan: Checking WHAT?

Hatame: Neeeeeeeeeever mind! I found out what I needed to know! ^^ Nice.

Kiyan: o.o;;; homgifeelsoviolated...

Hatame: *cackles*

Aniketos: I LOVE YA SOOOOO MUCH RAYNEY-POO!! *dips her and starts kissing away*

O.O Jeez, get a room you two! Do I have any NON HORNY characters anymore???

Zharith: Yep. Me. I'm just an angst monkey. Because life sucks, and then you die...again...and again...and again...and again...

Don't much like reincarnation, eh? I always thought it was cool. ^^

Zharith: It is...the first 5728364187019.0000012 times! and then it just starts getting repetitive! *tragic angsty sigh* Can't a guy just die and STAY dead?

Heh...might not wanna say that too loud. That Tai guy over there...he's new to the whole "death" thing. Still has some baggage on him. Might snap and kill ya.

Zharith: Baggage...don't we all carry some? *smirks* Let him kill me. I'm not worried. Maybe I'll come bak as some crazy dragon or something next time around.

Or a mosquito.

Zharith: Been there, done that, bought the shirt, wrote the book. *examines nails boredly*

My, aren't you just a ray of sunshine...

Kiyan: ARGH!!! I'LL...I'll...I'LL SMOTHER YOU!

Hatame: Gotta catch me first!

...why is Kiyan naked...and why is Hatame wearing his skirt...and WHY is Hatame off his leash...???

Zharith: *blows on nails* I think the gryphon-man bribed that thief girlâ€"no, not the crazy one with the mirror...Sachi?â€"with Nakaris' necklaces. Don't ask me how he got THOSE.

Oh dear lord...
Post by: Anonymous on June 09, 2005, 03:19:38 PM

Toviel: You should be careful where you sit! *squeals and runs*

Kieli: YOU'RE DOOOMEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toviel: *tackled to the ground* *strangled* Z.... *gasp* iarre!!!!!!! HEeeeeee *choke*LLPPP!!!!!!!!

Kieli: *throttles*

.... *chews gum*

Ziarre: *laughing* *grabs Kieli and tosses him off* *grabs Toviel* *smacks Toviel* *throws him* *just lazy bullying*

Toviel: DAAAAAAMNN! I CAN'T WIIIN!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Anonymous on June 09, 2005, 04:10:02 PM
Arashin: What da ya mean I can't do that!??

Mazer: Just try swimming armour. YOu got a better chance of flying.

Arashin: Prove it.

Mazer: ...

*Mazer picks up Arashin, and flings him a good 10 feet*

Arashin: ...*knocked out*

Mazer: see, you flew!
Post by: Goldie on June 09, 2005, 05:54:24 PM

Well...perhaps you should have been nicer?

Siya: YOU were the one who made me evil!

I don't see it as good and evil!  I see it as smart and slightly confused ^_~

Siya:  *confused* Where does that leave me?

hehehehe, don't you wish you knew?

Tai: SEE SEE!  I TOLD you she was going to kill us all!  DOWN WITH THE CREATORS!!!

What exactly are you going to do?  You're a ghost!

Tai: I'll use my mad possessing skills!

O_o  when did you get that?

Tai: ........

I'll take that as a "I don't really have them I'm just living in a livid fantasy where I have everything I want"?

Tai: Easy for you to say!  You have the interenet!

Yeah, but I can't buy "mad possessing skills" online.

Siyavash: No skin....;____; do you know how much that hurts?

Ok, just a reminder, I wasn't the one who took off your skin!

Tai: She's lying.

It was Blue and her scary creapy not really alive thing? lol....Scry!  There we go!  *feels stupid for forgetting*

Fenway: And don't think you'll escape!  MWAHAHA!  I will lock the dungeon FOREVA!!!  dances*

woooah now....don't hurt yourself now.

Fenway: I won't if I get what I want!

And...what would that be?

Fenway: Some tortellini in a cream sauce ^_^


Fenway: And some bruchetta too!  No cheese and EXTRA tomato!

Italian cravings?

Fenay: What's Ih-tal-eon?

Never mind....

Siya: I'd like some red wine!

NO!  I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL CHEF!  And you are NOT getting wine!  You're bad enough on pepsi. --_--

Vaenain: That's SOOO not fair!  Why did HE get pepsi!

Being it stains your teeth?


Petaekka:  *steals his mirrors*

ok...this is getting WAY out of hand!  *pulls down the curtain which is followed by some insane screaming, crashing of glasses and mental utensals along with the smell of something burning*

uuuuh...we're having technical difficulties....  *runs off to find a fire extinguisher*
Post by: Anonymous on June 09, 2005, 07:20:52 PM
... What..... possessed you to do THAT?!

Toviel: What? I didn't do A THING *halo*


Toviel: HOW about ME?! Everyday of my life is followed with pain, beatings, getting poisoned but NEVER dying! Then when I die my throat is slit.. And.. and... I get beat every day UNTIL then?! AND I am FORBIDDEN to drink or even have SEX!!!! WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THAT?!?!

You know it's like.. your fault all those things even happen to you...


It's true... XP You know trying to look at Ziarre's.. uhm... cleavage.. is not healthy for you..

Toviel: *becomes more noticeable has a gash torn over his head and is bruised and bleeding from various wounds*

So.. Let me ask again.. what possessed you to do that?

Toviel: It's so bouncy!

Ziarre: V_V *punches Toviel in the head again*

Toviel: tweet... tweeet... *falls over* *stars around head*

Post by: Rhindeer on June 10, 2005, 09:48:47 AM
Kyras: It's SUCH draining work being an asshole...you just...you just don't have any idea. It's a very difficult facade to maintain...so much work. And I just get NO respect! Hells, even my own SLAVE disrespects me! How messed up is THAT? So, of course I have to slap him around a bit, because he's my slave and, damnit, he at LEAST should respect me, right? Right. But noooo, then people have to get involved, and...and... *sighs* And then they want to kill me. Of course. Kill the demon. That's just so in fashion these days. I mean, what is it, the frickin' 1500s?? Is this a frickin' witchhunt? Gods, I though humanity had EVOLVED, not devolved. People just...they just don't understand...what it's like...

Sanyu: But I do! *clenches fists* I...I was BETRAYED by humans! And angels! And non-demon people! But then another demon saved me and showed me the WAY! You just have to hang on, and...and...and BEAT 'em! Yeah! That's what Mister Mahath said! Well, something like that...demons RULE!!!! So beat the non-demons! BEAT THEM!!! WE WILL RULE!!! NON-DEMONS ARE GOIN' DOWN! ...except for Lilith...BUT EVERYONE ELSE IS GOIN' DOWN!

Kyras: *sigh* ...So much for subtle deceit, O Chosen One...

Kiade: I don't think killing non-demons is going to solveâ€"

Sanyu: ...K-kill...? Who...who said anything about...about...killing?

Kyras: Oh, let me guess...you planned on overthrowing the world and releasing everyone the next day, didn't you?

Sanyu: Well...yeah. *blinks* Isn't that how it works?

Kyras: *headdesk*

Lhakya: Where'd the desk come from?

Kiade: Lhakya...aren't you blind?

Lhakya: Huh? OH! Oh, yeah! I AM blind! Wait...I'm blind? HOLY CRAP WHAT HAPPENED TO MY EYES?!

Kyras: *grins suddenly* Hey, Lhakya...does, oh...pot roast mean anything to you?

Lhakya: *stops suddenly* O.o;; Oh shit...you're...you're...

Kyras: *snickers* Yep.

Kiade: I feel like I'm missing something here...

Kyras: Use your imagination.

Lhakya: He's...he's a friggin' CANNIBAL, that's what!!

Kyras: It's not cannibalism if it's not your own species. You're a lesser demon. And you're not a Cerenai. Thus, not cannibalism. See? ^^ *whips out a steak knife* We Cerenai rather enjoy the flesh of other demons. It tends to be tender.

Lhakya: That's not cool...not cool at all...so not cool...

Kyras: It's the food chain. Live with it.

Lhakya: LIVE with it?!

*tacklepounces Kyras* NOOOO you idiot! I NEED him for PLOTS!

Kyras: Oof! But...but...he'd still be around, technically...part of him...here and therâ€"

And YOU Kiade! You're the nice one! Why weren't you protecting him??

Kiade: ... *stomach rumbles*

O.o;; I'll go with what Lhakya said and say that's not cool.

Kyras: Humans aren't too bad, either. A bit gamey, but with the right seasonings andâ€"

LEAVING NOW! *hauls Lhakya away and runs*
Post by: Anonymous on June 10, 2005, 12:43:49 PM
Ziarre: Ew. That's fuckin' sick. Can YOU imagine... eating TOVIEL?! That's fuckin' NASTY! EW. OMFG... That's horrible.. *shuddering*

Toviel: HEY! I don't taste THAT bad! Would you eat me if you were starving and dying of hunger? Since, seriously, that's all I'd be good for and.. AND... I me---- OWWWWWTCCCCCCCCCCCHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ziarre: *bites Toviel*

Toviel: OMFG!! OMG! OMG! SHE TOOK A CHUNK!! BLOOD! OMG!!! I'M BLEEEDING! NEVER TRUST ANYTHING THAT BLEEDS FOR A WEEK AND DOESN'T DIE!!!!!! *runs around the room screaming "I'm going to die."*

O_____O Who needs a sedative? >>;

Ziarre: Moo-cow, you come ANYWHERE near me with that and I swear, you'll have a FUCKIN' spear through your damn head V_V

O.O I'll go with everyone from Rhi's group.. so not COOL! *puts sedative away*

WAAAAAIT! Moo-cow?!

Ziarre: *leisurely trips Toviel*

Toviel: AHHH! FLYIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sulekai: *points at Toviel* He needs the sedative...

Toviel: I do not!!!!

Sulekai: Yes. You do.

Ziarre: *pounces on Toviel* *leans over and bites a chunk out of his neck and spits it out* Oh yeah, REAL tastey... *mocks concern* Ooh! Tovy! You're bleeding!

Sulekai: You're supposed to cook 'em.

Ziarre: If I'm starving I probably wouldn't. Then again, if I was starving I'd just teleport to a town, wouldn't I? *just doing this to torture Toviel*


Ziarre: *purrs and pokes his head* *leans back down and bites him*

Toviel: *screaming like a girl*

nope.. not me... never get involved.... v.v <<>> it's quite funny actually...
Post by: Anonymous on June 11, 2005, 10:22:32 PM

Kanina: *flings sedative at random person, which just happens to be close to her creator*


Kanina: If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so. Long ago.

^_^;; goooood Kanina, did I ever mention that you are one of my favourite characters?

Kanina: Oh, so what's this horse doing here?

Uhh.. I'll just be leaving now... *turns around and promptly walks into a tree*


Kitty: I so didn't do it!... BAD KITTEN! *glares at Kitten, who happens to be in the midst of approaching another door*

and.. where do you think you're going?

Kitten: uhhh... *freezes* I just need to............................... use.. the... washroom... yes, the washroom and then conquer all lands in the name of Kitten, the supreme, conquering, never-to-be-defeated, overlord of the universe and all of its associates, and their associate's associates, which, in a distinct usage of irony, would include the associate's associates, as the associate's associate's associate's also happen to be the associate's associate's.

You're LEAVING Kitty ALONE?! Are you INSANE?

Kitten: well.. uhh.. possibley


Kitten: O.O;;
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 01:13:41 AM
Woah... I feel like my life has suddenly become like... y'know Alice and Wonderland or some kinda weird story where the protagonist is running around and confused and stuff... y'know.

Wisteria: O_o What is she talking about Marren Sphaleres?

Sphaleres: Do not listen to her, it will give you cavities. Scalpel.

Wisteria: *hands scalpel*

Wait a minute... am I tied down?

Sphaleres: It is all in your head.

Wisteria: Which we're going to cut open! *gringrin*

Did you just say what I thought you said?

Wisteria: *thinks a second* What did you think I said?

That you were going to-Ouch what the? Sphaleres! I ressurected you from oblivion! How could you do this to me??

Sphaleres: This is the effect of taking the chance to ressurect me. Forceps.

Wisteria: *hands forceps*

The effect? Couldn't you find someone else to cut up? I know a few charries that could use a lobotomy...

Sphaleres: There are many that I would like to inspect. By performing this experiment on you it will weaken the others. Then they won't put up a struggle when their time comes.

The others? If you haven't noticed already you kinda depend on my brain matter to exist too.

Sphaleres: Incorrect. As the the eldest of your active characters I can function without the involvement of your brain. The others would too, but they are firmly held within their cages.

What about Da-hjok? He's nearly as old as you. Shouldn't he be able to function-blah too?

Sphaleres: Da-hjok has no idea of what's in store for you, the shock will leave him weak enough for my purposes.

T_T You can't get away with this...

Wisteria: Sure we can. *gringrin*

Sphaleres: Non non Wisteria, you have to resist falling into clichéd dialogue. Do not talk to the victim.

Victim?? What... how the hell do you know French?

Sphaleres: I spent the last three years caged next to your French lessons.

Wisteria: Marren Sphaleres? Should you be talking to the victim?

Sphaleres: I know what I am doing Wisteria.  8)

Did I just see the little sun-glasses smilie pop up next to your head? Hey! Cut that out, put those forceps down! *grr grr grr*

Sphaleres: Hallcuniations, interesting.

Wait...  I don't have to allow this! I am the Creator! I rule you! I brought you into this world and I can take you out! So I order you, right now, to take these straps off and set me free!

Sphaleres: Did that make you feel better?

No T_T

Sphaleres: Poor thing.

Would it have hurt you to fake a compassionate tone?

Sphaleres: It would cramp my style.

Are you picking out peices of my brain, I could have sworn you just said that it would 'cramp your style'?

Sphaleres: That reminds me... *puts forceps and the bit of brain held in them in mouth*


Wisteria: I want some too!!

0.o Oh no no no nononononononononono I like references as much as the next person but not Hannibal. For the love of cheese!

Pastel: I like cheese...

How long have you been there?? Hey! Get those forceps away from me! I'm warning you! Gett'em outta here!

Sphaleres: *picks and holds forceps down to Wisteria*

Wisteria: *eats*

*squicked* TT_TT

Wisteria: Tastes like cookies! *gringrin*

my brain tasteses like cookies TT_TT

Pastel: Are cookies good?

Sphaleres: It tastes like cookies because it is cookie dough. I believe this is called a prank in English Mistress.

O.O Prank? Prank? Cookies? Prank? Cookies? *gibbers*

Wisteria: *pokes Night's head* Can we cut her brain open for real now?
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 12:10:41 AM
*A shadowy figure with a flowing black cape steps onto the stage*

*plops down on edge of stage; light reveals its a bookish, scowling Quill*

*pulls out a thick, hardbound and rotting book labelled "MAGIC STUFF" from under his cape*

*reads book while totally oblivious to the craziness about him*

Post by: Anonymous on May 22, 2007, 09:18:24 PM
Bryce: I'm a lumber jack and I'm okay!

Tsubaki: ...............-Tries to ignore everything and drink her tea.-

Kamala: She's a lumber jack and she's okay!

Maru: Please..please for the love of god not this again....

Kamala: -Caches her pipe, looking glossy eyed for a moment.- Fine! -Pulls off her fine silks, wearing nothing but tights and a tube top- MAMBO NUMBAH FIVE!

Bryce: -Does the same, too drunk to not be a total sheep!-

Tsubaki: -Sobs-
Post by: Anonymous on May 22, 2007, 09:39:08 PM
Satu: *eyes the others* Hm. Rather interesting specimens, wouldn't you say, Brother?

Enno: *has scooted over to Quill's side to look over his shoulder*

Satu: Brother? Damn it, Enno. >>;;

Okogo: HaHA! Finally a little excitement! *joins Bryce and Kamala*

Beacon: *looks around, befuddled* Oh...I don't even know half these people!
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 01:15:58 PM
Sile: -Sits in the corner and sips her gin, oblivious and careless-

Brynja: -Joins in Kamala, Bryce and Okogo in the Mambo number five, wailing off key-
♫To me flirtin'  it's just like a sport. Anything fly; it's all good. Let me dump it, please set in the trumpet! ♪
-Takes off her top-

Sile:-Spits the gin out, and proceeds to dropkick Brynn- Put that back on!

Brynn: ♪A little bit o'..Oww! Quit it! ♪

Amrita:-swipes Quill's book, rifling through it with a yawn and tossing it back- Feh, magic stuff's borin'. Anyone got a saucy technical manual?
Post by: Tally on May 27, 2007, 12:14:42 AM
Post by: Goldie on June 22, 2007, 08:31:18 AM
Xinthe: What the hell?  Words, fine, but the visual image is too much. --_--

Andwyad: *trying not to look* Well....tha' is sumthin'....bu' at least he's 'appy....

Sahirah: Happy doesn't even cut it.  Seriously, you should just shoot him and put him out of his misery.  It's like dogs.  When one is mental, you'd be cruel to let him live.

Andwyad:  O_o...well....I'm no' paid t'kill anyun righ' now...

Sahirah: *rolls eyes* you're pathetic.

Tai: Did you ever think that maybe characters don't WANT to die?  Huh?

Rayne: Tai....it's been nearly 4 years....Can't you just let it go?

Tai: 4 years doesn't make me any less DEAD!

Rayne: We've been through this.  You were killed for the plot.  The PLOT!  There are bigger things at work here than you being alive or dead.

Tai:  ......I hate you all.  I think that I'm going to go and run around naked with that guy.  You're planning to kill him, so he should at least understand.  *sob*
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2007, 01:57:24 PM
Alek: -Is looking completely awesome and cool as he reads his book. He's even wearing reading glasses to add to the awesomeness going down.-

Ada: -Opens her mouth...-

Alek: -A flash of steel, and then there's a knife at her throat.- Don't you dare.

Ada: -Mouth snaps shut.-
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2007, 02:06:45 PM
*Arolyn, Liicta, and Ohmaru flutter around Alek's head*

Arolyn: My, my, what a lovely book. What's it called?

Liicta: It's the Kama Sutra. The title's right there. RIGHT THERE!

Ohmaru: >_< Oi, keep it down, Lii--you're giving me a headache.

Arolyn: *blatantly ignores the naked guy in the background*

Ohmaru: Oi. Did you see Insanite lately?

Arolyn: Eh? What about her?

Ohmaru: Well she's...a little cranky--

Insanite: *Insanite bursts through the door, fuming* At the count of one...someone had BETTER gimme back my tootsie roll pop! D8<
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2007, 02:10:47 PM
Alek: -Looks up.- I appear to have... Fairies? Flying around my head. -He looks thoughtful, before turning to Ada.- Is this normal?

Ada: -Opens her mouth again to answer... Only to have the knife to her throat again. She gives an angry sigh.-

Alek: -Smiles at her smugly.-
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 07:16:38 AM
Arolyn: Fairies? Heck no! We're brownies. There's a big difference, buster! And what's with the knife?


Ohmaru: *throws Liicta down into the book and magically closes it* And an iiiiitty bitty living space.

[/Aladdin references]
Post by: Goldie on June 25, 2007, 08:09:14 AM
Corwyn: OOOOOO!  I LOVE brownies!!!  My momma use t'make 'em all th'time!  In th' oven....smelling soooooo goood...they just melt in your mouth!

Chailyn: um....Corwyn?  I think you're thinking of another type of brownie....

Corwyn: Chocolate and GREAT!

Chailyn: ....are you even listening?

Corwyn: So yummy and amazing and I want to eat some now!!! PWEEEEAAAASSSEEE!  I wanna have brownies for lunch!!!
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 03:46:46 PM
Timmi: -looks distainfully at the mad female- This is why I think girls are only good for being pretty. Try and get them in an actual calm discousion... -ducks the random things being thrown at him from his fellow female captives that live in Molty's brain-

Mikki: Hey, don't listen to the physco. Complete loser, he's not on drugs! -grins evily-

Sybrant: -sniffs distainfully at the people- Such low class common people. Not even knowing the difference between a brownie and a magical being called a Browine. It's a sad thing that the people of the world live in such ignorance.

Kiara: -stuffs Timmi in a box- Hah, no one likes males. -kicks him calmly back into his prison cell- Well, now that's that done with...

Loki: Well, no likes nobles either, Mr. Sybrant. Gosh, such disrespect for your betters. Should know that the theives will soon take over the world.

Me: .... >.> -sighs and stuffs a gag in Loki's mouth, unlocks Timmi's cage, handcuffs Kiara, slaps Sybrant for being an egotistical bastard, and takes Mikki's drugs away- Children suck. XDD
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 04:32:37 PM
Im confused...

Shadow- Your confused? Im more confused then you ever be, besides this means nothing to me, just people wasting their time spreading gossip

No need to be mean

Shadow- Dont tell me what to do, I'll rip you apart

Whateva man
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 06:10:46 PM
Alek: -Looks up and frowns.- I want my knife back. GIVE IT BACK!

Ada: -Turns, and punches Alek in the gut.- HA!

Alek: Why you... -Jumps Ada, and they start to wrest for dominace.-
Post by: Goldie on June 26, 2007, 06:51:21 AM
Xinthe: *sigh* you guys are seriously cramping my style.

O_o  then why don't you just run away?  After all, you can change your appearance with a thought.....


Wow....come backs are not your thing, eh?

Andwyad: *sniggers*  ya jus' said "eh"

Oh shut up.  At least I'm not mental.

Xinthe: Mental?  Yeaaaah.....keep telling yourself that.

O_o What is THAT suppose to mean?

Xinthe: That you CREATED us.  If we're mental, and we came from your mind, doesn't that conclude that you yourself are the ultimate mental?

Being philosophical now are we?  I liked you better fighting Beatrid.  You almost had a heart then.

Xinthe: HA!  A heart?  I was the biggest two-faced ass in the entire thread.  NO ONE knew what I was going to do!  Hell, even you admitted that you were playing by ear with that one.

>_>  nuh-uh.....

Fenway:  *rubs temples*  Can we pleeease stop arguing?

You're the king, can't you just command it?

Xinthe: *sideways glance* King you say?

Fenway:  O_o

As your creater, I command you not to steal from Fenway!  *looks around* crap....where did he go?

Fenway:  GYAH!!!  There's two of me!

Fenway II: AHH!  Stop copying my face!

Fenway: I CAN'T!  Seeing as this is MY FACE!

Fenway II: ...and can you prove that to your subjects? *sniggers and dashes off towards the castle*

Post by: Anonymous on June 30, 2007, 11:42:22 AM
Mo: Ugh. My word! All of these commoners are getting on my nerves!

Eun'ee: Yo mama was a commoner. >_>

Mo: WHAT DID YOU SAY???? *strangling Eun'ee*

Eun'ee: GAAAK! I said, your mother was a commoner.

Mo: Son of a--! *continues to strangle*

Arolyn: *laughs*

Liicta: *laughs*

Ohmaru: *sighs*
Post by: Anonymous on July 12, 2007, 10:14:12 PM
Venorik: O.O why did they not have this when I was still used here? It would have been so much fun.....