Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Wanderers and Independents => Topic started by: nephero on July 03, 2014, 02:33:36 AM

Title: Hesper, one spidery tailor
Post by: nephero on July 03, 2014, 02:33:36 AM
art by meee
"You're awful, I love you."


46 (currently still alive)


Theridi (Spider-like humanoids)




The Bastion, Fausteth (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=17148.msg199656#msg199656)


Physical Description:
Standing tall, Hesper is mostly legs. And arms. Literally. His main legs are long, with an extra joint close to the hip, though it has limited range of motion. His skin is a dusky brown, with patterning of pale yellow-white across his front and back. He has two sets of arms, and above his lower back there is another, smaller and far more spider-like legs set to either side of his spinneret.

Hesper is beyond picky. He will only tolerate the finest life has to offer, from fabrics to food to wine down straight into imported Essyrni rugs. He has a habit of collecting finery into his home, from god knows where, and hoarding it. Normally out for number one, meaning himself, he can actually be easily bribed into action with lavish gifts, or otherwise threatened into submission. He may talk smack, but he is not at all willing to put himself in more danger than is necessary.

However, despite his flagrant cowardice, he seems to react to close-quarters violence oddly, and it's not quite... clear if he actually enjoys being threatened or not.

As one might expect from a spider, he produces his own silk webbing, which he can fashion into incredibly strong thread. This he usually uses in his tailoring, though lately he's been using it more and more to keep the Faustethens in one piece.

His bite is venomous, though not especially deadly-- it may definitely result in pain and muscle rigidity if left alone and untreated.

Hesper is also a FABULOUS dancer.

An estranged wife, who tried to eat him.
More to be added.

At some point about ten years ago, Hesper wandered up and into Fausteth, noting the distinct lack of homicidal female Theridi and rather loving that fact. However, what Fausteth lacked in Theridi, it more than made up for in equally homicidal undead, and only by some miracle did Hesper not get torn limb from limb. He was brought to the Bastion, and he managed to "weasel" his way out of military service in exchange for acting as an expert on needlecraft. So he set up shop within the Bastion's walls, both as a tailor as well as a flesh-stitcher, breeding large spiders in his attic to help meet the demands for fabric and the super-strong thread that keeps the zombie citizens together.

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