Spirits of the Earth

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on November 14, 2005, 05:34:07 PM

Title: The book thread
Post by: Anonymous on November 14, 2005, 05:34:07 PM
Ovbiously, most of us enjoy reading. So discuss your favorites or the ones you think were a complete waste of trees.

Liked: Anything by Garth Nix, Tamora Pierce, or R.A. Salvatore usually

Currently reading: The Once and Future King

Hated: Dragon Queen (Avoid it like the plauge)
Post by: Rhindeer on November 14, 2005, 06:00:26 PM
Ohh ohh ohh!! BOOKS! YAY!!!


My all time favorites are The Last Unicorn and Watership Down. Love those books. *_* And I've read both of them at least a million times, not to mention watched the movies. XD And the funny thing about them is...I saw the movies first when I was a child, and was traumatized by both of them. Watership Down, though it's about rabbits, is DEFINITELY not a children's story...it's a very mature story, very violent, and has a lot of deeper themes in it, even though it's also an adventure tale about rabbits. XD But they're not cuddly pet shop rabbits...they're friggin' warriors. So, needless to say...the animated film version of it is VERY freaky for a little kid to watch...it's one of the bloodiest animated films I've ever seen. And about rabbits. *nods*

However, the story is completely, 100% kickass. No matter how many times I read it, I love it. The language is beautiful, and the characters are relateable...and the villain...well, every time I read the book, I just want to throttle him. *ahem* The ending always makes me cry as well. ^^;;;; It's just a beautiful book. Very rich and detailed and just... *cuddles the book*

The Last Unicorn...yes...as an animated film and from a little kid's perspective...not a good movie to watch. XD There's one part in the story concerning a harpy...very freaky. Ahem. Anyway, the movie is beautiful and follows the book well, but of course it has nothing on the book, which is amazing. It's very poetically written, and I just love how the character of the Unicorn is portrayed. The book also covers a ton of themes, but...they aren't obvious at first. XD After a few readings, the themes become more obvious. *cough* Speaking from experience. *nods* The story itself is really awesome. And...and...I love how the book ends. Very bittersweet yet hopeful. And I love bittersweet endings. It's also really funny in a lot of places. XD Schmendrick owns ALL!

Lesseee...other favorites...

The Wheel of Time series is fun, though...after book 6 or 7...it starts to just...get drawn out. ^^;; I've only made it to book 9, and haven't read it yet, because...nothing is happening! XDD But, um, it is a really good series, just a ton of reading and starts to lose momentum after book 7. Which is sad. I know it's because the author is setting the stage for the grand finale and has a lot of loose ends to tie, but...ah well. I really do want to see the story through to the end (it's gonna end on book 12...there are 11 books out now) because it truly is a great epic. And it's one of the most detailed stories I've ever read. The story has like 50 main characters and thousands of lesser characters. O.O I kid thee not. But, hey, considering each book is no less than 600 pages, and that they get around 1000 pages, it's not really surprising.

The books Ishmael and My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn aren't fantasy, but are really good. Make ya think. *nods* And touch on some important stuff concerning the world and whatnot. Very good books. Very eye-opening. ^__^

And...I'll stop for now. XD
Post by: Anonymous on November 14, 2005, 07:26:38 PM
Reading currently: "Choosing Death"

About to read more of: "Lords of Chaos: Rise of the bloody Satanic Underground

Wanting to read more and more because its the first book he became obsessed with XD: "Intensity" by Dean Koontz

Hating: Books about God
Post by: Anonymous on November 14, 2005, 07:40:05 PM
Omg! I've fallen in love with Garth Nix, lmao. <3 I read.. Sabriel not too long ago, on Lirael now ^___^ They're at the top of my list.. I love the entire idea of the world, the magic, how it's incorporated.. Everything. It's great. I like it. I suck at explaining. HAH. Anyway..

Heartland series is a favorite, simply because I will never lose my obsession with horses. And then Phantom Stallion series... horses again. Mwuaha. Bother realistic, obviously.

Daughters of the Moon - they're good, too. Fantasy, mwuaha. Based a bit on greek mythology.. And then Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, that's brilliant, too. Uhhh.. OOHH. Devil in Gray was an AWESOME book, except for the.. uhm, oral sex scenes? LOL. Those were interesting parts of the book, of course the rest was really interesting. Uhhhhhh... There was, there was.. what the heck was it.. OHHH. Blood and Chocolate. Werewolves book, lovely, lovely, lovely. Tamora Pierce is kickass too, I've only read one of her books, but I want to read more, only problem is.. she has like.. a zillion freakin books, so I get confused on where to actually start.

OH. ANOTHER awesome book is In darkness, Death.. realistic with a hint of fantasy.. Yeah, sorta. Lol. More like beliefs.. BASED IN JAPAN, folks. It's awesome. I want to get more books by the authors... Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler ^^

That's all I can think of at this particular moment.. OHH. No. Julie of the Wolves books and the Face of the Milk Carton books... <33333333333 Hah.

Anywayzzz. I think I nailed down my ultimate favorites. Oh, wait. I also like stuff by Sarah Dessen - realistic, girly.. crap. Yeah.

The Silver Kiss [vampires] was awesome.. and Bitten [werewolves, and it's a series, and further in it's more fantasy stuff like witches], too.
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 09:53:08 AM
I love just about all of these authors' books:  Matthew Stover, R.A. Salvatore, Michael A. Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, and JRR Tolkein.  Umm. most starwars books i like, especially the new jedi order and books after that.  and the thrawn books are awsome.  I really liked some other books too, .like Animal Farm, Angels and demons, the Da vinci Code, and theCassandra Compact.

Books I hate:  just about anything I have to read for school that isnt at least four-hundred years old, romance novels, any books made with a liberal or bible-thumping perspective.
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 12:40:24 PM
I'm currently reading: "Why Josh and D-vad s0xx0rz so badly" Bu R. K. McHugh.

Good read if you want the truth on Lord leet and his lover D-vad.

And soon to be seriously reading: "The Book of Filth: A black metal bible" by dani filth.

*coughsafterxmascoughs* >.> <.<
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 01:28:15 PM
well.. lessee.. anyone who knows me knows how much I read.. a couple years ago I was a reading maniac, but it has slown down a bit with school, drawing, and stuff...

my favs off the top of my head..
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass by Carol Lewis
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
The Lord of the Rings
Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchet
*cough* Harry Potter
the "Remember Me" trilogy.. forgot the author..
A Wrinkle In Time series by Madeleine l'Engle (sp?)
The Dark Is Rising series
His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman (holy crap, those were just awesome!)

I'll pick a few to send love to in this post... oh wait, I have two hours before I have to go >.>

The Haunting of Hill House was just awesome.. it is one of those I-can't-sleep-until-I-read-it-holy-crud-this-is-creepy-ooh,lookabunny-books. I simply love the writing style in it.. It sets a definitely creepy mood, and it is like the house was built to be alive, but not in the noticeable way.. sort of going into the subconscious, and the ways that the doors are all closed all the time, no matter if you prop them up.. and all the rooms, and the grounds.. it is just.. well.. go read it!

Narnia is, well... self explanatory. I get lost in that world whenever I read those books.. Same goes to LOTR and Harry Potter..

Danny is a story about a girl who wants a pony, and works really hard for it. Her father died when she was little, and the only picture she has of him is of him on a horse. It is a typical family living on what used to be a farm, her mother is seeing someone else, and the girl doesn't like him. She falls in adoration with this white pony that goes lame when it escapes from its stable, and someone forwards the owner the money to buy the horse for her. and the story goes on about what she goes through with the horse, with her once-friend-now-snob around and.. well, I ALWAYS cry when I read this book.

Remember Me is set in the present time, in the states.. california I think, and it is about this woman who commits a suspicious suicide and sticks around to solve the case, because she is sure she didn't jump off that balcony. The sequels are awesome. However, there is coarse language in it, so.. if you are offended easily by that, don't read these books.

The Dark Is Rising series has so much magic to the story that it is another series I can't just put down.

and I just recently finished the last book of His Dark Materials.. The Amber Spyglass... I absolutely love this series, it is like religion with almost more conflict to it.. There are witches, and there are the different things of christianity, and they are all coming after Lyra Silvertongue because of something we don't find out until the third book and is a spoiler so I won't write it ^_^ almost everyone has a daemon (kinda like.. a witch's familiar? the witches daemon's are different than all the others), and there are angels, armored bears, the dedicatedly nasty side of christianity that tries to purify everyone by breaking their spirits from sin.. ooo, it is FUN! I love all the theories and stuff that have been put into it, and all work, and eeee *squee**insert mindless zombie noises here*

I don't like this keyboard. I'll see you later... unless I think of a book that I've forgotten about...

oh yeah, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchet had me laughing non-stop XD
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 03:10:22 PM
Kanina, you read the whole Dark is Rising series? I can never find anything other than The Grey King. I liked it, though. I also like:

anything by Tolkien
The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix
The Divine Comedy(even if I'm still in Purgatory)
Harry Potter
Resident Evil series by S.D. Perry
Magic: The Gathering books
Animal Farm
Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan
The Purple Emperor(sequel to Faerie Wars)
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 04:09:09 PM
Books I <3:
- Anything by Neil Gaiman (esp. American Gods, Anansi Boys)
- Garth Nix - Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen, Keys to the Kingdom is pretty good, but I didn't like the 7th Tower series much
- R.A. Salvatore - the legend of Drizzt is all I've read so far
- Victoria Hanley! The Seer and the Sword/The Healer's Keep/The Light of the Oracle are muy fabuloso, and she's just finished another that's probably going to be out in ~ a year since it has to be edited and then go to BRITAIN first (her publisher's British, agh)
- So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld--very awesome fiction book about fads and various things
- Harry Potter ^.~ (I'm seeing the movie on Friday!! Yee!)
- Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk (I haven't read anything else of his, but I've heard it's all really good)
- the only interesting biographies I've ever read-- The Long Hard Road Out of Hell (Marilyn Manson) and Mob Nemesis by some retired FBI guy. They were both very graphic, but I'd have to say MM wins for scaring me for life. ^.^ At least I'll never be shocked by anything ever again!
- Anne Rice. But be warned, if you read too many at one time, you yourself will turn into an utterly depressed vampire.
- Joanne Bertin's The Last Dragonlord and Dragon and Phoenix. I want her to write #3 already!!! If you haven't read these, they are the BEST dragon books I've ever read. Not that I've read that many. But I love these a lot!
- and there is sooooo much more....

Well, The Dark Is Rising series:
#1 Over Sea, Under Stone -- I disliked greatly, because I just don't CARE about these freaky little kids, I want to read more about Will who actually does things!
But the rest I LOVED. My mom didn't like them. But I made her read most of them anyway.

Books I h8:
- much of the stuff we had to read for school, except Fahrenheit 451 and To Kill a Mockingbird, which actually had a point!
- An Acquaintance with Darkness-- the first book I remember disliking to the point of hatred. Boring, boring, boring, and then everyone dies, and not even in interesting ways.
- the Elfquest graphic novels once they couldn't kill off Winnowill. I HATE WINNOWILL! Gah! Get on with life! But I liked them before that.
- The Bible. If ever there was a book that inspired more hatred or caused so many stupid deaths than this one, I would like to know about it.
- the Left Behind series. I was reading the first one because I thought it was an interesting idea, but all these people who were left behind completely LOST all traces of personality or interest the second they decided to convert. (How is this incentive to become a Christian?)

Soo... yeah. That's probably enough. ^_^
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 04:23:37 PM
Oh, I completely left some out.
Anyway, I'm reading Into Northern Twilight on and off. It's set in that Exalted RPG. It's actually very well written and quite exciting.
And another favorite of mine is Urban Shaman. It's C.E Murphy's first novel. It's a little weird but in a good way. It has a bit colorful language though.

The books that my school picks out aren't really that bad. The only one's that I've really disliked were The Man in the Iron Mask and Dicey's Song. The first was nothing at all like the movie adaptation and was boring as hell. The latter just sucked, it was like a chick flick in book form with no plot whatsoever.
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2005, 09:42:16 PM
Ketsueki san: not only have I read them all, I own most of them, too XD

I love pretty much any book or anyTHING that employs mythology in the storyline. I am entranced by mythology ^_^

Garth Nix sounds good to me, I'll have to look up his books for future reading. I've heard about the Divine Comedy.. but haven't read it.. I think it is already on the list-of-things-to-read XD
Post by: Rhindeer on November 15, 2005, 10:33:39 PM
Ohhh...Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice was awesome! ^___^ I didn't care for any of the other books in her vampire series, though...personally, I though she should have just ended it at IWtV, because that book was gorgeous, and to me...the others just felt like she was trying to milk the story for every penny. ^^;; But, that's me! I love that book. *huggles it*

And of course the Harry Potter series... *cough* Love it. >.>

Things Fall Apart is one I love! ^__^ Sad book, though. But I loved it. I enjoyed <U>The Bride Price, as well. ^___^ Both books about the Igbo culture in Africa and about the traditions. Very well written and I like the messages.

I used to HATE The Catcher in the Rye, but I had to read it again this semester for my adolescence in literature class, and...now I like it. Turns out I was reading it from the wrong angle. I always saw Holden Caufield as an annoying little angst monkey, but after my professor taught the book (and he's one helluva good teacher) I now see it as, well, frickin' hilarious. XD Now I love Holden. It's crazy what a difference perspective makes. None of my teachers before had ever mentioned anything about existentialism, either, and understanding that certainly makes a difference in getting the book. Or, at least, in my case it did.

The Outsiders. Awww. Read this in my adolescence in literature class, and...awww. Just aww. XD It was cute, haha.

The Sevenwaters Trilogy. I've only read the first two books, Daughter of the Forest and Son of the Shadows, but they're beautiful. Seriously. I can't believe I forgot to mention them in my first post. O.O The language is just...so vivid and poetic and gorgeous without being overkill. I don't know how the author does it, but every sentence is just...a work of art. And very sensual...as in...I could see, hear, taste, smell, and feel everything that was written. And as for the stories themself? Fantasy with reference to loads of Irish mythology! *SQUEE!* The stories are just wonderful...and I love the characters...very realistic, and I could sympathize with all of them. Well, except with a certain JERK from the Daughter of the Forest, but my theory is that if an author can make the reader feel strong emotions, they have succeeded! And the author is VERY good at that. *bliss*

Island of the Blue Dolphins. XD Read this as a little kid...it still has a special place in my library, heh.

Brave New World. Scary. Just...scary. Loved it, though! Bwahahah...orgy porgy...now THAT is classic...I still have that little thyme memorized. >.> It's great for breaking into song at random moments. AHEM! But, yes, great book. Very sad and freaky, but very good.

Citizen Girl. XDDD Oh man...this book is just hilarious. It's a satire about a young feminist (named Girl) making her way around the job market, and it's just...hilarious. Very well written. I probably would have NEVER picked it up off the book shelf alone, so I'm SO glad my mom's boyfriend bought it for me for Christmas, otherwise, I would have never read it, and that would have been a tragedy. O.O Because it's just really great, and... *cough* Girl reminds me of myself, with all the random thoughts that go through her head... XD Um, yes. Good book, good book. Loved the ending and its meaning.

Um...books I haven't liked:

+ Ragtime. UGH. Just...UGH! Had to read it this semester, and...UGH! That's all I can say.

+ The Human Stain. Once again...UGH!! >.< And once again, had to read it this semester.

+ The Wonder Book of the Air. Once again...had to read it this semester...and that book just bugged the blood HELL out of me. *TWITCH* I swear, if ANYONE EVER says the phrase "lady female member of the species homo sapiens human being" I will beat their face in. It's just...SUCH a stupid phrase to me and...and...they said it like 50 million times in the book for no reason whatsoever and I just wanted to take a sharpy and cross it out every time that damnable phrase was repeated! *heaves* Ahem. Overall...the book was just...annoying. SO annoying. I don't even know WHY it annoyed me so much, because it was well written I guess, but just...annoying. >.< I hated all the characters, hated the language used, and...UGH. Nails on a chalk board.

+ The Plague, which I also read this semester. Sounds all cool. Especially since it is about the plague (yanno, with rats and all). But...ugh. Not exciting at all. The book might as well not even be about the frickin' plague for all the detail it goes into concerning it. -_-;; But it's not THAT which made me dislike it...I couldn't tell one character from the next. They all just blended together. Might as well have just named them "A, B, and C". Couldn't connect with any of 'em. And the book is VERY existentialist and dry. Sure, it has a good message and deep meaning and all that jazz, which is good, but...*shrug* It might as well have just been a text book, not a story.

+ The Scarlet Letter. Yes. Let's drone on for 20 pages about some guy falling ill. Let's drone on for another 20 pages about how many stitches the big red "A" has in it. Great fun. Need I say more?
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2005, 01:57:31 PM
I know that I'm probably going to get burned or something for this but I'm reading The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin :oops: I mean...it's pretty informative...nothing else to read for now and I need to read it for Biology so you know...meh.

I do want to read The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett but I can only find the graphics novel in my school library so I'm pretty stuck!
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2005, 06:49:00 PM
Favorite: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Current: Silver is for Secrets by Laurie Faria Stolarz and Bridge to Terabithia by I don't remember
Hated: I dunno[/b]
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2005, 08:04:59 PM
QuoteI know that I'm probably going to get burned or something for this but I'm reading The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin Embarassed I mean...it's pretty informative...nothing else to read for now and I need to read it for Biology so you know...meh.

Burned? Awww you silly personez. Biology and Darwin's theory are AWESOME and I love them both with every fiber of my being. Just wanted to put that out there, I'm not qualified to do the little form thing because apparently you're (excluding Hylian, but that's about it) all talking exclusively about novels and I don't read novels.
Post by: Rhindeer on November 16, 2005, 08:07:48 PM
Nawww, I don't think this is exclusive to novels! Graphic novels and novellas and short stories could count! Don't see why not!

(And Origin of the Species is fascinating to moi!)
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2005, 08:17:36 PM
Graphic novels, novellas and short stories? I don't read any of those either from what I can tell. Rofl, I don't even know what a "novella" is. I mostly just read stuff about anatomy, animals, drawing, evolution, comedy, anything that involves crazy people and insane asylums and probably some other things that I can't remember. I have technically read a small portion of a graphic novel, though. It was about jesus and moses and stuff. The only reason I read more than half a page was because there were pictures and the bible is infinitely funnier and more amusing with pictures even though that wasn't it's intent because I have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to lots of words about things I am not immediately interested in.
Post by: Rhindeer on November 16, 2005, 08:21:30 PM
XDDD You crack me up. *gigglefit*

Anatomy books and science stuff counts, I think! ^___^ They're fun, bwahahah!
Post by: Rhindeer on December 05, 2005, 05:53:43 PM
Memoirs of a Geisha is wundaful. *__*

I've been wanting to read it for years, but just always either forgot, had to get another book, or didn't have money. Then the movie adaptation that's coming out reminded me to read it, so I just got it a few days ago, and...yee! It's excellent! ^__^ One way for me to tell a book is excellent (at least, by my standards XD) is if the book gets me to feel stuff. Like, if the book can actually get me pissed off, or depressed, or happy, that's a good book to me! XD The worst book, in my case, is where ya just don't care. Heh.

So far, this book has done all of that. And I'm only 100 pages into it. ^^;;;

But, yesh! It's very beautifully and powerfully written. I have to literally pry myself away from it and make myself go to sleep, heh heh.
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2005, 06:09:43 PM
Ohhh! That's the book I'm going to get soon when we go back to Walden's Books! I also want to see/get the movie.. It looks awesome!
Post by: Rhindeer on December 05, 2005, 06:15:03 PM
It is, it is!

I really wanna see the movie when it comes out in theatres. *__* The movie looks like it's really well done. At least, from what I gather from the previews. And the book is just...awesome.
Post by: Goldie on December 05, 2005, 07:19:24 PM
AH!  I saw a preview for that and I really really really really want to see it too!  But it was advertised as "To be released in select theaters"  *sobs*  I hope it comes either here at Elizabethtown, or back in Maryland....it looks so good!!!!!  And Geisha's are really interesting to begin with!  Perhaps I shall get the book and read it when I go back to the library ^_^

And BTW, Eldest....is great!  I was a little perturbed by how quickly everything seemed to move in the beginning, but it improved....and....I really want to say something about it....the ending...omg the ending!! I did a happy dance because I was SO RIGHT, but then I felt horrible because now things are so messed up for the main characters.....oh man......

But now I'm at a loss...should I start reading Watership Down?  Or the Last Unicorn?  *ponders*
Post by: Rhindeer on December 05, 2005, 07:23:01 PM
Ahhh! I hope it's released here, then! O.O If it's not, I'm gonna be mad. I wanna see that movie so bad! Agh! Geishas are very interesting!

Aaand... O.O Oh man. Um...well...I love them both so much so...AHHH! Okay, um, The Last Unicorn is shorter! So...that would mean you could get through with that faster and then get to read Watership Down! XDD
Post by: Goldie on December 05, 2005, 07:27:26 PM
LOL!  Well then!  The Almighty Rhi has spoken!  *hails*
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2005, 06:52:00 PM
Speaking of books, I have begun my initial work on my anti-christ story. It's not the anti-christ clche that fill up the theatres...end of days..the exorcist..amityville horror and whatnot. This story is about my black metal personality Aethyr. It takes place in modern day time, and is strongly based on real life places, churches, and yes, court cases/court sessions.

A small sample of it (two parts of it that will be editted for good reason!) can be seen on my deviant art gallery. //noxcaladoxia.deviantart.com

I should be finished with much of it by next christmas. It will span over a few years..book time but, will actually be only a year in real time. Unless some drastic happens then this book wont be released but, with me in charge...nothing is going to stop it!
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2006, 11:57:55 PM
How i would absolutely LOVE to read Corridor de Cocaine again..such an amazing book.

*le sigh* i have no library card here..:( *tear*
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2006, 01:52:17 PM
I mostly read fantasy stuff - like, say, G.R.R.Martin or Robert Jordan(though his spanking fetish is getting -really- annoying, I don't need that every ten pages, thank you). Terry Prattchet too, of course, I have all books by him ^^

Currently I am reading a series of books that has managed to impress me quite a bit indeed.
Steven Erikson - Stories from the Malazan books of the Fallen. It is basically a story about an empire called "The Malazan empire" and the world it exists in. Oh, and of course the conquests of that empire. It's not just an evil empire either - which doesn't mean they are good, few people are good or evil in these books.
Aside from the empire and it's wars on two different continents,there are ancient cultures, elder and younger gods, undead shapeshifters, rebellions. It's scope is simply enormous. Oh, and the author - while not being feminist, since he's a guy - shows even a culture where - unlike most fantasy stories - gender does not even matter much. When the Malazan characters act, you'll notice that a lot of the soldiers are female, as is the empress(who killed the old emperor and his master assassin a couple years back ^^ or did she?), as are her mages, assassins, and even her high advisor/right hand.
Magic is also handled -extremely- original in this setting - and it is one of the few that incoorperates magic in a realistic manner - ie how it is used, for what purpose. We are not talking about mages who spend all their time in a tower reading books, we are talking about battle-trained mages, cadre-mages, who walk among their fellow soldiers, shielding them from spells, and striking back. Assassins quite often use magic as well, which makes sense, since quite often their targets are mages, too.
All in all, it is simply very nicely contructed.

It is, however, quite hard to get into - and obviously not to everyones liking(they are also, in part, quite brutal - war is not a happy happy place).
But fits what -I- like perfectly(well, aside some of the descriptions, very very brutal). A highly, extremely original world, ancient mysteries, many multifacetted characters - what more would I want? ^^ Well...the last two books in the series, I'd like to have them.
Post by: Rhindeer on January 21, 2006, 06:29:31 PM
Quote from: "Fennel"I mostly read fantasy stuff - like, say, G.R.R.Martin or Robert Jordan(though his spanking fetish is getting -really- annoying, I don't need that every ten pages, thank you).
LMAO!! So I'm not theonly one that noticed that! XDD YAY!

*coughs* My unrelated Wheel of Time rant... >.>

The Wheel of Time series has started making me very sad...I'm currently stuck on book 9. Heh...got stuck around page 100 before I just. Couldn't. Read. Anymore. ^^;; That series started out with a bang and I was addicted to it up until around book 6, but, at least in my opinion, it's slowed to a crawl and all the characters now sound the same. ;_; I can't really differentiate between them anymore, save by their names. Especially the female characters--there's like only 3 female character molds, and all the tough gals have turned into complete lovestruck wimps. Bah. And I no longer like Rand. He can go die. XDD I used to love him to death, too, but now I don't even care about him anymore. Only thing that keeps me reading at this point is that I've already invested so much in it, so darn it, I wanna know how it ends. XD I'm rooting for the Forsaken. >.> If only Asmodean was still around...

My personal opinion: Robert Jordan's mistake was expanding out way too BIG. I mean he has, what...like 50 main characters and thousands of lesser characters? Yeesh. He just got carried away...and lost a lot of characterization that way. Now all the characters are clones of each other...not to mention his annoying tendency to reduce all the strong female characters into stupid wimps. GRAH. Aviendha and Min ROCKED! Now they're both wimps. And all three of them loving Rand oh-so-muuuuch and Rand not being able to make up his mind and wanting to screw all of 'em--and them not minding that! *headdesk* It was cute at first, now it's just...making me stabby. XDD Especially when it comes to Aviendha. WARRIOR AVIENDHA! The Aviendha who took no BS and kicked butt, no questions asked! And now...look at her! *sobs* She's a wimp!

Of course, it's all due to the web and blah...but at this point, it just looks like it's one big gratuitous screw fest. Mighty Rand and his harem of mindless ninnies. Guh.

Now I just have to one day pick book 9 up again...and read it...may be a while, though...many other fantasy books have been occupying my time. >.> <.<

Okay...I'm done...just needed to get that out of my system. XD


I'll have to check out that war series you mentioned, Fennel! It sounds awesome! Bwahaha...brutal, eh? I like. XD
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2006, 07:21:20 PM
Favorite books (in no particular order)
Wheel of Time series
Harry Potter (what can I say, it's a good series)
The Dragon Rider Series** (if I can figure out the chronological book order)
umm....uh...there's more...i just can't think of them right this moment O.o
but basically anything that has magic/magic-type stuff/mystal creatures/that kind of stuff, I'm good with

Currently Reading: Wizard's First Rule, don't remember the series' name and i'm too lazy to look right now

Hate: books with no action and/or 'filler' and/or no point, etc. etc.

On an unrelated note
Comments about Wheel of Time rant*:

Note: If you haven't read through about book....nine actually, there might be some spoliers in here.

I agree about Jordan having too many characters, what with the Sea Folk, Knitting Circle, and others, waaaay to many people >.<. And having just about all actual main female characters swooning over somebody. Yet it does make the plot very expansive. And Asmodean  may BE alive...just in a different body, because Mordin (or whatever his name is, can't remember) is presumed to be Ishamel, just in a different body. And somewhere after or in book nine, the characters start to be un-clone like of each other again, or maybe I just don't see it O.o. Anywho, there's my comments.

*I copy and pasted the rant into Microsoft Word and upped the font size :P
**Don't think this is the real name of the series
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 12:26:01 AM
New Fave Books List (*coughsbirthdaycomingupin2monthsrhicoughs*)

1) Corrido de Cocaine- Arturo Strong (Great great author)
2) Intensity- Dean Koontz (Very first book recommended to me from my 8th grade english teacher)
3) Lords of Chaos: Rise of the Bloody Satanic Metal Underground (Got it already ^_^)
4) The Dirt- Motley Crue (If you ever wondered what goes on when a band is on tour...this is the absolute answer)
5) Anything by Max Lucado
6) Choosing Death- *can't remember the author right now but it's about the death metal scene* (Absolutely brilliant!!)

Yup, that's my list...so I don't read much..i will again. I wanna get back into reading certain types of books to help aid with mine. I'll list those later
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 02:24:29 PM
QuoteMy personal opinion: Robert Jordan's mistake was expanding out way too BIG. I mean he has, what...like 50 main characters and thousands of lesser characters?

DO NOT read the series I mentioned then ^^;. That series easily puts Jordan to shame with its amount of characters. Not even trying. In the very first book, you already have almost as much characters as Jordan has in several XD Granted, they are not clones, and the females don't turn into wimps(not at all, and I've yet to see a female soldier there worry about her appearance in battle. And there was quite an amount, including several characters. The only female who did that a lot did in jest, and mostly because she really didn't care, since she was a half goddess, and had the tendency to roast people with magic, not weapons)

I do agree with your rant on Jordan. He really has big trouble with female characters and their characterisation. Even -I- do better male characters, and I have a reputation of sucking at them horribly. Yet even I can manage, say...five different types. Or maybe even six!

His attitude on, say, homosexuality is also questionable to put it mildly. Oddly, while there is not even a passing mention of male homosexuality, there is a -lot- of female one. And I mean -a LOT-. The Aes Sedai place is full of it. He even aknowdledged that his "pillow friend" simply means "lesbian". Yes, really. Yet, most named characters who are like that seem to be either villains(one of the forsaken cares for both genders), corrupted(Elaine), or outright abusive(a certain Shaido).  Have yet to see it appear in a positive context.

I really like some of the history bits he does, and the forsaken in general, but some other things...are meh-ish xD And Rand should shut up.
Post by: Anonymous on January 29, 2006, 09:34:12 PM
I'm currently reading Dragon and Soldier, the second book out of the Dragonback series. I've failed to read the first one, but I'm beginning to understand the story pretty well. :3 It's a Science-fiction.

There's one part that amuses me, and I used it as part of my signature on another site.

Quote"These things are called control collars. Their sole purpose in life is to choke the living daylights out of you if you try to run or make trouble."


Post by: Anonymous on January 29, 2006, 10:33:49 PM
Just wondering if anyone has read anything by China Meiville? He's probably one of my favourite authors. Writes kind of creepy and very interesting books. The Scar is the best one in my opinion.

Karl Schroeder is also a great author. He writes some great science fiction dealing with nanotech and virtual societies and other good stuff. Uh, he's also my uncle, so I shamelessly plug his books as much as possible.
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 07:34:15 PM
dude.... i just bought star wars: the dark nest trilogy III: the swarm war, and am about halfway through it.


in like the second chapter, luke declares himself the absolute dictator of the jedi order.  i mean... how awsome is that?!

so, in case any of you guys are into the whole star wars thing, i definitely recommed any of the new jedi order books, as well as this trilogy im reading.  by the time your done reading em, you will never be able to say star wars isn't fuckin deep and philisophical ever again!
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 10:23:55 AM
The Devil's Notebook- Anton LaVey...read if you want a good laugh lol.
Post by: Goldie on December 17, 2006, 05:05:26 PM

I am bringing this thread back from the depths of the GD forum because....well...because books pretty much are amazing XD  Hurray!  Not to mention, now that the semester is finished, I have a TON of books that I want to update because they're FREAKING FANTASTIC!

Firstly, Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton is phenominal!  It's really short, about 100 pages or so, we read it in American Lit, and....the symbolism....O_o  *dies*  There is SO MUCH in that novella!  SO MUCH SYMBOLISM!  When you finish reading and start thinking back on all the events, and on the naturalism thrust upon you....it's mind boggling....and fantastic.  *nods*

Also, The Awakening by Kate Chopin.  At first when you start reading you wonder why in the nine levels of Dante's hell are you reading it?  But then, once you finish, and you think about all of the naturalism, and how awesome it is to have a progressive woman in a time where women are compliant...and how she couldn't fit into society and THAT'S why the book ended the way it did.....I don't want to give away the ending...but it was fantastic!  I LOVED it!  But it is one that you have to sit down with the intention of finishing and contemplating, otherwise you just won't get through it.  XD haha

Aaaannnnddddd, back on my fantasy book lists (because fantasy is my ultimate favorite genre) I have SO MANY FOR YOU!

If you haven't read Juliet Marillier, YOU MUST!  She is the most innovative, phenominal writer I have EVER encountered.  She uses celtic/gaelic lore in her novels, and they're breathtakingly beautiful.  The first series I read by her was the [Sevenewaters Trilogy which blew. me. away.  Right now I'm working on The Dark Mirror from the Bridei Chronicles, and just....*dies*  there are simply no words for how beautiful these stories are.  You get attached to the characters instantly, and I'm so addicted to it that I even read it while running....lol.....But yes, please please PLEASE for the love of amazing Fantasy, READ JULIET MARILLIER!  Any of her books are marvelous!

Next is Deborah Hale's novels The Wizard's Ward and The Destined Queen.  Basically, she takes a fairly simple story, young girl, destined the rule the world is brought up in humble surroundings after her mother leaves her there when she's first born.  It's pretty much a fairy tale told for adults....a rags to riches, growing-up journey full of just amazing imagery...and it's beautiful.  Deborah Hale...every sentence is like a piece of godiva chocolate melting on your tongue...and she really makes a simple, epic, fairy-tale into a gorgeous piece of literature.  You will be attached the moment you finish the first few pages!

Finally, this was my find over the summer, and I love it so much that I must share it with you.  Jacqueline Carey wrote The Kushiel Legacy trilogy.  It's one of the most interesting, different, fantasies that I have ever encountered.  At first, I was very apprehensive because it's extremely graphic....and the first 50 or so pages of the first book made me cringe, but the story is captivating....and has become one of my favorite trilogies of all time.  The books are about a woman named Phedre who is, pretty much, a cortesan.  But in her world, this is a position of highest honor and she is actually in the worship of the gods in this profession.  She's almost a priestess in a way.  And while she is...cortesan-ing...lol...she also plays the part of a spy.  I can't really say any more other than Carey creates this world and throws you into it, and you get caught up in the intrigue and the plots, and the betrayal, and the characters, and EVERYTHING!  It's a gorgeous piece of writing and I would recommend it to anyone old enough to handle the adult content.  Beautifully written...absolutely beautiful.  After the books about Phedre (the first three), Carey recently released Kushiel's Scion which is about someone else (I don't want to give it away!  Because you don't meet him until later in the first three....lol)  Highly recommended.  My ultimate favorite.  Each book is about 900 pages, and I finished the first two in a week.  If that says anything. XD

So yes, my novel update is finished!  Hurray resurecting threads!
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2006, 05:14:12 PM
I still stick by The Wheel of Time books and I can't wait for the last book. x] I read somewhere that Jordan said that the twelth book will end the main plot, even "...if I [Jordan] have to make it two thousand pages long."

Two thousand page book...That should keep anybody occupied with reading it for a LONG while. xD
Post by: Anonymous on December 28, 2006, 09:07:03 PM
Gold speaks the truth about The Kushiel Legacy, the series is wonderful, albiet a bit graphic at the beginning (not for me, after reading Sade. I've yet to read anything more sexually graphic than Sade.) I'd also like to point out that the series isn't quite sleazy graphic, but Phedre's a masochist so some of the scenes are a tad kinky. Goldie reccomended the series to me after asking if I got the name Hyacinthe from the series. I've yet to read the third book, since I doubt they sell the series in my friendly neighborhood bookstore - which is a big major shame.

Some of my favorite books (besides the Kushiel Trilogy) are:

Anno Dracula by Kim Newman: A sort of alternate ending for Bram Stoker's novel. In this book, Dracula is the Prince Consort of England and Jack the Ripper is killing vampire prostitutes. I found this book by chance in a library back in Georgia and loved it even though it'd be another couple years before I got the chance to read Dracula! There are plenty of in-jokes from other gothic novels from Dracula's period. Books don't make me cry all too often (I get choked up plenty though), but one part in AD had me bawling.

Firebringer and The Sight by David Clement-Davies: At their most basic levels these books are about a prophecy among animals (red deer in Firebringer and wolves in The Sight) and the plot follows the prophesized one. I can't stack them against Watership Down however, since I haven't gotten around to reading it yet ^_^;; However, I've heard that Firebringer is a lot like Watership Down...

A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin: I wanted to live in Westeros after reading the first book in this series. The amount of detail in this series boggles my brain.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden: Surely I don't need to ramble on about why this books rocks my socks.

On the other hand, here are some books that weren't quite to my taste:

Billy Budd by William Melville: It didn't help that Melville most shamelessly plugs one of Hawthorne's stories in the first chapter (that also got me thinking too much about the letters my lit teacher claimed Mel sent Hawth. *shudders*). It's a Christ allegory... but that didn't turn me off, it was that I couldn't focus on the book for more than eight seconds. I'd get confused, or bored, or start thinking about something else and once I fell asleep. My lit teacher told us that we should have considered ourselves lucky we didn't have to read Moby Dick, like her other class did. I felt jipped.

Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue by the Marquise de Sade: First off, Justine is a twit. She spent her entire life (most of the book is written in first person, as she's telling her tale to her sister) running from the clutches of one asshole to another.  The book does live up to its name though... sort of... every character with an ounce of morality gets flattened somehow because they're all twits. Justine manages to survive because she's extremely lucky, but she still gets hosed at the end (if you want to indulge Sade, Nature was simply fed up at how Justine managed to live so long and took matters into her own hands). Those that aren't the morality police aren't too much better though, they just talk endlessly about why they're right and the morality police are WRONGWRONGWRONG. >.>  <.<
On a side note, I did like the wife of the pedophile with the blood fetish (see above: haven't read anything more sexually graphic than Sade.).
Post by: Anonymous on December 28, 2006, 09:07:37 PM
The Wheel of Time is good, but I got pretty burnt out after...um...fourth or fifth book.

I shall get back to reading them, but it'll have to wait till summer.
Post by: Goldie on January 06, 2007, 08:57:20 PM
Quote from: "Nightcandle"Gold speaks the truth about The Kushiel Legacy, the series is wonderful, albiet a bit graphic at the beginning (not for me, after reading Sade. I've yet to read anything more sexually graphic than Sade.) I'd also like to point out that the series isn't quite sleazy graphic, but Phedre's a masochist so some of the scenes are a tad kinky. Goldie reccomended the series to me after asking if I got the name Hyacinthe from the series. I've yet to read the third book, since I doubt they sell the series in my friendly neighborhood bookstore - which is a big major shame.

LOL!  That is how it happened isn't it?  Oh dear....I'd practically forgotten about that!  XD  And hurray!  I'm glad you started reading them, even if you haven't finished ^_^  Amazon is amazing when it comes to buy books that local bookstores might not own >_>  Luckily for me Waldens and Barns & Noble both carry the series ^_^ bwaha!

And I've always walked by The Sight and Firebringer.....always was a little apprehensive to pick them up.  Given, I noticed them first when I was in middle school and they seemed a bit too lengthy for me at the time, which is probably why.  Hmmm....I'll have to grabe those then!

As for another Juliet Marillier rant.....I finished The Dark Mirror and Blade of Fortriu in the Bridei Chronicles and I'm practically DYING for the third to be released in May!  in MAY!  I'm going to die....seriously....just kill me now..... So to pass the time, I'm reading Foxmask and Wolfskin (not really sure what the series is called) and it's a lot different, but very similar to her other works.  Instead of Ireland/Scotland mythology, it's Norse, which is really fun, and really loveable!  I'm not terribly far into them as of yet, but they're just as good as her other works!

My current project, after Wolfskin and Foxmask, I went out and bought four of the Sword of Truth series (there's a rediculous amount in the series...like 12 or so... O_o  what have I gotten myself into?) but I heard they were fabulous...so gotta start somewhere, yes?  yes...that's what I thought!  ^_^

and that's pretty much it on my book update!
Post by: Anonymous on January 06, 2007, 10:00:02 PM
I've read about three or four books of the Sword of Truth series. It's good, but with each progressive book, it gets more and more filler. X.x If I remember right, though, there wasn't much, but it was too much for me. =D

Also, I'm reading part two of The Belgarid. Although there's five books, the publisher (I think) has smashed them into two books. Part one is books one through three, and part two is books four and five.[/u]