Spirits of the Earth

Connlaoth => Sirantil Valley => Topic started by: Valtxr on July 27, 2017, 09:58:06 PM

Title: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on July 27, 2017, 09:58:06 PM
   "That's because Sharon killed her."
   Siro watched the subtle shifts in Merissa's face. The slight widening of her eyes. The quiver of her smile. Clear as day. Sharon had similar tells. Most adults did. Nana knew the truth, but she didn't want to tell her.
   Merissa cupped Siro's cheek with a hand. Whispered to her, "We don't know that."
   "I do. Because I know Sharon."
   The wagon rolled along down the western road. A light drizzle on the canvas. Charles in the driver's seat, reins in hand. Merissa and Siro in the back. They were a day out from Twin Rivers.
   A sharp drop on the right side of the road. A cliff. Evergreen trees all across the valley. Beautiful Sirantil. Siro had never seen it before. But the gorgeous landscape meant nothing to her. Eyes sullen, she watched it crawl along as the wagon rolled on.
   Her sister, Sharon, had done something terrible. And something terrible had happened to her in kind. Maybe that was how the world worked.
   "Adelaide may have been delayed," Merissa said. "Or perhaps now wasn't the right—"
   "Just tell me the truth, Nana." Siro said. Her eyes still out the back off the wagon. Gazing over the evergreens down the drop of the cliff. "Please."
   Hesitation. Merissa knew that she knew. Jorge was the only adult Siro knew who just answered her questions without a second thought. And she appreciated the honesty.
   A moment passed. And Merissa said in a low voice, "Adelaide's body was found on the banks of the Mystral River. My source only knows that she was stabbed to death. That's all."
   "And that's why you found the new one."
   Merissa smiled. Stroked Siro's hair. "Sharp as always." She sighed. And smiled faded. "Siro, I know you love your sister—"
   "I do."
   "—but you don't have to do this. Sharon can get better with natural solutions. Salves. Potions. That sort of thing. If she knows about you...your magic...I'm not sure what she'll do."
   "I have to try."
   "Sweetheart, there's no need to risk—"
   Siro looked at her. A steely determination in common with her sister. Said again, "I have to try."

* * * * *

   Siro was four years old.
   They had no home. No food. Rags on their backs. Slept outside on the streets. Sharon called it Beggar's Row. So did the other adults. The other beggars around them. The downtrodden of Reajh.
   A question came to her mind one morning. Born of seeing other children. Their families.
   Sharon touched her shoulder. Roused Siro from her dream. Things were different when she slept. Happier.
   And Siro asked, "Sharon. Where's Mama and Papa?"
   Sharon froze. Just looked at her for a while. Said, "They're gone."
   "Are they coming back?"
   Sharon closed her eyes. Shook her head. "No."
   "Where did they go?"
   "They...they left."
   Siro stayed quiet.
   Then asked, "Are you going to leave too, Sharon?"
   And Sharon immediately drew Siro in close to her. Hugged her tightly.
   "No. I'll never leave you, Siro. Okay?" She kissed her forehead. "You're the only good thing in this world. You hear me? I love you."
   Siro smiled. "I love you too, Sharon."

* * * * *

   Jorge Vrouge stood outside the apothecary shop in the shopping terrace of Twin Rivers, cigarette in hand. Nothing crazy like Ig or Crystal, just good old tobacco. Fresh bandages around his neck and right thigh.
   He watched the locals and the travelers and the adventurers and the guards going about their day. People occasionally entering or exiting one of the few shops here, or crossing the bridge over the Mystral River. It wasn't crowded or busy at all, except for the increased guard presence. The local constable nearly had a heart attack last week during Reese's ambush in the town. Now the dozen or so guardsmen were all working double shifts while the constable was still antsy about the whole thing.
   Jorge stared at the small crater in the ground in the center of the shopping terrace. Crazy son-of-a-bitch, that Reese. But Sharon's plan worked, despite Reese being tipped off. Somehow. Still, Reese was dead, his hideout raided, and the few surviving goons who got away all told their tales. Jorge started a few rumors of his own about it, got The Maitri's name out there for Sharon. Hopefully this stunt with Reese would have the impact Sharon wanted.
   A stream of smoke escaped Jorge's nose. Too bad Sharon got fucked up. She wasn't getting that eye or that leg back. The apothecary, Nero, had advised for her family to travel out to Twin Rivers. He still wasn't sure if she'd pull through. Fever had set in, despite Raizel's efforts in first aid. Fuckin' Mother Nature, always had a way of kicking you while you were down.
   The shop door opened.
   And Zhang Shin came out. Leaned against the door next to Jorge.
   Jorge looked up. "Does the sun ever come out here? Fuckin' hell mate, nothin' but clouds and rain for a week straight. I mean, place ain't bad, but this shit just fucks with your head, ya know?"
   Classic Zhang. Man never said more than what was necessary. The merc decided to stay after the job was done. Even put up some his own money to pay the apothecary for Sharon's room and treatment. Guy had a sense of honor or something like that.
   Jorge took another puff on his cigarette. "How's she doin'?"
   "She is alive." Zhang looked out across the shopping terrace. "She has been asking about her sister."
   "Probably tomorrow. Maybe two or three more days if they got held up by somethin'. Tell her soon...ish."
   Zhang nodded his head slowly. Seemed to think about something. Said, "A question."
   "Do you think she'll continue?"
   "With what?"
   "Working for The Maitri."
   Jorge chuckled. Grinned and took another puff on his cigarette. "Well shit, if you gotta ask, then you don't know Sharon, mate."
   The two men stood outside the shop. Watched the people of Twin Rivers.
   A delicate peace in their world.
   For the moment.
Title: Re: Apeirophobia
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on July 28, 2017, 06:49:18 AM
"Gah, this is fucking stupid"

It was just past noon, and ALICE FURY was getting bored. He had come to Twin Rivers because he'd heard it was a sleepy town without many guards- but that was apparently a lie. Looking out the window of the tavern he was in, he could count more guards than he could actual townsfolk. "This was a waste of my goddamn time." ALICE muttered under his breath. "I can't put on a show for pigs- not this many anyway. I'd be arrested, like, immediately."

Taking one last swig of mead, ALICE stood up to leave. He got some funny looks from the other patrons on his way out- that was good, it meant he made an impression. "Someday, they'll be telling their kids about the time the saw ALICE FURY drinking in a tavern."

It was drizzling when ALICE stepped outside. Grumbling, he pulled up his hood and began to walk towards the shopping terrace- ALICE was running out of spare strings for his lyre. "I should at least get something out of this shitty village."
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on July 29, 2017, 11:11:04 AM
   "Halt! What's your business here in Twin Rivers?"
   A lone guard on the edge of town. Beyond him, the easternmost neighborhood of Twin Rivers. Small wooden houses, cozy cabins, next to the evergreen trees. The waters of the Mystral River flowing to the left of the wagon. A light drizzle, like yesterday.
   Siro sat next to Charles in the driver's seat. Watched the guard approach.
   And Charles said, "Visiting a friend of the family. She's sick, and injured, here in town."
   The guard knew immediately. "The woman at Nero's? Look, I'm sorry about your friend. Bad business, that. We're lucky this is a town with plenty of travelers and adventurers who come through. They took care of those bandits right quick. You know they had an orc with 'em?"
   "You don't say."
   "And a giant spider. Ansgar's mercy, I'd never seen such a thing. Still, your friend and some of the townsfolk got hurt in the ambush. That sorta thing don't usually happen around here, so don't let it color your opinion of Twin Rivers."
   "I heard your apothecary's been taking good care of my friend," Charles said. "That's all I need to know."
   "Good to hear." The guard stepped aside and motion for them to move on. "Welcome to Twin Rivers, then. Hope your friend pulls through. Apothecary shop is gonna be in the shopping terrace. Take this road up to the Old Arch Bridge and cross it. The terrace'll be right there. Can't miss it."
   "Thank you."
   Charles gave the reins a little whip and the horse started forward. The wagon rolled into town.
   Siro looked down at her hands.
   She wasn't very good at it. Life magic. She didn't even know she had it until Sharon started her new job with Charles and Jorge. Oftentimes she was too afraid to practice, even when she was alone at home or at Nana's.
   But Jorge knew about Siro's magic—he had helped Nana get in contact with Adelaide—and he was injured. Shot in the neck and a crossbow bolt to the thigh. Siro could practice on him. They'd be staying a few days, so hopefully that'd be enough time to get better.
   To give something back to Sharon.

* * * * *

   Siro was five years old.
   Every day was the same. They woke up. Sharon begged. They'd move to another place. And Sharon begged. And they'd move to another place. And Sharon begged. And then they'd go to sleep in Beggar's Row and start over. Some days they ate. Some days they didn't.
   Sharon didn't let Siro beg. Sometimes she'd let Siro sit next to her. Sometimes not. Siro figured out that it depended on where they were in Reajh. But she didn't know why. And Sharon wouldn't say.
   The day was bright. All sun. No clouds.
   And Sharon came running back to Siro. A big smile on her face.
   "Siro! Siro!"
   She stood up, and Sharon dropped down to her knees in front of her. Used her back to shield a small pouch from the sight of the other beggars on the Row.
   "Look," Sharon whispered as she opened the pouch and showed her. Ten coins. Ten whole gold coins.
   Siro shrieked with pure joy. She clamped her hands over her mouth as Sharon shushed her. But the other beggars didn't pay them much mind.
   "How about a sweet roll?" Sharon whispered. They both shared a big grin. "What do you say?"
   "Yes, please!"
   "Okay. Let's go."

* * * * *

   Jorge stepped out of the apothecary shop. Just him this time. Zhang was off doing Zhang things. Only a few people out in the shopping terrace. A guard here and there. An adventurer duo in leather armor. Guy wearing a hood.
   He saw the wagon reaching the crest of the Old Arch Bridge. Had to be them. What was it, about noon? Right on time for lunch.
   Yup. Sure enough. As the wagon got closer, he could see Charles and Siro in the driver's seat. Like a little Sharon, that Siro. Short red hair, blue eyes. Cute as a button. Too bad she had such a long face on right now.
   The wagon stopped in front of the shop. Charles jumped down, then helped Siro out. Merissa hopped out the back.
   "Charles, nice to see ya," Jorge said.
   He eyed the big bandage around Jorge's thigh. "You good?"
   "Yeah. I'm fine."
   "Hi, Jorge," said Siro.
   "Hey there, Siro. How'd you like the ride over?"
   She shrugged. "Okay. I guess."
   "Where is she?" Charles asked.
   Jorge jerked his head back toward the shop door. "Inside."
   Charles patted Siro's shoulder. "Take her in first. Then I'll go."
   Ah shit. Jorge knew what that meant.
   "Alright. You got it, boss."
   Jorge opened the door, and both he and Siro went inside. Charles and Merissa stayed out. Stood by the horse and the wagon.
   The light drizzle continued to fall.
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on July 30, 2017, 12:13:00 PM
"That will be thirteen silver."

ALICE frowned. He had spent too much money at the tavern, and now he didn't have enough for what he actually needed. "Seriously? That much? That's total bullshit." He crossed his arms. "Give them to me for twenty copper."

The woman at the counter put her hands on her hips. "I said thirteen silver, and that's final. These aren't cheap to produce you know."

"Do you know who I am, bitch? I'm the greatest musician in all of fucking Connlaoth!" ALICE slammed his fist on the counter. "You should be giving them to me for free!"

The woman's eye twitched. "If you don't have the coin, then get out of my shop. Or would you rather I called the guards?"

ALICE face convulsed into an expression of pure rage. Normally he'd argue with this woman further- but given how many guards were on duty ALICE decided to take the boring option and leave. "Establishment whore! Who does she think she is?" he muttered as he slammed the door behind him.

As ALICE stormed away, he noticed that his hand still hurt from when he'd slammed it. Looking at his fingers, he groaned- his callouses were bleeding. "Gah! Again? What the fuck, man?" he said out loud. "Now I need to buy something for this? This is so fucking uncool." Looking around the terrace, ALICE spotted an apothecary. "That works, I guess."

It had started to pour by the time ALICE reached the shop, and when he threw the door open and walked inside he was dripping wet. "Alright assholes, I need something for my lyrist fingers pronto!" he said loudly. "And it'd better be fucking cheap!"
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on July 31, 2017, 01:15:30 AM
   The flapping of the bed sheet covering the broken shop window drew Siro's eye. A bullet hole in the wall nearby. Echoes of violence.
   Jorge led her past the front counter and down a small hallway on the left. The apothecary, Nero, stood next to one of the three doors in the hall. He gave Siro a knowing look.
   "A few minutes," he said. "Wouldn't want you catching that fever too."
   "Okay," Siro said.
   Nero nodded, and opened the door for her. Closed it after she entered.
   A small bedroom. Gray daylight leaking in from the window. Rain streaking down the glass, the soft rhythm of it on the walls and the roof.
   And Sharon, lying on the bed, soaked in sweat, the pallor of the fever robbing her skin of color. A bandage covering her left eye. Her left arm bandaged and in a crude cloth sling. Burns scouring the skin on the left side of her body. Her eyebrows gone, her bangs—burned away. And, underneath the white gown and the bed sheets, half her right leg was missing.
   Siro gasped. Shock and fear taking hold of her heart. The anger she had felt on the ride up to Twin Rivers gone in an instant.
   Sharon heard her. Rolled her head to the side to look.
   "Siro?" Her voice weak. Hardly a whisper. "Siro!" A tiny smile, and she beckoned with her right hand. "Come here, come here..."
   Siro hurried to the side of the bed. Kneeled down. Held onto Sharon's right hand with both of hers.
   Sharon moved her body slowly. Leaned in. Kissed Siro's forehead. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."
   Siro found it hard to speak. "What happened, Sharon?"
   "An evil man." Sharon wet her lips. "An evil man did this. We got him, but I was careless. And, in that carelessness, I allowed this to happen. I...I let you down, Siro."
   "No, you didn't—"
   "What if I had died?"
   "You're fine. You're going to be fine, and everything's going to be okay."
   "You're right, Siro. Everything'll be okay. Because when I'm out of this bed...everything's going to change. You watch. You watch your big sister, okay? We're going to move out of the slums, and we're going to live the life I've always promised you. I'm going to make it happen. And if Reajh won't give it to us, then I'm going to take it from Reajh. You deserve it, Siro. You hear me?"
   Siro nodded. Wiped some tears from her eyes.
   A knock on the door. Nero. It was time to go.
   Siro stood up and said, "I'm gonna help you get better, Sharon."
   Sharon smiled meekly. Said, "Happy birthday, Siro. I'm sorry I missed it."

* * * * *

   Charles and Merissa sat inside the wagon, taking shelter from the rain under its canvas. The slamming of a door caught their attention.
   A hooded man. Talking to himself.
   Charles didn't pay him much mind until he started storming toward the apothecary shop. Charles reached for his pistol as the man threw open the shop door, but Merissa laid her hand on his. Shook her head.
   "Probably nothing, honey," she said.

   Jorge was back in the front of the shop when the door swung open. The bed sheet covering the window flapped chaotically as air rushed in.
   Nero just stepped out from the hallway with Siro when the man who had barged in demanded a cheap remedy for his fingers. Siro eyed the man curiously.
   But Nero wasn't having any of it. "I don't sell cheap goods here. I sell quality goods. If that's what you're looking for, then you can pay the same price everyone else does. If not, good day, and continue your travels out of Twin Rivers. The faster the better."
   Jorge held his hands up to his shoulders. A gesture urging for calm. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's all settle down here. I got this, Nero, I got this."
   So this guy's fingers were hurt? Well, some luck there. Probably an easier start for Siro to practice on than a nasty gunshot wound and an even nastier crossbow bolt-shaped hole in the leg. Best if Sharon's doctor didn't get too riled up, either.
   Jorge walked over to the man and dropped an arm on his shoulders. Pretty good odds this guy was a traveler of some sort. Hopefully didn't mind magic. But you never knew. Didn't hurt to test the waters.
   "Name's Jorge. And, well, if you're lookin' for a quick fix for those musical hands of yours, I might have a little somethin' for ya. Free of charge. Can't beat that, right? Well, I suppose I oughta say free...if you're cool-headed. So whaddoya say, mate? You cool?"
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on July 31, 2017, 12:46:14 PM
The shopkeeper didn't take to kindly too ALICE's attitude it would seem, and the man began to lecture him on his business model. ALICE stared at him defiantly, one eyebrow raised. Crossing his arms, he made a audible *tch*. He was about to tell the man exactly where he could stick it, but another man stepped in.

"So whaddoya say, mate? You cool?"

"Yeah, I'm cool." ALICE said immediately. "Aww yeah, now we're talking!" he thought, relieved. He gave the man a smile and outstretched his hand. "Name's ALICE FURY. You've probably heard of me."
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on August 01, 2017, 09:59:35 AM
   Jorge grinned and shook ALICE's hand. "'Course I know you, mate. You're the smart guy with the fucked-up fingers who just made the right choice."
   He glanced back over toward Siro and gestured with his head for her to come along. "Let's go help the man out, kiddo. Oh, ALICE, this here is Siro. Don't let her age fool ya, she knows some things. Now, let's head on over to my room at The Traveler's Lodge. Got everything we—" he opened the shop door "—holy shit, it's comin' down hard out there. Ah, don't matter."
   Charles jumped down from the wagon outside the shop after Jorge opened the door. He walked past ALICE, Jorge, and Siro, saying in a gruff voice, "Excuse me."
   Jorge had already told Nero about Charles. Just the relevant bits like 'He's gonna wanna talk to Sharon' and 'Don't fuck with him'. So Nero simply led the way for him down the hallway.
   Sucked to be Sharon right now. She was gonna get chewed out hardcore.
   Siro was standing a half-step behind Jorge, looking ALICE over cautiously. She tugged on Jorge's pant leg.
   "Are you sure about—?"
   "Alice is a guy's name too, Siro, don't be a dick." After a second, Jorge ruffled her hair. "I'm just fuckin' with ya."
   Disappointment, mixed with a dash of frustration, on her face. "That's not..." She looked up at ALICE, a towering figure in comparison to her. "Are you...?" Another brief second of hesitation. "...a priest, sir?"

* * * * *

   The Overlook Inn. Sitting atop the highest tier of land in Twin Rivers. A crown upon the village, if seen from below. And Zhang was back here again.
   He stepped into the lobby. Took off his wet coat and folded it neatly over his arm. A few nobles from Reajh, or perhaps Uthlyn, stood near the front desk. Glasses of wine in hand, chatting about some high-class matter. The sort of clientele The Overlook attracted.
   Not the tall and muscular man standing next to one of the hallways. Zhang met eyes with him, and man made a small gesture for him to follow. And Zhang did.
   The man led him past several rooms, arriving at one at the very end of the hall. An expensive suite, even by noble standards. Another man just like him stood by the door. Opened it for him, and Zhang stepped inside. The door closed.
   Luna Terris, "LT" as she was commonly called, was inside in the spacious suite, standing between a table and a window. An apropros nickname. Despite not truly being one of Mr. Winters' lieutenants, she had as much power and influence as one—perhaps more. She was the accountant. Knew everything about Mr. Winters' business operations: all the safehouses, Ignis Root and Crystal Vane stores, refinement facilities, hidden money, favors owed, unmarked graves, smuggling routes, everything. Perhaps she had even seen him.
   Terris glanced over her shoulder at Zhang. Black hair, black eyes, pale skin. Dressed in dark and fine clothes. The sort of person who belonged in a place like The Overlook.
   "Zhang Shin." She motioned to the cushioned chair by the table. "Have a seat."
   "As you wish."
   Once he was seated, she turned to him. Her voice had a certain sharpness to it. Pure business. Cold. Mere utterances from her had ended many lives, and she cared not for a single one. The perfect associate for a man like Winters.
   "Has Sharon said anything more about The Maitri?"
   "No," Zhang said.
   "Has anyone unexpected come to see her?"
   "Has there been any correspondence attempts?"
   "None, as far as I know."
   Terris folded her arms behind her back. Thought for a moment. Then said, "Reese was an expendable asset in this endeavor. But such an expenditure was costly, and Mr. Winters is concerned about his territories in the west. Mildly, but concerned nonetheless. And that means I must have something to show for this expenditure."
   "I understand."
   "Good." Terris walked toward the window, her back to him. "Has Charles arrived in town yet?"
   Terris gazed out at the western Kilanthro mountains. "If Charles is unsuccessful, then I will spare no more time to waste on this matter. We'll deal with The Maitri if and when he decides to make another move."
   "And Sharon?"
   Terris turned around. Met Zhang's eyes. A callous look in her own. "Execute her. Specifically, Mr. Winters wants you to shoot her in the head. Between the eyes. A message, from him to The Maitri." She walked back up to the table. Crossed her arms in front of herself. "And this message will be loud and clear. I will be here, waiting to see the commotion in town for myself. I trust you will escape unseen by the guards."
   "Of course."
   Terris nodded. "You will be contacted if Charles fails. Good day."
   She snapped her fingers, and one of the bodyguards outside opened the door. Zhang stood, left the suite, walked down the hall and across the lobby and stopped by the front doors of the inn.
   His eyes trailed down to the floor.
   And he thought on his sins.
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on August 03, 2017, 11:08:04 AM
Jorge had a strong grip, and shaking his hand made ALICE's fingers feel worse than before. He managed to smile through the pain, although his eyes watered a little. "Shit, this guy is strong. Good thing he's nice, or else I'd have gotten my ass kicked back there."

As the man released ALICE from his death grip, another man walked into the shop. His shoulder brushed against ALICE's as he walked by, pushing the musician aside. "Tch... Asshole." he muttered.

"Are you... A priest, sir?"

ALICE looked down at the girl, a bemused expression on his face. "No. That's why I wear it." He grinned. "A long time ago, somebody made a rule that only priests can wear these." he explained, pointing at the robe with his good hand. "Well, you know what?" ALICE kneeled down so he was at eye level with the girl, a goofy smile on his face.

"Rules are fucking stupid!"
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on August 03, 2017, 05:14:14 PM
   Siro's eyes moved about ALICE's whole person as he kneeled down. The long hair, weird fingernails, the instrument that she didn't know the name of. She didn't know what to make of him. What did Jorge even want with this man? Or...was he Merissa's contact? Siro hoped not.
   A bit of her uncertainty came through in her voice. "I guess so."
   Jorge chuckled after ALICE explained why he wore the priest's garments. "Well, fuck me, here I was hopin' you were a priest. Shit, I know more dirty priests than I do clean ones, mate. Now them freaks there? Lemme tell ya, they can keep a fuckin' secret. Ain't that right, Siro?"
   "How would I know?"
   "Ahhhh." Jorge swiped his hand dismissively in her direction. "World don't hide how it really is for long, sweetheart. You'll find all this shit out sooner or later."
   Siro, somewhat annoyed by Jorge, looked back to ALICE. And she noticed something she missed before. His other hand. The one he didn't point with.
   With a quiet concern, she said, "You're bleeding..."

* * * * *

   Another bout of coughing reignited the fire in Sharon's aching throat. She brought her right hand over her mouth. Covered it until her body quieted down. Stayed like that for a moment, just breathing. She pulled her hand back. Looked at the strings of sickly green phlegm dangling from her palm.
   Her hand trembled. A tiny quiver of her lips. A narrowing of her eye.
   She was back on the streets. Back in that place.
   Without respect. Dignity.
   She was weak again.
   And now, like then, Charles appeared. The door to the room opened, he entered, and closed it gently. He stood by it, glancing around the modest room, his gaze lingering on everything. Everything except her.
   Rain on the glass of the window. Thunder, across the faraway mountains.
   Sharon reached for the small pile of rags on the corner of the bed. Cleaned off her hand as best she could. Put the rag back down. And watched Charles.
   She didn't say anything to him.
   Nor he to her.
   And the rain continued to fall. Soft echoes. Quiet warnings.
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on August 05, 2017, 06:33:39 PM
ALICE stood back up. "Well, I know so." he told the girl. Siro seemed uncomfortable around him- a normal occurrence. It didn't bother ALICE too much, not when half of the people he met treated him the same way. Jorge, on the other hand, seemed pretty chill. The man's assertion about dirty priests made ALICE snicker. "This guy knows what's up!"

"World don't hide how it really is for long, sweetheart. You'll find all this shit out sooner or later."

"Yeah Siro, wait 'till you have to pay taxes!" ALICE chimed in. "Or better yet, just don't pay them at all. It's fuckin' theft."

Siro looked at him, then noticed he was bleeding. ALICE held up his bloody hand. "Yeah, playing the lyre does a number on your fingers." He suddenly grabbed his instrument and smiled. "But it's worth it when you can do stuff like this!" ALICE began to play, his desire to look cool in front of Siro fueling his magic. The music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3hl3u6n-n0) sounded harsh, and yet upbeat at the same time.

It was also very, very loud.

After about thirty seconds, ALICE abruptly stopped. "Shit, I totally forgot!" He looked at Jorge, a panicked expression on his face. "Um, bro? You said we had to go somewhere, right? We should totally go there before the guards show up."
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on August 06, 2017, 10:48:18 AM
   "Taxes?" Siro had only heard that word thrown around a few times before. Still didn't really know what it meant. But she guessed Sharon either never had to pay them, or, like ALICE said, just didn't.
   Oh. Playing that instrument—lyre, that's what it was called—did that to your fingers? Siro couldn't imagine why anyone would want to do that when—
   Then ALICE started playing it.
   Siro flinched and took a step back from Jorge, clamping her hands over her ears. How on Earth was that thing so loud? It actually hurt her ears a little. Hopefully they wouldn't start bleeding like ALICE's fingers.
   She looked up at Jorge, who seemed to be enjoying it. Was he deaf? How could the sound not hurt his ears too? Did he enjoy the pain? Did ALICE? Why would anybody want to bring pain onto themselves? Didn't the world just do that enough by itself?
   But ALICE finished in a hurry, and Siro dropped her hands back down to her sides.

   "Holy shit," Jorge said with a contrasting grin to ALICE's sudden worry, "how'd you get that fuckin' lyre to do that? You got some skilled fingers there, mate. Which, come to think of it, is a phrase I've—"
   Um, bro?
   "Yeah? Oh, right. Got a room over at The Traveler's Lodge." Jorge chuckled a bit. "What? You wanted or somethin'? Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout, mate. These guards here? They ain't no heroes." He pointed at the wagon parked just outside the apothecary shop. "Friend of mine's wagon right there. No need to get soa...or, uh, even more soaked in your case."
   Jorge gestured for Siro and ALICE to follow. Ran the few steps through the pouring rain to the back of the wagon and jumped in. He reached out his hand and helped pull Siro up. The rain a constant drumbeat on the wagon's canvas overhead.
   Merissa, who was still sitting in the wagon, glanced over at Jorge and Siro. Particularly Jorge. "What are you...?"
   "Merissa, ALICE. ALICE, Merissa," Jorge said. "There, got that covered. Now, Merissa, love, listen." Jorge moved a bit closer to her. "ALICE here's gonna help us out."
   She tilted her head. Showed a forced smile. "How? By playing some more of that awful music?"
   "No. Well," Jorge thought for a moment, "maybe that's part of it. We'll see."

* * * * *

   Charles looked ready to take a step forward—
   A raucous noise. From the front of the shop, heard perfectly even in Nero's guest room. Music, of some unknown kind.
   Charles grimaced. Stood his ground as the music continued on. Waited for it to stop.
   And Sharon closed her eye. Took in a steady breath. She was silently thankful for the interruption, for whomever caused it. For the few extra moments of peace between her and Charles that it bought.
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on August 09, 2017, 07:08:43 AM
Siro didn't seem incredibly impressed- she actually looked like she was in pain- but Jorge seemed to enjoy ALICE's music. His eyes widened. "Nobody ever likes my music right away! It normally takes people a few performances to warm up to it!"

"Friend of mine's wagon right there. No need to get soa...or, uh, even more soaked in your case."

ALICE followed Jorge to the carriage, face beaming. "Finally!" he thought to himself. "Somebody with good taste in music!" Upon pulling himself up into the carriage however, he was greeted with somebody who didn't have good taste in music.

"Hey!" ALICE said angrily as the carriage lurched forward. "My music isn't awful!" He rummaged though his robe and pulled out at crumpled piece of paper, shoving it towards Marissa. "Look at that sheet music I wrote. Look at the chords! You think that's bad?"
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on August 10, 2017, 10:00:33 AM
   Jorge took hold of the reins. Got the horses on a slow trot and the wagon heading toward the Old Arch Bridge. Rain was catching him a bit in the driver's seat, but fuck it, somebody had to do it.
   My music isn't awful!
   "Yeah, Merissa," he said. "Maybe some people get tired of the same ol' violin and piano shit."
   "Or," she replied, "perhaps some people simply prefer a softer kind of mu—"
   Merissa jerked her head back when the sheet was thrust toward her from the man. ALICE? Such an odd name. She eyed the sheet, gave it a once over for courtesy's sake despite not knowing the art of musical composition, then looked to ALICE with a forced smile. "That's lovely, dear. But is it necessary to play it so...aggressively?"
   And Siro, too, had a question. She sat down next to ALICE and asked him, "How did you..." She had to think for a moment, to figure out exactly how to put her thoughts into words. She pointed at his lyre. "...get that to be so loud? Is it always like that?"
   The wagon tilted back some as it started up one side of the Old Arch Bridge. The flowing waters of the Mystral beneath them.

* * * * *

   Charles made eye contact with Sharon.
   The loud interruption had since passed. And now it was just the two of them again.
   Charles walked toward the her, the shadows cast by the gray light of the window moving across his body, and he sat down on the edge of the bed, next to her good leg. He rested his elbows on his knees, entwined his hands together, and leaned over some. He stared at the floor for a while. Deep in thought.
   Sharon bit her bottom lip. A sheer nervous reaction. She felt like a small child again, back in Arca. Back when her father's merchant business was starting to go under. Back when he took up drinking. Back when he was more of a monster than a man to her.
   Charles turned his head. Looked at her.
   She looked at him.
   "Sharon," he said quietly, "I need you to tell me some things."
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on August 13, 2017, 01:12:37 PM
"What?" ALICE said indignantly. He crossed his arms. "Of course it's nessicary to play my music loud. How else am I supposed to express my emotions? I'm not some meek pansy!" ALICE turned his head away from Marissa, a look of disdain on him face. "Tch! How anybody can enjoy that soulless piano stuff is beyond me."

"How did you... get that to be so loud? Is it always like that?"

ALICE looked at Siro, then at Jorge. "Marissa and Siro have shit taste, but Jorge seems chill enough." His body visibly relaxed. "I think I can trust them."

"Magic." ALICE said slowly. "I'm not really sure the science behind it, but I can keep lightning in my body if I get struck by it, and then put in other things." He held up his lyre. "Things like this." ALICE shrugged. "Again, I have literally no idea how it work, but it makes the instrument louder."

ALICE looked both ways. "You better not call the guards on me, you'll regret it if you do."
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on August 14, 2017, 11:48:21 AM
   Siro immediately brightened up as soon as ALICE said 'magic'. Merissa, like ALICE himself a moment before, relaxed some. And Jorge glanced over his shoulder and said, "See that, Merissa? Our boy ALICE a swell guy."
   "Oh, you need not worry, dear," Merissa said to ALICE. "You're among friends here."
   Siro tugged gently on ALICE's robes. Said in a quiet voice that the rainfall helped keep secret, "You know magic too? I've healed some cuts and bruises before, but I'm not very good at it. I can't practice much because my sister wouldn't like it. And a lot of other people wouldn't either. Can I ask, um...have you been able to practice much? Is there something you do that really helps you get better at it?"
   The wagon leveled out as it finished crossing the Old Arch Bridge. And, just up the road on this side of the river, was The Traveler's Lodge inn, with a nearby tavern, some traveling merchant stalls, and a small neighborhood of homes behind it all.
   And the wagon approached the inn.

* * * * *

   "Like what?"
   Charles said nothing for a moment. His face flat and sober. "Don't play this game with me, Sharon. You've got some powerful people watching you. Dangerous people. And they don't like what you're up to." He leaned an inch toward her. "The only reason that you're still alive right now is because you have information they want. That's it. But these people are losing their patience. I want to protect you, Sharon. I do. But I can't do that unless you give me something. If I walk away from this empty handed, then I can't guarantee anything for you. Or for Siro."
   Charles held up his hand. "Just answer my questions. That's how this has to work, Sharon. Okay?"
   Sharon blinked. Felt trapped. She closed her eye for a second, and did the only thing she could.
   "Okay," Charles said. "Let's start back in Reajh. Did you bomb that military convoy by the Church of Ansgar's Eternal Glory? Yes or no?"
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on August 19, 2017, 07:51:15 AM
ALICE beamed at the rest of the carriage. "That's pretty kickass." he said, visibly relaxed. "Friends are hard to come by these days." Siro began to tug on his robes, a hopeful expression on her face.

Can I ask, um...have you been able to practice much? Is there something you do that really helps you get better at it?"

ALICE shrugged. "Well, I mean, I play my music a lot. You just gotta feel it, y'know?" Before he could offer a more cohesive explanation, he felt the carriage come to a stop. His eyes lit up. "Oh! Are we here?"
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Valtxr on August 23, 2017, 10:37:21 AM
   "Yeah. This is it," Jorge said. "Ain't as ritzy as some of the other inns 'round town, but good enough for a guy like me."
   Merissa stood up in the wagon and went to Siro, patting her shoulder. "Alright, let's keep this talk about magic quiet until we get to the room. Okay?"
   "Okay," Siro said.
   Jorge leaned back in the driver's seat and draped his arm over the back bench. "Lemme get the horse and wagon stabled, yeah? Got one right next to the inn, so won't take long. Then I'll show ya where me and my buddy Zhang've been hangin' our hats."
   Merissa hopped down off the back of the wagon and helped Siro down. And both hurried through the doors of the inn.
   Travelers, adventurers, merchants, and common folk alike were all packed inside. The front lobby and adjacent bar were both busier than usual, courtesy of the rain encouraging the inn patrons to stay inside for the time being.
   Siro held onto Merissa's hand. Looked around with big, inquisitive eyes at the mass of people conversing, joking, showing off, waiting, and so on.
   Merissa glanced over to ALICE and said over the loud din of conversations, "I suppose you might find a number of potential fans for your music here, no?"

* * * * *

   Charles frowned. "This isn't going to work out for you if you don't tell me the truth."
   Sharon lifted her head off of the pillow, said, "I. Didn't. Do it," and laid back down.
   A moment passed.
   And Charles took in a breath. Said, "I want you to consider that I may already know the answer to some of these questions."
   Sharon shook her head gently on the pillow. There was no way he could have known. Only one person saw her there, and Sharon shot him. She was safe.
   Charles just watched her. And another moment passed.
   "What are you and Jorge doing back here in Twin Rivers?"
   "Charles, I want you to hear me out."
   "Were you responsible for the deaths of Underboss Reese and his men? Yes or no?"
   "Charles, just listen—"
   "Yes or no?"
   "Yes or no, Sharon?"
   "You were there too, Charles!"
   A pause. A mild look of confusion. "Excuse me?"
   Sharon swallowed. Tried to wet her dry lips. "At Deegan's manor. You were there. You saw it, too."
   Charles dropped his eyes down for a second. Seemed to think back on it. A suppressed look of horror, the briefest flash of it, crossed his face. "I did. But—"
   Sharon immediately sat up, propping herself up with her right elbow. Said in a conspiratorial whisper, "Then you know why I'm doing this. Help me, Charles. Help. Me."
Title: Re: Apeirophobia (M)
Post by: Eckhart_Von_Musel on August 29, 2017, 05:44:15 AM
Jorge stayed behind to take care of the horse and carriage, and ALICE, Siro, and Marissa stepped inside. The inn was packed- from what ALICE could tell the entire town had decided to spend the night here. Over the murmur of voices, he heard Marissa speak.

"I suppose you might find a number of potential fans for your music here, no?"

ALICE smirked. "Yeah. Looked at them all just sitting here, they must be bored out of their minds. I bet that if I-" He abruptly stopped and stared at the corner of the room. Sitting at a small table were five of the town's guardsmen, apparently content to wait out the storm instead of doing their job. ALICEA subtly pointed them out to Marissa. "Don't look now, but it seems the pigs wanted to get out of the rain too. We need to be careful here."