Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Serendipity => Topic started by: Imperfect_M on February 15, 2019, 10:51:37 AM

Title: Tee-kup, Wizard!
Post by: Imperfect_M on February 15, 2019, 10:51:37 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Tee-kup A.K.A. "Tea," "Tee," or "Teacup"
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Goblin
Ethnicity: N/A
Height: 3'3"
Occupation: N/A
Residence: A hidden tower in Serendipity.

Critical Role's "Nott the Brave" | by applepiyaa (http://applepiyaa.tumblr.com/post/174348991338/shes-fun-sized)

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Tee'kup, is shorter than most of her kind, she stands at about waist-high. And of course, like many Goblins, her gold-and-black eyes and mouth seem to be too large for a head that size. She isn't very muscular, but considering how little she weighs at her size, she doesn't exactly need all that much bulk to move her tiny body around.

She typically dresses in big robes and an obviously too-large hat when she is gallivanting around populated areas; she adores the stereotypical "wizard" aesthetic, bless her heart. While out in the brush adventuring, she's well-aware that the big, baggy robes and big hat of a "wizard" aren't helpful. Such things can get caught when trying to run, jump, or climb through difficult terrain. Instead, she wears traveling garb like a hooded tunic and greatcloak ("great"-cloak, considering how she's only about the size of a child).

Tee-kup carries about as much frantic energy as every other Goblin; though in her case it seems to be channeled into more productive actions and hobbies. When she isn't passed-out-sleeping, she's usually scurrying about, drawing something, reading something, or casting cantrips to entertain herself. She tends to be friendly, though that friendliness and lack of suspicion of others seems to stem from an unreasonable bravado from the little Goblin. She is not some hissing, fanged maniac because she is so confident in her ability to escape from or vaporize threats (regardless of whether or not she is right) that she feels wholly unthreatened by them. Something something Goblin bravery.


"Tee-kup is a wizard!" – No, that isn't the drawling of some raving lunatic. This tiny Goblin is actually a wizard. A self-taught wizard (one might even argue or call her a "hedge mage" or "hedge wizard"), but a wizard nonetheless. She carries an enchanted spellbook with all of the spells she knows and all of the alchemical/transmutational formulae she has either cooked up or learned from someone else. She's quite a spellcaster, having several schools of magic under her belt; though one might not be able to notice that at a glance, considering how her favorite school of magic to wield is Evocation, for obvious reasons. Fireballs and lightning bolts are just more entertaining.

"Tee-kup can read! Tee-kup speak that!" – This Goblin can speak a multitude of languages, and is literate. Though her written word and spoken tongue are extremely different. So different in fact that one would probably think they were two separate people.

"Lucky, lucky!" – Tee-kup is rather lucky. It's almost unnatural how she manages to miraculously avoid injuring herself with all of her antics.


Hoot – "Hoot" is a barn owl and Tee-kup's familiar. He possesses an extremely sharp wit and an even sharper tongue when he feels like speaking. As a familiar, he shares a supernatural bond with Tee and she can channel some of her magic through him, thus giving him a little bit of spellcasting of his own (when Tee feels like letting him use magic). Hoot is fiercely protective of his partner and has gouged out more than a few eyes in her defense.


Luck and fate are two strange siblings. They can cause great fortune and cruel, dizzying falls. Keep that in mind.

So Tee-kup's path to magical might (and having a strange name) starts with a Serenian wizard. He had his estate, his local guild membership, his assets... Some of those assets included Goblins. According to the legislation of his local guild, Goblins were classified as vermin, hence he could experiment all he wanted on them. So he did. When Tee-kup was born, she was so very small, and so that wizard said that she was "like a teacup." She was too small to be useful and he had plenty of other experiment subjects, so he took "Teacup" as a pet.

Remember luck and fate? Well... This is where they come to play.

That wizard was not brought low by an assassin's dagger, nor was he taken down in a flurry of Goblin claws and teeth in some kind of sick, karmic revenge. No, this wizard was felled by a misplaced tome and the corner of his desk. A rather weighty book- precariously placed on its shelf above the wizard's writing desk- tumbled from a wandering breeze and struck the wizard on the head with its bronze-plated spine. The wizard stumbled after suffering such a blow, and broke his skull upon the corner of his own writing desk.

Which left one adolescent "Teacup" with nothing but herself, a dead wizard, and an entire tower's worth of magical equipment and books. Having learned to read as some kind of humorous project from her former master, "Teacup" read. She studied. She learned. She set free the prisoners of her former master, but rather than flee into the countryside with them, she stayed. This... "Magic." It was a wellspring of both knowledge and entertainment. But wanderlust had to take hold at some point. So "Teacup" grabbed her favorite spellbook, put on some fancy digs, and left her (she considers herself the new owner) her tower as "Tee-kup, master wizard!"

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