Spirits of the Earth

Northern Le'raana => Hyoite => Topic started by: Anonymous on June 27, 2006, 10:15:19 PM

Title: Ah! I'm Freezing... (Small Wonder!!)
Post by: Anonymous on June 27, 2006, 10:15:19 PM
(Muaha! Yay for girly Braeden!)

A cloaked figure stumbled weakly through the thick crust of snow, fierce winds fighting their every move and struggling to push them back.
Braeden sighed miserably, his arms hugged around him, the hood of the cloak pulled low over his face. The fabric of said cloak, a pale pearly pink color, was thick, but was not meant for these conditions.
Just how had he managed to get himself so miserably lost?? Who wanders themself into the arctic anyway??

Finally Braeden had to stop, his legs like frozen weights beneath him. He couldn't move them anymore. He was knee deep in the endless white, half his face covered with the cloak as he looked out over the desolate wasteland. The winds were peppered with snow, so that even air seemed too white.
He was beginning to hate the color.
Shivering where he stood, the young man looked about hopelessly for some sort of shelter. With the visability like it was right now (next to nothing), he was fairly sure he wouldn't see anything. He could be mere yards from a warm place to stay and wouldn't know it.

Ironically, he was just that.

Braeden took a few more labored, shuffling steps through the snow before his legs finally buckled under him and he collapsed on the surprisingly firm layer of snow before him.
Was this how he was going to die...?

(Lol, enter Niaaki then, kk? And let's just pretend Niaaki can't tell he's a boy, lol...)
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2006, 01:13:08 PM
"Hey...Are you all right?" A voice suddenly echoed behind Braeden.

It was a female, about 16 or 17 years of age. Golden-blonde hair was slightly visible hanging about her shoulders from underneath the hood of a black and silver-trimmed cloak. Violet eyes contrasted greatly with her pale skin, the likes of which also showed off a dark blue mark on the girl's forehead. An oval, two curved lines on either side and a triangle point- down underneath. There was a silver staff attatched to her back by a leather strap which was quickly collecting snow.

"I didn't know there was even anyone else here..." She murmured, trudging over and peering at the male worriedly.

((Argh...Horrible entrance >_<))
Post by: Rhindeer on July 18, 2006, 03:26:17 AM
Somehow, Niaaki had managed to escape the tavern, covered up snugly in the furs he'd been given and swaying slightly as he walked. Not just because the snow was uneven and he kept sinking in it, and his cheeks weren't just slightly flushed because it was cold. Oh nope. Hehe. People had been buying him free wine, and who was he to turn down free stuff? Unfortunately, he wasn't one to turn down a freebie, and unfortunately there had been no food included in all that free junk, so now, unfortunately, he was feeling more than just a little tipsy, though thankfully not tipsy enough to stick around in that tavern for some lecherous man to take to his room--only to discover that that "lovely enchantress" was really a pretty boy.

Hiccoughing a little, Niaaki grimaced as his stomach churned unpleasantly, and he shifted the furs closer to his body, also hugging his ragged doll, Butch, closer to his chest as a result. Ugh. He knew he should have eaten something, because now it just felt...bad. Ugh. So now he had to drag his way back to that...back to that...ah, crap, he didn't know where he was going now, hee. But that was okay, because it was pretty outside! Yeah!

Shuffling along through the snow, trying to see through bleary and snow-assaulted eyes that path back to the...shelter...place...that wasn't a tavern full of testosterone driven men...Niaaki's booted foot suddenly struck something rather solid through the fresh, soft snow and...well, needless to say his reflexes weren't the best. Niaaki went down, Butch and all, to land sprawled on his face across some weird object in the snow. A...log? Huh...yeah...must be a log, even though there weren't really any trees around. Anyway, for a few moments he just laid there, dazed as the world spun, before he finally decided it might be a good idea to stand up again.

And it was only when he was pushing himself up to his hands and knees, hands planted on the "log", that he soon realized it wasn't a log--it was a person.

A dead person in the snow!

"A-ah!" Niaaki gasped, snatching his one-eyed doll up out of the snow and stumbling backwards a few steps, holding the doll as though clinging to it for protection. Dead person! Had it...had she been murdered? Was there a murderer here? And here he'd just left the tavern! Gods! Where was Yuu--oh...right...he was having fun with his new friend...

Shivering in the snow, and still dazed with snow sticking to his silver hair, he looked around himself quickly. Oh Gods...what now? Run back to the tavern? Yeah...yeah...running back to the tavern sounded like a good idea. If his legs weren't so frozen all of a sudden, if he wasn't shivering so badly, and if his stomach didn't feel like--yeah, no, not going there.
Title: I'm a Girly Man, Yah!
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2006, 03:37:26 AM
Oh, so that was the reason it wasn't a good idea to lay on the ground...
"Ow..." The muffled sound was forced out of him as something rather solid and resembling afoot kicked him in the head.
Hey, he wasn't completely numb yet...!
The boot, obviously attatched to a person, was not done assaulting him yet though, for suddenly a weight landed atop him, his numb flesh suddenly tingling and burning like mad.
Ok, that hurt a bit worse.

Then whoever this person was, they slowly started to heave themselves up, and all Braeden could feel were elbows and knees galore. Good grief!
Finally he was free of the pain, and tried pathetically to push himself up on his arms.

He only managed to lift his head, showing his red, slightly snow-covered face, which was distinctly feminine. His eyes were a beautiful, light honey-amber color.
"Uh...are you alright? You fell on me." He said softly, not at all considering he was the one laying face down in the snow, freezing to death.
Hey, he was kind of ditzy at times.
Blame his father for that.

And try as he might, he really couldn't bring his heavy body to move. The soreness in his back and head were already being lost to the incredible cold of his environment.
Still, he did hope the young lady hadn't hurt herself falling on him as she had...
Post by: Rhindeer on July 18, 2006, 04:50:20 AM
...Needless to say, Niaaki nearly had a heart attack when the "dead lady" actually moved.

With a gasp, Niaaki stumbled backwards and ended up tripping over his own feet, only to land gracelessly on his bottom in the snow. Dear Gods...she was alive?! What was she doing right there if she was--? What? she was...apologizing for him landing on her? Well...uh...wasn't like it was her fault for him tripping over--no, no, wait, yes it was. She was the one who'd decided randomly to lay in the snow and play dead, which is why he'd tripped, and which was why he'd been afraid there was some murderer lurking around. You never knew with taverns...and since she was a rather pretty girl, he might be the next pretty "girl" that was targeted. Hey, he could admit it--he looked like a girl. A...lovely enchantress.

Despite himself, Niaaki snickered, breath puffing white in the air. Oh, right, no, no, that <I>wasn't funny. Especially not with Frozen Lady here. It wasn't even funny without her. No. It was...humbling. Wait...no...that was the wrong word. Uh...humility...humiliation. Yeah. That thing. Niaaki giggled a little, then shook his head and struggled to get back to his feet. But all those furs seemed to be weighing him down...either that or his butt was frozen to the ground now.

"Hee...yes... I did fall on you. I thought you were dead...and a log...but mostly dead..." he admitted with a relieved nod, rocking forward a little to try, unsuccessfully, to rise. Gods. Good thing he was only just a bit tipsy and not drunk like, uh...Yuuki. That would be bad. "But really...it is a bad idea to lay...there. What were you doing, anyway?"

Finally, he managed to turn over onto his hands and knees to rise yet again, tilting a little to one side before he corrected himself and wrapped his arms tightly around himself, still clutching Butch to his chest. The girl wasn't moving much, still...and Niaaki blinked his big eyes blankly. "...Are you dying?"
Title: Dying? Who, me??
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2006, 04:57:53 AM
Oops, down she went again. He lunged to try and help her back to her feet, hoping she was alright.
Or, well, he would have lunged, if his body was moving like he told it to.
Forgot about the whole frozen body thing...

"Oh! Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, though his voice was breathy from fatigue, and the fact he was slowly freezing to death. Oh well, no need to worry.
He then clued in to the fact the girl seemed to be a bit...tipsy to say the least. Then again, that could just be her personality, too...
Uh, best not to speak up about it then.

Dead? And a log? "There aren't any trees around." He said blankly, before glancing around himself at the snowy ground he was laying upon. "Hmm, yes, I agree, this isn't a good place to lay down..."
Amber eyes then blink a few times. Dying? Was he dying??
Hmm, good question, no?
"Me? Um...I'm not sure. Maybe. I've never died before, so I'm not really sure what it feels like."
Wait...what? Maybe the cold was affecting his brain...
Really, really affecting it.
"Actually, I think I may be freezing to death."
No, really, ya think??
Post by: Rhindeer on August 03, 2006, 10:10:02 PM
...Was he all right?

She was the one frozen in the snow!

Hiccupping a little and covering his mouth, he shakily (partly from cold and partly because, well...he had drank too much wine on an empty stomach) rose up onto his knees before climbing back up to his feet and swaying a little, unsteady. "No...I mean, yes...I am fine..." After all, this girl looked half dead! And yet, she was so calm about it...um...maybe she wanted to be there?


Brushing the snow off his clothes and dusting Butch off, he blinked blankly down at the woman before remembering what was going on. Oh! Right! freezing lady! Agh, his head sure felt funny...like he couldn't really think all that well. Though, thank Gods, he was nowhere near as wasted as Yuuki. That would be bad. But before he could say anything, the lady mentioned there being no trees...hehe...no trees. Blankly, Niaaki took a look around, and his lips twitched. Oh. So there weren't any trees. Wait, he could have sworn there were trees here earlier...er...or maybe he was thinking about that place with the weird bum-lovin' ninny elves, there had been trees there. Niaaki blinked again. Why the heck was he even thinking about that...?


The rest of what the girl said was equally confusing, and even in Niaaki's own toxicated state, he kind of knew she was talking crazy. Especially since she was so... calm about freezing to death! Yeah...not a good sign...

"...Right..." Muffling another hiccup with his hand, he took the fur coat...thing...he'd been given off of his shoulders and wrapped it around the lady's before offering his hand. He wasn't really all that strong himself, especially since he was feeling loopy, but he could certainly try, though they'd better hurry. Otherwise, at this rate, they'd both freeze! Not to mention Niaaki was starting to feel a bit nauseous...ugh. "Please, miss...try and get up? There..." He shivered, and tried his best to keep his teeth from chattering. "There is a tavern...I just came from it...it is not far away..." He tilted his head a little in the tavern's general direction, even though it was a bit hard to see now through the falling snow, which was also now turning him white. Or, at least, it was turning his silver hair white as it built up, along with his clothes...he felt like he'd be a snowman soon if he stayed out here too long.
Title: ...Miss?
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2006, 10:51:19 PM
This young lady had to be either tipsy, or out of her mind. Either option was possible with the way she was acting. She just seemed so...out of it.
And he was having a harder and harder time focusing on her weirdness too...

The edges of his vision were going fuzzy, and he suddenly felt very sleepy.
Definately time to get out of the snow.

Something warm was then on him, and it took a few bleary blinks to realize the nice lady had taken off her furs and put them on him. Her body heat had made them warm, and he felt a small bit of his feeling come back to him.
He took the lady's hand with his own, but was sure not to really pull, since he was pretty sure she'd topple over if he did.

Slowly, he started drawing his knees up under him, when something the lady was saying caught his attention.
Braeden paused in his struggle to look up with those honey amber eyes. "Um...did you just call me miss...?" He blinked. "I'm not a girl."
There was no real emotion in his voice aside from surprise. Sure, he'd been called girly before, but never flat out called a woman.

Getting up was still important, and finally, he managed to get to his knees. Surprisingly, the hardest part was forcing his legs to once again bare his weight. At this point he did have to hold onto the lady a bit tighter as he gained his balance. Once on his feet, he stumbled forward a bit, grabbing Niaaki to keep them both from falling.
"Owowowow..." He muttered softly, acute pins and needles shooting up his legs, his feet throbbing with the cold.
Post by: Rhindeer on August 31, 2006, 10:54:42 PM

Niaaki blinked rapidly at the "woman" who wasn't really a woman as he helped "her" to "her" feet. She...wasn't a girl? This was seriously a guy? Niaaki knew he was a bit tipsy, but he didn't think he'd drank that much to start obscuring people's looks that much, so either he was mistaken or this guy really was girly. And if he really did look kind of girly when he was sober, Niaaki honestly didn't know whether he'd be thrilled to know that he wasn't alone in his awful, if convenient, plight or feel terrible for doing to him what had been done to him time and time again--because it really was a sucky feeling, being mistaken for a girl when you were a guy.

If he weren't a bit drunk and cold and out of it, he would have reacted with far more surprise. But his body was so cold and numb, about all he could do was blink dully and widen his silver-blue eyes. "Oh...my apologies...I am sorry..." Niaaki murmured thickly, stumbling a little in the deep (well, it was deep to him in his enebriated state) snow as he tried to hold onto Braeden with one hand and Butch with the other. Multi-tasking was not an easy task when you were wasted.

Luckily the guy did manage to get on his feet alone well enough, and even though he stumbled, somehow the guy managed to keep them both from toppling over. Which was good. Because Niaaki was in no state to support them both, much less his own weight hardly. But the poor guy seemed in pain. Well, not seemed, he was outright saying he was in pain. Jeez...how long had he been out here? No matter. Time to get moving, get him inside, and get him warmed up, and the closest place to them was, well...the very tavern he'd come out of.

Much as he didn't like that bawdy environment. He would have preferred to head back to the other place as originally planned, but, well, he didn't know how many steps he could get out of the poor guy, much less himself, so it was best to just go with what was closest! And hey, if anything went wrong, that's where Yuuki was...even if Yuuki was currently upstairs in a room entertaining his new lady friend.


Swaying a little and shivering horribly as he no longer had the furs, he directed them both toward the tavern and did his best to ignore how his vision switched oddly between fuzzy and...more fuzzy. Erk. That couldn't be good. Why had he drank so much? He knew what happened when he did that from experience...

"Almost there...it is just that tavern right there..." he murmured, panting a little, feeling a bit dizzy. But that was okay, because they were right to the door... "Oh...what is your name, by the way? I am Niaaki..." he said, placing Butch under his arm and reaching for the door knob and turning it. or trying to, because his fingers were numb and stiff and couldn't really gasp it well. Gritting his teeth in frustration and a little pain--ow, his fingers were really stiff, gloveless as they were!--he finally forced the door open and practically stumbled in after, leading Braeden in with him.

Oh man...hopefully they didn't get hit on. Next thing you knew and people would think they were lesbian lovers or something.

At least, that was Niaaki's drunken thought.
Title: Ah Well, No Hard Feelings
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2006, 11:57:41 PM
Braeden, finally standing, just waved Niaaki's appology off, smiling softly.
"Oh no, that's alright. I know I look rather feminine, I've just never outright been called miss before." If anything, he sounded rather amused in that soft voice of his. Then he blinked, still pressed against Niaaki a bit in his struggle to stay on his feet.
"Seems you're not a girl either." He smiled a bit sheepishly and patted Niaaki's rather flat chest as they stumbled around to start walking. "Or you're very flat chested, in which case, my deepest apologies for calling you a man."
Though he still sounded rather amused at it all.

He had noticed the other...man? woman?...was cold, so he drapped one arm casually around Niaaki, to help  him share the furs.
It wouldn't do for his rescuer to freeze as well!
"Oh....alright...." He mumbled in response, his numb lips not entirely sure they wanted to spit out any more words. And his vision, also rather fuzzy, didn't really let him get a good look at the establishment they were heading toward either.
"Not...that I'm complaing...but...who puts a tavern...out here...?"
Honestly, it couldn't be very good for business!

In any case, they both did manage to stumble their way back to said establishment, and Brae took a moment to catch his breath as Niaaki fumbled with the doorknob. His own frozen hands would be no better at the task, so he didn't offer to help.
"Nice to meet you Niaaki. I'm Braeden Blade. You can call me Brae if you like."
Hmm, that made his fairly masculine name, Braeden, sound far more girly...
Well, that's what everyone had always called him, and he didn't mind. It seemed he was far less annoyed by his femininity than Niaaki was, not tha the knew that as of yet.

Niaaki finally stumbled inside, and Brae had to stumble in with him. He barely caught himself before falling right onto the poor person (guy, girl? He still wasn't sure...).
He never thought he'd be so happy to be indoors!!
Post by: Rhindeer on September 02, 2006, 01:43:36 AM
"I have no idea..." Who did put a tavern out here? Oh well. Niaaki wasn't complaining, either! In fact, he was just happy there was civilization out here! Yuuki somehow managed to teleport them here, he guessed--the man had no sense of direction; he could have picked some place warmer, but as long as they were out of that hell-hole with the drow and...stuff...it was all better, though he still had no clue what happened once he blacked out.

He shivered a little, both from the cold and the memory, and he didn't mind Brae draping an arm around him. He might have if he wasn't so damned cold--well, minded in the sense that he didn't know Brae yet, so it would have made him a bit uncomfortable; he was a cuddly sort of person, hell, he cuddled with Yuuki who he considered his best friend and older brother! But he was also shy around new people. But, again, that was only when he wasn't half frozen, and since this Brae looked half dead and popsicle-fied as it was, he really wasn't worried about him trying anything. He seemed harmless, and now they were in a populated area, anyway.

...Not that it was a safe populated area. Didn't help that Niaaki was looped, either.

Inside, Niaaki huffed a breath, the warm air stinging his cold skin as he thawed out. "Nice to meet you, Brae...and...no...I am not a girl..." He decided to answer that now, whispering the last part, since he'd been too numb to answer it back when he'd, erm, patted his chest. Apparently he was rather forward. "But...please do not say that out loud...I...some people thought I was a girl...bought me stuff...and I do not want to get, uh...beat if they find out..." That was also whispered, a small, sheepish grin forming on his lips. Then Niaaki hiccupped and sagged against Brae a little, blinking slowly against his blurred vision. Now that he was no longer freezing his ass off, he could start to focus on what other sensations were going on in his body.

And one of them?

Was not good.

His stomach didn't feel all that great...

He brought a hand up slowly to rub at his temples, then placed it against his stomach. Oh no...he swallowed forcefully. "Ah...my...stomach feels gross..." he said blankly, legs starting to wobble a little.
Title: Please Don't Throw up on Me X_X
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 02:11:15 AM
Brae at first was confused as to why Niaaki would whisper that he was not a girl. However, it was quickly, if not quietly, explained, and Brae could not help but chuckle.
"Ah, I see." He was half tempted to offer to protect Niaaki if push came to shove, but that was a talent best left secret.
Or, so his mother had always told him. If it did come to a fight though, Braeden would most definately lend a hand. He didn't look like much physically, but truthfully, his slender body was all muscle.

Brae held Niaaki as the young man sagged against him, blinking those pale honey-amber eyes down at the top of his silvery head. What was wrong with him...?
"Oh....oh." With a frown, Brae glanced around in order to locate the door to the toilets. Once that was done, he placed the furs entirely around Niaaki, then scooped him up, one arm behind his shoulders, the other behind his wobbly legs.
And he held him with no problem.
"Wow Niaaki, you're light." He observed with his soft, good-natured grin. But then he was walking with swift strides, pushing the door to the toilets open quickly with one hip and then taking Niaaki to the nearest hole in which he might vomit.
"The best way to feel better is to get whatever's making your stomach upset out." He offered, a hand still on Niaaki's back. Words of wisdom from his mother, no less.
Title: >_> Sorry.
Post by: Rhindeer on September 02, 2006, 02:54:11 AM
Niaaki was about to try and weasle his way out of Brae's grip so he could stumble his way back outside and empty his stomach, but suddenly the furs were around him and the world was spinning--which certainly didn't help his stomach any--and the next thing he knew, he was in Brae's arms--Brae, who suddenly seemed far more alive. His stomach lurched sickly, wanting to purge itself of the alcohol, but he held it off because, erm...the last thing he wanted to do was puke on a stranger! Augh! That would be mortifying! But for the moment he wasn't thinking about that--his glazed eyes were wide in alarm, blinking rapidly as he was carried by a total stranger, and his face was flushed from the effects of both wine and, well, embarrassment. It wasn't that he was being carried that kind of freaked him out--Yuuki had to carry him sometimes--it was just...he didn't know him!

He felt a small surge of panic, his stomach twisting, as he was carried off toward a set of doors, and he would have given a nervous laugh if he hadn't felt that he should keep his mouth shut until his stomach settled down. Yeah...he was light. He was built slender and rather, much as he hated to admit it, girlish, and he couldn't seem to develop muscle for the life of him. There really wasn't much to him, as he'd been born rather sickly and still suffered the effects. It drove him nuts; if he'd had it his way, he would have been born ripped like Yuuki, but since he got him as a guardian instead, he supposed it was a fair exchange. Though now Yuuki was off having his fun, and...Niaaki was stuck here.

Ugh...he was so stupid. Drunk to the point of sickness and being carried around by a stranger...not that he was really afraid of Brae. He was just...more embarrassed than anything, and afraid of vomiting while being carried. His stomach was twisting, and he had to keep swallowing...

But then Brae pushed the door open, and Niaaki saw the toilets. His hazy fears evaporated. Ah! Thank Gods! No sooner had Brae set him down and started his explanation than Niaaki had dropped to his knees and leaned over one of those holes to violently heave up all the alcohol he'd drank that night. He didn't need to be told twice! His stomach had already decided for him!

When he was finished, well, his stomach certainly did feel better! It was empty, that was for sure, and he became aware of Brae's hand on his back. Coughing a little, his breathing a bit heavier as he caught his breath, he sat up shakily and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes were all watery now and he felt all weak in the aftermath, but he felt much, much better, just as Braeden had said! His body did, at least. Now he was just embarrassed because, well...that was bloody gross! "Ugh...sorry..." he muttered, shoulders hunched. "But thank you. I...ugh...I really am sorry about this...this...it normally does not happen...I was stupid tonight..."

What a way to make a first impression.
Title: Mmm, Vomit...Not
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 05:40:58 PM
Brae calmly rubbed Niaaki's back as he threw up, emptying his stomach of whatever impurities were there. Which, judging by the fact Niaaki had acted alittle tipsy, and had just come from a tavern...
It was most likely alcohol that did it.
Braeden didn't drink, and this was one reason why.

The young man only smiled gently at Niaaki's words, continuing the gentle circular motion of his hand along Niaaki's slender back.
"Don't worry about it. Are you feeling better? Sometimes eating a bit of bread afterward helps to set your stomach." Again, more mother-wisdom he was now passing down to another. There had been many a time when his mother had to do for him exactly what he was doing for Niaaki.
And he didn't mind carrying on the tradition, even for a complete stranger.

Reaching into his cloak, he pulled out a small square of cloth from a sack on his belt, and held it out to Niaaki so he could wipe his face a bit more thoroughly if he pleased.
"Come, let's get you sitting down with some bread and water, alright?"
With that, he slowly started to stand, helping Niaaki up as he went. He had always felt very woozy after throwing up, so just assumed Niaaki did as well. He had enough coins for some water and bread for his new acquantaince, doing some mental math as he led Niaaki from the toilets toward whatever free table or stools he could find.
Title: Ewww...
Post by: Rhindeer on September 02, 2006, 10:07:17 PM
Niaaki gave a slow nod at Brae's question, his breathing gradually normalizing, and he realized with some surprise that Brae had been rubbing his back this whole time, even as he'd puked his guts out. He hadn't initially noticed, but it felt soothing and it helped calm him a little. And...Brae didn't seem to mind that much. Niaaki was still pretty horrified about the whole thing, though--he didn't like anyone seeing him like that because it was just...eww. Not that it happened often. This was probably only the second time he'd gotten sick from drinking; other than that, it was just the usual stomach flu, crap like that, but never from alcohol. Niaaki drank; he liked a single glass of wine with his meals if he could get it! But that was it, and it was never on an empty stomach. Indeed, like he said, he had been stupid tonight. He and his habit of never passing up a freebie...

And then Brae mentioned bread.


Free food if he played his cards right! Oh please let it be free...he had no money on him...

But...he'd handle that problem when it rose. Right now, all he cared about was the chance of getting food!

Niaaki's silver-blue eyes, once dull with sickness, seemed to light up. No...he still couldn't pass by a freebie. And what was more? He hadn't eaten since...since...he didn't even know when, since before the drow took them which was yesterday? He didn't know when, after getting knocked out his sense of time was still all wacked out, and now his stomach was even emptier than it had been before he'd started downing the wine! Oh Gods yes he'd like bread, and just the mention of him reminded him of how hungry he was, which was hungry enough to almost forget how sick he had been just then. He still felt woozy, but...oh...food...

It was enough to make him temporarily forget his own shyness. But he could put anything on hold if it meant getting what he wanted, and he really wanted that bread!

Still a little shaky, he grabbed his doll up off of the floor--he'd dropped the thing as soon as he went to empty his stomach--and took the cloth Braeden handed him thankfully. "Thank you Brae, so much...I really appreciate this," he murmured, voice a little hoarse now, as he used the cloth to better clean his face in an effort to make himself look more presentable. His hair was damp from the snow and a little oily from sweat--hey, he'd gone through a lot these past two days--so there wasn't much he could make better until he could bathe, but that could wait because he was hungry! And to think, once upon a time he'd been a spoiled noble who would have probably laughed if he had seen himself now. But though he was still kind of spoiled, he'd changed a lot, and he would be happy with just a bread crumb now!

...Well...maybe that was an exaggeration. But anyway...

He let Brae help him up, the shyness still there, even if it was buried, but he was no longer wary of Brae. He'd helped him and was only continuing to. Why else shouldn't he trust him? Of course, Niaaki, while he was slowly getting there, still wasn't very street smart and had yet to encounter the type of person that helped people only to indebt them later...

Leaning against Brae, he was lead from the toilets and toward an open table, and Niaaki slumped down into the first chair they came across and rested his arms on the table, leaning on it tiredly. He set the ragdoll, Butch, in his lap. "Ah...Brae? I do not have any money..."
Title: Ewww Indeed. So, Let's Eat!
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2006, 12:13:45 AM
Brae probably didn't have a mean bone in his body. Ironic considering how his sisters and mother were...
Rather violent people, to say the least!
Carefully, he led Niaaki over to the table, and let him slump into the chair. It was then Brae realized he was actually warm in this brothel, with all the people in it. So he took off that odd, pearly-pink colored cloak and slung it over the seat across from Niaaki. Underneath, it was evident just how not fitted for the cold Braeden was. His white shirt was thin, so that a hint of his tan skin could be sensed behind the fabric. Even though it was long-sleeved, they did nothing to keep out the cold. The slight v-neck it held was decorated with delicate embroidery of a similar white. It was obviously an expensive shirt, if one looked close enough to tell. His pants were fitted, but didn't hug his legs, and happened to be a pale, pale blue color. These were tucked into his boots, which laced high up on his legs, nearly to his knees. As they were his traveling boots, they were a light brown, and held a bit of ware and tear to them.
His clothes were high class, though one could only tell if they knew how to look for the expensive fabrics from which they were made. Honestly, Brae did not flaunt his family's wealth. These were simple clothes. They just happened to be made of expensive fabric with the finest craftmanship.

"It's not a problem Niaaki. I can pay for it." Brae responded with his usual smile in place, before he turned and moved to the bar to order them some bread and water. He soon returned with an entire, fresh loaf, and a pitcher of warm water, along with two glasses. He balanced it all in his arms with ease, then set it down at their table, placing himself in the chair with his cloak.
"Go ahead, help yourself." He offered, motioning to the bread while he poured them each a glass of water. Why was the water warm? Because he had asked for it warm. They had just come from the snowy tundra, after all!
Title: o_o let's eat vomit!?
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2006, 04:11:10 AM
While the two boys got to use warm water to get nice and toasty warm, Yuuki had done… Other things to warm himself up. He had been gone for a while, probably having a little nap after his… round of knocking away the tundra’s chill. Yuuki shook his head and pressed a gloved hand to his forehead and he made his way down the stairs, the key to room “M� (which was actually room 3, but, To Yuuki it was either a “M� or a “W�) was still on the bedside table… He’d probably go get it when he went up after Atachii woke up… That was her name, right? Yuuki paused for a minute, midstride down the stairs and pondered this…

While Yuuki was in midstride, he heard and felt the door open and he wondered for a fleeting moment, who would be out in the cold. Ah well, no matter… It wasn’t his problem, because a flash of silvery hair caught the corner of his eye. Yuukis face scrunched up and he watched another young… Lady? Escort Niaaki, or, whom Yuuki assumed to be Niaaki, into the bathroom to, after Yuuki listened for a few seconds to throw up or… Something. Yuukis face fell slightly and he stayed just out of vision, knowing Niaaki he wouldn’t take much notice to his surroundings, which means some guy whos head is down in pants that looked like Yuukis wouldn’t get that much attention.

When he heard voices, and once that was distinctly Niaakis Yuuki felt a little bad. <I>He</I> was the protector, not that manly sounding girl, Yuukis eyes narrowed slightly and he waited until that pretty little girl? Fellow? To come back from his little trip of apparently getting break and water. Now, how to approach them without seeming like a stalker. Screw that, Yuuki would just bust in Yuuki style! So he did. Yuuki pulled up a chair, and lightly placed a hand on Niaakis shoulder and sat down, Yuuki let his hand trail so it was between his shoulder blades and he patted down lightly a few times before he spoke.

�Hey, I’m sorry for up and… disappearing.�

Yuuki gave the person that he didn’t know a look with his dark blue eyes and pushed a hand through his hair, which caused the black short hair to spike up in messy spikes. Questions floated about in his head but he didn’t say any, it would be rude, kind of. Yuuki didn’t really feel like introducing himself to anyone else today, so he’d wait for Niaaki to do it, though, that didn’t mean he couldn’t ask who it is. Yuuki, who was clothed from neck to toe in a dark tanned thin looking clothing, held tight to his skin by an assortment of well-placed belts, placed his arms on the table and rested on it. Looking towards Niaaki, Yuuki smiled slightly, still feeling a little badly about all the shitty things that have been happening and nodded towards Niaakis new friend slightly.

�So, Niaaki, who’s your … Lovely new friend?�

Yuuki wasn’t really sure if it was a boy or a girl. So, he used a some-what asexual word… Lovely could be in terms of males, too, right? Niaaki was a lovely male, Yuuki sure as hell wasn’t attracted to him, and the only feelings Yuuki had for Niaaki was brotherly love… Tilting his head slightly, Yuuki looked at the new person and smiled a little, in a sort of ‘greeting’ without any words…
Title: ...I will pass. >_>
Post by: Rhindeer on September 03, 2006, 09:47:48 PM
Jeez...no wonder Brae had nearly froze to death. He wasn't dressed any better for the weather than Niaaki was beneath that cloak, though Niaaki at least had an excuse! Brae seemed like he wanted to be out here, or that he had at least planned to be out in the cold. Maybe? Well, that's what he was assuming since it was typically a bit difficult to accidentally end up in the frozen tundra unless you were intending to go there, weren't intending to go there and were just too stubborn to turn back, or had a teleporter friend like Niaaki had who apparently didn't have a very good sense of direction--again, not that he was complaining, because at least they were far from the drow that had captured them and wanted to kill them and stuff if they didn't join their ranks and be their slaves or something creepy like that. Beneath the furs, which Niaaki also draped on his chair behind him as he felt warmer now, about the only warm thing he had on him were his dark gray breeches, decorated with an assortment of belts, and his boots. His shirt, however, was thin and short-sleeved, though he wore an arm warmer of sorts on his right arm, and...that was basically it.

Certainly not arctic gear.

Niaaki waited patiently as Brae went to get the bread and water, and when he came back, the scent of fresh baked bread that wafted to him never smelled better. He could feel his mouth watering, but he reminded himself that he shouldn't eat as much or as fast as he wanted to. His stomach still didn't feel one-hundred percent, but it was getting better!

Yet once Brae settled down and set the bread down, Niaaki quickly went for it. "Thank you, Brae," he said again, polite to strangers as always, and broke off a large chunk from the loaf. But he managed not to devour it like he wanted to and instead just nibbled tentatively at it.

Or started to.

Because that was when Yuuki "busted" in, and he was right! Niaaki, as usual, wasn't too aware of his surroundings, especially zeroed in on his food as he was, and he didn't even notice Yuuki until he heard a chair scraping across the floor. Niaaki jumped in surprise and snapped his attention over to him...and then his face brightened when he saw who it was. Yuuki! Yuuki put his hand on his shoulder and slid it down to pat him between the shoulder blades, and Niaaki instantly relaxed, flashing a tired grin up at his friend and "older brother". Even if he'd been miffed--and a bit freaked--about being left alone in a strange tavern around a bunch of drunk guys, now that Yuuki was here, he was quickly forgiven!

He did have to snort, though, at his apology. Disappearing? Niaaki gave him a wry, knowing look, casting a pointed look up at Yuuki's messy hair. Mhm. "...Right. Disappearing." Heh. He knew exactly what Yuuki had been up to. Or, at least, he could make an educated guess. He took another bite of bread and swallowed, then shook his head. "Do not worry about it. Did you have...fun?" Another slight smirk.

And then Yuuki had to go and be his usual, blockheaded self.

...Oh no...

Lovely new friend?

...He...thought Brae was a girl, too, didn't he? Well, one didn't generally use the word "lovely" on men and he'd mistaken Brae for a girl at first, too! Gaaah...

Flushing a little--oh Gods, hopefully Yuuki wasn't getting the wrong idea!--he was quick to speak up and try and save the situation. "Ah...yes. Yuuki, this is Braeden--he--" He just had to through the "he" in there, though he didn't emphasize it! He was going for subtlety, here, and hopefully Yuuki would catch on. He hated it when people called him a girl and he only assumed poor Brae would feel the same! "--ah...he helped me. Brae, this is Yuuki, my best friend and older brother, just not by blood."

Now hopefully Yuuki wouldn't ask what Braeden had helped him with. Oi. Niaaki took a small sip of the warm water and another bite of bread. He was trying his best to act one-hundred percent (and to wash away the smell of alcohol) because the last thing he wanted Yuuki to know was how...stupid he'd been. Ugh.
Title: Ah, Not the Vomit, the Bread ^^;;
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2006, 10:58:31 PM
Brae simply smiled and nodded at Niaaki's thanks. He could see Niaaki's eagerness to eat, though luckily he had enough wit not to stuff the bread down his throat.
The last thing they wanted was for Niaaki to get sick again!
"Not a problem."
He said gently, drinking some of the warm water and letting Niaaki have the bread for himself. Sure, he was hungry from all this traveling, but Brae was the type to sacrifice his own comforts for another.
Besides, he could always get more bread later for himself.

There was a slight, rapid blink of those pale honey-amber eyes as the rather large male suddenly seated himself at their table.
Luckily, it seemed the two knew each other, for Niaaki brightened when the other made himself known. Well, in that case, he'd stay politely quiet.
Their little conversation went right over his head, as he had no idea what had been going on before he got here.
Probably a good thing...

He was taking another drink when Yuuki spoke again, and nearly choked.
Coughing, Brae sat the glass down, his bright eyes watering as the water tried to make its way into his lungs.
Oh, wow...
Lovely new friend...?
That was worse than being called a woman flat out. That meant that even as a man, he was lovely....

Well, while he was trying to recover the ability to speak, Niaaki made clear his gender, and also introduced the two of them. Brae coughed once more, and nodded.
"Ah, nice to meet you Yuuki." He managed, voice a bit raspy.
Still, he managed a well-meaning smile.
Still polite, even after all that.
"Would you like some water? I can go get you a glass." He offered. Seemed rather rude for Niaaki and him to have this bread and water and not offer Yuuki some. Especially since he seemed very special to Niaaki. Brae had noticed the way he had reacted to Yuuki's appearance.
Post by: Anonymous on September 14, 2006, 08:23:15 PM
Yuuki felt oddly proud of being introduced as Niaakis ‘Older Brother,’ even though they’ve been together for what seemed like forever to Yuuki and was introduced as such after the first year and a half of traveling together. A slight smile spread across his teeth and he lightly shook his head while Niaaki introduced his friend. Yuuki felt delightfully evil, of course he knew this Breaden person was a boy, his voice kind of gave that away and Yuuki wasn’t completely block-headed, though you couldn’t tell by looking at him. That and Yuuki enjoyed people thinking him stupid, gave him a few more extra trump cards unless they already knew most things about him for instance Niaaki… As much as Yuuki would like to believe that Niaaki knows everything there is to know about him, he knew that his little light haired friend didn’t know the deeper darker secrets he kept within himself, the ones that made him leave his home. But, back to brighter topics! Yuuki smiled over at Niaaki and then nodded his head towards Beaden in greeting, poor guys, they probably looked like a pair of lesbians right now…

�Don’t worry Ni, I heard you two talking not to long ago, I know it’s a man, I just assumed that he disliked being called girly like you did, then again, you know me and can tell when I’m just teasing you, hmm?�

There, first somewhat problem solved, now! To answer those questions Niaaki gave him and say hello and water? Nah, Yuuki wasn’t exactly thirsty right now, a little tired and he would have slept longer if he brain would have shut up about Niaaki being all alone in a strange place where there’s no one he knows and- Yuuki’s mental commentary paused when Yuuki lightly rested the back of his hand on Niaakis cheek and frowned slightly because it was so cold, at least, colder than his cheek usually was, and the last time they went outside had been a few hours ago. Yuuki took his hand off of Niaakis cheek and rolled his shoulders, showing a leacherious grin to his magic-using doll-hugging friend and waggled eyes eyebrows up and down.

�I have a marvelous time and I can honestly say got warmed up quickly, if you weren’t such a prude I’m sure you’d be all warmed up, too.� Yuuki smiled teasingly and looked across the table towards Breaden, “ Ah, no thank you on the water and it’s nice to meet you, too, I apologize about calling you lovely, I was just teasing,� Kind of.

Yuuki wasn’t into guys, but, he knew that if he was, he’d be all of Breaden like a fly on shi-Poop. And Niaaki, if he didn’t have the same brotherly feelings he has now, would be a victim of his fly-like ways as well. Yuuki looked towards Niaaki, who was usually so pale looking a little flushed, and his lips looked red to… “Niaaki, what have you been up to?� Even though he kind of already knew the answer, he wanted Niaaki to tell it to his face. Though he’d leave it alone if Niaaki didn’t say anything.
Post by: Anonymous on September 23, 2006, 01:35:38 AM
The bold stem of moonlight that was creeping its way across the inn-room floor, spread slowly across pale skin. The night was only part way through its cycle, and there was a clear, iridescent glow cast by the full moon, giving everything beneath it a certain sense of brevity and eerie calm. Inside the room, there were only shadows and the soft sound of sleeping breath, the occasional interruption of skin on sheets as a body shifted in bed. That one cautious stream of light, moving carefully up the sheets spilling over on to creaky wooden floors, lingered for a moment, before stretching its cool fingers across the contented face of the woman who had entangled herself in the warmth of the bed linens.

Rolling over to avoid the light that was shining down in the vicinity of her still weary eyes, Atachii tugged at the blankets, pulling them up and over her shoulders, and tucking her legs up to her chest, hoping to squeeze in a few more moments of sleep, like a stubborn teenager being told to wake up for class. It was then that she realized she was stark naked. Bolting straight up, holding the sheets to her chest, she ran a hand through mangled and knotted hair. What the hell was she doing naked? Wait, a better question would be, what the hell was she doing naked <I>in a hotel bed</I>? This was perfect. Her memory was hazy, and liquefied due to the mass amounts of alcohol she had consumed only hours before, but one name stuck in bright, fluorescent green text against the fog of the evening: Yuuki.

“That… That…� She couldn’t even find the words for it. How had she gone from downstairs in the bar, having a nice, friendly drink with the rest of her new-found acquaintances, to upstairs in a hotel room with <I>Yuuki</I>, of all people. Yuuki. She could feel the blood in her veins beginning to boil as she rolled the name off her tongue. That bastard was going to pay. Obviously he had found some way of coaxing her into bed, and the prick had the wrath of a woman to deal with.

Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed without any form of grace, she hopped off, still holding the yellow-tinted ends of the sheet to her chest with one hand. Hurriedly, Atachii searched the room for any sign of the clothing she knew she’d been wearing that night, but unfortunately for her, it was nowhere in sight. Either they had somehow formed a will of their own and run away during the rampant moments of bed games, which were now flooding her memory and she was trying her damned hardest to block out, or Yuuki had decided that trying out women’s underwear would suit his fancy, and was playing some sick game.

Having no success in finding any clothing, and with her anger mounting with each passing moment, Atachii tightened her hold on the sheet ends with her one hand, and pulling the dragging excess fabric up from the floor, she flung open the door, not pausing to bother and close it before running, partially leaping, down the stairs. It was no concern of hers that every head in the bar turned to watch as she stormed through and out into the cold snow, leaving many questioning looks and utter expressions of astonishment in her wake. But, maybe this was a common occurrence at hotels such as that.

Yuuki wasn’t inside, she had noticed with iron hot glares as she rushed through the pub. The snow outside was cold against the exposed skin of her feet, but only for a moment before it was liquefied and turned to so much lukewarm water. She didn’t notice, though, before shouting out into the cold and frigid air.


Whipping her head back and forth, her brown, knotted hair hardly moving in the slight, chilling breeze, she happened to look down at her feet.

“Oh… Fuck…�

Her footsteps were slow, and slightly shaky as she moved backward toward the inn entrance, gripping the door frame for support before turning around to face the still milling crowd. Behind the masses of gawking people, she spotted <I>him</I>, sitting oh-so-casually beside Niaaki, and looking rather happy with himself. Approaching slowly from across the room, like an inevitable sense of doom, she stopped in front of Yuuki, the fist clutching at the dirtied sheet almost white. In an ever elevating tone, and a voice slightly shuddering with boiling rage, her words were solid and heavy.

“I hope you know… <I>Yuuki</I>… That I’m carrying…� She paused with an insane grin. “Your child.�
Post by: Rhindeer on April 07, 2007, 07:37:13 PM
"Yes, Yuu...I am well acquainted with your sense of humor..." Niaaki agreed with a small smirk and a shake of his head. Was it bad of him that he was, deep inside, kind of enjoying the fact that Yuuki's sense of humor was for once being directed toward another girly fellow and not at him for once? Well. Probably. But he'd never admit that out loud!

Erk, Niaaki also knew that the truth was going to come out eventually. Already Yuuki, despite his joking, seemed a bit...suspicious, and Niaaki couldn't help but wince a little when he placed the back of his hand against his cold cheek. Hopefully he didn't ask...if he didn't ask, he wouldn't have to tell, after all! Luckily, Yuuki seemed to think of something better to talk about. He would, he was Yuuki, after all. And Yuuki was just...well...Yuuki.

Niaaki only snorted and crossed his arms over his thin chest, eyeing Yuuki out of the corner of his eye. "I am not a prude, Yuu. I put up with you, do I not?" he asked pointedly with a small, wry smirk. "I just prefer fires for getting warm. The fire works just fine and takes less effort." And, okay, maybe he was a little prudish. Then again, did not getting drunk and going to bed with a stranger make you a prude? Of course, Niaaki didn't go to bed with anyone anytime, unless of course it was strictly for sleeping and no groping or anything was involved. He was fine with sleeping with people that he knew, but in a purely platontic and not perverted way. After all, he rather liked cuddling and, heck, he cuddled with Yuuki. But it was all in the brotherly sense. For one, he wasn't gay, and for two even if he was he wouldn't go for Yuuki. That'd just be creepy and...feel like incest.

He regarded Yuuki as his best friend and brother. They weren't blood, but Niaaki could care less about that. Blood was thicker than water? He hated that expression, especially since his own father had rejected him.

Shaking his head, he smiled politely at Braeden as Yuuki apologized, coughing a little and almost wanting to reach out and slap the other guy on the back. But he seemed okay, like he wasn't going to die from choking. Whew. "Yes, do not mind him. He calls even me lovely." That was said with a look and a raised eyebrow in Yuuki's direction. He knew it wasn't really a joke. The guy did look rather lovely and even Niaaki had mistaken him for a girl at first. Which was kind of scary but made the part-fae feel slightly better about himself.

"Ah..." What had he been up to? Oh, haha, just drinking wine and throwing it all up is all! Niaaki averted his eyes and stuffed another piece of bread into his mouth to buy him some time, feeling oddly guilty and ashamed. That had been pretty irresponsible on his part, but...the drinks had been free and he was never one to decline charity!

Besides, Yuuki was supposed to have been down there watching out for him and keeping all the lecherous drunk men away! Niaaki was fine about pretending to be a woman and flirting back so he could get free things, it was all an act and even if it did make him cringe inside, it got him things. However, he tended to only do that when Yuuki was around. Especially when there were drunkards about. You know, just in case things went overboard and the guys got...crazy. In this case, however, he'd ended up a bit stuck. He'd already started working his magic when Yuuki had abandoned him, and he couldn't just stop pretending, laugh, and say, "Haha, oops, hey, sorry, but...I'm actually a guy, bye!" No, that would just get him a good ass-kicking. Though, he could probably kick ass right back.

Niaaki may have looked weak, and he was, but...he did have magic. He could defend himself. He was frail and underweight and sickly, sure, but...he wasn't helpless, either.

Leaning on the table, Niaaki flashed Yuuki his most charming smile. He didn't really want to get a lecture for this, but he also wasn't about to lie. "Well. That is a bit interesting, actually, Yuu. See...I was up to the usual, basically. I scored myself a few free drinks from some of the men who of course thought I was a woman, as usual. And who was I to say otherwise? I did not agree, I just...went along with it, anyway. Really, I was just trying to see if I could get some food out of it. Well...I...believe I drank too much. Then I got a bit fed up when someone tried to feel me up, so I decided to go back to the camp. Then I ran into Braeden here, and..." He nibbled daintily at another piece of bread. "He helped me get rid of all the alcohol I drank," he finished with a smile, trying to play it off all casual-like.

"That...is pretty much it. How about you, Yuuki? Did you enjoy your time with the lady?"

It was then, at that precise moment, that said lady suddenly appeared, right there, in front of Yuuki.

Niaaki probably had the worst timing ever for asking that question. Especially since the answer looked rater obvious as he slowly lifted his silver eyes upward, taking in her intimidating form, the way her fists were clenching as, in her obvious anger, she seemed to tower over the table, throwing her shadow over them all. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but Niaaki's eyes widened as he looked up at her, then down at Yuuki, and he couldn't help but sink back in his chair a little.

The lady...that had to be the lady. And she looked pissed.

On a sudden second look, Niaaki also noticed with a start that she was wearing a SHEET. He hadn't noticed that the first time, he'd been too busy staring at Her Scariness, and he almost blushed.

He...was so glad he was celibate. He would have not liked to be in Yuuki's position and he wouldn't trade places with him for the world!

But if that was bad enough...what she said next, through all her shuddering rage...well...

“I hope you know… Yuuki… That I’m carrying… Your child."

Niaaki just about fell out of his seat. "WHAT?" he gasped out, clutching out the table and wincing a little. His stomach still didn't feel right, and THIS was not helping!