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Oh lovely, the cold.

Started by Anonymous, November 30, 2005, 08:01:43 AM

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Gabrie listened to Audun, and his words made her wonder. What exactly had these people gone through? People didn't put spells of such a type on others just like that. That made the tall woman wonder who exactly had been the mage these people had faced, and for what reasons, too.
But well, that was curiousity, and of course she did not let it get into the way of the things that needed to be done right now.
However, just when she was about to heed Audun's suggestion, another woman took care of that, telling the priestess to take care of the young man, called Yuuki, with the enormously swollen foot instead. The priestess nodded to the other woman in response, and then headed towards Yuuki.
Motioning him to sit down, she kneeled down in front of him, to have a better hand(and look!)at his foot.
The poor foot looked indeed quite bad. Dark and swollen, most likely the effects of cold and a broken bone. Nothing that was impossible to mend, mind you, but not entirely trivial either.

"I am Gabrie" she told her patient, giving him a reassuring smile "don't worry, you'll soon feel better. It might prickle quite a bit, but that is usual, don't pay it any attention. If you can, don't move that much too, allright? Just stay calm, and we'll be done quickly. Okay?"

She waited for the young man to aknowdledge, and then looked back to his foot. Allright.
From a bag she took a small flask, filled with a colorless liquid. After uncorking it, a soft scent became noticable, of thyme, mint, and other herbs. Not an unpleasant smell, just odd.
Carefully, the ex-priestess spilled some of it on her hands, and proceeded to gently rub Yuuki's foot, spreading the mixture over the swollen skin.
"Relax" she said, looking up, and smiled again. "That is to calm down your tissue to make it receptive for aiding the bone itself. Just don't mind the ticklish feeling."

Gabrie was telling her patient what she was doing simply because she had been taught that it helped - the patient more or less knew what was going on, and why she was doing what she was doing. That usually resulted in a much more calm patient, which meant an easier healing.

After several minutes which seemed to be spent entirely on ever so carefully massaging the foot, Gabrie had the feeling of where everything was. The gap in the bone, the position of the pieces, the tissue, how it was, and how it should be.
One might think that healing a wound or a broken bone might be a simple process with magic. You say heal, flesh grows back together, everyone happy. That was not exactly the case though - atleast not for Gabrie. You couldn't  let the flesh grow and the bone realign itself randomly - that would only result in pretty much the same thing that happened when you didn't tend to a broken bone with conventional methods. The bone might not be broken anymore, but the shape could be wrong. A finger could end up crooked, for example. That was why it was a little more complex to mend a bone - you had to take care that it was healed properly.

"I'll now start with the bone." she said, looking up again. " If you feel a bit of pain - like needles, or stepping on small, sharp stones - don't worry again. It'll be over quickly."
After a reassuring smile, she began her actual work.

Murmuring for the aid of the spirits around her, of life and water, she let her mind work. She knew where everything had to be, so she pushed, carefully. As damaged tissue regrew, and the swollen flesh slowly returned to normal, the bone also moved, ever so slowly, until it was perfectly aligned, as it had been before the foot had been hurt. Another flow of Gabrie's power caused the bone to cross the tiny gap, growing back completely. Now all that was left was the swelling. WIth her mind, she gently prodded the flesh, removed excess water, and gentled the irritated tissue.

To a watcher, it had seemed as if slowly, over the course of about twenty minutes, the swelling was simply fading away, while the color of the skin returned to normal, all while Gabrie was 'massaging'  the foot..

Finally, it was done. Silently, Gabrie folded her hands, and silently thanked the spirits that had surely aided her in this.
Then, after that, she looked up. "It is done,  you should not feel any pain now. Please, why don't you try walking?"

OOC: Like this should be fine ^^; I hope it doesn't show that I haven't rped in like three months =o


The fucking hell? It seemed people were beginning to flood the tent and it felt like it was closing in on her, and the people were definitly an interesting band. Inquisitive red eyes watched and apparently were far more curious then they should be as it hopped for a bit and stared at Niaaki and Yuuki - almost like they were dinner or something. But unfortantly for the poor raven, carrion wouldn't be on the menu any time so soon.

Gosh darnit! Where is the justice of this world?!

There were too many fucking people in the tent - which she was ready to blame on Yuuki which was why, probably, at the most random of time she just stabbed an incredulous index finger at him, even if he couldn't see her. It caused her raven to caw with gruff laughter, but perhaps her efforts of evilness had been wasted on her feathered friend, hm? Of course, for a few more moments she just stared at him with her auburn eyes, a death glare if you will. Then her lips twitched into a grin. How'd he break his foot? Stupid.

But don't get her wrong - there were just too many people in there. As much as she was interested in how that girly-boy and broken-foot guy got injured, she was just as interested in exiting The Tent of No Return to the land with equal chances of survival, or so she was convinced. She wasn't sure though - trade stifling warmth for the frigid severity of the arctic? At least one she wouldn't feel like her world was minimizing. But then she'd be out in the open freezing her fucking ass off because she had been too hot.


How could possibly any one person be TOO HOT in the FREAKIN' ARCTIC? Was that possible? Was that even right? She just didn't understand how she could enter from a frozen hell into this little box that seemed to be mounted over a furnace. Or maybe she just felt like she was too warm because she still had her parka and other things curled tight around her body (which were a little damp, so if she went out she'd be colder then before) and the fact she was quickly growing wary of them all. What if they were going to kill her? Or... or, do something worse! Wait... Wasn't death worse? She wasn't sure anymore as she slid from the tent, the raven doing odd, gruff chirruping noises as it followed her.

Thus, began the freezing of ass, fingers, toes, and face. Yippy-fucking-ky-aye was all she had to think. The clothes were vaguely damp and the arctic was just, well, DUHFUCKDUH-ING cold, she really couldn't help but to be shivering as the warmth slowly seeped away from her. By that time the ravens had landed on the tents, watching things, the red eyed ravens watching her and had this look about them like she was the most stupidly amusing person in the entire world.

"Dumbasses! What do you think you're fucking looking at?! I'm NOT RISKING THAT TENT AGAIN," she huffed to an especially accusing-looking raven.

The raven squawked and ruffled it's feathers as she began to shiver. Of it knew she'd retreat for the safety of the tent. Claustrophobia or not, she'd rather die by being smushed then this cold. Anything but the cold could be a better death. Which was why she took her chances by entering the tent again, shivering until she let the warmth finally spread up her body, which she removed her hood and opened her coat, eye twitching.

She then noticed Yuuki's foot was healed. Good. Because she marched up to him, eyes narrowed and she did that Ultimate Evil Death Glare from a girl thing.

"You!" She said accusingly, like it was all his fault she was standing there.

Really, it was. And the birds. ALWAYS the fucking birds. If they didn't fly she'd beat their asses! She would! ...... If they didn't have a beak and claws, either. But, the point is she'd beat them if she could get her little hands on them! And Yuuki was RIGHT THERE. She figured he was as easy a target as any.

"It's your fault! And THEIRs, but you can't fly, so it's your fault even more!" She said angrily, still doing her best to death glare.

" ......... Oh fuck, this Frozen Hell of Hells is getting to me. I meant to say, 'It's your fucking fault for fucking getting me here!' ....... And why?! Of course, now that I'm here I'm not gonna frickin' leave the warmth," she added the last part grudgingly so.

Really, it was kind of amusing considering she was what, 5 foot 5 and weighed maybe 115 pounds and had pigtails for Christ's Sake! But it was her expression and Super Skills of the Death Glare that made it possible for her to even be slightly serious. But still! It was his fault, and she'd probably insist that 'till the day she died -- or managed to rip the tail feathers out of those damned birds!

The hell was she doing here ANYWAY?! ... Again, the warmth.

Goddamn them in there Magical Warmth of Persuasion!

(oops if it sucks! 6 am folks XD)


Dracel didn't have to look far to find the creatures aain. She could hear them already, someone yelling really loud. This things can't be my only helpers, she thought. Giving a roll of her eyes, she followed the sound till she saw a tent.

"So there they are. I shouldn't come in. Big brother always said never get caught in a corner. They could hate me or like me. I shall wait outside."

Putting herself directly infront of the tent, she sat on her haunches. And there she waited for them to come out. Back to Wolvern, he barley got to the entrance of the village before he collasped. Snow gentley fell on his bloodied coat.

"I must..try to make it,...inside...Dracel..needs me"

He tried again to get up but his body was too weak. All he could do was squirm. That wouldn't help him either

"Dracel....Please let"

ooc-I know its short. Me still sleepy from staying up all night z_z


Yuuki watched, mesmerized while Atachii did her odd mind trick thing. He wanted to beat her off of Niaaki when she pressed her forehead to his. No! His Niaaki! His! All his! Yuuki blinked at this point and decided it was his over protective big brotherness that made his brain go loopy when something happened to Niaaki that wasn’t talked over with him first. Then again, he did promise Atachii his first born if she healed him, and she seemed to be doing that. Yuuki barely noticed the lady until she was right there, and if Yuuki weren’t so manly he’d probably would have gasped when she saw her. Because BLAM! There she was.  She said her name and all he could think to do was nod, his foot hurt again like an evil bitch. It seemed that Yuukis head was now made out of rock because everything just bounced off it. At least before it was a cushy rock, now it’s a hard one.

Yuuki closed his eyes and rested back on his hands, his head lolling from side to side in sheer boredom and hissing every now and then when she hit a tender spot… Which was actually pretty often. Yuuki sang little songs in his head that he remembered from his mother and then closed his eyes. He had fallen asleep resting back on his hands with his head thrown back with his foot getting healed. Needless to say it was an odd site and he looked dead except for the noisy breathing out of his mouth.  Yuuki usually snores, but this time he didn’t. A tickle at his foot woke up him up and he blinked a few times before sighing and wiggling his bare toes…

�Oh, thank goddess. Thank you very much…� Yuuki winced at this point and looked at her. �Gabrie?�

He didn’t know if he was right at all, and to his surprised, Atachii was still doing that weird mind thing with Niaaki. Yuuki looked sadly at his pale little brother and stood up with a grunt. His ass was numb, again. Yuuki rubbed his lower back and did a half assed circle then stood on the once broken foot. He grinned down at Gabrie and sat back down, tugging his boot on.

�Thank you very much… By the way, my name is Yuuki.�

Once that was over with Yuuki just watched Niaaki and Atachii. Worry washed around him in waves and he wanted so much to just… help. Yuuki felt so helpless, being on the sidelines while someone else saved his little friend, his little brother. Yuukis eyebrows drew together and he looked down for a moment, when he looked back up Atachii was moving away, he looked from her to Niaaki and then back to her. Yuuki looked very frantic, like a father in waiting, or someone who was desprate for information on someone that was hurt that they loved. Yuuki moved towards Niaakis head and knelt beside him again, taking Niaakis smaller pale hand in his own big tanned one.

�Hey… Niaaki… Wake-y, wake-y…�

Yuuki smiled slightly at Atachiis words, but he couldn’t go with her right now, because then that would mean leaving Niaaki behind with all these unknown people. On some primal level, Yuuki knew that Niaaki needed some sort of line. That and Niaaki would be very afraid with a roomful of people he didn’t know. Yuuki looked over his shoulder at Atachii and held up one finger to her before he looked back at Niaaki. The girl who pointed at him made him blink and his once sad looking expression became bemused and not at all impressed. This little girl had quite the mouth on her, As much as Yuuki appreciated her swearing, since he had cut down quite a bit since meeting his little protectee, he smirked slightly and put a finger to his lips and made a ‘shh’ sound.

�You can yell at me outside kiddo… Not here.�


A soft groan escaped Niaaki's lips, his eyes fluttering as the drug began to wear off and consciousness began to return, sensation seeping into his still limbs and washing away the sleep and drug induced numbness. Of course, some numbness might have been a good thing at this point because as a side-effect of the long, delicate healing process, he now had a killer headache, throbbing pain stabbing repeatedly at his temples like his head was a glacier being assaulted by an icepick. Or...some other fancy and appropriately agonizing-sounding metaphor, though he doubted glaciers felt much pain.

A warm hand enveloped his own, and Niaaki's face scrunched up a little as he tried to open his eyes. Which, well, wasn't actually so difficult in and of itself, it was just that the light hurt his eyes when he finally did open them...which caused him to close them again with another groan and rub a hand over his face to massage his temples. Ow...what the hell had happened? The last time he'd ever had a headache like this was when he'd gotten drunk once and woken up with a hangover...which...was not something he'd ever wanted to repeat. He liked wine, but he'd never drank excessively before until that night. Which had been a result of him being stupid because he'd wanted to prove that he was tough enough to hold his liquor.

Stupid pride. He couldn't hold his liquor worth anything and by his second drink he was already tipsy. That...had not been fun, though he couldn't really remember much of what had happened.

Just as he couldn't remember a thing now.

�Hey… Niaaki… Wake-y, wake-y…�

Niaaki gave an sudden jolt and opened his eyes again, only this time he forced them to remain open, even if he had to squint a bit. Yuuki! He blinked, still feeling a little groggy as the drug wore off, and he kept his hand pressed against his forehead in an attempt to massage away the pain. "Ugh...hey?" he muttered, feeling like the living dead. And he knew he must look wonderful right about now, too. His skin felt sticky, his head felt crampy, and...ugh...he probably smelled, too, if he'd been sweating and, according to his skin and clothes...he had been.

Errrk...he gave a slight grimace. Yeah, by now he probably reeked, since he hadn't had a bath or anything since--oh CRAP!

The sounds of yelling around him made him tense, as did the realization that he was in a room he didn't recognize, and that the last thing he remembered was Yuuki fighting with the drow that had taken them prisoner. He gave a gasp and jerked upright--or tried to, but was stunted by all the layers of blankets piled on top of him. With a grunt, he shoved at them with his free hand and scrambled up into a sitting position, back board-straight, eyes wide, and hand tightening reflexively on Yuuki's.

There were people all around...people he did not recognize. But...but...none of them were drow. Confusion growing, he glanced back at Yuuki and swept his gaze over him, looking for signs of injury, but he looked all in one piece, and looked calm. In fact, he looked amused at all the yelling, which was apparently directed at him by a very pissed-off sounding female.


In a flash, his full, wide-eyed attention was turned on Yuuki, pain still pounding deep within his temples though, for now, it was rather distant. There were much more pressing matters at hand at the moment, like what the hell was going on and where the hell they were and what had happened and why on Earth he couldn't remember any of it!

Gripping the front of Yuuki's shirt with his free hand, he tugged at him to pull him down closer to him, so he could whisper urgently into his ear, "Yuuki! Where are we? What the hell happened? The drow--what happened with them and who are these people?!" Niaaki very rarely cursed, at least, he very rarely cursed outside his own head because it just tended to sound funny coming from him. However, right now he was disoriented and rather freaked out because he was disoriented. He couldn't remember anything that had happened between Yuuki beginning his duel with that one drow and waking up here. Everything else was foggy.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


It all happened fast enough that Audun didn't have time to feel useless, merely relieved as the two women attended to the pair's injuries far more quickly than he could've.  He huffed a sigh and sat down to watch them work before asking, "Does anyone else need medical attention?"

No response; it seemed those who'd accompanied them had either fallen silent or busied themselves.  No matter.

He'd known Gabrie had some sort of... powers, but didn't know their extent or real application.  It made Audun wonder what else she could've done for the village's illness and the illness of her companions, or if perhaps such diseases limited her skills, made Audun wonder what else she kept hidden.  He decided, watching her work some sort of magic, that it wasn't any of his business, curious as he was.

When Niaaki finally burst up from the bed, Audun decided it best to tend to Atachii first, let Yuuki explain things before asking the boy any questions and before politely making sure of Gabrie's work, fetched Atachii some water, softly asked her, "Do you need anything else?"


Gabrie smiled in return for the thanking and slowly stood up, retreating out of the way so that she would not disturb anyone by her presence.

The actual healing was quite taxing, and so a pause was much appreciated, the people were, apparently, pretty busy enough anyway. There was a lot of affection between the two wounded, for example. Relatives maybe, or maybe a couple, or just good friends, Gabrie couldn't tell. It surely seemed more than just strangers - or maybe she was imagining things. These were strangers, and it was very rude to assume things about them like that.

Other than these two, there was not all that much to observe. The non-wounded female had apparently done a healing of the other wounded, which had succeeded apparently. She was a healer then, and probably better at it. Gabrie surely would not have been able to do that so fast.

Another thing of interest was that tidbit about "drow". That probably was the enemy that had hurt these people like that. The thing they had done to the woman(as Gabrie had not noticed him to be male) seemed quite vicious indeed, but she had not heard of Drow being anywhere near this place - the villagers would have known, wouldn't they? That, in combination with the clothes that were pretty unfit for the temperature, seemed to suggest that these people got transported here by other means.

All that was quite interesting, but well, resting there and watching would not give her an answer. Not that it was proper to ask outright. Oh my...

"Anything you people want me to fetch you?" she finally decided to ask. "You must be rather hungry, and weary of your travels..."

OOC: Hmm. Gotta think of a better posting next time. Headaches suck ><


The sound of Niaakis voice was like a cool constant trickle of water to a lingering burn of worry, and that would be as poetic as Yuuki would ever get in his life time. To show how happy Yuuki was to have his ‘little brother’ safe and sound and whole again, he closed his eyes and lifted Niaaki to his chest and gave it a quick hug, since Yuuki probably smelt pretty bad and being anywhere near his chest would be able to suffocate an elephant he quickly let Niaaki down and just kept his hand on Niaakis. It took Yuuki a moment to remember that Niaaki had been out of it while he met these people, and he himself didn’t really know who they were either. The thoughts of drow bubbled up into his head again and the knife wound, which was more or less healed over,  stung for a moment, as did the cut on his chest which had scabbed over. A odd yelp escaped his lips when he was tugged down so that Niaaki could whisper into his ear, as much as he was glad that Niaaki had a surge of strength enough make Yuuki yelp and stare. Quite the feat.  Though, at the mention of the drow his eyes turned dark and he pulled Niaakis hand off the collar of his shirt.

�Those bastard drow broke your mind and I broke my foot. I was going for that short ones nose but had this magical wall of what looked like spider poop… I had just done… walking… So they weren’t expecting me to grab you and leave… I’m sorry I didn’t protect you better…�

With sigh, Yuuki remembered how sick he felt not knowing if Niaaki was dead or a live in those five or so seconds before they appeared in the arctic, where he froze his ass off and got hit on by someone who didn’t know basic words. Reflecting on what had happened to him and his little friend and the keeper of his first borns, and the interesting doctor people… Not to mention those weird winged dog things, or thing, was there only one or two? Yuuki closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deep, the smell that Niaaki gave off was probably as bad as his, but it meant that he needed a bath, which also meant that Niaaki wasn’t dead… He didn’t smell like decaying flesh, which was a good thing.

Pressing his forehead to Niaakis shoulder, his knees off to the side so that he wasn’t digging into anything that would make things uncomfortable. So, while he felt guilty and of course he had heard Atachii say she needed a drink. A muffled response for who they were came from Yuuki, and his face was buried between Niaakis shoulder and his head on the floor beside him. The voice of Gabrie hit through his clouding mind and he lifted his hand only for it to fall back down to his side

�I really don’t know Ni, but, I’m really tired… And no thank you Gabrie…�

Now, it was Yuukis turn to doze off, but they didn’t look much like siblings at all. More like polar opposites, but that’s probably why they got along so well. A soft snore would be heard and that was because of one reason… Yuuki had crashed and was dead to the world of the non-sleeping with his head resting on the nook of Niaakis shoulder.


The insult shushed her to silence, her auburn eyes alit angrily. They smoldered as the word echoed very quietly inside her head. Kiddo?! She could hardly believe he called her that. She was, for God's sake, 14. But perhaps it was the rationality in his words that caught her attention. The guy there, the girly one, did not need her shouting. So she quieted herself enough, realizing this wasn't an area she was familiar with and she wasn't about to get kicked out into the cold because she was screaming. The mere thought drove her to the farthest corner of the small tent, her eyes burning. At least she was warm. But it held little solace, and the fear she had been denying since her arrival began to writhe inside her. She didn't know these people... And the familiar sense of caution and claustrophobia haunted her.

Keir realized she didn't know these people. They could be just figmants of a delusional brain (maybe she finally lost it?) or perhaps this was all a gigantic show, an illusion cast upon her and they were demons ready to tear her flesh from her bones and eat her raw corpse. EIther thought did not appeal her, but she was more appalled by the latter, and more willingly believed it. But to appease her sense of instability around these people she stared at her feet, a pair of circular red eyes meeting her own. They locked for seconds and time didn't matter as they slowed, and all seemed so languid around her. She drifted further into a state of dreamless vast exspanse that held no color she could pinpoint. It's shades would change, dark purple to flashes of yellow, great bars of black. Like if you closed your eyes and pushed your fingers on them - everything seemed fuzzied, with flashes of colors and shapes all whirling and changing....

When the eyes disappeared she blinked. She had been there for how long now? She noticed that man was alseep on the boy's shoulder. The one woman needed a drink, or so she said... Did she say that? She didn't know who half the bodies were and couldn't quite focus on any one of them. She didn't want to recognize them - the thought she'd stay long enough and have to remember their faces was so appalling and yet so vaguely comforting to the point where she found it utterly disgusting and then, in turn, found disgust in herself. What the hell was happening to her? She actually wanted to be around these people? Ridiculous. Fucking absurd.

Afterall, who in their right mind would want to be around these fucked up lunatics?

She did. Oh God, did she ever. She wanted to belong, somewhere. Too bad they weren't figmants of her imagination - then she'd have at least someone to talk too. But they were nothing more then cannibalistic demons for all she knew. For all she cared. It was taking so much of her energy to just concern herself that she'd only be here for the warmth in the tent, even if it was growing to an unreasonable temperture which would ultimately lead to her suffocation. And does this paranoia run as deep as the bones? Hella yeah, bitch.

Keir couldn't quite decide what she wanted to do. Sit there and watch Yuuki sleep, or the two or three docter-people or the ground, or focus on one of the furs or look at the tent. Really, none of it sounded appealing to her. She thought of leaving for one crazy moment even though she had stated more than a thousand times she wasn't going to go into the cold unless she was absolute in her desicion of suicide. The contemplation didn't lost long - it didn't get past the memories etched in snow and ice. At least, she could pretend those people didn't care they had a stupid little girl sitting in the corner of their tent, staring at the ground. They could forget her and leave her there... And maybe in time she'd grow so cold, so numb that she'd ultimately freeze into position and become a living statue. Anything to escape from living. Something she feared more than death and perhaps even more then companionship. The act of living her life, of moving forward, forging bridges and burning them. Or maybe she was like a mouse and the world was the cat. Except... There was one difference. She couldn't outrun the world, and she couldn't escape it unless she let it catch her. But was she, or was everyone for that matter, prepared for that? Prepared to let the cat catch them?

Why did it seem she could draw one conclusion, and come up with one that sounded just as stupid but she couldn't make up her silly little mind about either?

Why was it that she wanted to hate them but couldn't?

(XD As best as I can come with at 11:38 pm! lmao)


Niaaki was pretty surprised that he'd been able to tug Yuuki down onto his level because, well, Yuuki just usually wasn't so...moveable. Niaaki could tug and pull all he wanted, but unless he wanted to, Yuuki just wouldn't budge an inch, solid, stone-enforced fortress that he was, but right now Yuuki's yelp gave away that he was just as surprised as Niaaki to have been yanked down. Wow...that was...odd. Of course, he didn't have much time to be surprised about that particular issue as a million different questions were all bearing down on his mind and demanding an answer!

So he listened anxiously as Yuuki finally offered up an explanation, ignoring the other unfamiliar people for the time being.

An explanation that made him blink and draw his eyebrows together in puzzlement as he stared blankly up at Yuuki. Wha...? Broke his mind? Spider poop? Walking? What the...? Well, it didn't surprise him that Yuuki had broken something in that brawl, given that was just how Yuuki was and what parts he could remember seemed to involve Yuuki being stubborn and refusing to use a weapon...the dolt...but the rest?

He brought his hand up and pressed his fingers into his left temple to ward off the sudden pain that stabbed him there, then let out a slow breath, allowing his shoulders to relax. Then he let his arm drop back into his lap. Oh, right. Walking, that kind of walking. Got it. So that's how they got here...hopefully Yuuki's walking had gotten them good and far away from that weird drow place. And mind-breaking...ugh...well...his head did hurt...and he couldn't remember a thing...maybe it was best for his own sanity that he didn't press that subject. Probably just meant he'd gotten knocked out somehow. That wouldn't surprise him, he guessed...he had kind of been foolish back there, watching Yuuki and not paying attention to what the other drow behind him was doing--"sneaky bastard". any case...being knocked out would explain why he couldn't remember a thing and had a killer headache to boot.

As long as he hadn't been molested in his sleep or something, it was all good.

And it was probably better for the sanity of everyone in the circumference of the area to not ask for a follow-up to that spider poop comment...he just...didn't even want to know. He was curious, but not that curious.

...No wonder Yuuki stank.

"So...we are somewhere else entirely..." Duh, Niaaki. Whatever, he said it more for his own benefit, anyway, to drill that fact into his still-confused brain as he once again glanced briefly at the room's other inhabitants. All were, indeed, non-drows! Another thing that was a reassuring thought to Niaaki was that it didn't seem that he'd been out too long, because Yuuki was still wearing those blood-stained clothes and they both reeked enough to bring a small army to its knees. Yeah...he couldn't have missed much.

That last part of what Yuuki said did surprise him. As did the sigh Yuuki gave, and the expression on his face.


Niaaki let his eyes avert toward his lap thoughtfully, then blinked and shifted a little when Yuuki pressed his forehead into the space between his neck and shoulder. He probably didn't make a very good pillow because, like Yuuki, he wasn't very squishy--though whereas Yuuki was muscular Niaaki was more bony--but if his dark-haired companion didn't mind, neither did he. He hardly needed that announcement to know he was tired. Shifting subtly again to get comfortable--and because, after sleeping so much, he was starting to feel restless--he rested his hand on Yuuki's head.

"No feeling bad...okay, Yuu? I guess a lot of this is kind of my fault as it is..." he admitted quietly, still looking away. "Ah, time, you choose the village. No matter how much I kick and scream...and you know I will. And next time, we leave right when there is trouble. is your fo--"

He stopped in mid-speech as a tell-tale snore broke the otherwise silence on Yuuki's end. Niaaki couldn't help but give a subtle twitch. Had he even heard any of that?! He'd just admitted blame and he'd fallen asleep on him! Now he just felt sheepish for speaking to a wall...well...any other time and he would have called his friend a jerk, but he needed his rest and Niaaki was just glad they were both in one piece. So, instead he just sighed and stroked Yuuki's hair absently; even if he wasn't so shy around people he didn't know he wouldn't have been able to get up at this point. Not only did he not want to disturb Yuuki, but, well...he couldn't move even if he wanted to!

So he took this time to do a discreet look-around, studying the room itself, the people...three women, one looking rather stand-offish in a corner, a man tending to one of the women...furs...insulated walls...furs? People didn't use furs around any of the places they'd been travelling through lately...this place had to be a lot colder. Hmm...and there was something else, too, that was nagging at the back of his mind...something seemed a bit off, like it was missing. Probably just his imagination, though. Anyway, the people here...they were likely the ones that took them in here, right? Shy or not, it would probably be rude and odd for him to just remain all quiet. Problem was, he didn't know who was who yet...

Oh well...generalizations always worked for that. He'd just start by thanking the woman that had just spoken and didn't look currently occupied. It was a choice between her and the girl in the corner, since the other man and women looked busy. And since the girl in the corner was the one who had been yelling at Yuuki, and still looked rather moody...well, he didn't want to get on anyone's bad side this early on.

"Gabrie...?" He said it cautiously, a tone that not only aimed to get her attention, but one that also welcomed correction if he was off and had misheard. "I am afraid I do not know much of what has happened, or who anyone here is, but...thank you for any help you have given my friend and I." He would have bowed respectfully out of habit, but Yuuki kept him rooted in place. Instead, he just nodded and went on in that practiced, polite tone he reserved for those he wasn't yet familiar with. "I am Niaaki, and...may I ask who everyone else is? And where this is?"
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


((I don't mean to leave you behind, Pseudo, just glossing over stuff))

Audun saw to making Atachii comfortable after the obviously trying magic.  He knew such weariness well and empathized with the woman, and it bought time for Yuuki and Niaaki to clear things up between themselves before any other interference.

But Niaaki, seeming well, asked a question while he still saw to Atachii, and Audun felt himself best equipped to answer it, so he faced the boy--and Audun now thought he would not know the boy's gender if Yuuki had not indicated it earlier--and realized he had failed to introduce himself earlier.

"I cannot speak for anyone but Ms. Gabrie, who I know, and who would probably prefer to speak for herself, but I, at least, am Audun.  You are in a village of one of the arctic tribes, and for now safe from whatever it was damaged the both of you so."  Then he smiled wryly, hoping to get across the point that he was joking, and said, "I believe I speak for all three of us," indicating Atachii and Gabrie, then himself, with a smooth gesture, "when I request that you try to avoid these 'drow' in the future."


((OOC: It's okay, it's my fault for being lazy. Sorry this post is so bad, and so short.))

Pushing hair back from her face, Atachii gratefully accepted Audun’s proffered water, feeling the cold tendrils stretch throughout her body, working to ease her raw and scratching throat. Her body was hating her right now, but it would get over it soon enough, she didn’t like complaining, and thus did not utter a word about her painful state. A sore head was nothing to what she suspected Yuuki and Niaaki had been through recently, although a lot of that pain was obviously not physical. Taking one more drink of the cool, refreshing water, she smiled at Audun gratefully, wincing slightly as she stood, quickly gaining her balance and testing her tired and sore legs.

‘Thanks, I don’t think I need anything else.’

She watched with mild amusement as Niaaki awoke, confusion and panic painted clearly on his face. He was waking up to the sight of strange faces and strange sounds, foreign tastes and settings. His mind would be bolting with pain and he would have no recollection of anything. For certain, a jarring experience. At least, by the words that were speeding unheard from his mouth, she knew he was functioning properly and there had been no errors in her mending. The thought of turning someone into a brain-dead vegetable was appealing if she set the mental animation into practice on one of her more… unfavourable acquaintances. The slightest hint of a smile touched her lips as she turned back to the weary duo.

So much relief and confusion whirled about the room. Atachii moved closer to the opening in the large tent, hoping to catch a slight breeze as it pressed its way into the warm atmosphere of multiple bodies giving off their heat, filling the area with a muggy, stuffed sense. She would rather be cold than feel weighed down by presence of so many people. Pressing a cool hand to her forehead, she winced slightly as another jolt of pain ran through her body, searing her nerves and scorching her muscles in a torrent of rash thoughts and exhaustion. This had been a very long day.

The sounds of Yuuki and Niaaki, relieved at finally being both in good repair and of conscious thought, only registered as simple sounds as she rested her eyes, tired and restless, knowing she would be unable to sleep even if she wanted it. She needed to get drunk, completely incapacitated, and soon, so she could pass out somewhere and just let her body rest.

Was that… Snoring? Atachii looked over toward the largest congregation of people and smiled, suppressing her laughter, at the sight of Yuuki sleeping on Niaaki’s lap. So much worry had lopped him over. Slightly envious of his sleeping abilities, she moved away from the tent opening, starting to feel the slight chill of the cold air seep just that much too deep to be comforting any longer, listening to Niaaki’s polite instructions. Maybe Yuuki should learn some manners from his friend.

‘Nice to finally talk to you, Niaaki. You’re much more interesting conscious.�

Atachii smiled at Audun’s appropriate request.

‘Yes, that would be very much appreciated. I’m Atachii.’

Perhaps they could finally get an amiable atmosphere going in the group and sever the ties of suspicion which pulled them all to their own respective corners, wary glances and unsaid accusations abound, and have some good company for a bit. It sounded good in Atachii’s head, and she figured they all needed to relax a bit anyway. Turning and moving toward the tent’s exit she moved to face the small gathering which huddled inside.

‘Once we’re done our introductions, anyone want to join me at the local pub? I really need something with alcohol.’

She smiled bemusedly and waited to see if anyone would accept, or just watch her with intense disgust and kick her out into the snow where she could go drink by herself, but preferably to first option.


OOC: Sorry, this one was confused o.O; Thought other people were to post. XD; Many apologies!

Gabrie agreed to Audun's words. Especially about the Drow. She aknowdledged Atachii's question with a nod, but first had other things to say.

"I was already introduced, I am Gabrie, a mere healer. I am actually not of this village - I belong to a group of traders, and staid behind to aid some of the sick."
The tall woman smiled, glancing to Audun. "I indeed hope that you will avoid these Drow for a while. On that subject," she paused a second, then went on "there is a question I have. You escaped them without them knowing where you went, is that correct? This is a small village - which was rather recently affected by a strange illness that the community here still has not fully recovered from."

Another pause, as she looked to Niaaki, then to Atachii
"Losing more people to a surprise attack by these so-called Drow would be terrible, so if there is such a danger, preparations have to be made. The tracks in the snow are most likely trackable for quite a while, especially with magic - so if there is a chance for these Drow to follow you into this general area, we would have to make sure the tracks are erased throughoutly."

She did not believe so - around an hour had passed already, after all - but someone had to ask the question. More losses among the hunters - who were weakened enough as it was due to the disease and the cold - would mean less food for the village, which at these temperatures was clearly unfavorable. It could mean the end of the village as it was.
In fact, it troubled the priestess that she had not thought of that earlier. But well, the harm was done. She just hoped none of the travellers would take her question as an accusation, although she realized it might be taken as such. She really should have thought more about it before asking.

She coughed. "Once that has been taken care of, one way or another, I surely would not mind accompagning you to such a place, miss Atachii, although you might be disappointed by it. Tthis town is not all that big, and there are not many visitors save the occassional merchant. Furthermore, the alcoholics served here seem to be mostly of the strong kind"
She said that with a frown, not disgusted, but it apparently was not her cup of tea(or wine) at all.


Okay, so it was a bad time to sleep, did Yuuki care? No. But he did manage to walk up a few seconds before Atachii said her name, which was more like a seven second nap than anything. Those seven seconds though stretched for an eternity, if Yuuki wasn’t used to nightmares he’d have woken up gasping instead of just staying on Niaakis lap. Closing his eyes again at the feeling of Niaakis hand in his less than really clean hair, he sat up and looked down at his ‘little brother’  and than looked at his lap. Okay, something was missing, what was supposed to be there? Yuuki closed his eyes and thought of the seconds before they came here, besides the searing pain and the lack of breath.

The Doll.


In a matter of seconds, Yuuki was standing up and out the door. After about seven more seconds, he was back, his hands red, his nose red and snow in his hair. With the frozen dolly in his hand that seemed to be frozen, Yuuki walked into the tent, cold radiating off of him and tossed the doll on Niaakis lap. Sitting down and sighing, while rubbing warmth back into his arms, he was glad that he hadn’t missed much of the conversation. Looking up and over his shoulder towards the females, he blinked and looked back down at his lap. Once Gabrie started to talk, Yuuki couldn’t help but want to puff out his chest at the thought of the Farzim, Varizon? No… Varzim… The whatever… finding them.

�The chance of them tracking us all the way here is slim to none unless they used their cheap magical powers to track us… Which isn’t likely because you healed my foot and that lady… Atachii? Healed Niaakis mind. We came from… Zantaric I believe, I’d look at the map we had, but they took everything we have except for Niaakis doll and an armband that I have in a pocket on the inside of my pants, and our clothing….�

That sounded worse than Yuuki meant it to be, but them thinking that Niaakis doll was just that, a doll, would be good until he could trust them better. They had probably already figured out he was either very, very fast, or he could teleport, if it was the latter, they’d have the right idea. Though Yuuki didn’t think they’d have that one down pat just yet. Since Yuuki had missed Atachiis first mention of alcohol, Yuuki looked towards Gabrie and smiled and stood up, than went and knelt beside Niaaki and pressed his gloved hand to Niaakis face and smiled which quickly became a serious face.

�If you stay here… Don’t go to sleep.�

Yuuki stood up and walked so he was behind Atachii. Looking at the others, he studied them. Could they be trusted? His foot felt like brand new, and he actually stood on it and slowly lifted the other, no pain. Ah, Yuuki was so happy he could kiss someone, but Atachii was the closest and he didn’t want to get slapped. Just then, he remembered the girl, the little one who bitched at him. He looked at her and smiled slightly.

�Are you going to come? Or stay behind?�

This was said gently, as if he was trying to coax a dog out of an ally that was growling at him. Though in this case it would probably be an evil cat that would like to rip out his eyes and use his intestine as a play thing. Trying not to dwell on that, Yuuki looked back to everyone else and his eyes wandered around.

�So.. Where is the place with alcohol?�

Of course Yuuki wouldn’t have seen it before, the fist time he came here he was in extreme agony, the second time he was to worried about something taking off with Niaakis doll. Poor Yuuki and Niaaki, if only they knew how hard life was going to get.

((OOC: Praise the gods and goddesses! I posted! 8D))


The arctic? Arctic tribe? Jeez! Yuuki had taken them all the way over to the other side of the continent! Niaaki gaped for a second at the news--it looked like a cold place, but he'd just figured they were in some nearby mountains or something...nevermind that the air didn't feel any thinner. Well. Jeez. Didn't look like any stupid drow things were going to find them here. That was a relief to know...even though now they were on the other side of the known world. Ah well, wasn't like they'd really had a destination to begin with.

Despite the headache, Niaaki relaxed further and gave a little smile, glancing from Audun to Atachii and back. "Well met, Audun, Atachii, and thank you both for your help. As for the drow..." His smile turned wry as he caught the joke. "I, not think that will be too much of a problem..."

That was said with a pointed look at the sleeping Yuuki, and if he had been awake, it would have been a look of warning for him. Yuuki was pretty...ahem...dumb sometimes. And he had a temper. Which was why he went about fighting that stupid drow to begin with whereas if they'd just played along, they could have gotten out unscathed. Maybe. If he didn't know his companion better, he was probably already dreaming of sweet revenge. Not that it didn't sound like a nice idea and all, but he just didn't want to get stabbed again...or be unconscious again around them, considering. Ahem. "I know I have no intention o--GAH!"

He'd noticed Yuuki shifting around a bit, waking up. And when he sat up, Niaaki barely batted an eye, even if he did raise an eyebrow slightly--that was fast, but, hey, Yuuki was spastic like that sometimes and Niaaki was used to it. What did cut him off, and what <I>did make him jolt with a yelp that made his head throb, was when Yuuki randomly yelled a curse, leaped to his feet and dashed out the door in a matter of seconds. Damn! Nearly gave him a bloody heart-attack, and Niaaki was especially jumpy after...well...everything! Loosening his white-knuckled grip on the blankets in front of him, Niaaki exhaled, and glanced back up as a very cold-looking Yuuki returned.

With Butch, the little ragged, patched-up, and stitched-up one-eyed doll with the yarn hair.

Oh crap! THAT'S what had been missing!

The doll landed on his lap, and Niaaki quickly grabbed it and began patting all the snow and ice off it so he could examine it and make sure it was okay. Obviously, it was since he hadn't felt anything...but hey, just had to make sure it wasn't going to suddenly fall apart. Because that would be really, really not good. But aside from being frozen and cold, it was fine, and he hugged it to his stomach absently like it was a tiny pillow--and because, yeah, he was damned glad to have it back! Thank Gods for Yuuki. The worst thing that could have happened was if some village child got a hold of it...or some animal decided to use it for its den. Niaaki cringed to think about it, and breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed its absense...but then again, he'd been sort of distracted. "Thank you, Yuuki..."

He listened in as Yuuki explained things, and it didn't occur to Niaaki how bad it probably looked for him to be all happy about having some doll back. Oh well. He nodded in agreement as Yuuki finished his explanation. No...he didn't think the drow could track them here, if they were as far away from them as he believed. And why would they want to? They were only two people. Would they really want to go through that much trouble to bring them back, anyway? Well...maybe they were just that insane. Niaaki gave a shudder, and promptly forced himself to stop thinking about it. But what Gabrie had said did make him worry a bit...what if they did</I>, by some crazy means, follow them? This! It'd be fine! They were on the other side of the world, for Gods' sakes!

Instead, he focused on Gabrie's finishing statement and blinked.

Alcohol? And strong alcohol, at that?

Then he glanced back up at Yuuki as he knelt and brushed his face. Stay here? Sleep? No way. He still felt weak, and his head hurt, but he wasn't staying here alone! Or with people he still barely knew. Especially after Yuuki told him not to sleep. Oh yeah, right. Very comforting. Not that he thought anything bad of them--they'd obviously saved them!--but still. Nooo, he was going. He was starving anyway, and that might also have something to do with the shakiness and probably wasn't helping it, anyway, and despite being weak and all, he was growing restless. And besides, Yuuki? And alcohol? Deadly combination. Nope, count him in. Even if he still needed a bath...argh...

That was going to drive him first.

" worries. I am not staying..."

Pushing the blankets off him, he rose carefully to his feet and forced himself not to sway too much, though he had to close his eyes against a temporary wave of dizziness. Steadying himself, he held Butch tightly to his chest--he wasn't going to leave it unattended again!--as he walked slowly over to where Yuuki and Atachii were, and glanced curiously behind him. So...Atachii and Gabrie would be going as well. He looked over at the girl in the corner that Yuuki was talking to--who came across to Niaaki as...kind of...feral--and then at Audun.

"Are you coming, too?" he asked, deciding to be the polite one and extend the invitation to him, since everyone else seemed covered. Couldn't hurt.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Audun decided Yuuki must've missed the glare.  It was a pointed, agitated glare, the sort a disappointed parent might bestow on the child subject to this disapporoval.

And then Audun remembered: right, the glasses.

He gave a sigh, turned to Niaaki when he spoke and gave a friendly smile.  "I cannot approve of your friend drinking so soon after an injury being healed, even magically, but if he insists, I must attend."  When he stood, Audun lifted his own coat, and grabbed some of the furs, handed them out with that same soft smile.  "Please, I'd rather no one go out unprepared for the climate; I'll see about getting you real parkas as well.


She barely acknowledged that Niaaki asked everyone of their names. Her mind wandered elsewhere, and for some reason she was playing indifference, even if she couldn't understand why. But maybe she just didn't want to admit these people scared her. And the fact she wasn't paying attention. That's always a key in everything. Her eyes flickered around her, listening to the raspy calls of the circling ravens, them fluttering like some terrible omen. They were nothing to her but a doubled-edged sword.

Then Yuuki was asking if she wanted to go with - whereever that was. All after his crazy little escapade, waking up and running out, running back in freezing with a doll. Not only did that boy appear girly but he had a doll. And Yuuki called her "kiddo"? Her brows lifted in disbelief at this fucking twisted situation. She supposed it didn't matter anymore, and her stomach reminded her of how hungry she was. But it didn't matter, she supposed. She grimaced at the thought of stomaching whatever the ravens decided was still edible. Which ranged from half eaten carrion, fruits and berries, rabbit they've killed, snake.... All stuff carried in their mouth. And all she could ever do was roast the damn things and hope it wouldn't kill her.

And what the hell were drow? She blinked - it wasn't a name she had ever heard, but it reminded her of a big troll. Something slow and stupid, dragging itself, almost akin to a gnome or hobbit or something fat, slow and stupid. Whatever it was, that's what the name conjured in her mind and she frowned, still not quite picturing what it was. But if they were running from it... Maybe it wasn't so slow afterall.

"I guess," she muttered about coming along, looking vaguely stubborn with her jaw somewhat set and her auburn eyes hard.

"I'm Keir," she mumbled again, wrapping her arms around her and looking at this Audun docter fellow.

She didn't need a parka. She was perfectly fine the way she was. Okay, that was probably lie. She mulled over the idea of seeing if her pride could handle accepting something that she should've hand to begin with in travelling through the freakin' arctic. But she knew at times she just had to muffle herself and take whatever she could get and run. Of course, that seemed to be most of her life. Take a little and run... Alcohal? She sniffed slightly. It tasted like soap. And did horrible things to perfectly sensible people. What would it do to a person like Yuuki? She just stared at him, brows lifting as an increasingly amused expression flickered onto her face.

That'd be something to lift her down trodden spirits.


Listening to Gabrie as she formulated plans for dispensing of their tracks made Atachii’s mind wander, letting it slip between lucidity and dream, waiting for the rest of the introductions to be made. She was tired enough as it is, and wasn’t really in the mood for dealing with drows and spiders and snow or any other stuff for that matter, besides a good, strong drink and somewhere to sleep. She turned to Gabrie, itching to leave the crowded tent, hot and smelling of more than a few tired, sweating bodies. Yuuki and Niaaki smelled particularly foul. If she got them into the wind and snow soon, perhaps it would help tone it down a bit.

‘I don’t think the tracks would be a problem. It’s been awhile since we left them, so they’ve probably been covered up naturally by now.’

They day was slipping away, and through fractures in the tent’s skin she could see the dying rays of the sun slipping away, slowly, barely noticeable, but fading. The cold was drawing in, traipsing through the village between the houses and huts, silent and formidable, an army drawn up against the comfort and warmth of the people huddled within their shelters. Atachii turned her head toward Gabrie as she agreed to the outing, albeit a bit cautiously.

‘Heh, don’t worry, strong is good.’

Not a moment before she had finished her sentence Yuuki was pushing past her out the door. She hadn’t thought he would be that eager to get drunk. Before she could suggest that they all set out as well, he was marching back in, holding a cold and rigid doll between his fingers, barraged by cold, wet and snow, looking rather riled for the momentary trip. Her face was a picture of thought and confusion as to why he was holding a doll in the first place, and where the hell it had come from, since he hadn’t been out for more than ten seconds. The doll was flopped into Niaaki’s lap, and seemed to fit in much better, another thread to the winding tapestry that surrounded the pair whom she had, she realized, only met just recently.

They seemed awfully close, and Atachii wondered if perhaps there was a reason for Niaaki being so… Feminine. The politeness, the girlishness, the doll, the weaker movements, contrasted against Yuuki’s behaviour like black against white. But, as she had witnessed they were unrelentingly faithful to each other, or Yuuki was to Niaaki at least.

They began to congregate around the popular tent flap, Yuuki moving away from Niaaki to stand behind her and she looked around toward the rest of the group. Questions and answers rallied in turn, yes they were coming, no they weren’t staying, maybe, yes, no. It was game of questions and it took so horrendously long. She wanted to be out, but her manners were too far engrained to be pushed aside by impatience. The night would wait, and so would the alcohol, unless it suddenly gained the monolithic will to sprout legs and take off across the world in search of its roots and its soul.

Outside, she could hear the night approaching as the birds quieted, their songs pushed down by the weight of the darkness and the crisp blade of the cold, cutting the notes in their throat. They pushed together in a hovel of branches and debris, feathers ruffled against the biting breeze, eyes shut from the chill lest they be frozen over and thrust in the dark of blind sight. The wind rose and fell in unison with the rising of the frosted moon and the falling sun, the dying fire creeping away to be reborn the next morning in bright and vibrant procession. They relied so much on the cycles of the sun to guide them from day to day, but they could never be certain it was going to rise the next day. There was always that chance, the shadow in the corner of reason, that said it would not come up the next morning to greet them, that the world would cease to turn, that time would be turned on its head to spite its unwavered confidence.

Her mind lingering outside, Atachii turned to Audun as he offered up a copious fur, something to block out the teeth and claws of the cold as they stepped out into the night. She smiled and accepted it, pulling it around her like armor before she turned back to the people inside, knowing subconsciously that they had all accepted to join her.

‘Okay, we’re off then.’

She pushed through the opening in the tent, turning her head toward the village and moving away from the warmth of the group. It wasn’t hard to find the inn that served also as the local pub. It was a chaos of jovial drinking, hearty friends and burning feuds over who had really won the latest gamble. Atachii pushed through the doorway, slightly damp from the short trek between here and the tent. Smiling, she hung her jacket and the fur near the door and headed toward the bar. Ordering a tall drink, she moved to a nearby table and sat down, the group dispersing throughout the near tangible comfort of the pub.

‘Finally, something to drink.’


A slight smile was on his face and he managed not to look like a creepy when he saw the nods. Yes! Alcohol! Yuuki looked blankly at the fur wrap and took it with a thankful smile, ah, right, to stay warm, of course. Heh heh, he knew that. Putting it on the way he saw Atachii do it, he looked around for a moment and walked outside, and began to follow her. Assuming she knew where she was going of course, and how about that! It was a pub! Wonderful! A slightly smile was on Yuukis face. Ah, actual supplements! It’d been months since his last alcoholic drink and he was going to savor this one and the next one… And the next one… Anyway… Yuuki took his ‘coat’ off and went to the bartender and just got a normal beer and looked around for a place to sit. Hmph. Atachii looked like she had claws that were just itching to dig into his skin so he stayed away from that table for the time being, though it would be very tempting soon, as he would soon figure out.

Dark blue eyes searched about the room until he spotted a very hairy, vary large, very ugly man. Perfect! There was on way in hell that Yuuki would mistake this beast as a pretty lady, no matter how drunk he got, so, a seat was taken beside ‘him’ and he smiled slightly. Feeling a little intimidated, Yuuki, who wasn’t used to people being taller than him, was this a person at all? Taking a drink from his bottle of beer, Yuuki looked around for a moment before starting up a conversation with the… Good Sir.

�So! What brings you out into the… uh… Arctic?�

That was where they were right? Arctic? They had said something about that… Right? Or was he just assuming? Bah! Yuuki didn’t know, nor did he care. Looking over his shoulder once, his eyes scanning for Niaaki who would be like a white spot on a black shirt in this place. Not seeing him on his first round he swept his eyes back and looked at the ‘man’ again. It was a really big man. Huge. Really, really, really big. Than a thought crossed his mind along with a gleeful, excited evil giggle. Perhaps, just… Perhaps, Yuuki could get this fellow to help him break that one Drow guys nose like he had planned on doing before he set up that wall of magic spider poop. Friggin’ cheater. Yuuki didn’t like them, high and mighty, holier than thou Drow. Nope, nada, not one bit…  He’d ask this monster ‘man’ when he figured out what ‘he’ was, who ‘he’ was, and, hopefully, didn’t get his head bashed in. The hands on this person looked like they could pull up a tree and shake the bark off of it.

In the silence, Yuuki hunched over his drink, took another slug of it and looked from side to side. He was looking pretty bright in here too, which his sand coloured clothing. Ah well, old habits die hard.

((P.S: the “Him� is Gordon who is played by Annoth! ^_^ I’m assuming Gordon is already in there getting drunk xP ))


(I was afraid my turn wouldn’t come until after everybody else had posted! Congratulations, Draco, you’ve made me an even happier camper, if that is at all physically possible. =]8D)

Ahh… another wonderful day of drinking and swearing. Not that wonderful days of drinking and swearing were bad, of course. They were one of Gordon’s favorite things in the whole wide world, right up there with ponies, gravy, and on occasion, ponies soaked in gravy. And you can’t separate the two things, either. If you drank without swearing, or swore without drinking, it just wouldn’t be the same. Hitting on random girls while you were drinking and swearing never hurt, either, especially if the girls were also drinking and swearing. And if they had dogs, and the dogs were also drinking and swearing. And they were Chihuahuas, or Dobermans. And one of the Chihuahuas was water-skiing, and it also bought a pack of dating advice flashcards last week and totally forgot about them, and one of the Dobermans was punching a vampire with its own elbow. That would be so awesome, she probably kicked something’s ass just now merely by thinking about it. Something that didn’t even have an ass to begin with.

Gordon’s inebriated musings came to a halt as somebody opened the door to the bar, letting in a wave of cold air and reminding her that dear god, she was FREEZING. All she was wearing was a t-shirt, a dark gray plaid jacket, some hiking boots and a pair of jeans, and, naturally, she reflexively hunched over a little bit more and wrapped her arms up in the bear skin rug that is her hair, pulling it closer to her body in an attempt to shelter herself from the freezing cold. She wasn’t supposed to acknowledge that she was cold, though, because if she did, well… she’d be cold. She didn’t look at the door to see who had broken her trance, because she was pretty sure it was Skippy, here to tell everybody exactly how big and how smelly the last thing that came out of his anus was. Gordon took a gulp of the bottle of whiskey in front of her and went right back to trying her darndest to trick her nervous system back into thinking it was a more comfortable temperature, like 70F, but didn’t notice that somebody took residence on the stool beside her until he spoke up.

What brings her out into the arctic? ‘He’ turned ‘his’ head to give the young man a thorough eyeballing, and came up with the conclusion that he’d never been here before, or at least not during the 6 months Gordon spent here, which is enough time for her to have pissed off everybody in town at least once. He looked like… like his name was “Jeffrey�. Or “Stan�. Yes, Stan. That’s what Gordon will call him unless he tells her what his real name is, and even then she’ll always know him as Stan in her mind. If the number of people that never bothered to correct her says anything, she was usually right when she took a wild guess at somebody’s name like she was doing now, so odds are, his name really is Stan. Even if it isn’t.

In response to his question, Gordon turned to gaze at various objects in front of her in the closest thing she could ever get to thought, and then went right on back to the lad with something brief, stupid, drunken and confusing. “Well, Stan, I was in Connlaoth at a park eating a cow, and I turned around for a few seconds to tell this idiot cat to leave me alone, and when I turned back, there was this god damn yeti running off with my cow! So I looked around for a gun, but I didn’t find anything like that, and then I looked around for a sword, but I didn’t find anything like that either, so I just picked up this bush hook that was lying around and went after that sonofabitch. I was chasing it for a few hours until I stopped to catch my breath for only the 8th time but when I started again I couldn’t see the yeti anymore, so I realized I was lost and just started walking in a random direction and then I came across this weird-looking guy in a carriage and he said “hey man what are you doing?! Also I am a girl!â€? and I told him that I was trying to find a yeti that stole my dinner and he told me that yetis live in the arctic and offered to take me there if I gave him some cash, so I did. That was the same day I saw a UFO in the woods. I flipped it off.â€? She took another few gulps of her beverage â€" something that can’t possibly lead to anything good â€" and reverted to gazing aside at nothing in particular. “I never did find that yeti… the bastard.â€?