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Extramarital intercourse in Thanatos?

Started by Xphy, May 08, 2010, 03:58:44 AM

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I know that the Thanati religion frowns on using contraception because they view intercourse as sacred a means to create life. However I was wondering what the church's stance might be on premarital and extramarital sex. Are they frowned upon as well, even if in either case it was with the intent of siring children?

Also, kind of a stupid question but do they even have an institution of marriage? I would assume they do, but I figured I might as well ask anyway just to be sure.


They are not against sex, they are against sex that dosnt make children. xd

if you catch my drift.


Ric - If you don't really know the answer to the question, it just makes it confusing when you reply to them. Just wait until someone who does know can answer.

Xphy - Yes, they do have marriage. Pretty standard marriage with all the bonds and commitment expected of that. Some couples, if unable to have children, will see about sleeping with other people for the sake of having a child they will then adopt. But that is done with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved and generally with the help of the church. Affairs are considered bad taste and grounds for a woman to leave her husband if she finds him cheating. Men can't divorce their wives and are traditionally expected to look the other way if their wife cheats on them, but that, obviously, varies person to person xD

Premarital sex isn't frowned on at all. They expect people to be discrete about it and most people will pretend it isn't really happening out of politeness. If children result, that is a wonderful thing and there is no stigma attached. Woman that have children already are considered fertile and highly sought after as wives.


Rina: Thanks a lot for the answer. ^^ I'll be sure to take it into account when I make my character.


Sorry for the double post but I did have one more question about Thanatos.

What are their views on demonology (as a study) and demonic magic? Are they opposed to it, or do they just view as another area of research and knowledge?


The church has a hard-ons for any knowledge. They love learning more about the world, how it works and what does what. There are moral limits on what the church is willing to mess with or do to increase their knowledge pool. Demons are just another test subject.

The common citizen isn't really going to mess with that stuff. Things like that are for the church and no need to be stickin' their nose into that stuff.

Now, for actually summoning demons around the island and having them be out and about is treated just like anything else. If people cause problems with it, everyone will get annoyed. Most Thanati would rather not deal with demons, as they are a little xenophobic, but they wont grab the pitch forks.


Yes you are right i wont confuse anyone anymore, however this does beg into question what exactly does destroying a soul imply?


Well, it means destroying someones soul xD The part of them that makes them them. What makes a living person different from a zombie.

Does that answer your question? I'm not 100% sure what you wanted to know ^__^;;