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So, uh...where exactly are we, again?

Started by Rhindeer, October 16, 2005, 10:44:21 PM

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Well...they'd found a village.

That was a good thing. They'd been wandering a good while now, and sleeping in the bush when night fell with no sign of civilization in sight, so the sight of homes and other humanoids was a welcome sight. Or, at least, it would have been had Niaaki felt welcomed in return. He just wasn't getting that vibe here, though...quite the contrary. He felt, like he was glad Yuuki, his friend and guardian, was there, because if the other man wasn't, he had a feeling he might have gotten jumped. That was just the sort of vibe he was getting.

Frail and fragile though he looked, with his fine-boned face, large, silvery-blue eyes, shoulder-length silver hair, and slender body, he could hold his own if he was threatened by one person, maybe two if he was having an especially good day. He could try taking on more if he wanted to, but that involved risks he wasn't sure his body could handle, and then Yuuki would probably get mad at him. Defending himself would leave him tired and weak, though, for he was no physical fighter--magic was his thing, and though it was powerful, it was horribly draining on him. Such was his luck. Luck had seemed against him even since his birth--which had almost killed him, and had killed his mother. That was why he was so weak now, he'd been told, because he'd had such a rough start and had been sickly as a child. Still, he managed. Weak in body, but strong in spirit. He'd persevere.

What he couldn't do, Yuuki could.

Still, Niaaki shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably and paused right on the threshold of the village, worrying his lip and tightening his grip on the old, ragged doll that he hugged to his stomach. It was nothing special, in fact it was falling apart, with one blue button eye lost and all but a few strands of dull, yellow yarn hair missing. The doll didn't even have any clothes anymore, and there were stitches in random places where it had apparently been torn and sewn back up again. Still, he held it protectively, and it was the only object he carried other than the travel-worn clothes on his back. It must have been an odd sight to see, a young man like he carrying an old doll like a child. Yet, something about his own vulnerability was child-like.

"Wow...friendly lot, are they not?" he said, voice soft, partially because it was just naturally soft and partially because he didn't really want to be overheard by those folks. Yet even for all his obvious uncertainty, there was a strange natural grace beneath all his actions, even when he was clumsy--most of the time. He wasn't all human, so perhaps grace under pressure was one of those faint leftovers from his ancestors generations and generations back. " not exactly where we were supposed to end up, is it?"

His instincts told him they should probably move on. This place seemed to breathe negativity as tangibly as dragons breathed flame, and some sort of massive construction seemed to be going on throughout. Overall, it just seemed like they'd come to a bad place at a bad time. But he didn't say anything to Yuuki, deciding the other man would be better qualified to decide whether it was safe to stay or whether they should just keep walking and not take their chances here. Maybe his friend even had an idea of what this place was where he did not.

Either way, whether they stayed or continued on, he was tired and in need of rest and drink. Ages ago, he may have once been one of those picky and spoiled nobles that now annoyed him so much, but he'd come to learn that it didn't really matter whether he slept in a bed or in grass--sleep was sleep. Same with food and company. he did sometimes lapse into old habits and behaviors...but...that didn't count!
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Found the village indeed, only it was the wrong one… Or so Yuuki thought.

The two males couldn’t be more different then a winter night and summer time at high noon in a desert, where Niaaki was weak and fragile looking, Yuuki looked muscular and if you poked his abs, you could hurt your finger. Where Niaaki had silvery shoulder length hair, Yuuki’s was black and spiked up and forward… While Niaaki had that gimpy little doll, Yuuki’s weapon of choice was more intimidating and looked like it could do more lasting damaged. The taller of the two, which was Yuuki, no surprise, stood slightly more in front, and looked around.

Yuuki was dressed a bit like his friend, and beside his trail clothes and the sword sheath he only had an empty sack that once held a meager amount of gold anyway. Letting out a sigh and running his fingers through his short black hair, he set his green eyes on his little silver haired friend. Scoffing lightly in his head at Niaaki’s comment about them being nice.

�Well, Niaaki, if I got the directions right from that… last person we should be around the village of Zantaric or, be there.�

Lifting his hand from his neck he cast a few looks around and gave a light huff of breath. Giving glares to the creepy people who gave them glares, oddly enough, there was an odd amount of drow, Yuuki had never seen a drow up close, but, now that he had... He really wished he hadn’t. Yuuki bent down slightly and whispered towards Niaaki’s ear.

�The locals don’t seem very… Local.�

After he shook his head, closed his eyes then opened them again, nothing changed… The place was still crawling with drow… Good thing there were women too, otherwise it would have been really creepy and Yuuki would want to leave A.S.A.P… Nothing worse then being in a village with a bunch of gay guys… Yuuki still wasn’t to sure about Niaaki, he looked kind of like a girl if you saw him from the back, and… Gya! Did he just think that?! No! No thinking Niaaki looked like a girl! That’s bad! New topic.

�We should find some place to stay… I vote up a tree... I don't think they can climb trees...�

With a nod (and knowing nothing of drow), Yuuki stalked off towards the nearest tree with an evil smirk on his face… Ha, ha, ha, since Yuuki was very capable of sleeping up a tree and probably eating pine cones, that would force Niaaki to find them someplace to stay. Yuuki was also very capable of hauling Niaaki over his shoulder and climbing a tree.


Niaaki was busy watching the drow go about their work, suddenly very aware that the village seemed to be made up primarily of the dark elves. And suddenly aware of just how un-drow-like he was, with his light skin, light hair, and light eyes...yeesh, among all of them, he'd probably look like he was glowing! his friend, he'd never really actually seen one before, but he'd heard plenty. They weren't exactly amiable, and they liked to kill stuff. That's about all he knew. Oh. And one other thing...

"I always thought they lived underground..." he whispered back, having to raise up slightly on his toes to get near Yuuki's ear. That was what he'd always heard, and that was he guessed why no one ever saw many of them. Now a whole bunch were above ground building stuff? And drow liked to kill and fight? That...couldn't be a good sign. Niaaki's vote was leaning toward skidaddling and finding a nicer environment, even if it meant sleeping in a cave or something.

Yet Yuuki was calm and cool as always, and...


Up a tree?! Yuuki wanted to stay here, but up a tree?

Niaaki couldn't climb trees! He wasn't especially fond of heights, either. And...and...maybe drow couldn't climb trees--hey, that would make sense, since they came from the underground!--but...but...if they were going to stay here, they should at least stay some place...low to the ground.

His big eyes widened as Yuuki stalked off toward the nearest tree. He was serious. He was really serious. And if Niaaki knew him well enough, Yuuki would drag him right up there with him, and he'd be stuck going up there whether he wanted to or not. Wouldn't be the first time he'd carried him, and probably not the last. Swallowing, his eyes darted back and forth between that tree--which didn't look very sturdy to Niaaki's eyes--and the ominous village and back to that even more ominous tree again.

He couldn't see the evil smirk on Yuuki's face.

And he fell right into Yuuki's "trap".

"Wait! Yuuki!" He shouted and took off running to quickly cover that short distance between them before Yuuki could get the idea too deeply wedged in his brain, and he only stopped when his small body was placed between Yuuki and that blasted tree. Tilting his face up toward Yuuki, he shook his head half exasperatedly and half pleadingly. "No climbing trees," he panted, that little sprint taking it out of him with him already being tired and worn from the day's travel. "We can go...into that village. They will probably have lodging and food. We can go there. No trees. I...I thought I saw an inn over there, anyway."

Okay, he still was a little spoiled. He'd rather wade through a village of drow to sleep in an inn than be stuck up a tree with twigs poking his ass...

Besides, he was hungry and felt dirty, anyway.

But it was ultimately up to Yuuki. If he wanted to go up a tree...Niaaki would be going up that blasted tree with him, whether he wanted to or not.
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Vharzyym soldiers stood at the entrances to the village, weapons in hand. Until the headquarters was finished, the high gaurd stood station on the perimeter, making sure there were no interruptions to the construction process. Anyone entering the city would come through them- as would anybody exiting. Only the finest of smugglers could even attempt to get things either way without Venorik himself knowing about it. Most of the citizens, though, seemed not to care. Ever since Venorik came into their lives, the village had become more prominent and respected as a power. This was, after all, a dark village, and the inhabitants welcomed protective power, even if it wasn't their own - besides the fact that a non-so-small amount of the citizens had joined Vharzyym in one way or another, some becoming part of the perminent army, some promising help if needed, and other supplying and such. It worked well econoically, especially with the tariff Vharzyym had put on imported goods, and with the large amont of trade available in the village ( which only grew with the army being stationed there), that didn't stop any of the traders.

  They had spotted the two easily enough, but it caused them no concern. There were, of course, others moving in and out, each being looked over by the four soldiers that stood post at each entrance, double bladed staffs in hand, and adamantine armor, adorned with the vharzyym insignia on the breastplate, the skull of nerull hosting spider legs with six red arrows in the top, on their torso.


Yuuki glanced down at Niaaki then finally noticed the guards, holding somewhat impressive weapons… Which Yuuki could probably cut in half if he chose too, got to love the inhuman strength his lines possessed. Letting out a slight gush of breath, the taller of the duo looked at the creepy drawing on the breast plate and shuddered… Shaking his head slightly, not having the slightest clue as to what the heck it could possibly mean besides ‘we’re creepy, our skulls have legs and were killed by arrows’ because that’s all that hit Yuuki between the eyes… Maybe it’s his lack of knowing anything about any species except for the odd winged creature, his own species, and plain old humans… Yuuki still didn’t understand how humans could live with being just plain human, but that was for another musing moment. Because Yuuki loved Niaaki like a brother, he decided to give in and not climb a tree and eat pine cones.

�Fine! Damn, pansy boy. We’ll do it your way, and maybe we can ask where all the mages went.�

Taking one look around the pretty little place, Yuuki began to think something had happened… He’d been here a long while ago, and they’re had been no drow… And, Niaaki was right, weren’t they supposed to be underground? Giving a rather bad stage yawn, the taller male made sure his weapon was tightly secured to his back before walking any farther. Niaaki would probably know the way around this place better then him, or… grah, who cared? Giving a sigh, Yuuki put his hand on Niaaki’s shoulder, in a protective manner and looked around again.

�Okay, you find thing Inn while we try not to run into the creepy looking guards… If I get face to face with them I’m afraid I’ll start laughing because that symbol is more comical then intimidating.�

Yuuki wanted to know what it was, and he wanted to see the crawling skull all on his own and kill it with a sword… Maybe that was why they had those arrows? With yet another shake of his head, Yuuki closed his eyes for a moment before just giving up and not looking at them anymore. What was the use, it wasn’t like he’d have to get it tattooed on him… Good goddesses, If that happened, he’d be in a fit of giggles every time he saw it.

((OOC: Excuse any overly odd-ness of this post... it was writen at five in the morning *grin*))


[Added to my post because I kinda didn't leave anything for Tempes to respond to! XDD Whoops!]

Niaaki couldn't help but give a tired grin, viewing this as a small victory. He could always get his way if he tried hard enough, and though he hated his own frailty, it did have its benefits. Like now. He whined and begged enough, and eventually good ol' brotherly Yuuki would have mercy on him, given they weren't in any immenent danger, which in that case, it was all Yuuki. Or, at least, he hoped it was out of brotherly love that Yuuki caved, and not brotherly annoyance. Maybe it was both. Either way, Niaaki won. Yuuki would get over any annoyance.

Of course, Niaaki didn't know that he was set up to begin with, and that Yuuki had wanted him to find them an inn all along. But he didn't have to know that!

He did pout playfully and punch Yuuki swiftly on the arm at the pansy comment when he came close enough to reach, though he knew that would probably cause his friend to tease him further. But he couldn't help it! Even if he could throw punches, Yuuki still probably wouldn't have felt it; hitting him was like smacking a boulder. If anything, punching him only bruised his own knuckles, but he kept his other hand firmly at his side. Or, at least, he did for a little while, until he finally rubbed his hand but tried to play it off like he was cracking his knuckles.

He couldn't help that Yuuki was built like a freaking wall and he was built like...a twig.

"Okay...inn." Hmm...well, guess to find the inn, it would help for them to actually go inside the village. It was also at that moment that he realized there were, like, a bunch of guards stationed at the gates. For some reason, he'd been so focused looking beyond those gates that he hadn't looked at the gates themselves. The gates which were guarded by a bunch of rather beefy looking drow. Why was it that everyone and their uncle was blessed with beefiness and cool weapons, but all he got was a delicate body and a doll? He shifted self-consciously, but felt Yuuki's familiar, protective hand on his shoulder.

It was also then that he looked away from all that muscles and steel, and placed his eyes on the symbols Yuuki was so giddy over.

"Whoa...that is...interesting," he remarked, blinking. "They...have a pest problem? Or are they perhaps prejudiced against arachnids?" he ventured, quirking a brow and smirking lightly as he tilted his head back to glance up at his companion, who had his eyes closed and was shaking his head; apparently, there was some comical image running through his head. Niaaki wouldn't have even thought to notice the insignias unless Yuuki had pointed it out--his friend had an eye for bizarre things, and that was indeed bizarre and creepy. It must have been because he was so sleepy that he didn't notice it earlier, because it kind of stood out like a sore thumb.

Niaaki also shook his head. "Spiders have feelings, too," he sighed with mock rue. And then he slipped lightly out from under his friend's hand and poked the man in the side to get him moving. "Come on, you. I do not know about you, but I want a bed..." And food and soap and water. That was enough to get him moving forward toward those gates. That, and that Yuuki wouldn't be too far behind, which meant he wouldn't have to face the Creepies alone. He didn't like their looks. But maybe if they kept their heads down, they could pass through inconspicable-like. Niaaki stared at the ground and held onto that doll tightly, and half hoped to hide it. Or to hide his face. Maybe he could pass as a child if his face was obscurred, his silver hair falling into his eyes.

It was sort of embarrassing, after all. Which was sort of the point, because it kept him safe, but still...

Well, except for the fact that his voice would give him away no matter what he did. And he decided it was best he do the talking, lest Yuuki burst into a fit of hysterics.

Clearing his throat as they reached the gate, he glanced up tentatively through strands of silver hair at the guards, and despite himself, a sudden giggle threatened to flee his lips. He held it back, though just barely. It wasn't like it was really funny, after all, but when he was tired, anything could be humorous. Especially when someone else thought it so. It was weird the way it rubbed off like that. Not to mention maturity tended to slowly slip away with sleep deprivation...not that he probably looked very mature right now to begin with with that stupid doll and all. He smirked despite himself, then glanced behind him quickly to make sure Yuuki was close behind, and to give himself time to smooth over his features. Argh, this was stupid, it wasn't funny!

Finally, he found his voice. "Excuse there by any chance an inn around here?" he asked. Yes, probably best he did the talking. He at least had the capacity to be polite.
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One of the gaurds looked curiously at the outsider when the words were spoken. He hadn't been paying too much attention (lolth help him if Venorik found out !) and the weak-looking being had brought his attention back. He still didn't speak all that great of english though, never having to do it much in his city, plus the fact that he was highly xenophobic. It took all the self control he could muster not to slay the unfortunate being who had spoken to him. Most didn't.

  "Inn?" he repeats to one of the other drow, his underdark accent sticking out like a sore thumb. "El'inssrigg." the other tells him, one who had worked with surface speakers before coming, in trade and..other businesses. "ah, usstan kampi'un nin.  ka er'griff udos gumash fashka mina jal wund l' orthae xanalress." the first gaurd remarks to the other, then turns his attention back to Niaaki. " go down ze road." the drow tells him. " eet eez a large building. Lookz unfeeneeshed, but eez bezt in veelage." he finishes, pointing towards Vharzyym headquarters, a smirk curving his lips, unseen under the helm.


When Niaaki hit him at the pansy comment, Yuuki only smirked and raised an eyebrow towards his short friend. The two made quiet the pair, Niaaki was the one who stayed behind Yuuki and did his magic, the one who was more diplomatic, the one who could talk his way out trouble while Yuuki usually just lopped the head off the person who was giving them trouble… Then Niaaki could use his worded magic and get them out of trouble again, but that only happened once, so, Yuuki knew better then to lop off heads. He was intimidating usually, but, these xenophobic creatures who spoke the funny language probably didn’t think he was… But, he could change that. Back into the land of the living, Yuuki gave a grossed out look at the pest comment then wrinkled is nose while averting his eyes as he followed Niaaki towards the drow.

it wouldn’t do good to start giggling in front of such…  villagers. What would they think? “Ha! Look at the stupid surfacer laughing like a stupid block head he isâ€? Yuuki could image that, they were probably saying that now for all he knew… Luckily for them, Yuuki picked up languages quickly, whether or not it was getting taught it… Okay, that was a lie, he understood languages, but he didn’t speak them. The taller of the duo crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the building down the wrong. The one that is ‘eez bezt in veelage’  and ‘unfeeneeshed’, not only did it look ‘unfeeneeshed’ it looked.. Old and yuckie. Though Yuuki would never ever say ‘yuckie’ out right he could think it in his head without losing any of his masculinity. Shooting the English speaking drow with a blue eyed glare, Yuuki cursed softly and pulled Niaaki aside and out of hearing range from the drow… If they were anything like elves they could hear very good. So, for extra precaution, Yuuki spoke in a barely whisper with his hands cupped around his mouth which was maybe an inch from Niaaki’s ear.

�Are you sure you want to go in that place? It doesn’t look to friendly and the fact that the locals aren’t local can’t mean anything good…� Yuuki lifted his head at this point and cursed quietly towards the sky. “Hell, screw it… Lets go… If we get into trouble..� Yuuki fixed Niaaki with a cold bone-chilling glare before a brow rose and he smirked, “I’ll be sure to bail us out.� Just like they always bailed, the easy way, Yuuki loved his heritage. Something Niaaki couldn’t do, that he could, and that just tickled the black haired boulder pink with joy. Niaaki could learn how to use a short sword, but Yuuki never could get the hang of magic.

Yuuki put his hand on the shoulder closest to him and pushed Niaaki along towards the ‘unfeeneeshed’ building that was ‘bezt in veelage’. Poor drow guy, Yuuki would be sure to use the bad accent next time he had a full out conversation with Niaaki, it was priceless! The human-look-alike pushed Niaaki to the front door before setting in with a slight glare and giving his little friend a side-long glance.

�If there are any of those disgusting looking critters here, I’m going to kill them, and never set foot in this village again where the locals aren’t so local.�

With a nod, Yuuki put his hand on the door handle and opened it, unceremoniously pushing Niaaki in front of him, completely forgetting his friend was holding a doll and looks slightly like a prepubescent girl with to much testosterone. If you looked at Niaaki the right way, he could pass off as Yuuki’s albino little sister… Yuuki looked at Niaaki’s sliver head with an evil gleam in his eyes, they should do that one-day… So, while Yuuki and Niaaki pranced into the Vharzyym headquarters, Yuuki was hatching a plot to marry Niaaki off as his little sister and kill her… his rather, husband and run off with money. It was a great idea! That is… If he could convince Niaaki.

To bad for them they didn’t know what they were getting into now.


Niaaki blinked as the drow started conversing in a foreign tongue, too tired to have thought that, maybe, the not so local locals--to use Yuukian termanology--were so not local that they didn't speak the local tongue. There was a brief moment of panic in him as he listened to the exchange with wide eyes. Oh great...what if they didn't understand at all? What if the whole village was full of drow who couldn't speak a lick of Common and couldn't understand it, either? Then...then how would they communicate? How would they find an inn? Or even pay for it? Or get food? And clothes? And a bath?! He couldn't understand that jargon! Contrary to his ancestry, he had no gift of tongues! Grah!

Never mind that he had glimpsed plenty of non-drow through the gates. He was just having an inner dramatic moment there. Blame it on the lack of sleep.

Still, of course, there was the slightly more important thought that these drow, native speakers or not, could be xenophobic and, if extremely so, that they might decide to put those weapons to use. That wouldn't be too good...not that he was too worried, because Yuuki could bail them out if it came down to it. Well, that is, if his head wasn't lopped off first, though if his neck was as solid as everything else, he doubted a blade could cut him.

Niaaki was still anxiously watching and waiting when, finally, a different drow answered the question in the language Niaaki had been hoping for--even if it was thickly accented. Breathing a sigh of relief, he turned his head to follow the drow's finger, but he didn't have time to do anything but give a soft grunt of surprise as he was pulled aside by a softly cursing Yuuki. Oh no...don't tell him...Yuuki didn't like the looks of the place and thus was going to drag him up some damnable tree with him! Gyah! So what if it was unfeeneeshed and ugly! It was an inn! Bed! Food! Bath! Yuuki could probably live off grass if it came to it, but--oh.

Panic receded when Yuuki whispered to him. Oh. Haha. No trees. He was just double-checking with him. He knew that! "Yes--" he began to answer. But by then Yuuki had already made up his mind on the matter. Spastic Yuuki. Niaaki gave a weary smirk as Yuuki glared at him before smirking himself. Heh, yeah right, like he'd be the one to get them into trouble!

Niaaki was totally innocent.


"I hope we do not need to be bailed out..." Niaaki murmured. One night in a bed. That was all he asked...though, in a way, being bailed out by Yuuki was sort of fun. It was something he'd never be able to do, just as Yuuki would probably never be fully able to wield magic and he'd never be able to use a weapon as bad-assed as Yuuki's--not that Niaaki would ever actually use the phrase "bad-ass" in actual speech. But, hey, they complimented each other in that way because they were so...opposite in every way. Yuuki was foreward and brash, Niaaki was diplomatic and sensitive. Yuuki used muscles, Niaaki used magic. Yuuki was a fortress, Niaaki was a shack.

Where the hell did that come from?

Once again, Niaaki was being pushed along, but he didn't mind; he was rather used to the manhandling, knowing Yuuki all this time and being smaller than him. It seemed to come with the territory, and he just went along with it. Besides, maybe it made Yuuki feel more like the macho guardian he was, and Gods know the man had an ego to feed. Niaaki almost laughed at that, but he stiffled it when Yuuki mentioned killing critters.

And never setting foot in here again, which meant...they'd probably leave if they found any of the critters. Gyah!

Niaaki's blue eyes widened and he began to fervently pray that they didn't come across any skull-headed spiders! Not that Niaaki would want to stay if they did run across a freaky skull...thing...but if they were going to run across one, he just hoped it was after they got some use out of the inn. But on the subject of spiders... "Yuuki, do you have arachnaphobia?" he asked with a small grin, "oofing" a little as he was pushed unceremoniously through the doors.

Poor Niaaki. If only he knew what his companion was thinking.

Then again, Niaaki wasn't exactly thinking innocent thoughts, either. Though, his thoughts didn't involve trying to pass Yuuki as a girl.

But once inside the building, all thoughts of spiders left his mind. They were in the "inn" all right...and there were a lot of drow there.
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Kerath was waiting for an answer about Venorik's location when, suddenly, the door to the headquarters opened.  He turned toward the sound, happy(or the closest possible equivalent for the drow) that a new recruit had come to swell his army's ranks.  What he saw however, was absolutely not what he was expecting.  Over the past month, many odd creatures had come to Zantaric, but none had baffled Kerath like the first little person that walked through the door.  He couldn't tell if it was male or female, but the small thing was clutching a ragged doll and seemed weak enough to be killed by a drow toddler in a duel.  Cocking an eyebrow, Kerath let his gaze shift to the second person.  This one seemed quite the opposite, large and seemingly confident.  No doubt the human, or at least Kerath assumed they were human, thought that the large sword on his back would keep him away from trouble.  The whole situation was so absurd it was almost comical.  He strode over to the pair, stopping close enough for the little one to see some of his more obvoius weapons more clearly.  Closer now, he could sense that the creature (it appeared to be male, but Kerath still wasnt sure) had a magical aura, and he discreetly signaled to his shadows to be wary.  Kerath still wasn't entirely familiar with all the magics of the surface realms.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"  he demanded simply.  He was in a good mood, and definitely didn't want to spoil it with pleasantries.


An evil glint rested in Yuuki’s dark blue eyes all the while they were toddling towards the… building… And even when the door opened to more drow. If the villagers were the not so local locals, this was the not so normal ‘Inn’ and the fact everyone was wearing a weapon inside when it looked like they wouldn’t be going anywhere any time soon didn’t seem very… Homely. It was appearntly not a bed and breakfast. Yuuki snorted silently at his mental joke while his eyes darted from one drow to the next, all looking like evil pricks, then again, it was probably just this specific species of humanoid… Yuuki knew of a race that was just as pissy as they looked… Damn females. When Niaaki made his arachnid comment, Yuuki had to stop and think about it before he remembered that it was a big word for a spider.

�No, I don’t not like spiders.… Just... skulls that have legs…�

While Yuuki moved a little to the side he envisioned the most disturbing image he could possibly think up, then he stepped a little to stand just a tad in front of Niaaki, to look down at this dark skinned creature. Obviously he hasn’t been up on the surface long enough to learn basic manners, then again, Yuuki had been born on the surface and he still doesn’t know manners… Well, that’s a lie, he knows manners, he can be a wonderful gentleman, Yuuki just never puts them to use. Because he knew how lame it was to flash weapons at a possible opponent, he didn’t turn around and point at the weapon on his back, which was just a lowly claymore that he could usually bug Niaaki into casting cool magic on it so he can kick more butt then usual. Not exactically a heavy weapon, but, it could lop off heads.

Just because he could, Yuuki looked down his nose at this drow who didn’t even have the manners to say a simple hello. His eye brows drew together while he glared-but-didn’t-quiet-glare at this male. Sure the eyes were a little creepy, but, walking around with someone who resembles a girl and a ghost was unnerving too. Yes, Yuuki owed Niaaki forgetting rid of his fear of ghosts and most of those things… Yuuki puffed his chest out just a little, not enough to get noticed unless you were on his chest and listening to him breath.

�I am none of your business… Unless of course you’re the one running this joint, then I can tell you all you need to know.�

Lifting an eyebrow, Yuuki put his arm out slightly to signal Niaaki not to screw up his little game, Niaaki could still ask about the inn thing. Yuuki’s voice was more cold, more selective with a bit of a pretend accent that spoke of riches and power… Which Yuuki didn’t have, well, riches at least. Yuuki could probably plow down a small tree if he was in a pissy enough mood. Yuuki moved his hand down, hoping Niaaki got the message, probably didn’t they never ran over that little acting move before… Just watch the dolly hugging male tell them their names and how he wants a bath because he’s dirty.


Niaaki had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing when Yuuki actually stopped before answering, and a soft snort did escape when he noticed the look on Yuuki's face. He could practically see the wheels cranking squeakily in that thick skull of his. And had light bulbs existed in that time period, he would have certainly seen a Bulb of Enlightenment flicker on above his black head as comprehension dawned. Chuckling quietly, Niaaki shook his head and pat his friend's arm consolingly. "Try not to hurt yourself..." he said. He'd have to remember to use smaller words. He didn't want Yuuki to rupture a vessel in his brain or anything. Though...he was somewhat disappointed by the answer. He'd been plotting to root out some spiders and plant them in his bed if he was arachnaphobic.

Maybe he'd create an illusion of one of those skull things out of a bit of Air and sic it on Yuuki for kicks...

Anyway! He didn't have long at all to dwell on mischief. Because, well...this place did not look like an inn.

And innkeepers didn't usually greet their patrons and potential customers with a "who are you and what are you doing here?" That was pretty odd. He could understand a "who are you?" but a "what are you doing here?" That was what was odd. An innkeeper should know what they were doing get a room? And food and bath. Can't forget that. Not that he was prissy or anything...he just didn't like being dirty for excessive periods of time.

Big difference!

He shifted a little as the innkeeper (or so he assumed...those drow had sent them here! They said it was the inn, bezt in veelage!) approached, and couldn't help but gaze at all the weapons that adorned him. Yeesh. Didn't he ever poke himself by accident...? In any case, the drow didn't seem the least bit friendly...and this place really didn't look at all like an inn. Erk. Maybe those other drow had misunderstood (deliberately or accidentally) and sent them to some top secret forbidden part of the village? He also didn't like how the drow looked at him, was a look he was used to. It also amused him in a way...the man looked almost confused.

Niaaki was still sizing up the area and the man, getting ready to make a careful reply, when Yuuki, who had positioned himself just a bit ahead of him and was making a big show of looking intimidating, spoke up first. Niaaki almost palmed his forehead. He was going to get them kicked out and then they'd have to find a new inn! If this was an inn to begin with. He began to take a step forward, ready to clear things up, but Yuuki put his arm out a little, just enough to keep him rooted to the spot. Frowning, Niaaki stared down at his arm, then glanced up at Yuuki, raising an eyebrow. What was up with the accent...? Sounded almost like he was trying to do a bad imitation of himself. Sure, he was noble-born and he knew he had an accent, but he didn't sound like that, did he? Well, maybe sometimes...he had his spoiled moments.

He gave another little snort.

Well, fine. Two could play that game.

"This the inn? Got a room available?" he asked, losing his own accent as best as he could and imitating a (exaggerated) Yuuki voice as much as he could. "And we don't want one with spiders, they give us the creeps," he added with a smirk for Yuuki's benefit, and probably destroyed Yuuki's little game with the addition of that sentence. Oops.

Well, so, now his gender was, if it wasn't before, knowable. His voice was unmistakingly masculine, though it suited him. now probably made him seem even more ridiculous, but...what could you do? He was too amused and tired to feel self-conscious right now.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


His smpies were everywhere. Well, not truly spies, since this was his domain, but you could easily say his eyes were everywhere. Nothing happened that he didn't know of, and close to nothing took place without him allowing it to be so. Thus was the reign of Venorik. He almost smiled when one of his men told him what was taking place, that two strangers had entered the old headquarters, which Kerath was still using until the one he was currently in was built. Venorik, too, would be there, but he had to keep up appearances in front of those whom he governed, and such a display of power as the new House Vharzyym could not be ignored. With a slight of will and acknowledgement of Qee'lakstreea, and remembering to excuse himself from higher village authorities who were awaiting his council, he was off, and silently in front of the small building that the intruders and his warmaster were currently in.

  Having the balor peek it's senses inside, he realized what was going on, and did crack a bit of a smirk. It seemed one of them was standing up, and talking with unacceptable disrespect, to the warmaster of Vharzyym. " If only he knew" Qee'lakstreea telepathically joked to him. Venorik was thinking the same thing. Some wondered why so many empires fell, and he knew why. He also knew why his wouldn't, at least not on its own. Venorik, and his higher ranking members, did the dirty work, using lower ranks as pawns once everything was prepared, not the other way around. Most leaders sat back, commanded his soldiers to battle from an area of relative safety and spectated, while Venorik or Kerath, even Balkin would be the first to thrust their weapon into enemy flesh, and let his soldiers watch, yearning with what they might imagine is equal bloodlust.

  With not a slip of noise, he opened another small portal (he had much energy saved, for close to nothing had happened in over a month), and silently appeared  behind the two intruders, red eyes seemingly glowing in the dimly lighted building. Within the next second or so, two daggers tipped with drow-derived poison that within seconds paralyzes an enemy and sends them into unconciousness, had flown from his hands, one aimed flawlessly at each of the two outsiders.  "incapacitate first, ask questions later." he joked to the demon silently.


"Unfortunately for you, my somewhat gender confused friend,"  Kerath said to the little one calmly, hiding the rage in his chest fighting to be let loose.  "This is the headquarters of the Vharzyym army.  And I do not take interruptions lightly."  His two blades were sliding down his arms into his outstreched hands, slowly, (Kerath had always had a taste for the theatrical when it came to executions) and the six shadows of carnage within the small building instantly had their handcrossbows trained on the pair of doomed travelers, always cautios, especially when warned to be by their leader.

Then, suddenly, Kerath felt the presence of Qee'lakstreea outside the building.  Just as suddenly, a portal opened behind the travelers, with Venorik and two poisoned daggers emerging.  Knowing now that Venorik wanted these two alive for some reason, the warmaster instantly shouted the command for his shadows to move to cover any escape routes, just in case, began retracting his blades, and reached for a tiny ceramic sphere hidden in his boiled leather tunic.  One second had passed.


With a theatrical bored yawn, Yuuki plunked a hand on his hip and stood in a rather girly pose. Sometimes it was good to throw enemies off with a stance that just reeked of ‘I can’t use the sword on my back and it’s just there for show!’ maybe he should do a little hand flip. Blinking a few times before Yuuki realized the voice was from Niaaki, with a (exaggerated) Yuuki voice, which made the keeper of the accent give a little snort of amusement and put his mouth in his hand before he looked down at the side to his little friend with a raised brow. He just knew it, asking about the stupid inn… Blasted… Male.

Blue eyes shot towards the person who just called Niaaki gender confused. Pah! Niaaki wasn’t gender confused, he knew very well what he was, he just didn’t look it. Yuuki knew that beneath all that weak bones and pale skin, Niaaki could pack a ‘punch’… just not a physical one, which would probably break his hand. Then again, he usually only punched Yuuki and he was a fortress and Niaaki was a shack… But shacks don’t punch, at least, they shouldn’t. The taller of the duo let out a (exaggerated) sigh and made a sad whimpering sound, ha-ha! To throw off the creepy spider people more! Mwahaha! With a mental ‘ahem’ Yuuki tilted his head and looked down at this person. Then blinked like an owl.

�Excuse me… The whattawhatta army? I’m sure that if you guys can take over an entire village that used to have good mages and local locals, we would have at least heard about you…�

Yuuki’s voice dripped sarcasm and his pretend accent had flown out the window once Niaaki took his original one. Of course, with Yuuki’s oh-so honed senses, and that fact he wasn’t to far from the drow and there was nothing to obstruct his view, the tall black haired… mercenary… saw him slowly slide out silver thingies which he could only assume were weapons. Yuuki’s hand instantly wrapped around Niaaki’s wrist and held on, his eyes narrowing and glaring at him before the man shouted.

Now, if it was matrix land, it could have happened in a second, but, since it usually took a second to even yell, Yuuki still had time to turn around slightly to see the daggers in the others</a> drows hand. The first words that popped into Yuuki’s head were rather foul, cursing a certain species of humanoid before he felt the stinging pain of dagger in his back. Poor fellow, this wasn’t the first, or the last time he’d ever get hit in the back with a dagger. Yuuki’s eyes widened and everything started to get blurry, quickly shaking his head before his signature smirk graced his lips.

�Sneaky bastard…�

Yuuki assumed this fellow was part of the whattawhatta army too, since; everyone apparently was in it here. What a bunch of sneaky bastards! While Yuuki fought off the need to pass out or throw up his thoughts drifted to Niaaki, hoping his little friend wouldn’t die. That would really suck. On another odd note the last few thoughts in Yuuki’s oh-so odd head where “I hope they aren’t gay.�

Yes, in his last conscious moment, Yuuki instead of fearing for his head, his life, and his sword… He feared for his bottom. Maybe Yuuki was a little selfish, he should have feared for Niaaki’s ass too, just in case.

((OOC:……… *cough*))


Niaaki almost laughed again at the girly stance Yuuki took, though a sudden thought flashed through his mind that he really hoped Yuuki wasn't mimicking him still, because then he'd have to punch him, because that just...wasn't nice. No, make that blast him with lightning or something, because punching hurt his hand, and blasting got the point across more effectively. Or maybe he'd just put more effort into his Yuuki impersonation--he thought he was doing a pretty good job, and he could make it even better by pretending not to know what random simple words meant. Pack a punch indeed.

Not that Niaaki ever acted like what Yuuki was now doing, because he didn't...just because he looked kinda feminine (he was in denial) didn't mean he acted it. He couldn't help his appearances; it was the danged fae blood...which of course gave him a wimpy build, but jipped him out of wings because apparently the human in him dilluted that aspect of his lineage.  Wings would have been a nice compensation for being born sickly and weak. Bah. So, okay...if he occassionally couldn't keep up, or nearly passed out from exerting himself too wasn't because he was girly! He just wasn't a beefy bull-moose like Yuuki was.

However, he soon forgot about any Yuuki jokes when the drow spoke, and Niaaki could feel his eyes cross, indignation swiftly replacing amusement. Gender confused?! Grah...had the drow and Yuuki met up ahead of time without him knowing and choreographed this meeting out or something? He knew his gender good and well, thank you very much. Doll and all. Heck, it took a real man to carry a bloody doll around, anyway! Because, um...he was secure in his masculinity? And besides, it threw off people! People never quite seemed to know what to make of the doll, but then again, as this drow proved...a lot of people tended to assume he was either a kid or a girl.

Which annoyed him. A lot. But he'd also learned to suck it up and use it to his advantage, which could even be fun sometimes.

In most cases. After all, you had to make due with what you were given, right?

Unfortunately, this was not one of those cases where he could get away with it.

That was a fact that was soon made readily known when the drow explained this was not an inn and was rather the headquarters for the...Verizon army or somesuch. But that wasn't really what concerned him. While Yuuki was being a smart-ass, Niaaki, who was perhaps more on a level with the drow than Yuuki, was watching the blades slide slowly and deliberately from the man's sleeves. His big eyes widened, alarm suddenly flashing through him. Things just weren't quite so funny anymore.

These guys were definitely not the joking type, and they were not supposed to be here. Those bastard drow at the gates had set them up!

"Ah, Yuuki--!" he began, gripping the doll tighter and feeling the familiar warm tingle of magic drawing up through the vessel and surging up through his fingertips. Yuuki had obviously seen it too, for he grabbed onto his wrist firmly.

And...that was about as much as Niaaki really remembered until the pain hit. He had no time to unleash the magic he had begun to draw upon, for the blinding pain in the back of his ribs wiped all that away. He didn't even get a chance to see who had thrown the dagger that now protruded from his back, working its poison through his veins. All he could feel was a sensation of falling, of everything blurring, of being unable to move, and of pain searing his flesh. And then nothing at all.

No last-minute fears for him, considering his body was smaller and the poison progressed through his body faster. And that was probably a good thing, considering he likely had more to fear on that subject than Yuuki did.

Then again, if he had had any last minute fears, they would have involved a fear of losing his head or doll or Yuuki. Being violated in the rear would be the last thing to pop into his head. That was all Yuuki.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


(cont. in house vharzyym)