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A Curious Group

Started by Anonymous, June 25, 2007, 06:04:10 PM

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Ryder smiled. So these kids weren't completely hopeless! Nodding to Eun'ee, he smiled even wider. "Good. As he said, you don't have to kill the guards, especially if you don't have to, or are not getting paid for it. It isn't proper, so you just knock them out, or incampacitate them." The man grinned wickedly. "The shame of knowning that their noble die on their watch is good enough."

He returned to pacing, and pointed to Pace. "Another good point, our noble may have hired a mage, or spell caster, of some sort..." He stopped, and pointed to Mo. "Name all possible battle, or defense magic users, and their main atributes with their spells."

He turned, and pointed to Kahlen. "You tell me how you avoid, or disarm magical traps."

Ryder did a small spin, and pointed at Pace. "Explain to me what one would do you get by normal traps, and what kind of traps they may be. 'Dodging' does not serve as a proper answer either. You have to be more specific."

At last, their teacher pointed to Eun'ee, still grinning. "You tell me all of narcotics I have taught you, what they do, and how they can be used."

He grinned triumphantly. This'll surely get their minds up to speed, since these were such annoying, and difficult to some, questions.


Kahlen jumped slightly as she was called upon. Glancing at her teacher, she brushed her choppy bangs hastily out of her mis-matched eyes. Her mind raced.

"R-right...Disarming magical traps...You could cast a nullification spell in order to temporarily keep any traps from being set off. Um...You could also cast a revealing spell in order to set all of the traps off without having to step foot inside..." She counted off on her fingers thoughtfully, biting her bottom lip. "Of course, if you had hints that the traps would be extremely advanced, you could send in a doppleganger to set them off instead..." She mused.

While Kahlen was clumsy, she was very smart in her own right. Her memory was rather quick, a skill she had learned to hone during the time  with her first teacher. When you were her apprentice, you were either right or wrong...There was no gray area. And failure was not an option.


Eun'ee struck an unnecessary pose, smiling brightly. "Yesssss! I know everything about this! S'my favorite subject!" Of course, he waited for Kahlen to finish with her answer, smiling softly at her all the while.

Mo noticed blinking at Eun'ee with the innocence of a confused child. A-ha! A way out of this affair, perhaps? I'll have to get her closer to Eun'ee somehow. Now, back to business. She put one hand behind her back and put her thumb to her mouth so she could thoughtfully chew on the thumbnail. How could I have forgotten all of this?? In despair, she put her arms at her side, leaned against the wall and mumbled, "I studied so hard everyday. I studied this especially hard. What happened?"

Eun'ee smiled at her, realizing his smile was incredibly happy--hah! He one-upped her for once! "You studied hard, not well. You're supposed to study in rational amounts of time without making yourself cram it all--like me."

Eun'ee swore that, during the dead silence that followed his statement, a cricket chirped somewhere far off. "You study?"

"Of course I study!" Wallowing in annoyance, he looked off at the door. "Despite popular belief," he grumbled. He shook his head and smiled at Ryder. "You've taught us of four narcotics: Tenberey, Dosh, Phait, and Yeddl. Tenberey is a sedative that makes all users sleep for at least two hours. When the users awake, they remember everything that happened up until they passed out. It can be taken orally, which means that someone can slip it in a drink or a sweet treat (since Tenberey is very bitter).

"Dosh is a hallucination drug, which can be very helpful when one doesn't want guards to be able to pinpoint who exactly killed the one they were protecting. Dosh doesn't cause the user to be sleepy like Tenberey. Instead, for a few hours--its time limit is different for each person--the user finds himself lost in his own little dream world, thinking he sees or hears or feels things that he doesn't. It has to be injected, so it's a little harder to use. Not only that, Dosh is illegal in some areas, so it's hard to come by.

"Phait is the mother of drugs. It, too, is a drug that must be injected that many of the elite assassins use. It numbs the recipient, so the assassin can do whatever they wish with the disarmed person. However, the only downside is that, despite the length of its effects, Phait doesn't cause the recipient to forget what he or she sees. So, if the assassin isn't careful, the guard--or whoever it may be--will be able to give very intricate details about the incident.

"Finally,  there's Yeddl. Yeddl is somewhat of a laughing gas. It is normally found captured in itty bitty vials. There are two types of Yeddl--blue and green. Blue is the most potent. Many who do not use blue Yeddl correctly find their victims laughing for the rest of their lives, unable to do much but laugh. Many assassins prefer the green Yeddl just because they do not want to face the guilt of permanently damaging someone when he or she wasn't even the true target. The blue laughing gas, if used correctly, lasts for a day; the green lasts for half a day. They're very easy to come by and are a very common drug in the world of assassins."

Mo had to put a hand to her mouth to hide the big, round "o" it was making. He knew? Without cheating? Mo flustered and folded her arms, fluttering her long lashes in frustration. It wasn't supposed to be this way!


Kahlen notice Eun'ee watching her and glanced back curiously for a moment, only to return her eyes to the floor. She was probaly imagining things again...It wouldn't be unlike her. Why would he be watching her?

The young mage would often find herself in random and pointless daydreams, which often interferred with her studies or even lessons. They usually had to do with the books she read in her free time. Whether it was potionry, the study of rare creatures, or folklore, if Kahlen had read it, she had probaby dreamt about it. Before she had stumbled out to join the others, she had been in the midst of one of those musings.

Great...His answer is so in-depth...And mine is just...Pitiful... The teenage potion-maker thought in embarassment. That makes me seem like even more of an idiot...Great...Why am I the stupidest one here?!

This was humiliating. She had had to do quite a bit of pondering to come up with that...And now, it seemed so...Juvenile. Could this night get any worse? Of course it could. With Kahlen's luck, it always could get worse. It always did.


She took her time, hands on her hips, head tilted back as she stared at the ceiling. Pace waited for their answers, slowly squatting down onto the ground and falling onto her rear, yawning. She leaned back on her hands, eyes half-lidded. Pace looked the picture of tiredness. It was as if just being around them sucked all her energy out of her - what little energy she had. But that really wasn't the case, it was just the fact that Pace was feeling the effects of over-sleeping. And boredom.

"We can use Mo to trip up all the traps..." She said, her voice suddenly inerrupted by a yawn. "Trip them up, set them off. Or avoid them, carefully observe where they could be... Try to find alternative routes..." Pace spoke rather weakly about the issue. "I don't really know. I like the Mo idea, though," she added.

Lazily she pushed herself back onto her feet and stood, as if that explaination had required her to sit down to answer it. Pace had never gotten points for being normal - or even understandable. She didn't bother with it, though. How could she help it if she got tired explaining an issue she just bullshitted about? Clearly she had taken the 'detailed' explaination right out of her ass. Pace was sure he had taught them other ways, but she really couldn't figure it out or remember what they could be. Oh well! Easy come, easy go.

She lifted her shoulders carelessly to herself and brushed her hair out of her eyes.


Ryder smiled at Eun'ee's and Kalhen's responses, gave a tired sigh at Mo's and frowned at Pace's answer. He wandered forward, and cuffed pace with the back of his hand over the top of her head. "You're a team, so no one is using anyone to trip the traps."

Moving back to his spot before all four, Ryder stood with his hands on his hips. "Kalhen, because of your great answer and very well detailed answer, do not have to stay behind anymore. Those who do have to stay behind now are Mo and Pace."

He gave a thin lipped smile. "Apparently, they have some differences to sort out in each other's comany. That, and I think Pace needs some TIME WAKING UP!"

With a sigh, he began to pace again. "Eun'ee, or Kalhen, do you have the answer to either of Mo's or Pace's questions? The PROPER answers?"


Mo was busy snarling at the rugged girl down the line of assassins-in-training when she heard that she had to stay behind.

With her. She snapped back around and took a few steps toward Ryder. "AH?! Why do I have to stay? Just because she said something so stupid? I shouldn't have to suffer for her idiocy." Her pretty face was growing a little pink from embarrassment. "Teacher, I think it would be best if I went on with Eun'ee and Kalhen and that girl," she growled, pointing at Pace without looking at her, "should stay here. After all, she doesn't do much but sleep, does she? She ought to--"

"Mo. Quit it." Calmly and softly, Eun'ee put a hand over Mo's mouth. "Don't go against Teach. There's no reason to." Mo screamed an answer from behind Eun'ee's hand. It wasn't...quite audible. "Sorry, can't hear ya." He pulled her back to the line, her fighting all the way, and slowly let her mouth go. "Don't say anything else for right now. Aye?"

Mo smiled sweetly at Eun'ee before flashing pace a "formal" sign of disgust.

Eun'ee had smiled, however, at the fact that he and Kalhen would be going on together. Wow. She'd done well in a short amount of time. Good for her! Eun'ee looked at her and winked, giving her the thumbs-up before listening to Ryder's next question.

Oh, holy mother of baby Gaphaia on a stick.

Their questions? Well...maybe Pace's question won't be too hard. "Note, sir, that I'm doing my best--"

"--to be a kiss-up." Mo mumbled.

Eun'ee only heard a grumble. He turned to her. "What?"


"Anyway, to get by most normal traps, like trip wires, you can't test them because it would actually make noise, right? I've done it before, it makes a whole hell of a lot of noise." He paused and smiled sheepishly to excuse his language. "So the best thing would be to look for a window, get a good angle, and look at the floor. If you see it, walk over it. Now...with other traps..." He thought a moment before figuring out he didn't know too much else. "Well...there could always be a decoy who's had a lot of training in the fighting arts. In that case, you beat the crap out of him!" Again, Eun'ee had struck his unnecessary pose, looking like he was about to fight someone himself. He blinked, realizing what he was doing before calming down, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, I...that...that's all I've got, Teach."

Mo rolled her eyes. Honestly. She and Eun'ee turned to look at Kalhen with interested faces, wanting to know how she would handle her question.


"Um...Pace's question?" Kahlen echoed with an innocent blink. She felt herself being watched expectantly by the others and she swallowed hard. "All right..." She smiled weakly.

Just great...More chances to make myself look dumb...My luck really is horrible...At least I know a lot more about this suject...Mistress drilled Kimira and I on this a lot... She thought hopefully.

"Er...First, there is a battle, or combat mage. They often work alone and specialize in a wide range of magical weapons, along with summonings and such. They are also highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and ninjutsus...These skills make them both dangerous in long-range and close battles..." She started, hastily twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"Then there's a general, spell-casting mage...Unlike a battle mage, they may have a partner who specializes in combat of all kinds. Since a spell-caster is best at simply...Well...Casting spells, he or she will often use their magic to enhance the power of their partner. This partner then takes on a role similar to that of a battle mage, using the power supplied to them to enhance their own fighting ailities. However, when it comes down to it, a spell-caster is a bit more dangerous, as they can use most elements in a battle, making them more unprediactable..." Kahlen finished, biting her lip unsurely.

"Um...Is that all right?"


Pace had her hands over her mouth, muffling her laughter at Ryder's chastising and at Mo's reaction. She didn't really care or mind about any of it - she didn't really enjoy the idea of staying behind with Mo anymore than she enjoyed the idea of sitting in a barrel with a rattlesnack. But to kill a snack you had to chop of its head, isn't that right? Too bad she couldn't really do that with Mo. But it's not that she hated Mo - it was more the fact the girl just seemed to hate her and Pace really didn't understand why. And the fact the girl was just a tad annoying bothered Pace. But, then again, Pace didn't have a close relationship with any of the other students. They were people she socialized with but kept at arms length.

"Right," she muttered and slowly settled back onto the ground, crossing her legs and resting her elbow on it, chin in hand. Regardless that she half-heartedly thought about dozing right then and there, she opted to listen to Eun'ee and Kahlen's explainations. Good. At least they knew what they were talking about. She didn't quite understand Eun'ee's though.

"Generally, detonating any trap could make a lot of noise, right? And the fact that it could be rigged to alert other people.. And you can't depend on the set up of the building to get past a trap," she said, musing aloud, glancing back up at Eun'ee and then to Ryder with her steady eyes.

"You could observe everyone of the place, watch where they walk, listen in... But not everyone has that kind of time," she muttered to herself, slightly bothered that there wasn't a really good answer to that question. She frowned slightly, arms crossing over her chest. Well, now this was annoying.


Ryder rubbed his temples. He was never going to take on students. Never again. They were just too much of a hassle, and seeing how well these four were doing, he was going to be stuck with them for a while...

He stopped pacing, and looked at Mo. "You aren't being held back because of her idiocy, you're being held back because of your own. You failed to answer the question I gave you, so..." He shrugged. "This is your punishment. It seems fitting." He smiled.

He wondered, just for a moment, if he should move the teamwork practical back or not. They'd have a lot of work to do with that one...

Ryder smiled at Mo and Kalhen. "Excellent answers again, you two... You know your stuff, unlike these two." He sniggered slightly, before sobering.

"Right, now, after this practical, I will decide your nicknames... Got it?" He pointed to himself. "As you know, I'm refered to as the Beast, more often than my real name, because that's the only name they know.

"Your nickname refers to, more often than not, what your style is... But don't try to be graceful to specifically get the name 'Elegant' or something. Just do it as you would, and get the job done..."

He stood before them once more, and ran a hand through his hair. "Any questions?"


Eun'ee let out a breath of relief, smiling up at Ryder. At least he said something right in there. He turned to Pace when she decided to add her own information to his answer and nodded respectfully. She should've said that earlier so she could come with us.

Meanwhile, Mo was at her wit's end with Ryder. "My own idiocy?! Look here, you!" She pointed a finger at Ryder, absolutely seething with anger. "I answer more questions with valid and intricate answers than that scrap of rags sitting on the floor over there! How could I be held back because of idiocy?!"

"Mo! SHH!" Again, Eun'ee put a hand over her mouth. And good thing, too--she was swearing up a storm. Eun'ee could hear her, although he wasn't too sure if the others could.

Still keeping his hand over her mouth, he looked up at Ryder. "Our nicknames? So soon?" If he had the room, he would've done a back flip. He briefly wondered what he would be called. Probably Wuss, since he never was able to utilize his weapons on anything, not even practice items.

Greeeeat. Eun'ee pulled his hand away from Mo's mouth, who promptly bopped him on the crown of his head. Hard. "OW! Hey! What's up with you?"

"You should be supporting me!"


"Because--!" Why should he? I don't really want him to anyway. If anything, I want someone more of my tastes to defend me. "Because it's what you're supposed to do, right?"

Eun'ee's reply was smooth and cool: "No." He put his hands at his under the cloak, feeling about for his slacks' pockets. Once found, he stuffed his hands inside, only to pull them out again.

Damn. Did they see the shirt? Hopefully n--"Aw! Eency, you never told me you liked frilly pink things to wear."

Goddammit, why did her mood swing so easily? And why was she so observant?! "SHADDAP!" Eun'ee pulled the cloak tighter around him. "It was part of the bet! Just...just be quiet!"

Mo couldn't help but laugh now. Albeit she was still ticked off, she couldn't help enjoying Eun'ee's misery.

((^_^;; Emoosts, we're still friends, right? I just made Mo to be a major jerk...

Ooh! Ooh! Chaos! *raises hand* I wanna seee! ))


At the compliment, Kahlen smiled shyly and flushed. She really disliked being put on the spot so much...It was horrible on her nerves to be watched so.

"Um...Thank you..." She murmured quietly, flourishing a slight bow. She had always been taught to be polite...Even to a fault. Aside from being quiet and a bookworm, the teen was also a bit of an outsider. She had a tendency to avoid people whenever possible, much more eager to read a book than to carry on a conversation.

N...Nicknames? Kahlen swallowed again. Nicknames were never good. During her times as an apprentice, she had often been referred to as "kid" and "squirt" by her the elder Kimira. Even though she had gotten used to it, the thought of having another nickname still made her twinge slightly. Forcing another shy smile, she gave Ryder a somewhat decided shake of her head.

"No...No questions..."

At the sudden fight between Eun'ee and Mo, she started slightly, scooting aside in surprise. Bickering again. She really hated being in the middle, or even near these happenings...They were so unpleasant...

((Does anyone want to see a picture of Kahlen?))

((Um...Here's the picture...It's not very good...^_^U))


[LMAO, of course we're friends! This is just how Pace is, just like Mo's a jerk, lmao. Don't worry about it =)]

Pace's arm moved slightly, not because she had thought of doing so, but because of Mo's ridiculous outburst. She tamed her up back to her side and looked up, brows raised and the hint of a smile curling her lips. Really, Mo was so entertaining. Just as she was annoying. And god, she never EVER shut up it seemed. One minute she was at her boiling point and the next she was on Eun'ee - it was quite the spectacle. Pace shook her head slowly.

"Nicknames, hm?" She mumbled to herself, touching her chin. A shoulder jerked up in a half-hearted shrug. She decided she didn't really care about the issue. She didn't care what 'Beast' was going to call her.

Her eyes flickered around the people in the room. Eun'ee had a strong aversion from weapons and violence, Mo was moody and short-tempered and she seemed to think she had a bit of an arrogance issue, and Kahlen was shy and timid, but bright. So was Eun'ee - he had his bouts of intelligence and she was sure that SOMEWHERE in Mo, probably overshadowed but her rashness, was something vaguely smart. Her eyes settled on Ryder for a moment. Nope. She had no idea about him. He seemed... nice enough, tolerant of them, but she hadn't really thought about their teacher much. He was just a teacher, just another person in the room. Always asking questions and, well, teaching.

For a brief moment, she wondered how they perceived her. Then again, the more she thought about it, the more she didn't really care. She knew, for a fact, she wasn't all that smart, preferred sleeping from other things, liked to tease people occasionally, didn't seem to have much of a temper [in actuality, she's rather quick-tempered] but was mostly a serious person. Whether they saw what she saw was a completely different thing. Oh well!

[oo! That's a good picture! =] Kahlen is pretty.]


Ryder crubbed his hands on his pants, annoying a certain snake, before clapping them together. "Right. Eun'ee, Kahlen, head up to the roof, we're starting there, so get a feel of the air, and if its too cold, go back to your room and get proper clothes..." He looked at Eun'ee in particular. "And if it becomes the problem, I'll lend some of mine..."

He ran a hand through his hair, and shook his head. "No more gambling in this house, or at least with each other, especially if you have wagers like this one... No more, got it? Its unprofessional."

Ryder pointed to Mo and Pace. "Front and centre, you two." He added, as an after thought. "Standing, please. I don't care for sloppiness."

((Now I want to draw Ryder...))


Honestly, what were they doing to her? Stand up, Pace, sit down, stand up, sit down! Then she realized, a little belatedly, that she was the one sitting and standing of her own accord. She couldn't very well go around blaming them, even if she'd like too. With a grunt, not unline someone nearly three times her age, she pulled herself off the floor, twisting her back sharply to sigh happily at the crack that ripped through her back. It felt absolutely delightful! Everyone probably heard it.

Pace listened, stepping up, going front and center as asked. She slid her hands into her pockets, leaning back on her heels and slouching slightly into a position that felt good for her, hip jutting out sharply. She gave a slow blink. He didn't want sloppiness - she sighed slightly, her posture was sloppy. She straightened to her full height, which wasn't much, just about five foot seven, arms crossing over her stomach, watching Ryder expectantly. Now what did she have to do? Her mind was already racing with things that she probably had to do - hopefully nothing too painful.


"R-right..." Kahlen managed another hasty bow and shuffled off towards the roof. Using a technique she had learned a few years back, she waved a hand, a black and silver-embroidered cloak appearing in it. Of course the air would be too cold...She was always too cold.

The latter trick was a simply one really, it merely involved manipulating the shadows nearby to form a solid object that you desired. A novice trick, when it came down to it.

Starting down the corridor towards the roof stairway, she went into another strain of musings. Pulling on the cloak and adjusting it, she wondered how much longer she would be here...And where would she go afterwards? There was really no point in searching for Karo anymore...He always managed to stay at least a step ahead of her. She could always go back to Mistress, though. But then again, she was always rather scary...The mage wasn't sure how much longer she could survive her lessons.

Glancing backwards, she flashed a slightly sympathetic glance towards Pace and Mo. She did have a twinge of guilt for getting out of staying back but...It wasn't her fault they hadn't studied properly. Of course, her memory was rather sharp. But that really wasn't an excuse. If they had tried hard enough, they could have answered correctly and all gone together.

((Um...Thank you...-bows-))


((Edit: Chaos....I LOVE KAHLEN! >w< *squeezes her <3*))

Eun'ee blushed furiously and nodded at Ryder's new rule. No gambling in the house. Awesome. Now how would he pass the time? Read? He pranced up the staircase behind Kahlen, acting as if he were about to perform a sneak-attack on her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and laughed. "Gotcha." Then he noticed where she was looking. Why was she looking down there? They weren't doing anything but standing there.

"Oi. Oi, Kahlen." He shook her gently before letting go. "They'll be all right. They're both tough cookies." He put the hood of his cloak over his head and tied it, turned to Kahlen, and made "scary" poses. "How's this? Or this one?"

Mo huffed and, head held high, marched to stand in front of Ryder. When she noticed Pace standing too close to her--their elbows were just touching, after all!--she inched her way away from the girl. She tried calming herself a bit, breathing in and out deeply and quietly.

"Something you wanted to say, Teacher?" She asked. Although she was being nice, many would immediately say she were to sound sassy. She readjusted the headband and tossed her short hair a little before putting her hands in front of her, clasped together like a little child's.


Ryder didn't look at either of them, just stared at a point between both their heads. "Turn to the other beside you..." He took a deep breath. "And hug her. No arguing, or I'll hold you back and won't let you do the excercise, better yet, if you don't hug each other, I may force something more... Provocative, and something you really won't like."

He finally looked at them, and gave them a very serious look. "Do it."


"Eep!!" Kahlen jumped as she felt hands clamp down on her shoulders. She tottered on a stair and whirled around, one hand clasping the railing.

"Wh-what the-?" She hastened to regain her balance as she noticed Eun'ee. "Oh...I-I'm sorry...You startled me..." She flushed in embarassment, again fidgeting with her skirt. Great. Now she looked like even more of an idiot...She couldn't even sense someone coming up behind her! It wasn't her fault that she dazed off at random intervals! All right...Maybe it was.

"Hm? Who...Oh...Y-yeah...I suppose they will be..." She murmured softly turning back around and continuing up the staircase.

This was even more awkward. She was already fidgety around other people in general, but around guys...Kahlen was just clueless. She had barely been able to speak to her former teacher's guard. Then again...He had been a spirit. But still...


Mo jumped back. "You want what?" Then...laughter. She folded her arms and eyed Ryder playfully. "You can't do that, Teacher! That's sexual harrassment. And minors at that. For shame!" She turned to walk up the stairs and meet Eun'ee, who was undoubtedly busy trying to make Kahlen laugh.

Eun'ee smiled as she regained her composure and bowed his head a little. "Aw, I'm sorry, Kahlen. I didn't know you scared easily." He continued alongside her, tripping over his cloak every now and then. Dammit. He'd have to learn how to get used to it at some point--he'd have to wear it all night after all.

"Ah, Kahlen. How'd you end up here? I think I've asked everybody but you that question." He smiled at her, putting his hands in his pockets. Eh, why not? They already know I'm wearing this frilly pink thing anyway.