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The Song of Wind

Started by Paladienne, June 22, 2018, 05:41:47 AM

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Ann and Ma'kéné focused on following Ortec as the dun raced away from camp, leading them into the darkness. That Ma'akéné wasn't stopping surprised Ann, for he knew the mare wouldn't rush into danger if she perceived it to be a trap. Still, he would be a fool not to be prepared for the worst, and so readied himself for whatever might come.

What he saw definitely wasn't what he'd been expecting.

Before Ma'akéné had even come to a complete halt, Ann was leaping off her back and landing in the grass in a crouch, from which he sprang upright and raced to Riala's side. For a long heartbeat, he just stared at her wounds, trying to figure out where to start. He had no supplies with him with which to care for her, but he couldn't leave her here. Taking her back to camp was like condemning her to die. The chieftain would never allow an enemy into their midst, even a wounded one. He would order Riala's death before he listened to Ann's plea, and he would likely order Ann to be the one to kill her, to prove to the tribe that he had the best interest of his people at the forefront of his mind.

So what could he do?

They would find them if they stayed here. But Ann was afraid of moving her, uncertain of just how wounded she was. The head wound seemed the worst, and Ann knew head wounds were quite dangerous. There was often more damage that couldn't be seen than there was that could be seen.

Ma'akéné pawed the ground and snorted. Ann looked up at her. Then he looked over at Ortec. He raised a hand and held it over the stallion's nose, leaving it up to the horse to decide whether or not he wanted the touch.

"I promise you, Ortec," Ann said, "I'm going to help her. Trust me. I will take care of her."

Leaving his hand where it was suspended in the air, Ann looked toward the mare. "You know what I need. See if you can find it. Be quick."

Ma'akéné tossed her head and spun around, racing back toward the camp. Ann, meanwhile, shifted closer to Riala, his hand moving to part her hair to inspect her wound.


The stallion snorted and jerked his head back, eyeing Ann warily. Then, slowly, he stretched his neck forward to press his nose into the man's palm, an exhausted sigh shuddering his sides.

As the other rider shifted closer to the unconscious Riala, she groaned and turned her head, stirring slightly toward wakefulness. Ortec huffed and curved his head down to nuzzle at her shoulder.

"I...I didn't..." Her lips moved, the barest whisper of sound escaping her. "I'm...sorry..."


"Shh." Ann whispered, stroking Riala's forehead. "Shh. Don't speak. Just rest."

He looked at Ortec, trying to reassure the stallion with a gentle expression and smile. He didn't know what else to do for the dun in this moment, nor could he really help Riala until Ma'akéné returned with the needed supplies.

So he sat beside her, stroking her forehead and cheeks, hoping the touch would chase away her fear and pain just for a little while, his eyes on the dark plains around them, waiting for his four-footed sister to return.

When she did so, it was with a flurry of thunderous noise. Ma'akéné slowed her pace before she could run upon them and circled around her two-legged brother and the stallion and his two-legged sister, coming to a stop beside Ann. She dropped her head then, depositing beside him his bag, along with a gourd of water, and another satchel. She whickered softly and backed away, moving around to Ortec to push her nose against his, as if to tell him everything would be okay now.

Ann opened his pack and pulled out a length of cloth, tore a piece from the main body of the cloth, then pulled the cork from the gourd to wet the cloth. Gently, he dabbed at Riala's head wound, carefully cleaning away the dried blood and dirt and debris. When he was finished with that task, he used the rest of the cloth to wrap her head to cover the wound. Then he used the damp cloth from before to run it across her visible skin, removing more dirt and debris to ensure that no more of her skin was cut or bleeding anew.

It was her shoulder that concerned him the most. He would have to manipulate it to see if it was truly dislocated or broken, which would cause her pain. Either way, he would have to set it, and only then he would be able to move her somewhere safer.

He leaned low over her then, uncertain if she was conscious or not. She had spoken before, but hadn't since he'd started caring for her, so Ann wasn't sure if she would hear him.

"Riala? Riala, you're safe... You're safe now. I need you to trust me, okay? I need to check your shoulder... It's going to hurt, but I need to make sure it isn't broken. Trust me, Riala."

Ann shifted to put both his hands on her shoulder, trying to keep his touch as gentle as possible.


Gradually, under his touch, Riala seemed to calm, just a bit. Even more gradually, she seemed to rouse slightly, her eyelids flickering, a soft groan caught in her throat.

At the mare's brief sign of affection, Ortec rose shakily to his hooves and paced around her anxious, almost unconsciously attempting to herd her together with the humans. He could not protect his sister when she needed him most, but he seemed utterly determined to protect these three creatures that were now all that was left of his herd.

Riala drew in a ragged breath when Ann spoke, and her eyes finally opened. They were fuzzy and unfocused, but a spark of recognition lit in her gaze. "You..."

Then the pain set in and she gritted her teeth, biting down on a sharp wail. "What-- how did you--?"


"Shh." Ann said. "This is going to hurt. I need to put your shoulder back into the socket."

He didn't bother to give her a warning; he simply jerked his hands to snap the joint back into place. That done, he quickly moved to stabilize her arm. He needed to get her moved, and moved quickly. If they were found, they both would be killed.

"Ortec came." he spoke quickly, signaling Ma'akéné. She moved to intercept the stallion, pressing her chest into his shoulder and hanging her head across his neck, trying to keep him still. "We came to help."


Ortec snorted and tried to dance away from the mare, though he did at least stop his constant circling.

Popping her shoulder back into place nearly drew a cry of pain from the huntress, but she managed to bite down on it just in time, panting heavily as she clenched her eyes shut.

"H-help..." Her throat was so dry. She swallowed thickly. "Why? Why are you..." She tried to sit up, but barely managed to raise her head before she collapsed back with a groan. Ortec tossed his head and hopped into a half rear, obviously frustrated by his helplessness.


"Shh." Ann said again. He wound the rest of the bandaging around her arm and neck, tying a knot on the opposite shoulder so her arm would be rendered immobile. "I'm helping you because I owe you my life. And Ma'akéné's. I owe you."

He looked over toward Ortec then, eyeing the stallion. "Listen, brother, you have to trust me. I will take care of her, and you, but you have to let me take care of your sister as only a human can."

Ma'akéné snorted, pawing the ground as if to tell the stallion the same. She shook herself, then moved over to Ann and knelt. Quietly, Ann pulled Riala up into his arms and then eased her onto the mare, careful not to jar her arm. When she was settled, he mounted behind her, and Ma'akéné slowly got to her feet. Once she was standing, Ann looked over to Ortec.

"There's a safe place I'm going to take her. It's close by, but far enough other humans won't look for us there. Can you follow us? We'll go slow."


Ortec surged forward, nuzzling Riala's good shoulder as she was lifted onto the mare's back, then finally seemed to subside. He bobbed his head to Ann, understanding in his eyes as he watched the other rider secure his sister.

"You should...just leave," Riala protested through gritted teeth. "If they find you...helping me...they'll kill you."

She wasn't even sure which "they" she meant-- his tribe or her own.


"That's not happening." Ann replied with a soft smile. "I told you; I owe you my life. That is a debt I'm going to repay, no matter who might come after us."

He urged Ma'akéné into a gentle walk, and the mare complied, careful not to make her motions too jarring, even as her two-legged brother did his best to stabilize the human female and keep her from being jarred too much as they moved.

He knew that he could very well be killed for abandoning his tribe in favor of Riala. Even if his chieftain accepted his reason why he'd left without a word to go to her aid, there would be some kind of reckoning. He was no longer a child, free to listen to the whims of his heart whenever he wished. He was an adult, and had the responsibilities of an adult. Ann knew he could have his status ripped from him and be reduced to a child again. He could be exiled. Killed. Or, worse, made to kill Riala. But he also accepted those consequences, were they to be caught. That was part of being an adult, too. Accepting the consequences of his choices.

"Just be quiet, Riala. We'll be there soon. I'll be able to take care of you properly."


"You' idiot," Riala whispered, but she already seemed to be drifting again, her head lulling back against Ann's shoulder as they rode. Her eyes fluttered shut.

Ortec paced along beside the mare, occasionally letting out a concerned huff or wicker, but otherwise incredibly docile, as compared to his earlier behavior. He stuck as close to Ma'akene's side as she would let him, occasionally halting and tossing his head up when he heard a noise in the grasses.

It always turned out to be nothing, no predator at least, and he would hurry to catch up with his sister and her rescuers.


"Maybe," Ann answered. "But I'm an idiot who's saving your life. Deal with it."

As she drifted off, Ann held her closer, doing his best to keep her warm while they traveled. He glanced at the stallion, making sure he was keeping up and not getting lost. He knew Ortec was spooked by the sounds issuing out of the night, but his nerves would be even more frayed if he was told it was nothing. Better to let the stallion be on high alert for every possible danger than complacent.

Ma'akéné huffed out a snort, moving quickly toward a shadow in the distance that was steadily growing larger. She and Ann had discovered this place a long time ago as youngsters, this tumble of rocks and boulders that seemed haphazard and dangerous. Ann had explored the mess, and had discovered that the rocks formed a natural cave, large enough for both of them, at the time. No one would think to look for them here, least of all Riala's tribe.

As they reached it, Ma'akéné slowed to a halt and Ann dismounted, pulling Riala down into his arms to carry her within the shelter of the rocks. He settled her on the ground, careful not to jar her, and used his bag to pillow her head.

"I'll be back." Ann whispered. "Just try and rest."


"Mmph." She winced as she was shifted onto the ground, biting back a curse. "Where-- where are you going?" she rasped, eyes flickering over Ann's face with a combination of wariness, faint hope, and even fainter fear, hidden behind gritted teeth and narrowed eyes.

Ortec snorted and shuffled his front hooves, trying to get himself as close to his rider as he could without actually stepping on her.


He touched her face, smiling gently. "Don't worry about it. I'm just going to get some supplies. I can't take care of you properly if I don't have them."

He rose and backed away from her to give Ortec more room to maneuver. "Close your eyes and rest, Riala. No one will find you here. Only we know about it. And you, now. So long as you stay quiet, no one will have reason to investigate this place."

Ann looked toward the stallion then. "We'll be back before sunrise. I promise, I will help her. I will protect you."

That said, he turned and left the tumble of rocks, joining his four-footed sister outside. He climbed onto her back, took a deep breath, and she started away at an easy trot.


Ortec stared at the young man for several long moments, then slowly let out a breath in what might have been a sort of resigned sigh before pacing another circle around his rider, dipping his head to nose at her good shoulder a few times.

Riala could do little more than as Ann ordered, her eyes already fighting to close as she watched him mount the mare and start off. Groaning quietly, she reached up to stroke her brother's cheek. "What have we got ourselves into, my lad?"


Ann let out a long sigh as he rode away from his secret place. Ma'akéné echoed his sigh, her tail flicking back and forth like a switch. He reached over to pat her neck and then leaned low over her shoulders, resting his head against her mane. He needed to get a little bit of rest, at least, especially since he wasn't sure he would be able to get any in the coming days.

He woke just before they returned to his tribe's camp, and under the cover of the darkness, Ann quickly gathered his belongings and several other items he was going to need while he was taking care of Riala. He hoped that his parents would understand his sudden disappearance, but even if they didn't, Ann knew that he was doing the right thing. He could only hope that, one day, he might be able to return. And even if he didn't... well. He'd deal with that.

As quietly as they had entered, they left.

Ann returned to the hideaway, allowing Ma'aéné to whinny softly to tell Ortec that they had returned. He entered the cave and set his things down, then moved to open a waterskin and offered it to Riala.

"Drink slowly."


Ortec came to meet the mare with flickering ears, on high alert as he glanced around warily, but he allowed horse and rider to approach his sister.

Riala was only conscious in a very technical sense of the word, but she managed to weakly take the offered waterskin and sip at it. She was still weak and sore, and about half of what she attempted to drink simply spilled down over her chin, but it was better than nothing.

Drawing in a ragged breath, she blinked at her rescuer, trying to sit herself up properly. "...What do you want?"


Ann sat cross-legged beside her, holding the waterskin and reaching to dab her chin dry with a spare cloth. He studied her face, as if trying to find the best thing to say. She was hurt and tired, and she likely wouldn't believe a single word he said. Yet he had to say them anyway.

"I want nothing," he answered quietly, honestly. "You saved my life, and the life of my sister. And for that, I owe you a debt that may never be repaid. A life for a life. That is the bond we now share."

He set the skin down and then picked up a ceramic jar and another cloth. He opened the jar, suffusing the air with a sweet smell, akin to honeysuckle. With one corner of the rag, he dipped it into the salve, then began to gently apply it to her worst cuts, scrapes, and bruises.

"I owe you." Ann repeated, taking special care of the worst of her wounds. "This is all I can do for you, for now. But I swear to you, Riala, I won't let anyone hurt you or Ortec. I promise."


Riala smirked, a little painfully, but with some odd combination of humor and respect in her eyes. "You have honor," she noted, trying to sit up-- and failing, collapsing back with a huff and a pained grunt.

Ortec snorted, dropping his head and snuffling at her shoulder, tail flicking back and forth as though swatting non-existent flies.

"Shh, shhh, brother." Despite the soreness, she raised her good arm to pat his neck. "I'm alright, really. You did good." She glanced sidelong at their rescuers. "You found help."

The stallion huffed, pleased with himself, and drew his head up again, stepping back to give them some space.


Ann watched the exchange with a small smile, then moved to help Riala sit up comfortably, leaning her against the hard wall of the cave with a rolled blanket between the cold stone and her back to provide some comfort. It wasn't much, but it would have to be enough for now.

When he drew back, he said, "Honor... I wonder. There is right and there is wrong. Is it right of me to choose you over my tribe, or is it wrong? I have no way of knowing for sure. I just know that here, in my heart," Ann lifted a hand and set it over his chest, "that this is the right thing to do. I'll accept what comes because of it."

He shifted again, moving to pull out a few things from his bag that he'd retrieved from his tribe's camp. Most of it was food, dried meat and hard bread, which he broke or cut into small chunks to make it easier for Riala to eat it. He even pulled out a few apples and cut those up too, offering Ortec a few of the slices before he offered Ma'akéné the same. Then he turned his attention to Riala.

"I've brought a few things to help speed along your recovery, medicines and such. I don't think you have a head injury, so..." Ann pulled out a small folded packet and opened a corner, revealing a soft off-white powder. "This will numb you enough that you can sleep. If you want to take it, I'll add it to your water."


"No." Despite how every movement still hurt, she shook her head, turning her head away from the offered powder. "I won't begrudge the medicines, but I won't take painkillers."

Ortec huffed at her, but she ignored him. She may not agree with her father's rulings, but she respected the laws of their tribe. Any wounds earned in an honor circle were allowed to have aide in healing, but attempting to dodge the pain was considered worse than cowardly.