Spirits of the Earth

Yoreiqi Isles => Yoreiq => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 25, 2011, 10:33:01 AM

Title: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2011, 10:33:01 AM
It was a good day, warm and easy. Noelani picked her way along the beach, face tilted up toward the sun. It felt warm on her skin, delightfully so. She was supposed to be gathering food, but the day was calling to her. And hey, maybe she would get lucky and find some crabs or shellfish along the beach. Not likely, where she was walking, but it could happen!

She just hoped Enoka didn't catch her. Ah! But who cared! She would go gather food later and no one would care. If she took too long, she would just use the blind excuse. It always amazed her that people still believed that one, despite the fact she wasn't like most blind people. She didn't share that dark world with them.

There was something in the warm salt air. Something was coming. Or someone, she couldn't tell. Her gifts were still erratic and she didn't always know how to read them. But there was something coming this way. Maybe a storm, but this felt a little different.

Ignoring it, Noelani continued her stroll down the beach, reaching down to stroke the head of a seal that was sunning itself. Animals had always liked her, trusted her. It was one reason she refused to hunt or fish. She would eat the meat, but it seemed unfair to use that trust against the animals.

Banishing dark thoughts, Noelani took a seat on the beach, feet wiggling into the wet sand and she hummed a little song as she started to build a sandcastle. As she couldn't actually see, this she had to do by feel, with the waves constantly lapping at it.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2011, 08:57:26 AM
Elochu, cockatoo circling around in the sky above and occasionally leading him towards interesting things, was having a day of rest. More technically he was having a day where no interesting ships had come in from the main lands, and where he had nothing to take to anyone on the smaller islands, so the teen was off doing what he did fifth best after trading, canoeing, hunting and speaking. He was having fun.

He'd always had an inquisitive nature, ever since he was old enough to stick his hands in fires if left unattended or fall from trees and break his legs. He still walked with a limp even now, and he couldn't strain the limb by surfing otherwise he wouldn't be able to canoe which was important to his livelihood. But walking on sand strengthened his legs just enough that he would feel it in the morning, not with the same intensity that surfing did.

The cockatoo, whose name was apparently Mangrove, cawed something out to Elochu, and the teen smiled, changing course to see what had attracted the bird's attention. A young woman building sandcastles with a seal near by, a pleasant scene. The seal rolled to rejoin the surf as Elochu approached, but the teen clicked his tongue beneath his teeth to reassure the animal that he meant no harm and kept his distance, circling to approach the female, whom he vaguely recognised from somewhere, most likely one of the many settlements he traded in.

"Your castle will surely fall, this close to the ocean," he commented, moving forward so that the waves lapped around his ankles. "The tide is coming in."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Rhindeer on September 18, 2011, 12:59:07 PM
"And you might fall in with it!" a voice suddenly called.

Enoka had spent the better part of the day in a panic, looking all over for his little sister and unable to find her anywhere. She was blind, so any number of things could have happened, and she was reckless enough that he could just see her wandering into the jungles and getting eaten, or falling into the ocean and drowning, or who knows what else! And there she was, precariously close to the water while the tide had started coming in. She probably had no idea!

And seals that close! It would be all too easy to piss off the wrong one and get bitten.

Enoka jogged over to the two and came to a stop, leaning forward and resting his hands on his thighs. "You need to be more careful. I've been looking for you all day."

That was when he fully noticed Elochu, and he straightened up and smiled. "Thanks for finding her."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2011, 04:22:27 PM
Noelani had smiled at Elo, sensing him, "I know. I like it this wa-" She was cut off when a familiar voice yelled out.

She gave a long suffering sigh, hands stilling on her castle, "Hello brother. I wasn't lost or found. I'm not some wayward child." She adored her brother, but he worried less about her children than he did about her.

"How many times must I tell you, I am blind, not useless."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2011, 12:10:56 AM
The young woman had started speaking to him, and then they were interrupted by someone else. Her brother? Elochu was going to reply that Mangrove had noticed her first, but the woman answered before the teen could open his mouth, and it was obviously a discussion they'd had many times before, so Elo just listened for a while.

"A little water never hurt anyone," he commented, not trying to take sides, just being observant. "Surely every islander can swim regardless of whether or not they can see."

Of course, being blind might mean they swam away from the shore rather than towards it, but there were so many surfers, canoeists, fishermen and other ocean goers around Yoreiq that there was little likelihood of anyone drowning. Add in the fact that the animals seemed to like this young woman even more than they liked him, and he was inclined to agree with her. She was blind, but not useless.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Rhindeer on September 22, 2011, 02:19:42 PM
"I know you're not useless. I never once implied that," Enoka said with a frown, arms crossed over his chest. "It's not you I'm worried about. I know you can take care of yourself. It's everything else."

He looked over to the other boy and smiled, a long-suffering, tired smile that matched Noelani's. "True, but it's not the water itself I'm worried about. It's what's in it that I'm worried about. And she shouldn't go wandering off without telling someone!" Sure, Elochu wasn't really involved in this, but Enoka still gave him a look as though seeking validation.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2011, 02:48:30 PM
"...I am right here. I have ears and they work just fine." Noelani sighed and stood up, brushing the sand off the back of her sarong, "I'm happy you care so much Enoka, but really. I know what's in the water better than you do."

She highly doubted her brother was aware of all the animal life around them.

"Just ignore him Elo. He's drawing you into a family squabble, because he has no manners." She tilted her head, cloudy gold eyes studying Elo, "May I meet your friend?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2011, 05:28:36 AM
"I... do not think your sister would have many issues with those in the water," Elo commented, remembering how the seal had been with the young woman. "You worry too much, the sun is shining and the water is clear."

The other youth was looking to him to validate his arguments, but Elo wasn't going to get into that. If Noelani wanted to wander off, that was her choice. She had been doing it since childhood, presumably, just as Elo had. Most Yoreiqi children did, didn't they? Regardless of physical status. Elo, for example, didn't have wings and was a cripple, but he still wandered where he wished, and why should it be different for Noelani?

The young woman asked if she could meet his friend, cloudy gaze studying him carefully, and Elo nodded, clicking his tongue at the back of his mouth and holding his hand out for the bird to land on.

"He says his name is Mangrove," he said. "I found him, injured, as a chick now he rarely leaves me for longer than a month or two."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2011, 11:39:03 PM
"Hello Mangrove. I bet you are beautiful." Noelani smiled, reaching a hand out, letting the bird accept her touch before lightly running her delicate fingers along his feathers, "Would you mind describing him to me? I know his shape, but not colors or details."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on October 02, 2011, 11:10:15 AM
Mangrove was a sucker for attention, and stretched his neck slightly to follow Noelani's hand as she stroked him, chirping pleasantly, making Elo chuckle slightly.

"He likes you, that's for sure. He's a cockatoo, almost entirely silver-white, with a plume of yellow feathers on his head. There's a pale scar on his left leg where he got in a fight with something before I found him, and he's luck not to have lost his left eye at the same time. Other than that, he's a pretty normal bird."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Rhindeer on October 13, 2011, 11:03:20 AM
Enoka was clearly outnumbered here and he knew it. So for the moment, he bit his tongue and just...let it be. Both of them were completely missing the point here but there was no sense pressing the matter.

For now, at least.

Wandering over to Elo and Noelani, he peered curiously at the bird, arms crossed over his chest. "Does he talk much?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on October 13, 2011, 01:46:10 PM
Noelani's fingers found a spot and lightly scratched it, smiling brightly, "He is very bright and full of music."

She was glad her brother gave up for the moment. She adored him, but he never seemed to see her as anything but the awkward child she had been, relearning the world after losing her sight.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2011, 12:06:57 PM
"He doesn't speak much Yoreiqi," Elo informed Enoka. "But he's better than I am in Trader tongues, and chatters on in cockatoo like it's going out of style."

The cockatoo chattered indignantly at Elo as the youth informed the siblings of this, and hopped from Elo's finger to balance on Noelani's shoulder instead as Elo chuckled.

"He likes you."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2011, 12:13:28 PM
"I like him!" Noelani gave a delighted laugh, fingers carefully scratching his feathered chest, "He has a sweet tongue. I don't mind listening to it."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Rhindeer on November 05, 2011, 10:08:07 PM
"Do you think he actually understands us?" Enoka asked, finding it a little uncanny how the bird seemed to respond to Elo's comments. Reaching out hesitantly, unable to help himself, he stroked the bird's back. He was a little nervous with it being so close to his sister's face--but he'd been traumatized as a child when a pet bird nibbled at his earlobe. He'd thought it was being aggressive back then!

"A lot of birds just seem to repeat things back."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on November 06, 2011, 05:11:15 AM
"It's not just him understanding us," Elo said, with a shrug. "It's me understanding him too."

Elo had a knack for languages. Not just those of bipeds, though, if he took the time to learn he understood everything. Assuming that he took the time to listen, of course, which he didn't always do.

"He's perfectly safe," he continued, smiling at the older male. "Wild, but not dangerous unless threatened, which can be said of most creatures."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on November 07, 2011, 11:36:41 AM
"It is amazing you can understand him. Not many can hear the way you do. You are much blessed by the spirits." Noelani nuzzled against the bird, marveling at the scent and feel of it. "Enoka doesn't like birds much though. Not since one tried to eat his ear."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Rhindeer on November 17, 2011, 01:51:07 PM
"Noelani!" Enoka said, jerking his hand back from the bird and staring at his sister, cheeks flushing. Gah! She just had to say it! Turning back to Elo, he waved his hands in front of him as though trying to wave away her comment, laughing nervously.

"Uh, that's not...totally true. I mean, I'm not scared of them or anything. I don't not like them. So no offense or anything, uh, Mangrove," he said, eying the bird warily.

Jeez. She just had to say that in front of a bird that could apparently understand people! And as far as he was concerned, a lot of animals were sadistic little brats--they were attracted to fear.
Title: Bustin' up in here, ruinin' romances.
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on January 29, 2012, 05:47:14 PM
Breaking the awkwardness of the moment is a small noise, like a fish flopping around in the water. In fact, that's pretty much what it was! The oversized fish maiden grunted as she struggled back into the water, sand sticking to her pale skin. She noticed the people walking along the beach and pretty much panicked. She'd never seen anyone like them before in her life and it struck fear into her heart as she squirmed around with her coral-colored tail, clawing to reach the ocean in a scramble to get away.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2012, 11:12:15 PM
Noelani startled, turning when they heard the noise behind them. They could sense there was something there, but it was strange to Noelani. It wasn't something they had ever encountered before. Moving closer, Noelani called out, "Hello? What's out there?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on February 09, 2012, 05:16:41 PM
Glimmer had to think more quickly. She pressed the end of her fin to the sand and arched her stomach and chest off the land, inching her way to the water. Frantic, trembling fingers splashed in the water, wriggling toward it. Just a few more inches. She began to flop around again, desperate to get into the water.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on February 19, 2012, 10:06:30 PM
Noelani paused, unsure what to do and they could hear the frantic sounds, "What's happening? Are you alright?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on February 19, 2012, 10:21:58 PM
"G-Get away!! Or... Or I'll do something! Don't come any closer." Stranded on land, the mermaid flopped about furiously in panic. She had to get away or she'd be fried like codfish and they'd eat her. She was too young to be eaten by them!!
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on February 20, 2012, 11:29:41 PM
Noelani froze, holding their hands up, "I wont come any closer. I mean you no harm. Are you injured? I can't tell what's happening, I'm blind."

Noelani hated saying that, hated when their lack of sight made her weak.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on February 21, 2012, 02:15:54 PM
The mermaid's tail flopped with a loud noise, in shock and she went perfectly still. "You're worried if I'm injured when you can't see..." She muttered, mostly to herself by the volume of it. She turned herself to face the human, cautiously. The human looked nothing like the depictions of them on walls and other such places in the sea. In fact, this one looked a lot like her....

"Human, I will allow you to come closer if you promise not to eat me!"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on February 26, 2012, 01:21:03 AM
Noelani's expression turned puzzled, having heard the mermaid's comment, "Well, yes. Why wouldn't I be worried? And why would I want to eat you?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on February 26, 2012, 03:40:19 PM
"I am a mermaid, human. So... Keep your jagged teeth in your mouth and I will allow you to advance closer." She said and finally slid into the water, slipping over toward her. "Here I am. Come close to the water, human and we may converse. How is it you do not see any longer, poor creature?" Her coral tail sways around in the water.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on March 19, 2012, 12:37:21 AM
"I don't believe my teeth are jagged, but I promise I have no intention of biting you." Noelani moved until their feet were in the water, then they sat down, enjoying the warm water, "I was taken ill as a child. But I don't mind, it's given me the ability to see things which most people can't."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on March 21, 2012, 11:46:26 PM
"Oh," Said she, a simple sound of mild pity. She scooted closer to the blind girl. "Maybe when I become a full-fledge mermaid, I could sing over your eyes and heal them."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on March 26, 2012, 01:09:08 PM
"Oh, I don't mind really. I get to see things no one else can." Noelani cocked their head slightly, the rest of that sinking in, "You can heal people with song?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on March 30, 2012, 11:40:26 AM
Glimmer scooted closer. "Yes, we can. Mermaids, that is. However.... It'd be hard. It takes a long time to sing it and..." She looked out to the sea with the waves crashing on the shore. "It might not work here on land... You'd have to come underwater with me and... You might...." She didn't want to say the word drown. Why couldn't humans be made to go and be in the joy of water....
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2012, 12:04:39 PM
"I think that it doesn't sound like it would work for me." Noelani shrugged and smiled again, "I'm not worried. I have other advantages. So you are a mermaid then? Can I ask what exactly a mermaid is?"
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on April 18, 2012, 04:26:59 PM
The girl paused. How would she describe herself. "I guess... I look a lot like you but... I have a fin instead of..." She tapped Neolani's leg. "These."
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2012, 01:33:01 PM
"A fin? Hmmm." Noelani tried to imagine that, but it wasn't really working. Giving a shrug, they smiled again, "That must make swimming easier. I love to swim, though it upsets Enoka so much when I do. They thinks everything is going to be my death.
Title: Re: Loves long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners
Post by: Glimmeringpearl on May 22, 2012, 10:21:21 PM
"How do you know where you're going?" Asked the mermaid, thoughtfully grooming herself. "Wouldn't you... Get lost?" A note of concern in her voice was evident, but not pressing.