Spirits of the Earth

Adela => The Thunderblacks => Topic started by: alex_xr on December 06, 2012, 01:38:58 PM

Title: Wild and Free(open)
Post by: alex_xr on December 06, 2012, 01:38:58 PM
Nia huddled near her two best friends, One was a wild cat and the other an owl . She was mostly nude, as she had never really spent much time around fellow humans and found clothes impractical. Her wings stuck out and you would swear she had scales for skin yet it was as soft and smooth as any other humans.  She loved her animal friends, as they were the only ones who stayed around her since she ran away. She smiled as she heard the roar of a dragon and a spout of flame, they never bothered her since she was half dragon. 

Nia stretched out a bit as the rays of the morning sun hit her face. She giggled at her friends as she found them on top of her.   She stayed there not wanting to disturb them yet.
Title: Re: Wild and Free(open)
Post by: Rhakōnba on January 02, 2013, 06:38:31 AM
The roars of dragons and spouts of flame did not bother Ombre, but she did bother them-- some had learnt to put up with her nosing around and occasional theft of weird looking rocks, but most (the younger one especially) still tried to douse her in flame or smash her with their great claws. It infuriated them that she could rearrange their lairs just fine, yet their swipes and fiery breath passed straight through her. But she seemed oblivious to their rage, continuing to take and leave odd things about their caves.

Today she was drifting down the mountainside, though her motivations were a mystery. She bobbed along, feet not even touching the ground, until she came across an interesting trio-- a half-drake, an owl, and some sort of cat. She drifted around in front of them to look better, stare fathomless and deep. One never knew what she was thinking-- she might wander away, she might try to steal the cat. Who knew.
Title: Re: Wild and Free(open)
Post by: alex_xr on January 05, 2013, 07:25:05 AM
Nia got up, pushing Atai off of her. Arina flew off a bit. she jumped on the still half sleeping cougar.   Nia laughed as she got complaints from Atai. She pet Arina a bit and laughed as the bird landed on her wrist and she pet her.  Nia loved her animal friends. She didn't notice the floating creature as she was busy burrying her face into Atai's coat. Then Atai growled at something and Nia jumps up ready to tackle whatever might be out there when she sees a white looking person.. not quite sure what to make of the person.