Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Plotting Center => Topic started by: Aeyliea on November 18, 2014, 04:11:11 PM

Title: Partner(s) in crime needed!
Post by: Aeyliea on November 18, 2014, 04:11:11 PM
I already have an open thread up, but thusfar no one has expressed interest in it.  Currently I have just the one character, but I would be interested in some threadage with someone.

I am pretty much open to anything except for truly ridiculous topic ideas!
Title: Re: Partner(s) in crime needed!
Post by: Lion on November 19, 2014, 01:10:51 AM
Hello there!  I'd be interested in threading with Luna.  A few characters available that I could toss you're way if you're interested.  One is Ki'adan, a slave hunter from the Serha Plains, and likely to wander the desert area.  The other is Quinlan, a blood mage and wanderer, a lair, schemer and a thief.  Euzec is also another possible choice, an incubus who just also happens to be a eunic who guards the harem of a desert 'King of Thieves'.
Title: Re: Partner(s) in crime needed!
Post by: Aeyliea on November 19, 2014, 04:51:10 AM
Ki'adan, the slave hunter, sounds like the best choice to me!  Maybe the bloodmage, but I really like the idea of Ki'adan.
Title: Re: Partner(s) in crime needed!
Post by: Lion on November 19, 2014, 12:32:05 PM
Awesome!  I will think of a proper post as soon as I can hop onto a computer as I am on my phone right now.  I'm thinking maybe Ki'adan was apart of the caravan that was attacked, sent along to take some slaves to a certain location.  Maybe he was separated some how, then comes back, discovers her and thinking she's a slave, intends to turn her in for a payout?
Title: Re: Partner(s) in crime needed!
Post by: Aeyliea on November 19, 2014, 05:27:29 PM
Sounds as good a way as anything to start with, though I certainly hope to disabuse him of that notion as swiftly as possible!  We have an heirloom to retrieve and backside to righteously kick.

I am kinda interested to see how she handles someone trying the slave thing on her again!