Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Serendipity => Topic started by: Noodles? on February 05, 2024, 03:32:12 AM

Title: Gwynn, His Wings Unfurled
Post by: Noodles? on February 05, 2024, 03:32:12 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Gwynn, His Wings Unfurled
Art Official art of 'Brightwing' from Heroes of the Storm (https://sjc1.vultrobjects.com/cucdn/gallery-30/art/hots-brightwing.jpg)
Age 12
Gender Male
Species "Dragon"
Ethnicity N/A
Height 4'1" from head to tail
Occupation Wandering Tyrant, King Of All He Surveys, Etc. Etc.
Residence Serendipity

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
As mentioned in the manuscript 'On The Forgotten Creatures Of The Kishahn Jungle'
This juvenile creature is clearly some jungle-specialised, forgotten line of dragons, lacking in many of their features that tend to define the species. His appearance is more akin to a tree frog, with brightly coloured smooth skin, a wide mouth, an equally long tongue and foot-pads to enable rest amongst the tree branches. Furthermore, the creature has adopted features of the butterfly and moth, sporting iridescent wings akin to the former and feathered antennae common to the latter. So as to add to the confusion presented by such a dragon - and I must use the term loosely - it possesses a striped tail, curled at the end, similar to the colour-shifting lizards endemic to quieter parts of the jungle.

Curious and playful, Gwynn treats everything as a game - a game that he will naturally win, on account of being who he is, though he is not above using creative strategies to win said games, such as changing the rules or ensuring victory by not explicitly telling the other person they are playing a game in the first place. Most of his games seem to involve declaring himself to be the king of some particular area, emperor of another, absolute ruler of that rock, though he makes absolutely no attempt to meaningfully defend the territory so claimed and, if pressed, would likely be unable to list the majority of his winnings.

Just about everything seems to attract his attention, such that in area with lots of things to look at, he is prone to flitting to-and-fro in order to try and take it all in. There are a few things that demand his attention and focus: food and things that might be food.

Gwynn is capable of flight, in that sort of slightly erratic way that butterflies flutter about.

None really, though he will happily claim that various woodland creatures, insects and anyone standing still for long enough is part of his "domain".

Before his journey across the sea, Gwynn was mostly occupied with hunting, playing and observing things until, finally, he decided that it was quite obvious the humans gathering fruits and placing them into crates were actually leaving him offerings. Unfortunately he was quite wrong in this interpretation of events.

He was not so much captured as accidentally stowed away aboard a ship bringing people and goods from Thanatos to the Whitesands. While Gwynn will gladly provide a breathlessly told tale of how it was his ship, the truth is that he'd simply been busy sleeping off eating half the contents of a crate of exotic fruits when it was loaded into the hold. After a rather long and dull sea journey, Gwynn arrived at Cerenis, gave no apologies to the rather frustrated merchant discovering that a crate full of fruit had somehow been transformed into a crate devoid of fruit and a small hyperactive dragon, and began his unremarkable reign of terror in the port city, which ended only when he was driven out by a particularly ornery feral housecat.

Now no longer tied down to the city, Gwynn happily makes home wherever the wind takes him, fluttering about Serendipity seeking new experiences.

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