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Ketra / An Interesting Encounter [Rhi!]
March 21, 2012, 12:48:21 PM
The cart rumbled and rocked as it moved over the uneven path, rocks and dips causing it to jerk and toss mildly from time to time. The wooden frame creaked with the effort, adding to the symphony of sounds that followed them on their journey. A tall blue skinned figure was walking alongside a large ox, the creature pulling the cart along, the lead for the animal in her hands. Sitting on the little wooden ledge at the front of the cart, which acted like a seat, was a much smaller figure in a pale green dress. Her slender dragon like feet dangled back and forth as the cart swayed, bright green eyes scanning her surroundings as the forest thinned and the outskirts of the city came into view. Her grin grew by degrees as the sounds of people bustling about hit her pointed ears, excitement bubbling up in her - they only got to make this trip once or twice a year, so it was like a treat!
"Momma, we're almost there!!"

Turning to look back at her daughter, they Drygan had a gentle smile on her face - and she was none other than Sakkata, the Chosen of their race. All her white hair was in it's usual braid, with a few smaller ones hanging about her face - most were interwoven with beads and feathers, but one in particular had a delicate hair ornament adorning it. Looking at her daughter, she could not help the overwhelming sense of love she had for her first child - though sometimes it was bittersweet. Raamalooke, Raama for short, sported a darker shade of blue skin than her mother - and that was all Sakkata could see of herself in the young girl. Everything else reminded her of the man who had also contributed to this darling creature...from Raama's bright green eyes, to the way her hair was white all over save for her bangs, which were black...and then there were her tiny feathered wings, a mottled brown and white color. No natural Drygan would ever have wings, and it stood as an obvious reminder of Raama's father.

"Yes yes Raama, we'll be there soon. Once we set up our stall, then we can have a bit to eat. Just wait a little longer."
Her daughter was already bouncing on her seat, and Sakkata could only chuckle and shake her head. Soon their cart was rumbling through more crowded streets, her amber eyes scouting for a good nook to set up shop. A few regular stall owners nodded or waved, and Sakkata did the same in return - she was easy to pick out of a crowd, and though she did not make it to this market very often, she was enough of an oddity to stick in people's minds.
Finally, a good place opened up, and she was quick to pull her cart in.
"Raama, take care of Brother."
"Okay!" The little girl bounced down and got to unhooking the large Ox (yes, he was 'Brother'),  before leading him to a small open patch behind the stalls and staking his lead into the earth. The large creature took to grazing idly on the nearby grass.

Sakkata took a few minutes to turn her cart into a stall - fold down poles were erected, the tarp originally covering her goods now strung between them to create a sun shield. In the back of the cart, already strapped into wooden racks, were a number of swords and other weapons. Beneath them were a few pieces of armor as well - what she lacked in quantity she made up for in quality, each piece was nearly a work of art, while still remaining incredibly effective. Now that everything was set up, she sighed and glanced around at the people slowly passing by. It was still rather early in the day - it would pick up soon. A tug on her pantleg had her looking down at Raama's bright face, the girl already holding their little lunch bag in her other arm.
"Let's eat momma! I want to have those berries we found!"
"Go ahead Raama." She gave the girl a pat on the head, and then she was off to sit by Brother, her hand already pulling blackberries out of the bag. Though her daughter appeared to be about twelve, she was actually only six - Drygan grew incredibly quickly as children, and then their aging slowed down entirely. Sakkata herself was a good example - she appeared to be thirty, but she was actually closer to eighty.
She watched her daughter for a moment longer with a smile, but finally she had to tend to her shop. Leaning against the side of the cart, she continued to watch people pass by, nodding to them here and there. She adjusted her own sword - a beautiful silver thing inlaid with gold and jewels - at her hip, hiding it somewhat with the long hem of her undershirt. Even though most people here had no idea it was another symbol of her status as Chosen, it was still a valuable object that many would probably like to get their hands on if only to sell it or melt it down.
La'marri / Sakkata, Blacksmith
March 20, 2012, 12:44:48 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Nearly 80 years old, which equates to roughly 30 human years
Not really applicable, but she was born in La'Marri
She's taken up metalworking, and could be considered a Blacksmith
She's returned to La'Marri

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Sakkata is tall and muscular, with light, sky-blue skin all over. Her eyes are a pale amber color, and her long white hair is almost always in a thick braid that reaches all the way to her rump. She has a long reptilian tail, and reptilian/dragonesque feet, but there is not a scale to be found on her. Her skin is soft, but much, much tougher than a human's. She has a pretty generous bust, but her waist is not particularly thin do to the amount of lean muscle she has. She likes to wear clothes that are earth tones such as white, brown, or green. This usually consists of a simple vest that buttons/clasps up the front, with a thin undershirt that has an asymmetrical hem (one side is far longer than the other, with a rippling effect), and a pair of fairly loose pants that she can tie off at her ankles to keep out of the way of her feet, which are always bare (there is no footwear that would be able to fit on them anyway). When working with metals, she tends to wear a leather arm sleeve to block some of the heat and sudden embers/sparks. Always on her person is her ancestral sword, which is usually in a sheath at her hip. The blade, hilt, and guard are made out of one solid piece of silver, inlaid here and there with precious stones. It is infused with magical energy, and is always sought out by the Chosen to wield.
She has a cool dangly hair ornament woven into a smaller braid at the side of her face, a gift from Hatame.
A few other smaller braids now sport beads and feathers, little things her daughter has picked up and given to her.

Generally the first word used to describe Sakkata would be 'aggressive', but motherhood has changed Sakkata to some degree. She is generally much more passive these days, speaking in more tender tones with her daughter, and displaying a degree of patience she didn't even know she had. She also wishes to be a better role model overall, and as such she's learned to treat people with a basic level of respect. She speaks politely to those in La'Marri, as well as to her customers. Most people even consider her 'soft spoken' and have no idea of the fiery personality she really has.
Of course, irritation and frustration are still quick to set her off, though she's more likely to seethe with teeth bared than go into one of her infamous violent rants. All that being said, her true fury and wrath will always come boiling out of her if anything so much as looks at her daughter the wrong way.
Sakkata likes to do things her way, and always has, part of the independent nature of Drygan. She's also incredibly loyal to those she's close to, though earning her trust is a hell of a task. Her sense of honor and pride are also a bit oversized, like most Drygan. Whenever she encounters an emotion she doesn't know how to handle (like her love for Hatame) she tends to default back to anger - it's her front against uncertainty and fear.

Her primary element is fire, and woe to those at the other end of it. She can melt the earth at her feet until it turns to magma, turn her sword into a liquid menace, and any other number of very scary fire related things. No less intimidating is her secondary power, which is that of lightening. Apart from being very destructive, Sakki also seems rather good at making people's limbs go numb with it as well (just ask Hatame). As with all other Drygan, Sakkata has the strength of a dragon in her. She also has the added Chosen bonus of being able to make herself look human. However, this involves making a magick reserve to use while in that body, so once that runs dry, the human form starts to age and then fades away, revealing her for what she truly is. Her senses are heightened, as are her reflexes.

Family ~ Lived with her parents, no other family. They are now deceased.
Hatame ~ Equal parts bane of her existence, and love of her life. They have...a very bizarre history together. They've not been in contact for six years now.
Terri ~ A fellow Drygan, now deceased. Sacrificed herself to help save Sakkata's life.
Raamalooke ~ Raama for short, she is Sakkata's daughter, and light of her life.

Sakki lived with her parents for a short while, as Drygans grow quickly when they are young. By the time her physical age appeared to be 12, her real age some years less than that, they were attacked. Drygan know that the Chosen is at their most vulnerable as a child, but though the three attackers managed to kill Sakkata's defending parents, she killed them in return with her still budding powers. After that, it was always time to run for her (She cannot not stay in one place too long, for her power begins to build up a detectable aura around wherever she's at, and Drygan can track her down).
Needless to say, most of her encounters with Drygan have been...violent. She did meet the once-slave Terri, who was most reverent towards Sakkata's powers, and they soon became friends. She, along with Hatame, became Sakki's first and only real friends and companions. Terri even sacrificed herself to help bring Sakkata back after death, Hatame nearly following suit, showing their loyalty and bonds to each other.
After knowing Hatame for years and years, she finally realized she'd developed feelings for him (and he felt the same) but their 'relationship' was still dysfunctional and rocky at best. Though when the infrequent Drygan urge to mate appeared, she literally hunted him down and took him as her mate. Unfortunately, once she regained herself, she realized just what exactly she had done. She waited a few weeks to be sure, but it was undeniable, her own body telling her she'd conceived. A strange new panic welled up in her - she and Hatame had only just begun to work through their own awkward issues, and he himself didn't seem the commitment type, and she was the Chosen! Any child of hers was an instant target.
Overwhelmed, she had fled to find seclusion, a natural Drygan desire when pregnant, though she was not actually aware of it at the time. She adjusted her hormones to put off the birth as long as possible, wandering aimlessly (her instincts wanted her to find a suitable nest site, but again she was hardly even aware of it), before finally she could stall no longer. She ended up back at her own childhood home, dilapidated as it was - there she gave birth to her daughter, Raamalooke. It wasn't until after Raama was born that Sakkata realized in full force the mistake she had made - but at that point, it was too late to rectify it. She wanted to go out and find Hatame, but she would not risk her daughter's health with that much traveling and uncertainty.
Six years later, and her daughter might finally be old enough to travel with her - but by now, she's not entirely sure Hatame would want to see her anyway, so she remains in a state of indecision.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
An Interesting Encounter

Complete Threads
..Drygan..The Trek Continues..
To the sea we gooo!
Weak and wounded
Jail Break
Thief in the Night
Wants and Limits / Limits and Such
March 19, 2012, 02:15:07 PM

What types of plots are you interested in playing?
Anything is generally good by me lol, I'm pretty laid back. I don't mind all sorts of plot types, as I like trying new things and being challenged. I do enjoy battles, humor, and snarky banter tho lol.

What types of plots are you not interested in playing?
Hmm...well, I'm not a fan of excessive drama. Drama has it's place, but let's just say I don't make a habit of reading teen fiction for a reason =P I also don't like to pre-pair my characters romantically, though creating previous history between charries is totes okay with me. Uh but apart from that, I'm open to pretty much everything!

How often can you reply to any given thread?
Well I've been known to post multiple times in one thread in one day lol, but these days that doesn't happen as often. I work full time at a job that involves me being on my feet all day and dealing with lots of obnoxious customers so sometimes I come home and just...die XD Generally you can expect to get a reply within a week or two.

How often do you expect replies? What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
Considering how long it takes me to reply sometimes, lol, I am extremely patient. I will wait for well over a month in most cases, though it also depends on whether or not my partner has like...dropped off the face of the planet or not XD Generally if you let me know you're going to need extra time, I will wait for you for however long you need.

Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?
I'm totes okay with messenger rping! I have MSN and Skype, tho I definitely use Skype more often. Just PM me if you want my contact info! However due to work, my timeslots for being online can be really sporadic, so it may be hard to be online at the same time.

Are you open to post volleying?
I've done this quite a bit in the past, though again it's harder now that I don't have a lot of time to devote to the interwebs lol. Still, if you want to do this, feel free to let me know! I'll work with you and my schedule to work out a time to bang out some posts ^_^

Anything else?
Hmmm...Ah! To be honest, I suck at fluff and try to cut out filler wherever I can, so my posts tend to be a bit more straight-forward than most I guess lol. Sorry if you like to read long prose-y posts, you probably won't get those from me very often, unless inspiration strikes. That being said, I don't mind reading really long posts myself, they're generally fun to read. I also don't mind short posts, as long as enough happened for me to respond to. Um, I prefer it if I don't get nothing but one liners tho, it slowly kills my muse, and you'll notice my posts get smaller and smaller too lol.


What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
I don't mind how aggressive you want to be with my characters, but please do not state what the damage was. Leave everything you do more or less open-ended unless you've already got my permission (pming me or hitting me up on skype work lol). Don't worry though, I like tormenting my characters, so I'm likely to let you beat the crap out of them most days =P Uh I don't like rping with characters who can never be hurt and seem to be able to counter everything - it's frustrating and unrealistic to me. However if your character far outclasses mine, and I know this, I'm not going to assume my character can kick their ass lol. So basically if you wanna do something big, either hit me up OOC, or I will for you, and we can work it out before running into any kinks.

What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
Romance is totes cool, but as I mentioned before, I do not generally pre-pair my characters. There IS an exemption to that rule, which is if I create a character specifically for you and a character(s) of yours. Otherwise I prefer romance to just...happen on its own, it's more fun to me that way. My characters all have specific sexualities, ranging from heterosexual to polysexual, so I have no problem with boyxgirl, girlxgirl, boyxboy pairings and so on (like characters with ambiguous or both genders and what have you lol). Age differences also don't really affect me - basically love is love is love and I'm pretty much open to whatever lol.

What are your limits in regards to sex?
On to sex, lol. I have no problems rping out a sex scene, though I generally want to be at least somewhat familiar with you before diving into something like that. I don't do smut for smut's sake. If you don't want to rp the scene on the forum, we can move it onto an IM service, and I'm also okay with just a simple 'fade to black' if that's what you prefer.

What are your limits in regards to pregnancy within plots?
Well considering one of my charries has already ended up with a kid due to a plot, I'd say I'm pretty open lol. When opposite gender people has teh sexy timez, babies can happen! I would prefer for you to let me know if you're char will get pregnant, just as I would let you know if I was planning for mine to, just so that plots can be arranged or updated as a result.

What are your limits in regards to violent scenes?
Bro I love rping violence pff. I love action scenes and fights and things of that nature, and violence in general has never bothered me much in an rp setting. I am totally okay with this sort of action!

How far can character injuries go?
I love injuring my characters >_> So, uh, you can pretty much have at, and I'll decide just how badly my character was injured. You can state what you're aiming for and I'll either let it fly or not. But seriously...having a character lose a limb is not outside what I'd be willing to do lol.

What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
Not sure if you've noticed by now, but I'm really laid back and open about pretty much everything lol. I've done abuse plots and rape plots before (ohohoho~) but I understand it's a very touchy subject for a lot of people. So the rule for me is - whatever YOU are comfortable with. This isn't something I generally would try and push on someone, tho if a char of mine is prone to things like this, I would likely say so in their profile as a heads up.

How far can torture go?
If I've agreed to a torture thread, chances are I'm prepared to have my character get royally screwed over lol. I've done some really terrible stuff to my own characters in threads so, surprising me with something might be hard. If you're doing something that I don't necessarily want for that character, I'd probably just let you know OOC. But otherwise, have a field day you sadist you <3

What about character death?
Um...if I'm planning on killing a character, and I want someone else to do it, I'll probably throw up a post asking for a volunteer lol. Otherwise, I generally do not want my character randomly slaughtered XD

Are you okay with characters being transformed against their will?
You should probably run this sort of thing by me OOC so I know what your plans are and I can give you an answer one way or the other. If you don't want to contact me or forget, and your character tries it? Well, I'm in control of my own character so I can just avoid it one way or another lol.

What about healing?
Yaaay healing! Go for it, in most cases. However if my character has a longstanding issue, such as an illness, blindness, crippled limb, etc, you can assume I want it to stay until I create my own plot to fix it. Although sometimes it works out that I don't even have to plot it out, the situation just turns to my advantage and I'll go with it. If you are going to heal my character tho, please explain how and why in your post.

Anything else?