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A Bohemian Tango

Started by Winters-Feather, March 08, 2012, 10:53:28 PM

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"Thank you kindly," Jazbel called out to a passing gentlemen.
The man sat on the edge of the fountain, looking down at the collections in his hat. There wasn't much; just a few copper coins. Still, it would buy him lodgings at a decent inn. Not that it mattered much. He wasn't here to play flirty ditties to any pretty face that came waltzing by, though the man had to admit that it was fun.

No, he was out here on the busy streets of Selevea because the Moonspear city official had hired him to deck out information on the crime gangs of the city. A sort of secret police. It really wasn't the sort of of task Jazbel was usually used to doing, but they were in need  of spies, regardless of how they got the job done. He was donned in his most simple and ragged shirt, pants, and boots, his pathetic look complete with a cloak to hide the dagger he was wearing by his side. His dark purple hair he had left alone. He had thought about dying it, but his looks weren't exactly unique in this part of the kingdom, which was rather nice. Hair dye made him itch for days.

The man smiled to each passerby, but his keen eyes were on their pockets and where people's hands went. He switched to a more feisty tune, and began to dance. People's eyes were starting to become drawn towards him, which made his grin broader. Thieves loved distractions like these. No doubt he'd get what he want soon enough....


Selevea had to be one of her least favourite places, purely for the fact that it was where everything had gone south, so many years ago. But at least it meant she was closer to her sister. Not that she got to see her. Tabita was locked up somewhere where the bosses wouldn't tell her. She'd only just got back from being in Adela, getting whatever intel she could raise about the movements of a particular slave trader who owed money to the gang. Once that had been delivered, she'd been given another task.

Sighing as she slipped into the crowds in the town center, she followed along with the throngs of people, making sure to keep her hood pulled low over her head. Nothing in particular caught her attention, aside from a musician who was getting a few coins tossed in front of him. He was a nondescript fellow, much older than most of the musicians that frequented the streets, but that didn't bother her so much. What did, was the way his eyes were trained on people's pockets.

Thinking to herself that it might be a theory worth testing, the slight young woman took her deft fingers, and as she walked past the dancing man, slipped her hand into the pocket of a passer-by, and carried on her way, as if nothing had ever happened.


Taking the bait, Jazbel watched as the hooded woman slipped her hands in an observer's pocket. The man took the opportunity to stash his earnings as he watched her casually leave her victim unaware. His eyes followed her for a moment or two, etching her image in his mind.  At least, he thought she was a female; men didn't usually have such delicate hands. The man chuckled at her hooded face, seeing it as a challenge.
Slim, tall, tan of skin.

He made quick mental notes of what he could observe.
Target in mind, Jazbel smoothly slung his guitar over his shoulder and began to quietly stalk her from a couple paces away. Though he kept his pace brisk, his posture was slack and carefree as his eyes seemingly looked everywhere but in her direction.


He was following her, she knew it. She had sensed it almost instantly after she'd made her move. Her fingers stroked along the coin she'd lifted, letting it roll about between them in an almost lazy way. Her feet were light on the cobblestones, almost cat-like in stealth. Looking ahead, she found an alleyway to pull herself int;l a small little crevice between two shops that had both seen better days. As she veered off, she chanced a glance behind her, and took note of the man following behind.

He looked far too calm to simply have packed up his things. She knew that he knew what he was doing. The question was why. Army? She thought, a frown briefly darkening over her big brown eyes. She turned into the little alley, and without a thought drew the knife that was at her hip, while depositing the coin into the sheath as a replacement. She kept herself pressed tightly up against the wall, her hands still and steady beneath her cloak.

She knew it wouldn't be long until he walked past, and then, given that he hadn't noticed her slipping away, it'd be his turn to be followed.


But he did notice her slip away.
Jazbel chuckled.
He really wasn't well suited for this street work business; she had noticed him following her  right away. The man had to admire how quick she was.
I wonder if she's scared of me, he wondered, finding the thought of him being an old beast amusing.

The man casually walked past her ally way without so much giving it a glance.
He didn't much like those small and cramped areas, anyway. He much preferred somewhere a bit more civilized. Besides, in his arrogance, Jazbel doubted that alley lead to anywhere much. He had no interest in fighting her, either. So, he strolled across the street as he began to scan the signs of buildings, while still keeping close attention to the nook.
Where's an inn... or a bar, he thought as he scratched the back of his head.
"Are you coming or not?" he muttered in a low voice, partly to himself.


Ehren watched with guarded eyes as he simply went past the opening. Her fingers open and closed around the knife hilt, as she made her decisions quickly. She could follow him, see what he wanted, or she could stay hidden a little longer, make use of the shadows she knew so well, and come out in front of him again. With a quick decision she made the move to come out of the shadows, sheathing the dagger for now.

With a few fleet steps, she brought herself to walk just a half step behind, but to the man's side. She said nothing, but flickered her eyes to his face, and then smirked a little. There was no way, she thought, that he would be able to catch up with her if things went south. He was, for lack of a better word, old.

A hand came out from the cloak, and a slim finger pointed up ahead, to a sign signalling that there was a bar up ahead.


Jazbel gave a welcoming smile as the young woman approached him.
"Glad you could join me," he cheerfully stated, returning her smirk.
You better not plan anything, he thought as he escorted her to the near by bar.
Up close, the man observed her solemn features out of the corner of his eye.
She wasn't  really the type he'd normally go after, but there was something alluring about her all the same. Jazbel mused it was because of the  chase.

As they reached the bar, Jazbel made a show of opening the door for her.
"After you, lass," he said, "Don't worry about drinks; they're on me."


A flatterer. She could tell by the way he spoke, the way he led on, the way he opened the door for her. She barely refrained from rolling her eyes, as she went passed him. She didn't know what it was he wanted from her, but she was alert to the fact that he had only begun to follow her when she'd put her nimble fingers to good use in lifting coin. It meant one of two things. He was either working for someone, or he wanted something. Either way, she was wary.

She still refused to say anything as she walked straight past him, and leaned herself against the bar, crossing her right leg behind her left, and stretching it out behind her. Ehren ordered a drink quietly, a simple house ale, and once in her hands, she turned to face the man. She gave him a long, cold stare, before heading over to a corner booth and setting herself in.

She still hadn't lifted the hood from her head, but while she watched him make his way over and sit, it slipped back just enough to show wisps of dark brown hair framing her face, and a pointed little chin. She lifted her mug to her mouth, taking a slow pull on the drink, and then finally set it down and spoke.

"What do you want?"


Jazbel chuckled as he followed Ehren to the bar. He sat right next to her and ordered house ale, as well. He would have preferred a stronger drink, but now wasn't the time for that. He returned her cold stare with a relaxed expression, only breaking eye contact to thank the bar tender and pay for their drinks.
When he got his mug, Jazbel chugged down half of his before setting the wooden cup on the bar. He smiled at Ehren's blunt question.
"Information," he replied, "That's it."

The man looked around the bar to make sure no one was too close to listen. Ever so slightly, he leaned in closer to the young woman's  ear.
"What do you know about the gangs of this city?" he asked in a low voice.


Ehren stiffened as he moved closer, her entire body tense with his action. If it was at all possible, what he had to say made her sit even more rigid. Instantly, her hand slipped to her hip, and rested against the security of her knife. Still, she turned her head to return the movement, and spoke in low tones.

"I know enough to know that if any hear you asking questions, and you'll be dead before morning." She pulled back, and gave him a threatening stare, before turning her attention to her drink, other hand still resting on the dagger. "What makes you think I know anything specific?"


Jazbel arched an eyebrow at her hostel answer to his question.
She's probably right, he mused. They would try to kill him.
"Are you suggesting we take this to a more private setting?" he asked.
He watched as one of her hands slipped for her dagger. He made no such movements, but he prepared himself to defend.
I rather not hurt her, he thought; he liked fighting woman just as much as he liked the bland ale.
The man shrugged at her second question and took another gulp from his cup.
"If you don't, then this is just a waste of time and ale," he replied.

Jazbel paused.
"In any case, I could turn you in for that little trick of yours," he said softly.
The girl was jumpy; he didn't want to scare her off or cause her to poke him with that blade of hers.
"But I won't. That'll be our secret, aye?"
The man raised his mug a little before drinking the rest of it. He made a face as he peered at it's emptiness. It was poor stuff, but he was almost sad to see it all gone.


It would be a waste of time and ale in any case, the young woman decided. He was't going to get any information out of her that easily. Even if his threat did make her stomach tighten momentarily. If he did turn her in, it wouldn't have been the first night she'd spent in prison. Ehren looked behind her, briefly, before returning her attention back to the man beside her. "I knew you were watching for it," she said simply, before draining her own mug.

With a sigh, she shifted her weight, and then uncovered her head. She knew that she was good at her job, so good that no one in the bar would look twice at the almost pixie-like woman. She tousled her hair absently, and then titled her head to look at the man full on. She knew better than to take men like this at face value, and she narrowed her eyes at him. "What I want to know, is why. There are rooms upstairs. Follow me." With this, she motioned to the man tending the bar that they were headed upstairs, and without a care to check that this stranger was even following, took herself up to the closest empty room. She left the door open for him, but went straight in, and pressed herself up against a wall, one leg bent with the foot resting against the thin paneling, and with her arms crossed loosely across her chest.

"What do you want to know?"


"Smart girl," Jazbel replied dryly as he watched Ehren drain her drink. He stared in interest as she removed her hood to reveal her face.
That's better, he thought, wondering where she was from. Couldn't be from Connloath, most likely  a southern bred girl... Ravensway? Maybe even Adela? His guessing game was cut short when she ordered him to follow her. He nodded and rose from his seat. He followed her, cautiously surveying the bar as he quickly made his way up the stairs.

Once they were in the room, he quietly shut the door behind him and locked it.
The man sighed and leaned against the wall closest to the door. He didn't want the girl trying to escape. The window was always an option, but even if she was a stick of a thing, it was way too small for her liking. He nodded at her question, pleased with the way things were going.
Good, he thought, She's listening.
"As much as you can tell me," he simply replied, "Who you work for would be a good place to start."
The man shrugged.
"Or if you prefer, a rival, someone you've a grudge against. It's all the same to me."


"All you have against me, is a single coin lifted from some rich bastard's pocket, and you expect me to dish out information?" Ehren scoffed, shaking her head. Her eyes didn't move from his face for a second. Her gaze was calculating, and far too hard for a woman of her age, but she'd learned that to trust someone with questionable motives was stupid. And he'd said it himself - she was a smart girl.

"I actually value my life, so I'm not about to tell you who I'm working for," she said snidely, bouncing her foot against the wall in an almost irritated fashion. "Why don't you tell me who you're working for?" She knew better than to ask for a name. If he knew what he was doing, and it appeared that he did, he'd only give her a false one, she was sure.


Jazbel smirkd at her snarky answer.
"Is that so?" he muttered, waving his hand, dismissively.
"At least you admit it. Tell me about a rival, then. Any will do."
He had figured she wouldn't have been so open to talk; it would have been too easy otherwise. No fun at all.  

"I value my life too, you know," he replied teasingly when asked about his employer.
Jazbel frowned. He knew he was going to have to give her something if she ever was going to cooperate with him, at the very least. Right now, they were going nowhere. He needed to find something he could use to get her to speak to him.
Slowly, he told himself. Be patient.
"How long have you been out in the streets, lass?" he asked, his arms folded across his chest. This time, it was his turn to scoff.
"Your whole life, by the looks of it; I know that look. Think I don't? The road wears any body down. I was lucky; I have my music. But you? What do you have? I bet you don't even have one soul to call family, either. Poor thing."


Ehren almost sprung right off the wall at the mention of family. Who was he to begin thinking he knew anything about her in the slightest. The whole reason she'd been roped into the whole spying deal was because of Tabita. Instead of moving, she just gave a low growl in the back of her throat. But maybe he could be of some use. She could bargain with him. Information for his help in freeing her younger sister. Heavens knew she couldn't do it all by herself. She'd been trying for years.  

"Long enough to know people like you can't be trusted," she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "I might not look like I have much, and granted that is probably true, but I do know what it is like to have to look after someone much more important than yourself, and that is the only reason I do what I do."

She came off the wall then, and took a few steps closer to the older man. "I'll tell you what - you help me with something, and I'll give you all the information you want. A deal?"


Jazbel tried to suppress a grin as Ehren growled, though his triumph blazed in his eyes.
So the young lady was part of a gang for personal reasons. He shrugged off her scornful words as she glared at him with the eyes of a wild cat, a predictor ready to pounce. He had her cornered; that was all he needed.  
Jazbel arched his brows as she approached him. He hadn't been expecting this.
"Tell me what it is that needs helping, first," he cautiously replied.


Damn it. She had given him what he wanted. Still, if she was going to get anything out of this little tryst, something had to give. She could be careful, not give away too much more, she thought. The guarded way in which he replied almost made her laugh. He was good.

"It requires infiltration, and kidnapping," she said lightly, tossing the right corner of her cloak over her shoulder, revealing the knife at her hip. It wasn't done with the intention of intimidation; she didn't think this one would be easily intimidated by her. She brought a hand up to rake through her short hair, and then dropped it down to rest on her hip, fingers only just brushing against her weapon.

"If you could help me with that, then you'll get an inside view into just one of the gangs here."


Jazbel nodded at the young lady's words.
Kidnapping, eh? he thought.
If this was just an ordinary kidnapping job, there was no way she would have asked him for help. No, this was something very, very personal. It wasn't something he would have liked to get involved in, but if this involved 'infiltration', as she so eloquently put it, then no doubt he'd get the information he desired and more. Jazbel smiled. It was risky, but he could always bail out when he saw fit. He was offering to help, after all; nobody said anything about succeeding.

He held out his hand to shake.
"Deal," he said, "Call me Eli."    
It had been his uncle's name, a name he sometimes used as an alias.


Ehren looked down to his hand with wary eyes, then back up to his face. Very slowly, she reached out, and placed her smaller hand in his, and shook once with a firm grasp. "Cora," she gave as a name. She guessed that his was a fake, and while it was just them, he didn't need to know her true identity. She gave him her mother's.

Dropping his hand abruptly, she turned and walked over to the window, and leaned on the sill quietly. Her eyes flickered through the grimy glass of the window, watching the the passers by. "What skills do you have, Eli? Besides your music? How are we going to get you in?"