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Blood to Bread and Glory

Started by AevumEternity, November 12, 2016, 01:33:51 PM

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The massive barb glittered like the cleanest of blades in the harsh sunlight before screeching through the air, mercilessly impaling the hapless knight pinned beneath the massive creature's great talons. The manticore's great black lips curling back in disgust as red droplets splattered its scaled face.

The coliseum was littered with the bodies of tens of finely dressed warriors and their steeds, the monster in the midst of the chaos, seeming rather unharmed. Stepping off the man to the sound of the mob in the stands going mad, the creature cast its void-like gaze toward the stands where the most wealthy of the crowd sat in stunned silence. So they had sent their finest against this creature much to the delight of the crowd- but in truth they simply wanted to be rid of the monster to which they now owed much of their fortunes.
Scales like great shields began to fall off the monstrosity onto the sound with great, metallic thuds. disappearing in a great plume of black smoke, a young woman with silken, silvery ringlets entirely in the nude stood there. Staring at the box of the bewildered nobles, she frowns deeply- even through the wild screams of the swooning crowd- her elegantly outstretched hand drew all eyes. Delicate fingers reaching toward the crowd.
" My winnings. Now."
Though her voice was quite, the mercenary's words echoed ominously to their ears- seeming to vibrate in the very base of each attendants' skulls.


The bag of gold clanged against her hip rather comfortingly, the silken dress of fine white fabric hanging lightly off her shoulders adding the much forgotten weight. Her tongue swiped over her chapped lips as she narrowed her eyes against the wind of the desert city. Hunching faintly away from the harsh sunlight, she pulled her hood up- shivering despite the heat.
Too much life. She wanted to leave this beautiful city.
Focusing upon the large gate that opened into the infinite desert, Aev'iterna quickened her step, almost into a light jog. Almost there... Almost to freedom- where she could disappear into the dunes- be mad and free.


It had been a long time since Eihmo'tei had been snatched from the streets of Cirenis. Countless weeks of travel later, the four-wagon caravan had finally made it to the arid desert city.

The Zerdani sat in his corner in the back of the wagon. He was absolutely ragged and starving, the whole time having been given only what was needed to keep him alive. Restraints were unnecessary, and had been removed long ago. Although, he was still made to wear a crude rope leash, just in case. He had completely lost the will to escape. It was useless after all... Eihmo'tei could not beat them. They were bigger, stronger, and they had both numbers and weapons. This was about survival now. As long as he did not anger his human captors, they would not harm him excessively, and would give him vital food and water.

The Zerdani had made it through the cold and the rain, just barely clinging to life. Now that he was in his native heat, his situation improved slightly. There was still uncertainty in the Eihmo'tei's future. These humans were taking him somewhere. They had kept him alive for some reason or another. Wherever they were going, it probably was not an ideal destination for the little Zerdani.
There was still one prevalent danger. It was not weather, not starvation or thirst, not even the humans... Rather, it was the loss of hope. The Zerdani tried his hardest to hold on to his positive thoughts, thinking that his friends would eventually find and rescue him. However, it was extremely challenging. His will to live was hanging by a thread...

The wagon came to a steady halt, as it had several times before. Judging by the sounds of the crowds around them, they had stopped in some sort of human community. Eihmo'tei was blinded as the doors swung open, letting the blinding desert's light suddenly replace the darkness of the enclosed wagon. A harsh and forceful tug at the leash yanked him from his isolated corner. The Zerdani fell to the sandy floor, recognizing the feel of it on his fur. He was once again in the desert. He was once again in familiar territory.

There was no time for that to sink in, however. The Zerdani let out a loud pained yelp as he was once again jerked up, and forced to stand. A large doorway stood before him, leading out into the inviting sands of the desert. So badly was Eihmo'tei tempted to make a break for it. Actually, if it were not for the leash, perhaps he would have even attempted escape. Another tug snapped him back to reality. The man at the end of the leash was about to lead him into an alleyway, away from the crowded streets of the city.


Her nostrils flared- the demon stopping despite herself, her black eyes flickering to the pair. Her lip curled faintly, she hated seeing slavery- especially involving such tiny, helpless creatures. Her gaze flickered back toward the massive expanse of desert just beyond those pearly gates- then back to the young man and his captor. Her fingertips quivered as she watched- the fox-like boy and his master now almost out of sight.
"..." She did not know why her gut tugged her after them, but the young demon broke into a light jog after the pair, the coins jingling merrily against his hip. Her lifeless gaze remaining unblinkingly on Eihmo'tei- he would make a good snack if it came down to it.


Eihmo'tei considered pulling away. Who knows, maybe he could successfully get away? His pace slowed subconsciously, being corrected by a tug at the leash. The captor led the mostly submissive creature around a bend and deeper down the alleyway, until it opened up into an open yet secluded nook.

An older man stood here flanked by a single bodyguard, obviously waiting for someone in particular. From his somewhat fancier clothing, it was obvious that he possessed some wealth. An alleyway such as this seemed like a fitting setting for such a scenario. The man with the leash approached, tightening his grip as he did so.

"My lord Vizari! Here is the beast, as you requested..." he said before giving a bow.

The Zerdani's ears perked up, and his eyes shot straight ahead. He knew that name. The sight only confirmed his fears. It was Kadar Vizari, a human he had met before leaving Essyrn the first time. He was to blame for this? It did not make any sense to Eihmo'tei. He assumed that this was an elder of the human community. Why would he do something so horrible?

Kadar adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses.

"Excellent... You have done well."

That was when the demon appeared. Vizari's bodyguard put his hand on the handle of a scimitar, readying the sword just in case.

"Unfortunately..." He continued. "It seems you have been followed."

Both the Zerdani and his captor spun around in surprise and confusion. All eyes were on her now.

"Can I help you?" Kadar asked with a smug tone.


She paused, stopping short of the group. Aev'iterna did not the time, nor the know-how to slyly get herself out of such a situation- but alas... The young woman tilted her head to one side, the silvery locks falling down her shoulder like liquid silk as she offered them a gentle smile- all would have been the perfect illusion of innocence had it not been for those void-like eyes.
" Oh, please, do not mind me- continue." She chided lightly, blinking slowly as she looked down upon Eihmo'tei, arching a slender eyebrow. She could feel the muscles in her back cramping, hopefully her trembling fingertips too imperceptible to notice... Gods she should have just ran, as long as they just turned away- just ignored her- maybe she could hold on..


Vizari gave a soft chuckle.

"Hazaam, get rid of our guest..."

The bodyguard nodded in response. Taking his hand away from his sword, he approached the seemingly harmless woman.

"Right this way little lady..." he said, grasping her shoulder with a firm grip. His intention was to lead her back out the way she came.

The Zerdani only watched, looking with big pleading eyes. If she was not with them, he hoped she would help him. By the look of it, that may not be the case here...


It had to be the way those big, brown beautiful eyes seemed to snap some little part of her- or perhaps the man's rough touch upon her shoulder simply triggered the madness that had only been held aback by a thread. Alas- what happened, simply happened.

As the body guard's palm grasped a slender shoulder, her own hand suddenly wrapped around his wrist. Exhaling, smoke-like air drifted from her nostrils- the quivering had grown violent. Wait-mmm.. No... Wait- not... N-not yet, she was so close to escaping the city and into her madness-. She blinked rapidly, already the porcelain white flesh bean to boil- her nails digging into the man's rough skin.
Too late.
She couldn't stop.
Her lips curl back into a smirk- pearly whites seeming to grow sharper before she drew the man closer- promptly sinking her teeth into his shoulder. Already the transformation becoming more pronounced- hands forming into massive talons, bones popping,breaking- elongating as skin cells opened up into massive armored plates. Too late... Too late...


The bodyguard screamed in pain as his red blood gushed from his shoulder. The sight stunned everyone else, freezing them in place as they gaped. Kadar Vizari was the first to react. He fled right away, leaving the others to their fate as quickly as his feet would take him.

Eihmo'tei was absolutely mortified. Never had he seen such carnage... Just a second ago, it was a normal human, no different than his long-lost friend. Now it was a great beast, tearing apart another human.

Hearing the footsteps behind him broke the Zerdani's stupor. This was his chance! He began to run as well, but did not get very far... He made it to the end of the leash and fell backwards.

The rope was still grasped firmly in his captor's hand. Fear had only tightened his grip. Eihmo'tei scrambled to his feet, and looked back. The bodyguard was broken in a puddle of his own blood. The other was flat on his rear, rope in one hand and dagger in the other.


The beast that now hunched before them, feasting- no REVELLING in the carnage it had just sown- was decorated with the ripped remains of the fine dress the young woman had been wearing mere moments ago- gold coins were strewn across the grown, glittering in the growing puddle of dark blood.
The harsh snarl of the manticore grew more pronounced as the monster turned its head slowly to look upon the two cowering before it- black lips drawn back in a vicious sneer as beads of maroon dribbled down its broad chin, mixing with threads of saliva. The beast was akin to a great, armored lion- but much more terrible then one could simply explain.

Lowering its head, as a predator would as it advances upon its quarry, the monster plodded idly toward Eihmo'tei and his handler, no  more then two steps and it towered above them- hissing as steam rolled from its nostrils in great clouds. Even in the searing desert heat, the demon seemed to possess something even hotter within.
Simply glaring down at them, it seemed to relish in waiting to see what they would do.


Both the Zerdani and the man cowered under the demonic creature's gaze. Eihmo'tei was trapped, unable to flee as long as the human held his leash. Something happened then. Something the little fox was unable to explain. Whether it was quick thinking or a latent survival instinct, his body sprang into action.

The Zerdani dug his sharp little teeth into the human's wrist, drawing blood as well as forcing his grip to loosen. He snatched up the other end of the rope and ran. The bite drew not only blood, but the man's attention. For only a moment, he was distracted from the snarling manticore.

Eihmo'tei followed Vizari's path. It was currently the only way for him to escape. He just hoped he could run fast enough on two legs.


As soon as his handler's gaze snapped away from the beast, it struck- pinning the man beneath a massive claw and merely shredding him with a slight pivot of its wrist. Its black gaze immediately snapping after the tiny creature scampering away. Rumbling deep in its throat- the monster pushed off on its hind legs- instantly landing a mere foot behind the fleeing fox-
With a large paw, it reached out, swatting the small animal to the dust, it's intentions likely to devour the little Zerdani as well...


The Zerdani hit the ground with a soft thud.

He rolled over onto his back, his gaze meeting the demon's. His eyes were wide, reflecting pleading fear of death. Tears poured from them as blood dripped from his muzzle.

He could still try to scramble away... but what good would it do? The beast's full attention was on him. It was quick and powerful, and would catch him easily. Could this be it?

He cried out now, squeaking out a phrase in his native language through his tears. In the common tongue, it would translate to a simple plea:
"Please do not kill me!"


The Manticore's ears flared toward him, focusing upon him as its eyes widened a fraction- it pinned him, large pads crushing against his chest as two talons dug into the sand on either side of the Zerdani's head. Leaning downward- it inhaled his odd scent, barbed tail swishing to and fro- for some reason... This soft, squishy thing allowed her to hold onto her mind- perhaps she should keep it? Make a meal of it should it end up too much trouble- was a curious little sentient this was.

Snorting faintly, the manticore carefully leaned downward- its jaws opening as if to speak- suddenly its hide rattled as several spears thudded against it. Seeming vaguely annoyed as the sharp spearheads shattered against its flank. Scooping up the tiny fox in her jaws- the manticore suddenly took off at a bounding gallop toward the city gates.


Before he knew it, Eihmo'tei was pinned under a massive paw.

The massive weight on his chest inflicted much pain to the tiny Zerdani, and caused his tear-stained eyes to clench shut. This was it... He was now completely helpless. He was not even able to flex a finger as the paw smothered his meek frame. Once he felt its breath, he knew it was all over. He would meet his end like the humans did before him. Eihmo'tei only wondered why it was taking so long...

Suddenly, there was the sound of humans shouting. They began to swarm around, attacking the beast in an effort to protect their community. Still, the Zerdani kept his eyes closed. Death was here, it would come as the humans angered the beast. Fortunately or not, he was mistaken yet again. Instead, his world grew darker and much more wet.

Eihmo'tei gained the courage to reopen his eyes. The sight was not at all pleasant...
He was in its mouth!
This was it. Now it would eat him... right?

Wrong. There was no pain from the massive fangs that ripped apart the one human. It was merely holding him, for whatever reason. Even though every fiber of his being was telling the Zerdani to escape, he refused to move. There was no point trying to fight this... He was defeated, but at the same time alive and (relatively) unharmed.

Eihmo'tei felt each of the demon's movements. Every leap... Every landing... Every twist and turn. It was in retreat, of that the Zerdani was sure. There was no way it was moving this fast and fighting stationary targets such as humans. Where it was going and what it was doing did not really matter to the fox between its jaws. He was simply along for the ride.


Blinded by the thrill of the flight and occasional fight, the beast crashed through the gates of the city- ripping into the desert with its quarry. Trying to hold the little fox as gently as she could as she ripped across the dunes, quickly leaving the sparkling gardens and oasis behind. She did not stop running for a long while- the rise and fall of the rolling golden sand causing her to briefly lose herself in the thrill of flight... Before remembering she had something in her mouth.

Sliding down a slope, the manticore placed him down. Looking down at the little creature curiously- tilting its great head to one side, its mane hissing like a thousand bristles. It seemed to be... Evaluating him.


Eihmo'tei plopped down on the ground, sand clinging to his saliva-soaked fur.

This was the least of his problems. He was in the same position as before, alone with the gigantic beast. It towered over the Zerdani, curiously inspecting him instead of simply tearing him to shreds. His eyes were wide and his body was still. His little heart beat so fast, it felt as if it would burst from his chest.

When would it happen? Why had it not happened yet?

It was not that Eihmo'tei was impatient when facing his demise... It was just that the wait was torturing him. Moments of silence passed like hours. It was a silence that the Zerdani refused to break. As before, his instincts told him to flee. It was just his logic and fear that stopped that from happening.

Before too long, the pressure became too much. The little fox's eyes teared up once again, and he began to cry.


The enormous amounts of water the little fox was producing made the Manticore's eyes widen further in utter amazement. For several long moments it simply watched in astonishment- vaguely wondering if the little furry creature had the ability to manipulate water. Looking around rather awkwardly, it wasn't quite sure what to do before exhaling carefully-

the scales began to fall from the beast's thick hide, clattering upon the ground- dissolving into the dry air... Shrinking, the mane fluttering away into the dry wind.

A slender hand gently rested between Eihmto'tei's large ears- comfortingly massaging his scalp," Hmm... Shh- please, I'm sorry for scaring you." The young woman that knelt there was not only stark naked but the stiff wind blew her long steely hair about the two- she offered him the weakest of smiles. It was rather- unnerving rather then reassuring.


The Zerdani's crying only paused as the beast reverted back to its other form. The process would have amazed him, had he not been so fearful.

A human once again stood before him. She reached out, and Eihmo'tei shrank away from the hand. When it made contact, his ears were already flattened against his head. He could somewhat remember some bits of the human's common tongue he had learned in the past. Much of it had been forgotten in the trip southwards... However, he remembered enough to know she offered an apology.

The crying gave way to sobbing. It seemed that he was no longer in danger,but the Zerdani had been through quite the traumatic experience. He needed to let everything out.


The small creature kept crying, and despite the demon feeling her heart being torn in two by the rather pathetic sight, she also really, really just wanted to touch that incredibly soft fur. With a soft sigh, she shuffled forward on her knees, gently scooping up the small sentient, cradling the creature in her lap, simply rocking gently.

Her black eyes flickered to the leach upon his neck- frowning faintly, she reached up gently pressing one flawless nail against it- the metal vibrating violently until it snapped in twain- falling to the sand. Seeming rather satisfied, she crossed her knees, simply cradling the tiny beast- stroking his head as she hummed some vague tune that haunted her dreams at night. The song seemed akin to an off tune lullaby- relaxing and... Haunting.


Eihmo'tei was limp in the woman's lap. He simply had no idea what to make of his situation.

He brought his hands to his neck once the collar of the leash was released. It felt so good to have that thing finally off after months. This did much to calm him. The lullaby, with its strange yet sweet tune, finished the job.

The dirty and battered Zerdani that was curled in the woman's lap looked up at her face. His eyes, still glassy, reflected confusion. Not ten minutes ago, he was between the jaws of a terrible monster, certain he would be it's next meal. Now, it had changed into a human and was comforting him.

He would not speak. Not yet...
He wondered what she would do next.