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The "Guess That Style" Game!

Started by Rhindeer, September 15, 2008, 05:58:22 PM

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Long, long ago, Xxerth introduced this game and it was a blast!

So here I am, bringin' it back.

Everyone has their own unique writing style. The object of this game is to guess what post belongs to what player, based on the post's writing style. Obviously, for this to work properly, there are a few rules.

So here's how this works:

  • The game takes place on This Board.
  • Once you've gone to that board, write a post of some sort there. It can be about anything you want, any theme or genre or subject, and you can even treat it as a short story. The only restriction you have here is that you may not include any of your current characters! They must be brand new characters, otherwise you'd just give yourself away, right? ;D
  • Enter in your name as "Anonymous" or "Anon" or something to that effect. Don't give away your name!
  • Post here in this thread by September 25th to let us know you are participating in the game. On September 25th, I will compile a list of the people participating in this game and the guessing will then begin. You must reply to this thread and post in the Game Board by September 25th.
  • Guessing will take place in this thread, and it'll be everyone's job to match the usernames of the participants to the appropriate anonymous post. :3
  • Anyone can make a guess, not just those that have posted in the Game Thread.
  • You'll have a week to read the posts and make your guesses, after which the participants will reveal which post was their's. x3

Does that make sense? If you have any questions, ask! Otherwise, if you're interested, get posting here and in the game thread!
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Ooooo interesting! I maaaay participate! I'll post back if I do!


So...I know it's a day late....but there hasn't been many replies....may I join still!!?!?!??!?!

*cowers*  I know I'm slow :(


Aww no, is it too late for me to join??


Oh! I want to join too if it isn't too late o.O


I'd love to do it only it'd have to be after the 3rd because I have my SAT


*waddles in* Rhi should extend the deadline, Juno would participate too. *makes sad puppy face*


The deadline will be extended until...let's say October 15th! ;D We can try for that!

You guys are in!

(And so am I, of course!)
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Can I play toooo? (: I hardly post so I'll be the toughest to pick out ;D


Draco, you're not the only one who hardly posts ^_~  although, that is NOT entirely MY FAULT!  *glares at her bookmarks and all of the "Gold was the last person to post here" threads*


xDD!!! I'm getting to it! I swears it, Goldie! *Clings!*

Work has been eating me. Dx
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


No excuse woman!  *shakes fist*


Don't ask...I've just always wanted to say that...lmao xDDDD


Oooo extended deadline :3

Count me in too!  

*cough* After, y'know, I post for Goldie 'n all.  So people will have more posts of hers to put under the microscope when we all start guessing mwahahaha!

Edit:  It should go without saying but, don't put your email address into the Email field.  It happened in the last game.  No need to make the guessing any easier!


YAY!  Nighty is playing too!!!!

*Glares* Go, you go and make it easier for guessing...just try it!  For I shall prevail!!!  I believe last game a bunch of people thought I was Rhi!  Bwahahahahahaha *scampers away*
