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All Your Coins Are Belong to Us (Nefres!)

Started by Blue, August 02, 2012, 06:21:19 PM

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She skirted around a clod of people, shoving their ridiculous ruffles and stiff lace out of the way as she went, ignoring their indignant cries. Yeah yeah, I'm a filthy urchin, touching your gawdy clothes, cry me a river.
I also have my grubby little hands all over your precious coin purses, heh heh heh.
Grinning devilishly to herself, the fat little lumps of coin now nestled into her own ratty top, she laced her fingers behind her and ducked around a corner calmly. Pick pocketing had become almost painfully easy for her, but then she'd been doing it almost since she could walk. When your next meal rides on your ability to pilfer something, you get real good real fast - or you die.
She was completely unapologetic about her rather specific skill set. It was all that kept her alive most days.

Pausing at the open end of the alley, she watched people bustling by in their rich jewel tones and formal muted browns and grays. The air was a bit ripe when the wind shifted, but overall it smelled like food and dust. To her, it smelled like home - the streets were all she knew. She rubbed at her nose, smearing a bit of the dirt covering her freckles. Of course now she had a different kind of home...a secret place, filled with people like her. She was already itching to use some of the things Sachi had taught her...she was only holding back now since her 'mentor' had a few more things to impart upon her young impressionable brain. Oh well, she obviously hadn't needed the new tactic today - ducking further into the shadowy passageway, she withdrew one of her new shiny gold coins, grinning at her warped reflection on it's glimmering surface.



A slight commotion drew Kaa's attention away from trying to skirt the crowd. It wasn't an uncommon thing. No matter where he seemed to be, there were always a few desperate individuals grabbing coin purses to feed themselves. Of course it wasn't necessary for himself - his kind didn't need things like that. He could certainly appreciate the effort, though, and watched, grinning a bit, as the thief swiftly made her way through the masses of more fortunate people. They was away from the crime in a matter of seconds with no one the wiser.
There was no need to waste time even making the decision. He'd surely check it out, maybe congratulate them on a successful grab. He'd met many street-dwellers before, and most, he found, were quite entertaining. He was lucky he looked the way he did, childlike and scruffy, just like them. Well, excluding the wings and feet. It might return some semblance of normalcy to his life. Kaa couldn't fly like he used to, but pick-pocketing and such was still free game. Maybe he could forget about his own problems for a bit and worry about someone else's.

He made his way over to her excitedly, talons clicking loudly on the stone below him. He much preferred walking on stone than dirt. Not only was the sound pleasing, but some people didn't realize just how hard it was to get girt from dirt roads out of one's toes. Stopping just outside of the alley the thief had ducked into, Kaa gave a friendly wave to the... he looked at the kid. It was a boy, right? Cute for a boy, anyway. Young, yeah, but he couldn't place an age. Humans had such short lives, but he still couldn't manage to tell what age they were.

Thinking about age in that one moment, Kaa smiled at how he must look. A little boy, clothed in rags, human if it were not for the bird-like feet and giant black wings, folded and chained around his chest. Hm.. the boy, at least, had proper clothes, tattered and dirty though they were. It was only then he noticed the shiny coin the young thief held. "Oh, that's pretty!" he said without thinking, "That the one ya just took now?"


The clicking of talons on cobblestone was lost to the din of people coming from the nearby road. Even had she been able to properly hear it, it was such an odd sound, her mind likely would not have known what to make of it. Either way, by the time she noticed anybody approaching, the little demon had already pulled up short of her and spoken.
The words nearly made her jump clear out of her skin, and though she didn't manage to leave it behind like an old outfit, her feet DID come up off the ground a good inch or two at least. Whirling about to properly face the owner of the voice, the gold disappeared back into her grungy clothes faster than any ordinary eye could follow.

"Yea', an it's mine, so shove off!" She retorted sharply, already glancing over her shoulder at the busy street beyond. She almost expected to see a lurking figure, ready to complete this shake-down operation. It wasn't unheard of, or even uncommon, for things like this to happen. Let someone else do all the work, distract them with a friendly face, and then stab them from behind and take the hard won spoils for themselves. Luckily today it seemed like it wouldn't be her fate to die at the end of a blade - though when she quickly turned back to look at the boy again, she had to take a full minute to wrap her brain around his shape.
It took her eyes a bit longer to really understand just what they were looking at.

Those were...wings?? And his feet...birds??? What in the hell...he was like some weird halvsies creation. As if he couldn't pick between bird or person! And his wings were all chained up to boot...not much use that way she figured.
Her head tilted completely to one side in a very amusing display of confusion and curiosity.
"...Which are ya? Bird or person? Or didja get stuck?"


Kaa's smile grew wider as the confusion so familiar to him was plastered all over the boy's face. He was sure about the gender now; that voice was male. At least, that's what he believed. Kaa had never really grasped the nuances of distinguishing between human voices unless it was blatantly obvious. He'd also noted him slipping the coin back into its hiding place, and was rather impressed with the speed of the gesture. Kaa wished he'd taken the coin, though.

Ah, what fun. He was glad he'd come over. This boy looked so comical with his head cocked like a bird's! Come to think of it... did he ever cock his head as a crow? Why did bird's do that, anyways? It's not like they ever thought about anything important... Now Kaa's head tilted to the side, an involuntary move. He stayed like that for a second before realizing his pose, and quickly turned his attention back to the boy. That probably made him look a little odd. Odder, in any case.

"Well, anyways," he said offhandedly, continuing from his own train of thought as opposed to the boy's question. Oops. Right, the question.
"Of course I'm a person!" He couldn't exactly go around calling himself a demon; some people freaked out. While that was pretty funny, he didn't like the chasing that sometimes came afterward. The rest of what he said only registered just then. It was most likely a joke, but still...
"Well, I guess I'm also stuck. Sorta." His voice suddenly grew almost somber. He was stuck, wasn't he? Stuck, or, a better word, trapped...

Then he remembered the gold. "But forget about that! Can I see that gold piece again? Just a look?" Just remembering its shine warmed his mood, and he was bubbly once again. His talons began to clack in a loud, simple rhythm as he hopped left and right in anticipation. Normally, it would be a simple matter to just slip back into the crowd and grab one for himself, but he was out of practice. Always busy with that bastard... he was still amazed he'd gotten away for this long! Kaa leaned in a bit closer, his friendly brown eyes on where h thought the coin had been tucked away.


"O' course ya say?? Ya don' look much like most people!" She retorted with a snort, now crossing her arms over her chest and giving him another once over. One eyebrow arched high - he still looked anything but normal, that was for sure. The tone in his voice changed at the stuck part, and she figured it was probably a sore topic. Made sense anyway, nobody liked to be stuck! Though his...was a special kind of stuck, she would bet gold on it!
"Why ya got chains all over ya? You some kinda criminal?"

At that question, her face soured instantly, and she took a step back. She would have snapped at him immediately, but his excited hopping almost drew a snort of laughter from her. No, no, don't be gettin' all amused by him!
"Piss off, ya can't see it! I know ya got sticky fingers n' all!"
Like she would risk having her spoils stolen from her!? She wasn't stupid! You didn't live long on these streets if you were dumb - everything was out to get you!
"Ya want em, ye get yer own! Or ya give me somethin' for mine!"
Hey, money was meant to be spent on things right?


Kaa drew his head back, disappointed but amused. He couldn't keep a small grin off his face at the boy's reaction. The demon hadn't really expected to be given anything, he certainly didn't just hand hard-earned treasures out!

"Fine, fine. I've got nothin' to trade anyways. No caches near here..." Kaa had never spent a lot of time in Adela before the incident, so he'd never felt the need to store anything around the area. And not-only was he out of practice in the pick-pocketing department, but loose chains loudly jingling around you all the time certainly didn't help with the stealth aspect.

Holding his arms behind his back, Kaa stretched. Out of habit his wings stretched too, but didn't get very far. He stopped straining to halt the extremely uncomfortable sensation, instead deciding to answer the boy's question.

Kaa rested his eyes on the gold hoop adorning the boy's ear. He couldn't help but wonder what a boy living in the streets and stealing to survive (Kaa figured), was doing with a trinket like that. Surely he'd have sold it by now? Maybe it wasn't real gold. Anyways.

"You're askin' if I'm a criminal? Funny talk, coming from someone like you... I guess I was mistaken when I saw you swipe that coin?" Kaa wondered again about the earring.

"Nah, maybe it'd be better if I did do something to deserve this. 'Cause I didn't, jus' so you know." Well, besides the near-daily thefts, the boy realized. "Nope, some people are just awful like that. 'M sure you understand, whatever-your-name-is."

(omg i am so unhappy with this post the next one will be better once i'm reacquainted with this thread)


"Ain't nobody said I wasn't a criminal. But I ain't never been caught! 'Sides, them richy types have plenty a' coin to spare."
And speaking of things that were less than believed, she was again arching her eyebrow at him and his claim to have done nothing to earn the chains.
"Wat, somebody jus' go n' decide to slap em on ya then? Ha!"
But then, it turned out maybe that really was the case?? Tommi sobered up pretty quick after that, but confusion was quick to follow as a frown tugged her lips.
"...Ya serious? Some bastard out there jus' tyin' ya up for fun??"
If that really was true (and not just a ploy for pity) then it was truly horrible. Tommi lived on the streets, and it was hard, and sometimes brutal...but occasionally she heard about even darker things going on behind closed doors.
It was days like that she was glad she had no door to close.
Giving out her name was hardly a problem at this point. She'd already started a damned conversation with him after all.