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Stupid boys.

Started by Rhindeer, November 21, 2005, 09:07:29 PM

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Well, Siyat was in a good mood.

Make that a really good mood.

Earlier that morning, one of the guys she shared quite a few classes with--an annoying freak that she just knew wanted to sex her up, because he was quite...forward in his advances--had made the awful (for him) mistake of pinching her bottom in the hall. Poor guy. If only he had known that she had just been waiting for him to do something like that, because it was just the excuse she needed to bash his skull in. Which was exactly what she'd done. As soon as she'd felt those slimy fingers of his pinch the skin of her right cheek, she'd brought her left leg up and around in a swinging high kick that had connected dead on with the right side of his head.

Needless to say, he had gone down and hadn't gotten back up.

Gods she never realized how good that would feel!

And what was even better: nobody but other trainees had witnessed it, and she just knew that bastard wasn't going to squeak a word to any authorities! For one, if he ratted her out, then it would be fair and good for her to mention why she had felt the need to smash him down. Not to mention that, knowing him and his mountainous ego, getting taken out by a girl in front of his peers was bruising enough to his pride. He'd shape up for a good while, and hopefully start leaving her the hell alone.

In any case, she'd been in a good mood for the rest of the day since then; it was difficult to wipe the smug smile off her face, and she practically skipped as she made her way toward the mess hall for supper.

She didn't even know why so many guys were so...weird around her. It wasn't like she was attractive. At least, she didn't think so. She wasn't like one of those fair, virtuous princesses that handsome heroes gave their lives for in battle. Nah. She didn't want to be one of those, anyway. She wore her dirty-blonde hair cropped short and wild, like a boy's, save for a section in the back that was braided and travelled along down the middle of her back, reaching just above her waist. And fair? Her skin was a healthy, natural bronze, and her eyes were blue-green. She was built tough and hard from her training rather than thin and fragile like a storybook princess, and virtuous? Well...she didn't think fairy tale princesses beat the crap out of potential suitors.

Hah...suitors...ahem. Riiight.

Nah, it wasn't like she didn't like guys. Just the ones that she hated were always the ones that liked her. And there seemed to be a lot of those types around. Figured.

Oh well! If nothing else, it made life interesting! And she couldn't say she didn't enjoy a good brawl...even if they could be rather one-sided. Siyat was a competitive soul, and always had been.

She grinned and continued off on her way. She really couldn't wait to go down to supper. She couldn't wait to see if he was there, because she was really interested in seeing how that bruise was coming along.

[oi, teh crappiness! Is it obvious I didn't know what I was doing with her? XD I hate introductory posts, they're always so difficult for me! Bah!]
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Ronan sighed to himself as he listened to the story for at least the thousandth time since the 'event', as he'd dubbed it in his mind, occured. He didn't really understand why everyone seemed so excited about it. Siyat always seemed to react like that when a male made innapropriate overatures. It's what she did. But, for some strange reason, this time all the other cadets where buzzing like bees in springtime over it.

Of course, this male was the most popular and, according to the girls, the 'dreamiest' one of them all. Maybe that was why...

As the story started again, he lost his patience and slammed his book shut, drawing stares of shock from his peers, and a glare from the librarian. He flashed the elderly woman a winning smile, and her normally sour features softened a little. The poor old gal was used to young people who wanted nothing to do with books, and had to be forced to study. Someone like Ronan, who read for pleasure...well, he was her favorite, and because of that, he got away with more where she was concerned.

"When you children," he began, deep voice calm and even, "are through repeating the same dull story, come fetch me and I shall rejoin your ranks. Until then, I want nothing to do with you." He bowed mockingly, then placed his book back upon the shelf before nodding to the librarian and heading back to his room.

He was a tall young man, six feet and still growing slowly, but he wasn't lanky because of it. The boys who'd thought Ronan would be an easy target just because he liked to read where quickly shown the error of their ways. Years of weapons training had built up his muscles and stamina, and his height gave him a slight advantage to boot.

Ronan was an oddity in the academy, in coloring as well as attitude. His skin was fair and pale even after years of outdoor work, and his eyes were a deep sea-green color that shifted like the ocean he grew up by. His hair, though...that was what most people noticed when they tilted their heads up to look at him. It was a deep and unmistakable red, and he kept it long enough to fall between his shoulder blades when it was down. Normally though, he kept it in a low ponytail or a loose braid, depending on his mood.

As he walked through the corridors, he continued to muse over the story, much to his own chagrin. What he needed, he decided as he sped up his feet, was to go to the quiet of his room and study a bit. Yes, that would do it.

Except that now it was almost time for dinner, and the whispers would be even worse there. Ronan let out a groan that startled the servant he passed, and set a group of newer, younger female trainees to twittering. He rolled his eyes and changed course, hoping the supper hour would pass quickly so he could escape to the sanctuary of his room.