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It's Called a Hustle, Sweetheart [M]

Started by DragonSong, August 23, 2018, 02:18:21 PM

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["M" for possible foul language]

A collective groan rose up around the large table toward the back of the tavern as a rather slight figure laid down her hand face up, smirking under her hood.

"You were bluffing?!" one of the men exclaimed, sounding caught between anger and a grudging awe. "How in hells, kid? I thought for sure I had ya that time!"

Jasper tsked and shook her head, scooping the pile of coins at the center of the table toward her. "Well, I s'pose you'll just have to try again then, woncha? I'm sure y'could peg me next time." She beamed around the table innocently. "Whaddya say, gents? Another round?"

"Only if yer buying drinks," one of the older players laughed, leaning back in his chair. "You've just about cleaned me out, lass, I couldn't afford a cup if I wanted."

She laughed lightly and nodded. "Alright, done. Oi! Another round of ale over here!" she called to a passing server, who nodded as her fellow players hooted and clapped her shoulders or back, shifting in their chairs as she shuffled the cards, then passed them to the man beside her to be dealt.

"Well, I'm out," the first man who'd spoken sighed, raising his hands before he could be dealt his cards. "I'll catch you lot tomorrow. Maybe the girl too." He smiled begrudgingly at her and she winked, blowing him a theatrical kiss as he stood to leave.

"That leaves us a seat open!" One of the more eager, younger players looked about the tavern, eyes bright. "Any of you wanna cash in on this?"

Jasper smiled again, but kept her voice to herself, eyes flicking about warily. She wasn't planning on staying in town long, and cards was as good a way to make some quick coin as any, but she wasn't sure she liked the idea of just anyone joining their little game.

Could never be too careful.


Jasper. That was the name Shepard was given. "Don't kill her, but take her back alive," he was told. It wasn't the type of job that Shepard enjoyed- not that he enjoyed killing, but it would have been much easier to bring back the head of a nobleman than it would be to escort back this runaway mage. Not many details were given to Shepard. Only that some man wanted this "Jasper" to come back safe. The man told Shepard that he was to look for a girl with darker skin, green eyes, and red auburn hair. It wasn't the most desirable of tasks, but it paid well.

Time quickly passed until his grueling investigating drove him towards a town in Connloath, the last place that Shepard suspected a mage to flee to. His hunt continued as he repeatedly questioned shopkeepers and bartenders if they had seen this runaway. Everyone had to eat and drink eventually, Shepard figured. It would be a matter of time until he would find someone who'd seen this mage. Time that Shepard didn't have to spare.

Shepard wandered tavern by tavern, but eventually, a bartender and a server had his answer. In fact, the one he pursued was in this very tavern. Shepard turned his head and suspiciously eyed the people in the tavern.

"What's it to you, Buckethead?" The bartender asked, leaning in a bit too close for Shepard's liking.

Uninterested in making conversation, Shepard ignored the bartender's inquiry and replied with another question. "Where?"

The server hastily pointed to the back of the tavern and to a specific table. A large table was surrounded by several players, but Shepard couldn't quite make out the individual people.

Leaving the barkeep and server without another word, he slowly shifted over to the table and its players. With his tall pole weapon dragging across the floor and the odd helmet on his head, Shepard had to be easily noticeable.

Frustrated from his endeavors, Shepard approached the table and let his voice drop down to a raspy growl as he called out to the one he sought.



A shiver ran up her spine and the mage tensed, eyed on her cards.

"Jasper?" The younger man who'd first invited the tavern into their game looked around the table, tipsy enough to be curious, apparently. He laughed and shook his head at the newcomer. "Sorry, pal, nobody here by that name. Y'wanna join us? Or ya just lookin' for yer friend?"

Jasper kept her eyes downcast, pretending to look over her hand. She glanced toward the door, judging the distance. If it came down to it, maybe she could run...


Shepard momentarily paused and stared at the younger player, who was clearly a bit tipsy. It certainly didn't seem like he was lying. Shepard couldn't stop the small jab of disappointment and doubt that struck his heart.

"No," Shepard bit out in response to the man's question. One seat was open and available for his taking, but he wasn't interested in making conversation or wagering away the savings that he desperately needed. With that thought, Shepard began to slink his way towards the door despite not feeling quite ready to leave. There was the chance that this "Jasper" was gone and out of this town. As he began walking, he took one last gander around the large table.

Shepard was passing by a hooded figure that appeared to be the completion that he was given. Suddenly, something just didn't settle right with Shepard. It was hard to see over or under the hood, so Shepard made a simple request.

"Take off your hood."


Her shoulders tensed ever further, but she forced her voice to remain even. "And why should I do that, serrah? I'm quite comfortable as I am, thanks very much."

A few of the men around her chuckled, but some of them-- likely the more sober-- seemed to start eyeing her critically.

Jasper's eyes flickered toward the door again, but the stranger was blocking her path. She had to think fast. Perhaps there was a back entrance?


Shepard gritted his teeth with minor annoyance at her comment. The bounty hunter did not like being laughed at. He compelled himself to stay focused, and he paused while examining this girl. Shepard's suspicions only grew greater as he glared at the one who he assumed was his target. Was that tension that he saw in her shoulders? If she would have just worked along with him, this transaction would have gone much smoother.

"Turn around and face me," Shepard instructed with skepticism and impatience laced heavily in his tone.

Before receiving a response, he distractedly turned his head away from the girl. He was trying to see if there was any possibility of escape, but inadvertently left himself in a vulnerable position.


Jasper hesitated a moment, then shrugged and lifted her head carelessly, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Aye? What is it you want, exactly? If yer not gonna play, why don't you just move along friend?" she challenged, a smile fixed on her face.

Her eyes flickered past him toward the door. She didn't want to run and risk drawing that kind of attention, but she knew she could if she had to.


Shepard felt a surge of agitation run through him as he realized that this conversation wasn't going the way that he intended. When Shepard became a bounty hunter, he didn't know that he required the ability to make pleasant chitchat. Mildly frustrated by this, he let out a heavy sigh and made the decision that maybe this discussion wasn't worth his time or effort.

Without a response, Shepard whipped around and stalked away from the table. He heard a couple of the other players snicker at him as he began to wander off. Spite began brewing with Shepard's agitation, but he resisted the tempting urge to commit a handful of murders. Briskly shaking his head, he found his way to the bar and the same bartender that provided him with information.

Abandoning this quest didn't feel right, but time was slipping between his fingers like running water. Eventually, he would have to pay his debt to his "bosses." Shepard sat himself down on a rickety stool and let his halberd rest against the bar.

Before the bartender even managed to utter a word to him, Shepard raised one hand and sharply pointed to the table where his suspect was. "Watch that table and tell me if that girl leaves." It would be much simpler to talk to someone without the sneering and judging looks of other nearby people. Right now, Shepard needed a moment to process things.


Jasper was agitated. The man had left their table, but he was still hovering by the bar.

She did not like this.

She played another round, folded early to save her money, and stood to excuse herself, much to the disappointment of her playing partners. Smiling, she waved off their protests and moved toward the door, trying to dart quickly so she wouldn't linger, didn't have time to be caught.


Shepard drummed his fingers against the bar with apprehension. He didn't feel quite comfortable with watching his suspect's table while dodging the bartender's persistent questioning. If Shepard was as determined as this bartender, then he wouldn't have butchered the interaction he shared with his target earlier. Withholding a scowl, Shepard continued ignoring the barkeep until a hand started gently shaking his shoulder.

He snapped his head up with rekindled anger as he noticed that it was the same chatty bartender. Aggravated, Shepard was about to spit out a chiding remark, but the bartender spoke first.

"Your friend appears to be leaving." The barkeep whispered it to him as if it was a childhood secret between the two.

Shepard, immediately forgetting about his anger, shot to his feet and sent his gaze over to the large table. His eyes caught his target darting towards the door. He had to act quickly before he could lose her. The bartender obviously wanted to continue babbling to him, but Shepard had no interest in their one-sided conversation. Grasping tightly onto his pole weapon, Shepard urgently waved off the male barkeep and quickly strode towards the girl.


He was following her.

Gods all damnit.

Gritting her teeth, Jasper hunched her shoulders and ducked her head, heading off down the nearest side street. The opposite side of town from the inn where she'd been staying, but hopefully she could lose her pursuer and double back quickly enough.


Shepard had spent so much of his time trailing this girl, but he wasn't ready to just give up when he was so close.

She was heading down the side of a street, and Shepard continued following her.

He remained deathly quiet and began running in an effort to get closer. If he were to get just a little bit closer, he could try talking to his target. Perhaps this time, instead of immediately dropping his patience, the bounty hunter could at least try speaking.

People appeared to slowly vanish from the once crowded streets as the sun began setting with the steady sound of wind whirling around in the air. Another day passed, and he couldn't waste anymore of his time.

Shepard began picking up his pace into a heavy sprint and pushed through any civilian that stood in his path without batting an eye. It wasn't his problem if they were too blind to see him charging towards them.



So much for loosing him easily.

Gritting her teeth, Jasper desperately tried to run through possibilities in her mind. She didn't know the town well enough to risk a full chase-- especially not with all the attention he was drawing behind her.

Growling to herself, she ducked down a narrow gap between two buildings and whirled, hands raised in a defensive position as she waited for the stranger to come to her. Magic crackled through her veins, but she refused to let it come to the surface. Not yet.


Pushing past small masses of people, Shepard spotted the girl disappear into the gap between two buildings.


Nowhere to go now, Shepard thought to himself with a small grin beginning to form on his face. This was his chance to finish this senseless pursuit. The thought of a bag, retaining his well-earned rewards, only broadened his grin.

Approaching the narrow gap, he tensed up and hastened his sprint.

Closer, Shepard went to raise his halberd until he remembered that he had to bring this one back alive. With slight apprehension, he forced himself to loosen his white-knuckled grip on the pole weapon.

He couldn't lose or kill this target. Not if he wanted to see his family again. With this thought, he charged around the corner with the newly found ambition in his head.

Without hesitation, Shepard was about to rush around the corner and down the narrow alley. That was until he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the girl ducked down in the gap. Instinctively, Shepard poised his halberd, ready to deliver a nonfatal strike with the long spike mounted upon the weapon if he absolutely had to.

What was this?


Jasper glared as her hunter approached. Her body tensed further, hands curled into fists as she rocked back in her defensive stance.

"What do you want?" she spat, eyes darting around. If she could get in one good hit, knock him out of the way for a moment or two-- maybe knock him unconscious-- she could dart by and lose him that way.



Begrudgingly, Shepard lowered his halberd to point it at the ground. To ensure the most success, and rewards, he would have to bring this suspect back without a single scratch or scar. No matter how annoyed he'd feel about this expedition, he would have to restrain himself.

Withholding his resentment, he forced his weapon into a passive position and pointed an accusing finger at this runaway that had caused him so much trouble.

"Jasper. Are you Jasper?"


She hissed at him, catlike. "What's it to you?" she snapped, eyes darting behind him again. Okay, keep him talking, stall for time so she could think up a plan...


So this pursuit continued to be a complete waste of time.

Despite this, Shepard couldn't quite shake the feeling that he was getting closer to his goal.

Shepard took a small moment to reflect on this. However, with haste, he realized that he had to speak now or lose more valuable time. Even if this suspect wasn't his bounty, there was the tiny chance that they could be a worthwhile source of information. Yet, if he wanted to secure his safety, he couldn't just reveal his name to this stranger.

"Jasper," he repeated. What was he to say? "I have been sent to find and return this Jasper to some... someone."


The mage snorted again, once more glancing behind him. Damnit, if he would just move a bit to the left...

"Well, you're doing a real bang-up job there, fella. Can't imagine why anyone would run from you, what with you being all menacing and vague like that."


Shepard deeply hated to admit it, but the stranger was right. If he wanted to get any closer to finishing this job, then he would have to be more specific. Although, he would never confess this aloud.

"This Jasper is desperately wanted-- she is worth a considerable amount of riches." The bounty hunter took in a sharp inhale. Conversation took a great amount of effort for his smoke damaged voice. Gritting his teeth together and lacing suspicion into his voice, he continued. "She looks alike to you."

Distracted, he took a small step left before speaking again. "Some teacher demands her safe return, and I get paid as a reward."