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Oh Deery Me {DragonSong!}

Started by HeartOfFlame, October 24, 2018, 05:44:38 PM

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Probable M Rating for Kanimir's potty mouth and general lack of morals

To be completely honest, nature had never appealed to Kanimir all that much. It was pretty, he'd admit, and the chaotic way it overtook anything and everything in its path through sheer determination of life and will appealed to him, but all in all, he simply found it...bothersome. So many ways to die confined within one simple category of life, be it a poison fruit, deadly sap, itching leaves, treacherous waterfalls, the list went on. Nim was by no means afraid of death, he welcomed the Reaper's attempts with a fist of steel and a flashing grin, but the repeated attempts by a seemingly non-sentient entity were beginning to get vaguely vexing.

His current predicament was also nature's fault, he had decided. Every tree and leaf looked the same, every bend in a path long overtaken by grass identical to the dozen beforehand thanks to the flickering shadows of sun trying to break through thick foliage, creeping vines trailing up tree bark. Kanimir did not get lost, had been travelling the world far too long to allow such a thing, but now he found himself....waylaid. Yes, that was a good word for it.

It would be tempting to just blow up the forest, a little bit of Rivening here and there, watch the bothersome nature turn itself inside out and rip into tiny bits...but he had more self control than that. There were beings who lived in the woodlands, after all, both sentient and otherwise, and a sadistic, chaotic bastard he might have been, but they had never personally offended him or had their names stuck on a piece of paper for him to hunt, so he supposed murdering them in cold blood would be perhaps a bit extreme. Keithia was also in the forest with him, and while he was confident he could keep her from harm, he doubted the nymph would look kindly on him destroying a swathe of her nature.

Sighing softly to himself, the Chaosbringer continued to shred the large tree leaf in his hands, pale eyes roving over the surrounding area, attempting to pinpoint a source of light through the thick trees and shrubbery around him. Everything looked the same, light breaking through the foliage in deceptive patches, and he had honestly no idea when or where he had gone off the beaten path. How vexing.

To make everything worse, the forest was quiet. An oppressive silence that pressed down on him like heavy rain. He disliked it, greatly, tingles racing through his fingers with every second he sat, comfortably at least, in the 'peaceful serenity' of the woodland realm. How boring. He would have to take note to never, ever get lost in the forest again - not lost, waylaid.

He wondered how long it would take Keithia to start looking for him.


Meri was used to getting herself into trouble. Usually, she could get herself out of it again fairly quickly.

Not this time, it seemed. Eyes wild and panicked, she tore through the foliage, her cloven hooves thudding rhythmically against the moss covered earth. She'd just been practicing, just trying to get a better handle on her powers.

Unfortunately, that had apparently left her open to some opportunistic hunters coming upon what they thought was a rather beautiful doe, a perfect prize in meat and skins. And Meri, though a talented shapechanger, had one important drawback to her powers that she hadn't yet seemed to be able to work through:

Once she took an animal Shape, she had a very hard time changing back.


His boredom was broken by a tickle on the edge of his senses, an unfamiliar sensation racing through him, like pins and needles through his spine, curling around his chest. He blinked, standing from his seated position on a fallen and aged tree, ripped leaf falling forgotten to the ground. His senses were on alert, now, hairs on his arms and neck raised in anticipation.

The near silent fall of hooves on the earth struck him unprepared, a flash of mottled brown and cream catching his eye through the thick treeline. He watched the deer go, eyes wide for a moment, and then scowled. A deer, a simple animal, had caught him so unawares, pushed his senses into defence. He snorted softly to himself, shaking his head and relaxing his stance, before more footfalls hit his ears, this time much heavier, and distinctly human. He frowned again, glancing over and watching as the trio of humans flitted through the trees, unaware of him even as he watched them with a hawk's eyes. They were clearly hunting, moving in the exact direction of the doe he had just seen flitting through the trees.

He stood for a moment, fingers itching and that tickling sensation crawling under his skin, before letting out a disgusted sound and launching himself onto the path they had broken through the foliage and undergrowth, almost silent by comparison to their heavy chase across the forest floor.


The doe canted left and right, trying to throw off her pursuers. It didn't seem to be doing her any good.

Finally, she swung around, sides heaving as she made a desperate bid for escape, dashing between two of the hunters and back the way she had come.


Kanimir caught up in a matter of moments, eyes catching the doe once more as she ducked and swerved between the trees. There was something intelligent about the way it moved, more so than the average animal, and he regarded it through narrowed eyes as he scrambled quickly up the nearest tree and pulled his Chakram from its disc holster on his back.

The hunters had slowed, closing in around the deer as she spun and attempted to dash between two of the group. One to her left raised his crossbow, the dull thwack of the string releasing a bolt hitting Kanimir's ears a moment before he pushed off from his perch, bursting through the trees like a small hurricane with the noise to match. Most of the hunters turned to face him, startled, their weapons drawn, and he felt a grin spreading on his face as his feet touched the ground.


Meri cried out, and when she screamed it was a woman's scream. The bolt from the crossbow had struck her flank, and the shock was enough to snap her back into elven form. She rolled over the moss, roots and twigs scraping at her bare skin.

She simply lay there, panting, attempting to collect herself, get her bearings.


Kanimir paused, the hunters also turning away from him and towards the deer. As one, they watched the doe transform, a young elven maid rolling through the underbrush, blood smearing the leaves. Kanimir's eyes hardened, his skin prickling with energy. His instincts had been right, that 'deer' was a shapeshifter of some kind, and these men were hunting her.

His Chakram slid back into its holster with a soft hiss of steel on leather, and the hunters turned back to face him, greed in their eyes quickly turning to apprehension. They had found and wounded her, a being of magic, and these were Connlaothian territories. Kanimir grinned, white eyes flashing malicious. That information would not leave their lips. Before, he had intended to intervene, discover the reason for the strange prickling of his senses this animal created, now he had a reason to kill.

His fingers snapped, a sound as loud as a thunderclap in the temporary silence, and sparks of Rivening split the air. The men screamed, terror in their eyes, and then went silent, the ground stained a rusted red as flakes like ash floated in the air, suspended by a static wind. Kanimir laughed, the sound muffled by his sealed lips, and flexed his hands to be rid of the aching itch beneath his skin, the desire to do more. He squashed it down, for now, walking through the floating red ash and approaching the fallen woman, slowly, with hands raised in a gesture of peace.


The woman that had been a doe stared up at this stranger, trying to scuttle backwards, but the wound in her side made her cry out and freeze in place, clamping her lip between her teeth to prevent another wail of pain.

Despite her naked, wounded, shivering state, her eyes were fierce and hard as she stared at him. "Who are you?"


Kanimir kept a firm lid on the out-of-place elation running through him, fire dancing in his veins, alive and excited at the prospect of the kill. He had already destroyed what was out of place here, ended the lives of a half dozen men or more; He hadn't stopped to count. This woman, whatever she may be, needed assistance now, the entire point of their deaths was to help her, and while he didn't particularly care either way about their demise - not in the least - it would be bothersome to have killed them for no real purpose.

So, he halted his wary approach to the wounded elf, lowering himself over his calves with slow, deliberate movements, hands still raised. Meeting her gaze squarely, he kept his expression strictly neutral and spoke softly, his natural baritone vibrating over the words.

"My name is Kanimir. I do not wish to hurt you." He glanced at her side, the crossbow bolt still imbedded deeply in the flesh, blood oozing from the wound. Unfazed by her bared skin, his eyes flicked immediately back to her eyes. "You appear to be in need of aid." He suggested flatly.


The shapeshifter's eyes flickered from his outstretched hands to his face. "," she admitted cautiously, although the answer to that was fairly obvious.

Meri glanced at the ashy remains that coated the leaf litter and attempted to draw her knees up toward her chest-- a mistake as it turned out, one that resulted in a sharp cry of pain and gritting her teeth so hard she felt her jaw creak.

"What...what did you do to them?"


He sighed, shifting his weight over his heels and lowering his hands onto his knees, weary. Following her gaze, he regarded the familiar red flakes dispassionately, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together absently.

"I Rivened them," He told her flatly, pale eyes drawing back to her face, strained and pale, taut with tension. A stark comparison to his own loose, relaxed pose, not a hair out of place, "They would have either killed you, or come back with more like them. Maybe even a Mordecai or two."

Somewhere in the back of his mind, a small voice snorted in derision, disgusted. What need did he have to explain himself to her? He had saved her life, relatively speaking. It didn't really matter, though, whether she accepted his help or not. He had scratched the itch, and for now, it had receded.


Meri simply stared up at him in silence, her mind racing. While she was grateful enough for the help, the manner of it was...well, frankly terrifying.

Injured as she was, she couldn't run or fight. So it seemed her best option was to attempt to remain on this stranger's good side and hope his charitable mood didn't abate.

"Can me stand?" she asked cautiously after a moment, glancing down at the wound in her side with a furrowed brow.


Kanimir nodded, stepping a little closer and holding out his gloved hand. Idly, he wondered if Keithia had started looking for him yet; he had informed the nymph he was simply going to forage a few natural provisions while they were passing through the forest on their way to the Connlaothian border. Regarding the young woman before him, a shapeshifter of some kind, he had an inkling their time here would not be quite so mundane.

He was happy with that. As much as he liked to have a loose plan of what he was doing, where he was going, and how he was getting there, a little unexpected chaos was what made life interesting.


It'd only been in Keithia's dreams that she'd been back in a forest. Surrounded by green and trees, the chirping of birds and the play if insects in a sun dappled pond. It was, in a word, easily the best day thus far. The previous best day being when they'd actually entered the forest. She'd actually squealed like some giddy child and skipped around with the sheer delight of it all.

Keithia couldn't connect to the land. This wasn't her forest, this was not her home, but it still felt beautiful. Real. Natural and ancient, like land should. With roots that ran deep beneath her feet and life that vibrated around her. Without the stink of humans and filth and sweat. Rather, there was the sweetness of life and the underlay of decay that fed it all.

Then they'd come across the pond and it'd taken everything in Keithia not to beg just to stop. Just for a day. For a week. For the rest of the year?! He must've noticed how excited she'd been, since they had stopped and she'd discarded her shirt and promptly threw herself in the water.

Which meant she lost track of time and how long Kanimir had been gone. Had in been the afternoon? Hours? Time was weird to her. Even so, she lazily strolled out of the pond and glanced around. He'd not returned with lunch. Or was it breakfast? Their things were still piled near by and didn't look like they'd been disturbed. The nymph swayed in place a moment, her long black hair sticking to her pale body while he considered.

Then, with a small huff, she started walking off in the direction Kanimir had obviously gone. His trail was as clear as day to her. He might as well have marked every bush, sapling, and fallen leaf with his scent. To her, as sensitive as she was to the world around her, the forest was pretty much telling on him. This way. Over here. It seemed to sigh.

Someone didn't belong. Not that Keithia had a problem with Kanimir, but he was definitely not a part of the forest. The nymph was quick and quiet, leaving no trace of her own passage as she near danced through the brush and followed his tracks as though they were illuminated to her charcoal gray eyes.

They might as well have been.

When she did find him, he was not alone.  Some distance from the pond with ashes that rank of death and humanity. Slowly receding though. They'd scatter to the wind and be forgotten, like the mortal things they were. The other creature though, that was a curiosity. Keithia stepped slowly into their small clearing. Having not bothered to dress, she was her pale, slender, and seemingly delicate self and nothing else. The nymph eyed the other a moment before she turned her attention to Kanimir. "You seem to have gotten yourself into a mess."

That was commonplace for him. Not that it bothered Keithia. It was just Kanimir's state of being.


woo 8D Hope this is good. :3 Can you tag me at the end of the thread, por favor?
@HeartOfFlame @DragonSong


Starting to reach out for the stranger's hand, Meri recoiled at the appearance of yet another newcomer. She bared her teeth in a feral hiss and tried to skitter backwards through the underbrush, but had to pull up short with a cry of pain.


Kanimir sensed Keithia before he saw her. Perhaps he should have warned the other woman, her fingers barely brushing against the fabric of his gloves before she skittered back like the wounded animal she was, but he didn't. Glancing up and over as the soft, crunch of grass underfoot met his ears - a whisper compared to the noise he knew he made himself; forests really were the worst - he quirked an eyebrow at his small companion and waved a hand loosely. A soft snort escaped him at her words, one corner of his mouth lifting in a mix between an amused smirk and an annoyed wrinkling of the nose.

"Finished bathing, did you?" He replied blandly, the words neither questioning nor judgemental. He had seen the look in his companion's face when they entered the forest, let alone when they stumbled across the small pond. Even he, for all his flaws, saw no reason to deny the nymph the right to enjoy at least a taste of her past life.

Turning his attention back to the naked elf, still bleeding rather stubbornly, he blinked at her slowly, expression dry and neutral, unbothered by the decided lack of clothing from both his companions.

"This is my travelling companion, Keithia." He informed her, bouncing on his calves slightly as his legs began to tingle uncomfortably, "She's probably got a better bedside manner than me, too."

@SanctifiedSavage @DragonSong


 For all the responses that might have been for when the nymph showed up, the skittering of the stranger and the barring of teeth was a bit of a surprise. Keithia was small, slender, pale, and naked. If there was a more harmless state, she wasn't sure what that might be. Perhaps if she'd have crawled into the clearing? Especially since her hands remained hanging at her sides and her movements remained slow. She had been trying not to startle the other creature? Person? But that seemed to have failed.

The grey eyed nymph frowned at the strange creature that had tried to run off injured before she took one more step closer, but no more. Her base assumption was that Kanimir had not actually done the wounding. His style was more the ash piles littering around her. Neither did he seem to be questioning this oddity so much as... saving? That was also his thing. Saving those that could not save themselves.

"I did," she answered absently, one of her small hands gathering up her wet hair. Collecting it off of her body so it could hang just off her left shoulder in a more controlled fashion. "I thought you might be lost, but I see you were... Well." Keithia didn't have words for what he might've been doing. Her attention wandered back to the injured one. "If you don't mind, I could probably see to your injury." The nymph wasn't going to get any closer unless she was invited. Obviously something about her distressed the creature, so she wasn't going to move unless it was necessary or the other one said as much was fine.

@DragonSong @HeartOfFlame


Meri hissed, catlike. It was an instinctive response, but not one she was willing to back down from.

Cursing under her breath, the shapeshifter forced herself to her feet, wincing, and threw out a hand to brace against a nearby tree trunk. "Who the hell are you people?" she demanded, glowering.


Kanimir sighed exaggeratedly, lifting his eyes to the heavens briefly and rising from his crouched position with a breath through his lips. He waved a hand airily, glancing back at Keithia briefly before he vocalised his reply.

"Travellers of no consequence, really." He said, planting a hand on his hip and idly spinning tiny sparks of burning light between the fingers of his other. Blood still drip dropped down the woman's side, her movements halting and pained as he propped herself against a nearby tree. He made a face to himself - unimpressed - as he was reminded once again that they were surrounded by trees. Trees and bushes and all the other kinds of nature and foliage that generally irritated him. The twig poking into his neck from one of the trees he had walked through acting as his case in a point.

"Short story shorter, I'd like to help you with your," He waved a hand in her direction this time, light fractals still dancing around his fingertips, "problem. Y'know, the whole bleeding out situation and such."

@DragonSong @SanctifiedSavage


Keithia's stance and expression remained rather passive and neutral. While the nymph certainly felt a connection to nature, that didn't meant she was invested in anything that might be found within it. Her devotion was more tethered to the land than anything else. Whatever Kanimir had found himself in didn't hold her interest any farther than as deep as he wanted to wade into all of this.

Since her offer hadn't been accepted, the nymph remained off to the side and waited. Watching. She wasn't going to leave Kanimir, now that she'd found him. He'd likely get lost again. Now that she was in a place Keithia considered her element, it seemed rude to leave him to flounder when he'd been so kind to her before.

So, while she waited, Keithia ran a hand through her wet hair and watched. Ready to assist, should it be needed, but otherwise unobtrusive and quiet.

@HeartOfFlame  @DragonSong