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Ahib and Vedi, Twin Dryads

Started by Imperfect_M, December 13, 2020, 12:10:41 AM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Names: "Ahib" and "Vedi"
Ages: Roughly 400
Gender: Female
Species: Dryads
Heights: 5'8" / 172cm
Residence: Anywhere there is woodland.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Ahib and Vedi appear to be almost exactly identical in their Elf-like forms. Green hair like dark, healthy grass at exactly the same length, braided exactly the same way, with the exact same flowers and leaves woven into their locks at the exact same positions; their skin, pale at a glance, hides the barest green tint. The only way to tell the two of them apart would be through their heterochromia; both of them have one deep green eye and one red-yellow eye like that of a leaf in autumn. Ahib's autumn eye is on her right, where Vedi's is on her left.

Their graceful appearances, while true shapes rather than illusions, are more akin to disguises than bodies to the pair of Dryads. If left in their element, their true forms are much less appealing to the eyes. Their bodies become covered in woody, bark-like armor and their appearances become more like that of walking, possessed trees only vaguely humanoid in shape.

Ahib and Vedi's personality is eerie in its execution; each one speaks as if the two of there were one unit; the only time either of them use the word "I" is when one is speaking to the other. As a pair, they are curious and inseparable, but as individuals, they couldn't be any more different.

Ahib is serene, charming, and warm to outsiders. She listens to outside council with intent, and is much more likely to consider advice. She is also what some might say, "the merciful one," with herself being the one who prefers the path of peace over violence.

Vedi, on the other hand, is hot-blooded and wild. She is standoffish to outsiders, and seems to spurn any council that is not her sister's. She is also the glory hound of the two; once a fight is joined, Vedi makes her personality known by throwing herself (and Ahib by extension) into the fray with seemingly reckless abandon.


  • We Are One

    Ahib and Vedi move, act, and speak as if they were two parts of a single entity. But this goes beyond a mere personality quirk; the two are joined at the mind. What one perceives and experiences, so too does the other. Physically they behave like an ambidextrous pair of hands, moving and tumbling around, under, and over one-another with unnatural surety and grace.

  • The True Name

    The folk of the Fae Realm are bound by a certain supernatural set of rules. One of which is the True Name, where one who knows the "True Name" of a Fae creature has power over it, and can compel it to obey actions dictated by the speaker. With that in mind, no Fae would willingly surrender their True Name. "Ahib" and "Vedi" are mere things the Twins use to interact with mortalkinds. Their "True Name" is much more abstract and perhaps impossible for those outside of the forces of nature to produce: The rustling of the forest canopy across the northern parts of the Draconi Forest as the wind descends from the mountains.

  • Dominion Over Nature

    As Dryads, Ahib and Vedi share a connection with all that grows. With barely a thought and some effort, the twins can command any plant life around them to their bidding, be that to order the movement of an entire oak tree, or calling roots or branches to ensnare or entrap. But this power goes far beyond simple harm... The two of them are also nurturers; their magics revitalize and vivify plant life.

  • Agility of the Otherworld

    The speed and agility at which the twins can move is more than "superhuman," it is inhuman. The Dryad pair sprint, dive, roll, and maneuver as if weightless. Perhaps there is an element of the unbelievable to them, for despite their actual mass, they could easily stand on the flat of an outstretched blade without weighing down the wielder.

  • Where There Are Trees, We Are Home

    Ahib and Vedi possess a seemingly impossible ability to cross great distances in literal minutes, or even seconds. The truth of the matter is much less impossible: In their centuries of travel, Ahib and Vedi have created Groves all over the continent from the Kilanthro Mountains to the Thunderblacks. So long as they have access to a mature tree, the twins can travel to a Grove of their choosing, provided they have the energy to make the trip through the Otherworld. Traveling vast distances is a tiresome and draining task, where traveling half a day or a day's travel is as easy as walking there.

  • The Weaknesses of the Fair Folk

    For all of their abilities, Ahib and Vedi are still affected by the compulsions and aversions of all their kind: They cannot tell a direct falsehood (e.g. to say a person is alive if they are in fact dead), a promise made thrice is a promise they are compelled to keep, and the harmful touch of iron. Iron will physically injure them if touched with bare skin.


  • Orim, Elder Treant

    Orim, an ancient Oak Treant, is one of the parents of Ahib and Vedi. He can be found wandering through the northern Draconi forest, tending to its health and keeping an eye out for any invaders that might harm the woodlands.

  • Diri, Hamadryad

    Diri is a Hamadryad bound to one of the oldest trees in the Draconi forest. Her grove sprouted up around three of her birth. She has had many Dryad descendants of her own; none of which sharing her "binding" to her tree. She pollinated the flowers on Orim's body, and one of the results of that union was the twin creation of Ahib and Vedi.

Ahib and Vedi are unique among Dryads in that, when they were borne from Orim's flowers, they were born as a pair, unlike their siblings who all appeared individually. Their mother, Diri, pointed out that their birth together would give the twins a deep, unbreakable bond, and instructed the newborn Dryads that, whatever should happen, they should always look out for one-another.

Since then, the twin Dryads have lived among the trees of the Draconi and Niahi forests, traveling to far wildernesses and creating groves for themselves. Unlike their kinfolk, the two always had a strange curiosity with mortalfolk. Their stone artifice and their inability to communicate with nature initially made the young Dryads think that mortals were cold, detached, or even worse, simply too simple to understand the damage they could cause to nature around them. But they also were curious of those rangers and spellcasters who found themselves at peace in nature and lived in harmony with it. It was through these folk that Ahib and Vedi found themselves venturing closer and closer to mortal civilizations, each spring making them ever-bolder to perhaps finally see why mortals flock to these "cities."

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Ahib and Vedi - Twin Dryads of the Draconi

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