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Another RPG Survey!

Started by Rhindeer, September 30, 2006, 12:03:29 AM

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<b>+ The basics!</b>
Years roleplaying:
Favorite three characters?
Least favourite character?
Male or female characters?
Oldest character?
Newest character?
Most popular character?

<b>+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...</b>
Jump off a bridge?
Get drunk and pass out?
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?
Get married?
Rape somebody?
Be raped?
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?
Get lung cancer?
Star in a horror movie?
Star in a whore movie?
Star in a video game?
Make the world a better place?
Have a torrid gay love affair?

<b>+ Relate each word to a character of yours.</b>

<b>+ Would you ever...</b>
Play a prostitute?
Play a musician?
Play a pilot?
Play a homosexual?
Play a pedophile?
Play a politician?
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


+ The basics!
Name: Jessica
Alias: Draconian
Years roleplaying: Seven or so years!
Favorite three characters? Lune, Hek, Yuuki
Least favourite character? Ariador, Elrora, Dee
Male or female characters? Both, though mostly female.
Oldest character? Tarlaka
Newest character? Sahda Chu
Most popular character? Yuuki

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Elon
Get drunk and… - Yuuki
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Ariador
Get married? Elon
Rape somebody? Sorch
Be raped? Elon
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Yuuki
Get lung cancer? Hydra
Star in a horror movie? Llewellyn
Star in a whore movie? Dee
Star in a video game? Yuuki
Make the world a better place? ….umm.. Sahda Chu?
Have a torrid gay love affair?  Lune

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Elon
Hate: Yuuki
Money: Elon
Seduction: Dee
Lies: Xana
Tragedy: Lune
Manipulation: Hek
Violence: Xana
Politics: Tarlaka
Fire: Xana
Ice: Tarlaka

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Yes
Play a musician? Yes
Play a pilot? No, too complicated
Play a homosexual? Yes
Play a pedophile? No
Play a politician? Kinda
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? No, there has to be some BASE plot or something more at least. Sheesh. Its not ALL about the man smex. XP


+ The basics!
Name: Tiffany
Alias: Blue
Years roleplaying: Uh...6 years I think (5 of them right here at SotE!)
Favorite three characters? Sakkata, Faivish, Shadow Walker
Least favourite character? Oh boy...ummm...Aoi cuz she's so underdeveloped right now
Male or female characters? Female usually, but lately, male!
Oldest character? Shadow Walker
Newest character? Uh...well, Pyry I guess, cuz I haven't even posted her once yet
Most popular character? I think either Sakkata or Faivish, lol

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Crow if his master ordered him to
Get drunk and pass out? Ve (zero tolerance for alcohol) or Fai
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Sakkata
Get married? Yuudai
Rape somebody? Gabriel
Be raped? Felix
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Blade
Get lung cancer? None of my charries smoke
Star in a horror movie? Ha, Bob...or Gabriel
Star in a whore movie? Faivish
Star in a video game? Aoi
Make the world a better place? Damien
Have a torrid gay love affair? Lmao, Fai?

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Kizzy
Hate: Akso
Money: Peach
Seduction: Faivish
Lies: Dante
Tragedy: Crow
Manipulation: Gabriel
Violence: Blade
Politics: Renor
Fire: Sakkata
Ice: Drejan

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? I do, quite a few!
Play a musician? I did
Play a pilot? Sure
Play a homosexual? Lol, I do
Play a pedophile? Uh, more than likely not
Play a politician? Sure
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Nope


Yaaaay, happy surveys!

+ The basics!
Name: Karalee
Alias: Pseudonym (Spooky)
Years roleplaying: Just about eight!
Favorite three characters? Tobias, Darcy, Aya
Least favourite character? Rewn. He ‘tis very stereotypical.
Male or female characters? Both, please!
Oldest character? Tobias
Newest character? Hapi Yo
Most popular character? Tobias, maybe Darcy?

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Anastasija
Get drunk and pass out? Tobias
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Anastasija
Get married? Aya
Rape somebody? Hapi
Be raped? … Darcy >_> *CoughLuneCough*
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Atachii
Get lung cancer? I’d say Tobias, because he is the chain smoker, but it’d be kinda hard, considering he’s a vampire and all, so… Darcy.
Star in a horror movie? Anastasija, as the psycho serial killer with the army of attack goldfish!
Star in a whore movie? Hapi
Star in a video game? Aya
Make the world a better place? … Darcy?
Have a torrid gay love affair?  Darcy. Been there, done that.

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Tobias
Hate: Anastasija
Money: Tobias
Seduction: Anastasija
Lies: Aya
Tragedy: Tobias
Manipulation: Darcy
Violence: Hapi
Politics: Oh Bog, one of <I>them</I> in politics? O_O
Fire: Hapi
Ice: Atachii

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Yes
Play a musician? Yes
Play a pilot? Maybeh. If it was interesting enough.
Play a homosexual? Yes
Play a pedophile? No, that’d just be… No.
Play a politician? Eh. If I was in a diplomatic mood.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Nuh-uh. ^_^


+ The basics!
Name: Rhiannon, or Rhi, or Rhi-Rhi. XD
Alias: Small Wonder
Years roleplaying: About...ten now?
Favorite three characters? That's hard. Hatame, Kyran, Beatrid, Erus, Nakaris...gaaah...I can't choose! >_<
Least favourite character? Um...any characters that I've joined and quit because I didn't like them. XD
Male or female characters? I play both. It seems I play mostly male characters, though...*pokes her 7 or 8 females* I need more. O_o
Oldest character? Ever? Small Wonder, Aki, and Kuanie (not the Kuanie I have now--that Kuanie was a wolf and a girl. XD). All of 'em were wolves. <3
Newest character? Raca!
Most popular character? Um...probably...*thiinks* Niaaki and Hatame?

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Hatame, just because he's nuts, a daredevil, and figures he should try everything at least once. XD
Get drunk and pass out? Nakaris. He's done it before and he likes his drinking games. Kyran--he has no tolerance at all, but he doesn't like alcohol. Just a sip and he'd be knocked out.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Raca (he's just sadistic) Erus (she' them alive? O_o) Yarra (just...violent), Beatrid (if she was pissed enough...>_>).
Get married? Aniketos (he is married! XD). Hatame technically, since he's mated to Sakkata. 8D
Rape somebody? Raca. >_O
Be raped? Kuanie. o__o
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Hatame, Kyran, Beatrid, Yarra, Nakaris...stubborn, stubborn. XD
Get lung cancer? Xastre; he smokes!
Star in a horror movie? Raca and Erus. O_o
Star in a whore movie? Kyran? XD
Star in a video game? All of 'em! Haha!
Make the world a better place? Vahni! Even if he is a thief. He's a good guy. 8D
Have a torrid gay love affair? Haha, Kyran. XD

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Hatame, Kuanie, Cherry, Rayu, Yhuni, Yuri...
Hate: Kuanie, Zeirne, Keina, Raca...
Money: Keina
Seduction: Kyran (or so he thinks)...
Lies: Aidan, Niamh, Keina, Kiyan...
Tragedy: Kuanie, Hatame, Lhakya...
Manipulation: Kiyan, Keina, Niamh, Soiras
Violence: Raca, Yarra, Beatrid, Erus, Nakaris
Politics: Yuri, Xastre
Fire: Yarra, Zeirne, Niamh
Ice: Yokanil

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Yup!
Play a musician? Yup!
Play a pilot? If I played in a modern setting, yup! It seems complicated, but I'm up to new challenges.
Play a homosexual? I do!
Play a pedophile? No...unless it was for a story for the plot, but, eh, no. >_O
Play a politician? I do! XD
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Nah, I create characters. What they do after that is up to them and the plot. But, no, there's much more to RP than smut and...I'd get bored with a character created just for that purpose. XD Heck, in even the most smutty thread I'm in *looks at Kyran* there's hardly even any actual smut. I just like the funny, awkward, random stuff, and the suggestion, more than anything else.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


+ The basics!
Name:  Josh
Alias:  Xellos, Whimsy
Years roleplaying:  5, i think
Favorite three characters?  oh, dang, um, Febwin, Kinich, Wivvyrn??
Least favourite character?  that's a goofy question.  why would play a charrie i didn't like?
Male or female characters?  it's pretty even, but i have 5 more males than females at the moment.
Oldest character?  here: Drakona and Wivvyrn, but i've also joined Gorthen, and he was my first rp character ever.
Newest character?  Keeth and Kerika.  i joined them together.
Most popular character?  that's hard to say... under what circumstance?  i think i have the most posts with Febwin.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?  Drakona, she can fly.
Get drunk and pass out?  Adrik and Ormand wouldn't pass out, but Febwin sure would.  she's free spirited, but with a low tolerance
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?  Rumaris, he's good at that.  and evil.  very evil.
Get married?  Kerika, i guess.  she's the only one open to the idea at the moment.
Rape somebody?  oh, goodness, no.  if anything Adrik would have to be INSANELY drunk.
Be raped?  Febwin, she tends to prance around in nothing and can't really defend herself.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?  Heather.  oh so stubborn.
Get lung cancer?  Tache.  lord knows what kind of strange crap he inhales in his lab.
Star in a horror movie?  Shiba.  he's downright monsterly
Star in a whore movie?  Adrik.  you'll PAY him to get it on?
Star in a video game?  Ormand.  he's been used as an MMO character
Make the world a better place?  Welnasha.  she IS the world. ;p
Have a torrid gay love affair?  Febwin.  she's steerin' for it!

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love:  Febwin
Hate:  Rumaris
Money:  er, Kinich
Seduction:  guh, i haven't explored that angle yet!
Lies:  Rumaris
Tragedy:  Zlaktaa
Manipulation:  Vaegen
Violence:  Rumaris
Politics:  Zivayl
Fire:  Drakona
Ice:  Phyona

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?  prolly
Play a musician?  i believe i have
Play a pilot?  i do!
Play a homosexual?  i've got one!
Play a pedophile?  ya know, i'd say no, but technically, Keeth is 40, but only looks 13 and is attracted to people his physical age...
Play a politician?  i had plans for one, but they fell through before i got the chance.  so yes.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?  oddly enough, no.  smut can only be, maximum, a secondary character goal.


+ The basics!
Name: Avery or Leander
Alias: Lazuli
Years roleplaying: Years...
Favorite three characters? Hayate, Siren, Ilari
Least favourite character? Lesphares
Male or female characters? MALE! ALL THE TIME!
Oldest character? Lazuli
Newest character? Vale Van Aalsburg  and soon to be: Scarlet...
Most popular character? I'd say a toss up between Siren, Hayate, and Ilari. However Siren probably is going to take home the prize.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Echelon
Get drunk and pass out? Orlando
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Siren.
Get married? Hayate
Rape somebody? Eres
Be raped? Orlando and Hayate 'cause they are the submissive type.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Hayate!
Get lung cancer? Muse
Star in a horror movie? Faraday
Star in a whore movie? Siren and Eres
Star in a video game? Sebastian
Make the world a better place? Faraday
Have a torrid gay love affair? Orlando

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Hayate
Hate: Siren
Money: Vale
Seduction: Eres
Lies: Roe
Tragedy: Echelon
Manipulation: Ilari
Violence: Arashel
Politics: Amirah
Fire: Hayate
Ice: Lazuli

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Yes, Hayate and now Scarlet possibly.
Play a musician? Nah.
Play a pilot? Nope.
Play a homosexual? Always
Play a pedophile? Hmm, nope.
Play a politician? Eww
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? I would like to, but he'd probably end up having a seriously complicated history and in the end be a very well-thought out charrie



+ The basics!
Name: Paul ( also known as Man of Action)
Alias: Tsukia
Years roleplaying: like 7 if you count yahoo and the dungeon
Favorite three characters?  Tchio,Felicia,Hino they rule best ideas so far.
Least favourite character? Felicia its so hard playing a girl without being diragatory or predicatable for me.
Male or female characters? Males cause its easy and fun.
Oldest character? Kitsuke he's in the late forties.
Newest character? Felicia she jumped out of my head guns blazing I swear!
Most popular character? Probably Tchio so far.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Definantly Kitsuke he would do anything to avoid a fight.
Get drunk and pass out? Once again Kitsuke
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Felicia she probably is hiding something beneath that 18 year old exterior.
Get married?  Tchio....maybe.
Rape somebody? Felicia for sure. lol
Be raped? Tchio he's such a frail little man.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Kitsuke hes stubborn
Get lung cancer?  Felicia she's a pirate other pirates smoke.
Star in a horror movie? Oh Felicia it'd be called THE PIRATES WHO NEVER QUIT!
Star in a whore movie? Felicia because she's flakey that way.
Star in a video game? Tchio hes epicish and a underhero ya know almost written from games.
Make the world a better place? Probably Tchio since he's a scientist that or make it alot unsafer.
Have a torrid gay love affair? Ohhh. Tchio even though he's straight he probably could lean someday.

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Prolly Tchio he's always daydreaming
Hate: Kitsuke even though he's just dislikes people.
Money: Felicia pirate=$$
Seduction: Felicia flirty pirate=$$$$$
Lies: Felicia PIRATE!!!
Tragedy: Tchio I just seem something horrible happening to him to make him a better person.
Manipulation: Oh yea Tchio for sure. He cant resist the ladies.
Violence: Kitsuke being a war vet it just comes with the territory.
Politics: Kitsuke he has a mind for that kinda stuff except he's not sociable.
Fire: Kitsuke
Ice: Tchio

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Hell's yeaaaaaaaa. Just working on it.
Play a musician? Definently itd be really true to myself.
Play a pilot? Meh why not?
Play a homosexual? I've had ideas about it.
Play a pedophile? Man I have like the perfect idea for this but its SOOOOOOO wrong lol.
Play a politician? Yea it would be fun to see how far you can make it.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? OF COURSE??? *looks around feeling lonely* Lol it would all be in good fun.


+ The basics!
Name: Kati
Alias: Black Ballad (among other names, BB is just the most common and oldest of them)
Years roleplaying: Oh, six or seven
Favorite three characters? Overall: Vahlderah, Casanova, and Troy :: SoTE: Tristan, Lacedae, Mercy
Least favorite character? That varies.
Male or female characters? Both
Oldest character? Shynoah
Newest character? Ronin Serathy
Most popular character? Was Casanova or Troy, now Lacedae I guess

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Lacedae
Get drunk and pass out? Tristan
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Lacedae
Get married? Tristan
Rape somebody? Hmm.. none of them really. I suppose Lacey might in a very odd situation
Be raped? Lacedae
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Ronin
Get lung cancer? Tristan
Star in a horror movie? Mercy
Star in a whore movie? Lacedae.. she IS a whore movie
Star in a video game? Ronin
Make the world a better place? Mercy
Have a torrid gay love affair? Tristan

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Mercy
Hate: Lacedae
Money: Laedae
Seduction: Lacedae
Lies: Lacedae
Tragedy: Mercy
Manipulation: Lacedae
Violence: Ronin
Politics: Tristan, oddly enough
Fire: Ronin
Ice: Ronin

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Obviously yes.. Lacedae
Play a musician? Yes
Play a pilot? Nope, I know nothing about aviation
Play a homosexual? Yes
Play a pedophile? Yes actually. Not I disgusting depth or anything, but I’ll try most anything once
Play a politician? Yes
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Nope. Be involved in it, yes, but not create a characer for only that. Boooring.


+ The basics!
Name: Tiffany, Tiff, Tiffy, Tiff-Tiff
Alias: Emoosts (the Almighty)
Years roleplaying: about 4 years
Favorite three characters? Ugh, so hard. It's always changing... Yahto, Sjaak, Alene
Least favourite character? Amaie, Akeringu, Nouvel, Meir Lux Sullivan
Male or female characters? Usually female, I don't know why - I'm just more inclined to play them. I do, on occasion, try to play male characters.
Oldest character? Jorie (she's several centuries old)
Newest character? Alene
Most popular character? None! XD

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Yahto
Get drunk and pass out? Jorie, Amarante, Toviel
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Ziarre, Jorie, Liliha
Get married? Ziarre (SHE'S DONE IT! =O) Liliha
Rape somebody? Yahto, Toviel
Be raped? Sjaak, Keir, Aoko, Toviel
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Kieli, Sjaak, Toviel, or Akeringu
Get lung cancer? Toviel, Yahto
Star in a horror movie? Ziarre
Star in a whore movie? Yahto
Star in a video game? Jorie, Ziarre, Akeringu, Liliha
Make the world a better place? Amarante, Amaie
Have a torrid gay love affair? Toviel, Gage

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Yahto, Liliha, Sherene
Hate: Ziarre
Money: Nouvel
Seduction: Jorie
Lies: Ziarre
Tragedy: Ziarre, Shane, Liliha
Manipulation: Shane
Violence: Ziarre, Shane, Sjaak, Jorie, Alene, Liliha
Politics: >>' Wha...?
Fire: Ziarre
Ice: Jorie

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Hmm... sure!
Play a musician? If I knew enough about music or musical instruments.
Play a pilot? I played a pilot of a space craft! 8D
Play a homosexual? Done it.
Play a pedophile? I would! Hahaha. SANTA CLAUSE!
Play a politician? I don't know about politics >>'
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Hmm... Tricky. The character would probably evolve from being just a smut-character, though.


+ The basics!
Name: Catherine
Alias: Cat
Years roleplaying: I think 3
Favorite three characters? Megan, Kimiko, Bella
Least favourite character? Devin
Male or female characters? I don't get this question
Oldest character? Megan
Newest character? Devin
Most popular character? Kimiko

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Megan
Get drunk and pass out? Bella
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Kimiko
Get married? Megan
Rape somebody? I don't know
Be raped? Megan
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Kimiko
Get lung cancer? Lace
Star in a horror movie? Megan
Star in a whore movie? Avasa
Star in a video game? Kimiko
Make the world a better place? Lace
Have a torrid gay love affair? Possibly Kimiko

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Megan
Hate: Kimiko
Money: Bella
Seduction: Uriah
Lies: Kimiko
Tragedy: Megan
Manipulation: Megan
Violence: Kimiko
Politics: None, that I can think
Fire: Kimiko
Ice: Avasa

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Yes
Play a musician? yes
Play a pilot? No I don't think so..
Play a homosexual? I'm confused
Play a pedophile? Isn't that a guy who stalks people?
Play a politician? No, I hate politics
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? What's smut? If it's good then yes, probably.


So you know, this is spread out not just in Sote, but in all my areas of roleplay.

+ The basics!
Name: Jonathan
Alias: Jonat, Odin, JC, Rufus, Jonas, Demon of Razgriz, CC, J, Jay
Years roleplaying: About 8 or something.
Favorite three characters? Tai (check my deviantart gallery), Vulpes,  Malkari.
Least favourite character? Jonas... lol, i wanted a cool centaur, but i overdid the accent.
Male or female characters? Female. Some reason i can play them better, because most male characters are either too feminine or overly "badass".
Oldest character? Ooooooooh... Tai proberly. She's been changed alot of times, used to be known as J'Na Nek some years back.
Newest character? Hmmm. Mark (check my characters list in deviantart for this one)
Most popular character? Malkari... Definately.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Vulpes, simply because he could survive such a leap.
Get drunk and pass out? Kain (another deviant character, but he has no bio)
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Malkari.. lol...
Get married? Malkari.
Rape somebody? Hmmm.. Don't think i have a charrie like that.
Be raped? Tai.. lol. Yeah right!
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Ah, definately Vulpes.
Get lung cancer? Malkari.. fire breathing dragon.
Star in a horror movie? Malkari.
Star in a whore movie? Tai, but she wouldn't like it.
Star in a video game? Vulpes.
Make the world a better place? Vulpes.
Have a torrid gay love affair? Err.. Tai likely.

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Tai
Hate: Kain
Money: Malkari
Seduction: Tai
Lies: Kain
Tragedy: Malkari
Manipulation: Kain
Violence: Tai
Politics: Kain
Fire: Malkari
Ice: Vulpes

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Not something foreseeable, but i *could*. Never know.
Play a musician? Might be fun.
Play a pilot? And i have ;)
Play a homosexual? Done this. ;p
Play a pedophile? Something i wouldn't touch... at least not connect with the characters like i do with my others.
Play a politician? Nah, i hate politics.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Yeah, done this too XD


+ The basics!
Name: Maria, or Maria-chan
Alias: Vixen
Years roleplaying: umm...3 I think
Favorite three characters? gah, thats an evil question. Uh...Valeska...Kit, and...Lillith
Least favourite character? ...Sky I guess, since I'm still working on her
Male or female characters? mostly female chars
Oldest character? On SotE, Valeska. In general, Kit
Newest character? Fonsy and Sky, since they haven't been posted yet
Most popular character? ...Kit? I'm not sure really ^^;

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Star...cuz she's weird...and can just poof back on the bridge...
Get drunk and pass out? Jo, I don't think she handles alcohol well
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Kit or Sanura....they're scary...
Get married? Clarice, she royalty and kinda has too anyway
Rape somebody? ...uh...none of them would...buuut...under the influence of a certain song *pokes Valeska* just maybe ^^;
Be raped? Lillith, so darned submissive...she needs a bodyguard...
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Sanura, waaaay too stubborn for her own good...
Get lung cancer? huh...maybe Kit...she hangs out in bars a lot ^^;. Likely to get it second hand, she never smokes
Star in a horror movie? Kit if you tick her off
Star in a whore movie? ......................................................Fonsy? ^^;;;
Star in a video game? Sanura, Kit or Valeska
Make the world a better place? Lillith
Have a torrid gay love affair? Torrid? Uhhh...Jo! XDDD

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Valeska
Hate: Kit
Money: Duweit
Seduction: ...Lillith? XD
Lies: Kit
Tragedy: Valeska, Kit, Sanura, Clarice
Manipulation: Valeska, Star
Violence: Kit, Sanura
Politics: Clarice, Valeska
Fire: Kit
Ice: Valeska

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? ...maybe ^^;
Play a musician? I have two actulally
Play a pilot? Why not? ^^
Play a homosexual? I gots two of is in denial XD *pokes Jo*
Play a pedophile? no
Play a politician? sure
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? probably not


((Just so people know, I have alot of characters that I play, Ive just been lazy and havent registered them yet, lol))

+ The basics!
Name: Savannah
Alias: Azrael
Years roleplaying: about 2 or so
Favorite three characters? Kain, Mike, Apollo
Least favourite character? ummm... I think that would be this Xhea
Male or female characters? Both. And Hermaphrodites :3 I also tend to play males alot, cause Im weird like that.
Oldest character? Kain
Newest character? Aleian
Most popular character? Possibly Mike, not sure though.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Scratch, Turel
Get drunk and pass out? Bran
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Ray and Mike
Get married? Suelia
Rape somebody? Mike and Bran
Be raped? S'aren
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Adrian
Get lung cancer? Qren
Star in a horror movie? Ray
Star in a whore movie? Kain
Star in a video game? Mike
Make the world a better place? Suelia
Have a torrid gay love affair? Kain, Apollo, Scratch

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Suelia
Hate: Turel
Money: Bran
Seduction: Kain
Lies: Ray
Tragedy: Scratch
Manipulation: Viper
Violence: Mike
Politics: Apollo
Fire: Durnigan
Ice: Pegasus

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Hell yes.
Play a musician? Most of my characters are already musicians
Play a pilot? Sure thing
Play a homosexual? Several or my characters are
Play a pedophile? Not my thing
Play a politician? If I knew more about politics I might
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? nah, even though I'd play a prostitute, I prefer a storyline over thoughtless fornication.


+ The basics!
Name: Rachel
Alias: Resalia
Years roleplaying: four or more with breaks inbetween.
Favorite three characters? Black, Kozue, March
Least favourite character? Kalen (One of my bad guy annoying charries) Mackenroe, Rendas pack leader (can't remember hisname damnit)
Male or female characters? Play both.
Oldest character? March Hare
Newest character? Sheridan
Most popular character? I have played the most with March.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Red
Get drunk and pass out? Riley
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Kozue Godsey
Get married? Red
Rape somebody? Mackenroe
Be raped? Red
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Black or March
Get lung cancer? Black/March
Star in a horror movie? March as the evil killer.
Star in a whore movie? erm...Jyotika.
Star in a video game? March (first person shooter :P)
Make the world a better place? HEH! erm..Vivian
Have a torrid gay love affair? Riley

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Red
Hate: March
Money: Jyotika
Seduction: Pshh All my girls.
Tragedy: March
Manipulation: Jyotika
Violence: March/ Sheridan
Politics: Jyotika
Fire: Jyotika
Ice: March

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Yes
Play a musician? Dur
Play a pilot? only if i would name him J.J
Play a homosexual? yes
Play a pedophile? no
Play a politician? oh lord no! Lol yes.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? have done so, may do so again.


+ The basics!
Name: Ana
Alias: it varies from game to game actually
Years roleplaying: close to 9
Favorite three characters? Khelira, Damien Hardel, and Anawiel (these last two are from different games)
Least favourite character? Tarelein (I'm thinking of getting rid of her)
Male or female characters? I play both
Oldest character? Anawiel
Newest character? Lucine Papikian
Most popular character? Damien Hardel

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Damien
Get drunk and pass out? Damien
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? either Khelira or Lucine (Lucine's a vampire)
Get married? Damien
Rape somebody? none of them
Be raped? Duilin Moore (he's in the same game as Lucine, but he's a Were)
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Khelira
Get lung cancer? Damien
Star in a horror movie? Lucine or Duilin
Star in a whore movie? Damien
Star in a video game? Khelira
Make the world a better place? XD probably none of them
Have a torrid gay love affair? Damien...'cause he already has

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Damien
Hate: Lucine
Money: Anawiel
Seduction: haven't really tried this angle with anyone yet
Lies: Khelira
Tragedy: Damien and Khelira
Manipulation: Duilin
Violence: Lucine
Politics: haven't tried this with anyone
Fire: Lucine
Ice: Damien

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? no
Play a musician? I already do
Play a pilot? no
Play a homosexual? already do
Play a pedophile? no
Play a politician? maybe
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? that's actually kind of what Damien started out as


+ The basics!
Name: Jessica (my friends call me Fortune Cookie)
Alias: AkiraKorimia
Years roleplaying: *uses calculator* Uhh...UHH...HOT POCKETS?!...around nine years. ^-^
Favorite three characters? Winky-Dink (Wink), Satu Arabelle Mitsumi, and Enno Bane Mitsumi
Least favourite character? Beacon, only because I don't know WTF (whothefarg) he is yet. >.>
Male or female characters? Male, really. Females bore me sometimes. ^-^
Oldest character? ...Leithan, methinks.
Newest character? I've got three: Naia/Ayan, Leithan and Winky-Dink.
Most popular character? Satu.

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Enno and Satu (they do it all the time) and Naia/Ayan
Get drunk and pass out? None of them--they're not big drinkers. XD
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Wow...that's totally Enno.
Get married? Satu and Lo-Lo, sittin' in a tree! F-u-...nevermind. ^-^
Rape somebody? >.>
Be raped? Leithan. XD But I don't think he'd mind much. And Naia in her Ayan form.
Ayan: Well, of course. *winks at Blue's character, Aoi*
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Leithan and Beacon.
Get lung cancer? Beacon. God, you're so plain, Beacon.
Beacon: *cries*
Star in a horror movie? XD Enno, man...Enno!
Star in a whore movie? Leithan.
Leithan: Why is it I'm the moll?
Star in a video game? Satu and Enno
Make the world a better place? Wink and his many aminals! XD (aminals=animals)...and Naia/Ayan
Have a torrid gay love affair? XD Leithan, more than likely. And Naia/Ayan!
Leithan: Okay, this is getting out of hand! >.>

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Satu and Naia/Ayan
Hate: Wink
Money: Wink
Seduction: Leithan
Lies: Enno and Ayan/Naia
Tragedy: Enno and Satu
Manipulation: Leithan
Violence: Enno
Politics: Beacon XD
Beacon: *wails*
Fire: Wink
Ice: Wink

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Maybe.
Play a musician? Of course! I was just about to birth a new character that carries a violin around!
Play a pilot? What? o-o
Play a homosexual? Of course!
Play a pedophile? Of course, one of Blue's character's thought that Naia/Ayan was one! XD
Ayan: Yeah...Adi. *glares playfully at Adi*
Play a politician? GOD, no...the lies...the LIES! D8
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Ew! No! I may have smut in my plots, but it's not the sole reason why I would RP. How dare you ask such a questio--huh? What? She's the owner of the site? Oh...oh, okay. Good call, good call. But THANK you so much for asking! What a wonderful question! 8D;;;;;;;


+ The basics!
Name: Stephan
Alias: Vernionator X, Fate
Years roleplaying: 4-5?
Favorite three characters? Man, thats a tough one. hmmm...Malevolus, Jouichi, and Shankara?
Least favourite character? Bloo from Foster's! >>
Male or female characters? Female ^^
Oldest character? Shinigami variant ^^
Newest character? Trankwin? o_<
Most popular character? Right now, I'd have to say Conall has the most pages

+ Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Drake XD
Get drunk and pass out? Lily ^^
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Kamen
Get married? Bastian XD
Rape somebody? Ansa >>
Be raped? Shane
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Logan
Get lung cancer? Taylor? o_<
Star in a horror movie? Kamen. He can be any horror imaginable! XD
Star in a whore movie? Jezda. Mmm, succubus ^^
Star in a video game? Pfft, Li, of course!
Make the world a better place? Lynx
Have a torrid gay love affair? Bastian! ^^

+ Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Lynx
Hate: Ansa?
Money: Itska
Seduction: Shinrei
Lies: Kamen
Tragedy: Makyuri
Manipulation: Eva
Violence: Axis
Politics: o_< Prolly Kalik?
Fire: Jezirae
Ice: Cori, Scarlet ^^

+ Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Maybe.
Play a musician? Have one, sorta ^^;
Play a pilot? Have one ^^
Play a homosexual? Have one too.
Play a pedophile? Ehh...prolly not.
Play a politician? Im not good at politics ^^;
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Nah