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live by the sword

Started by Tally, March 02, 2005, 05:18:45 PM

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Soralyn pushes the stallion into a gallop as she leaves the village behind her. It is the dead of night, but she knows this path, has ridden it many times in the dark. As always, she has donned a tunic and breeches and pulled her long blonde hair back into a thick braid. Her sword—the only one she owns, the one she must keep hidden lest it be taken away from her—is strapped to her back.  Her breath mists in front of her as it mingles with the cold air.

She turns her horse off the path then, letting her memory guide her to her destination. They are on rough, uneven terrain now, so she slows the stallion to a trot; if he breaks a leg out here, that'll be the end of her nightly excursions. He pulls at the bit and fights her control, but she keeps a firm hand on the reins and holds him in check, smiling as he settles down. He's got good spirit, and she likes him for that, but she can't risk laming him. He'll get a good gallop in on the way back to the home.

Ahead of her looms a stand of trees, and hidden among them is a dark, towering shape outlined in the silver light of the full moon. It must have been a small manor house at some point in time, but now it is nothing but ruins. The roof is gone, possibly burned away, and one entire wall is missing.  The three remaining stone walls are crumbling and covered with moss.  Some silly rumors say the place is haunted, but she's been using this place to practice her sword work for nigh on a year now, and she's seen no evidence of ghosts. At least the rumors keep people away and allow her privacy.

She had driven a post into the ground on a previous visit, and after she ties the stallion to it, she pulls a book from the saddlebag. She's gotten quite a collection of books on swordplay, for books are the only instruction she can find on the subject. Her parents long ago ruined any chances of her receiving tutelage from someone who knows what they're doing.

Picking up where she left off, she draws her sword and practices the techniques described in the book. The sword is old and notched, the edge dull and the grip worn, and it's not at all the right blade for her body type, but it's all she has, and she loves it because it is hers.


It had taken a while, but eventually Sougra had managed to navigate through the woods and back to the familiar village. It was not really a trek he had been looking forward toâ€"his experiences in the village were mediocre, at bestâ€"but after being separated from the human that he had come to know as his guardian of sorts, he'd had no choice but to figure out some way to find his way back. He didn't know the first thing about surviving on his own, and it was only out of sheer desperation that he had learned a way to root out rodents hiding beneath the ground. And he didn't really like that...he'd earned quite a few nasty scratches and bites that way, and mice didn't really have enough meat on them to sate the hunger of a growing wolf pup for long. Especially not one in the first stages of adolescence.

But there was much more to the wild than just figuring out your next meal. It was scary out there, alone...the things he heard out there...the other predators his parents had told him of. But he'd never worried about those things when he was near his family, nor that kind human. But he'd been separated from both...

By a sheer stroke of luck and lots of brain-racking, he'd managed to make his way back to the village. Back to his old ways of acting like just another scruffy dog. But, it was okay. He was safe here from other predators that feared the humans, and as long as he avoided other strays, stayed away from the mean humansâ€"like those kids that tied that bundle of sticks to his tail and sent him running for the woods in the first place!â€"and did a good enough job at begging from the right people, he'd be fine! And then, once he figured out how to shift back into his other form like the rest of his pack, he'd be able to blend right in and not have to worry about humans being mean to him.

Unfortunately, that had been a skill he had just begun to be taught when he'd been separated from his pack. Which was why he was stuck like this now. But he knew he'd find them again. They'd find him. They'd be looking for him.

And that was why he made sure to spend some of his time out in the woods. He wanted to be ready when they finally came out this way, ready to meet them because he knew they wouldn't come too close to the human places, but he also wanted to be near the village, where all the food was...and company, even if it was pretty one-sided.

He'd recently found the greatest place that was just what he'd been looking for, a place from where he could reach the village easily, but that was out in the woods and from other things! It seemed nothing else, animal or human, came around there. It looked like it was once a human place, but it was a wreck now...but not enough so as to fool other animals, it seemed! Well, not big ones, at least. It had its share of little rodents, and Sougra practiced hunting them for fun, chasing them through the dilapidated rooms and sometimes even catching one. A small victory for the tame wolf.

So, Sougra had taken up residency there, at least during the nights, always believing it was his secret place.

That is, until the sounds of hooves clopping against the earth woke him from where he slept curled up under a broken off chunk of roof, one of the only pieces that had managed to stay in one piece when it had fallen ages ago. His white ears twitched first, rotating to catch the sound, and his yellow eyes opened next, blinking sleepily. And it was then that he caught sight of the human female swinging her...her...what were those sharp, shiny things called again? Not important! They were dangerous! That one human that one time had threatened to skin him with one of those things once, and to Sougra's untrained eye, this woman looked like an expert shiny-stick wielder!

He gave a jolt of surprise at that thought, then yelped as his head connected with the low roof of his cramped shelter. Which also successfully dislodged a piece of it, sending it clattering to the ground. Sougra froze immediately. Erk. Real great move, but further proof that he had the survival skills of...of...something not good at surviving. Still, he kept perfectly still and quiet. This place creaked a lot. Maybe she'd just think it was the house.

Never mind that he yelped.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Time rolls by, and Soralyn works herself into a breathless sweat going through the sword routines. She studies a stance in the book, or a parry technique, or a thrust, or any of the other number of routines, then stands in the middle of the ruined dwelling and practices the movements until she can flow through them like water, until her body moves through them of it's own accord.  Then it's back to the book to read up on the next technique in the light of her little oil lamp, leaning over the pages with sweat dripping down her face, one finger tapping at her lips as she considers the instructions.

She must be ever mindful of the position of the moon in the sky, however, for she must make it back to her parents before they awaken.  So far, thanks to caution and a few helpful servants who cover for her, she's been able to keep this secret.  But she must remain ever vigilant if she is to triumph!

When she judges that three hours have passed, she draws herself up in the middle of the ruins and breathes deeply, turning her face upward toward the silvery moon and closing her eyes for a few moments. The silence is perfect...close...

She nearly jumps out of her skin as a sudden high-pitched sound and a clattering cut through the silence. Her eyes fly open and her body goes absolutely rigid as her fist tightens to a death grip on the sword.


Nah! No, that's just silly. All those rumors and children's tales about this place being haunted are completely ridiculous! She is above that kind of superstition! All those stories about vengeful spirits and murderous spooks are just...just stories. There aren't really ghosts here that steal the life out of your chest...leave you cold and dead...alone out here...

After a few moments, she regains movement of her limbs and peers into the shadows of the ruined dwelling. Where had the sound come from anyway? She had been too busy fearing for her soul to really notice, but she thinks it came from inside the walls. "Hellooo?" she says, her voice sounding very small under the heavy blanket of silence. She moves in the direction she thought the sound came from, looking for the source of the sound.


For a few moments, there was complete and utter silence, and Sougra finally picked up enough courage to poke his nose out from his shelter and peer out at the woman. Maybe she'd gone? Maybe the noise had scared her away! In a way, that would be pretty neat; he'd never scared a soul in his life, unless you counted the rats he chased, because he was the one that was usually being spooked! But another part of him, despite the danger, also kind of wished she was still there. Even though he knew those shiny-sticks were bad and all, it had been pretty neat watching her. He'd never actually seen someone wield one! It looked hard.

He nearly jumped again when his eyes fell upon her, though she wasn't moving. She was completely still, and if he didn't know any better, he'd say she looked...scared? She looked stiff! Whoa...had he really frightened her? He'd always thought his yelps sounded pretty wimpy!

Sougra couldn't help the triumphant, wolfish grin that came across his face.

Though that grin abruptly faded when she began to call out and move again...and towards him!

Meep! He quickly pulled his head back within the safety of his shelter, and hoped she hadn't seen him. she was moving towards him now. Should he just stay in here and wait, and hope she wouldn't look in here, and that if she did look in here she was a nice lady? Or should he make a mad dash and hope that, if she was a mean lady, she couldn't run very fast? But then there was always the possibility that she was nice, like Josef, and not mean like those stupid kids with their stupid stick bundles! And if she was mean and he stayed here, he wouldn't be able to escape! But if she was mean and could run really, really fast, she could catch him!

His tail began to thump against the ground as he thought it all over, and he suddenly became aware of that and gave a low growl at the renegade appendage. Stupid thing. It was gonna go and give him away! Oh jeez! He'd just growled, too, hadn't he?

Gyah! Now she probably knew, either way!

No other choice, now!

Without even looking, he suddenly sprung out from within his shelter to make a desperate mad dash toward the outside.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


As Soralyn edges closer toward the dark corner where the sound came from, the absolute absurdity of her situation strikes her and she can barely suppress an inane little giggle. Here she is gripping her sword so tightly that her hand hurts and actually looking for the muderous ghost. Shouldn't she be running?

And what am I going to do if I find the ghost? Threaten it with my dull, notched sword that I can't even use properly? And...why am I still here?

...because it's never been in you to run away.

She creeps further toward the corner, crouching down to peer into the moonshadows. A sudden, rhythmic thumping sound makes her rethink her policy of not running away, but it is what she hears next that stays her. A growl, not menacing and ferocious but rather small and meek. Almost like that of a...

...puppy! It darts out from it's hiding place and shoots right past her before she can stop it, and she wheels around to watch it disappear once again into the night. "A puppy," she says aloud. "I'm the only swordswoman ever to be frightened out of her wits by a puppy."

What would it be doing out here? A mongrel from the village perhaps? Soralyn sheathes her sword and wanders out of the stone ruins. "Here puppy," she calls in that high pitched, nonthreatening voice people reserve for animals and children. "Here puppy, puppy." Where could it have gone? She clicks her tongue and crouches down on her heels to see if it will come back.


He made it! He actually made it out and past her without getting caught!

Sougra could have puffed out his chest in pride over his own speed and mad skills, except for one little thing: as soon as he shot out of that building, he found himself...outside. Out all alone in the dark, with the trees looming up ominously around him, open space spanning every direction for miles, and the shadowy moon glaring down at him, with quiet all around save for those nightbirds that made those scary sounds, almost like moans. And Sougra didn't like being out in the night, unsheltered like this. It was...creepy...

No! No it wasn't! Heh! He'd taken on rats nearly as big as himself before, why should be be scared of the dark? It was silly, and he wasn't a pup! Well, yeah, he was, but nevermind that! He was tough! He'd been living on his own for a while now! And anyway, he couldn't go back with that sharp-stick wielding human and him not knowing if she was a good one or a bad one. He'd just find somewhere else to stay, some cozy den like the ones his folks made for him. He could do it; the dark wasn't scary. This was nothing, this wasâ€"

There was a whooshing sound from the trees nearby and the sound of some rodent's frantic squeal, which was cut off sharply. Sougra's fur rose along his back and neck of its own will, his little body going rigid. He gulped.

Fortunately, that was also the same moment that a high pitched, gentle voice rang out from the building he'd just left, and a clicking sound. The human's voice!

Um, well...he'd just assume she was nice and take his chances! She didn't sound too bad, and it was a lot better up like whatever that squealing thing had been...

Turning on his heel, he raced at a dead run back toward the building...and was a bit embarrassed to find he hadn't gone all that far, maybe a few yards or so. Eh heh...well...if it was that scary out there only that far away...yeah, it was good he hadn't gone any farther.

Sougra slowed his pace when he spotted the woman, and noticed that she was no longer holding her stick and was squating on her heels, but he still slowed his pace, just the same, and approached her cautiously. You could never be too sure...those human pups had beckoned him gently, and then they'd pounced him and tied a bundle of sticks to his tail. So, Sougra is careful this time in approaching, stretching his neck out and twitching his nose as he sniffs, just like he saw his parents do when they were checking out something they were unfamiliar with. He didn't know why they did it or what they were sniffing for, but it seemed the proper thing to do, now.
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


"Here puppy. C'mere puppy, puppy," she calls. Above and all around her, the trees create living, black silhouettes swaying against the starry sky. The night sounds, those vaguely threatening and ever indistinct noises, continue on all around her, but the fear is gone from her now. She's spent enough nights out here alone to feel confident in her security here. Ghosts. Ha! Of course there were no ghosts! A part of her knew that all along, she suspects.

Ah, there's the pup. If he just comes a little closer, she could get a better look at him. In her little belt pouch are a few strips of dried, salted meat, and she pulls out a little handful and sits crosslegged on the ground.

"What are you doing out here, pup?" She pops a strip of the tough, dried meat in her mouth and gnaws on it. Her stomach rumbles when the salty taste hits her mouth. She must have been out here longer than she thought for her hunger to be such. "You lost? Or are you hiding, too?"

She tosses it a piece of meat, then tosses another closer to her to see if it'll approach. "It's okay, you can join me. I wouldn't mind the company."


The night was calm and the breeze was close to dorment at the current time. That is until a slight rip in space and time opened up above the two. The wind suddenly became violent and the sky filled with clouds in an instant. The rip was not visible much, save for the vague ripple. A man suddenly falls out from the ripple and lands on the ground with such a force that causes a small crater. He landed in a crouched position with a fist planted into the ground for support. He has white shoulder lengthed hair and a purple trench coat. His pants are also purple, as well as his shoes. The one thing that stands out most on him is the massively large sword straped to his back. It looks like something that would take two normal human men to pick up. The man's eyes shoot open and he looks around his area. One eye is purple and the other is almost completely faded. The faded eye has a scar that runs the same length of his face. He certainly seems lost.



Sougra could feel himself starting to salivate as the woman settled down on the ground and began to gnaw a strip of salted beef, and the wonderful scent wafted over to his sensitive nose, tantalizing and...and...just wonderful. He was hungry. It had been a while since his last meal, and his stomach let him know that, too, letting out a tremendous growl as his nostrils flared, taking in that wonderful smell. He inched a little closer, padded feet silent save for the subtle clicking of his claws on the ground. Oh that smelled much better than the garbage bins he raided, or the rodents he sometimes had the luck of catching. Maybe...just maybe...if he was lucky...

He was!

When the woman tossed him a strip of that meat, all his caution fled him. With an excited yip, he practically pounced the meat, snapping it up in his jaws and chewing it hungrily. And then another strip was tossed, this one closer to the woman. Well, she sounded friendly! And she was feeding him! And she'd said he could join her!

What more proof of friendliness did he need?

The next strip of meat was devoured as quickly as the first one, and a second later he was right beside the woman, tail wagging and golden eyes big. His nose continued to twitch, sniffing out any remaining food scraps that might be hidden on her, and he actually stretched his neck out boldly to prod her arm with his cold, wet nose, begging for more.

Man...a friendly woman, and here he was stuck in this form. He didn't think she could understand wolfspeak, but...well, she obviously could understand body language well enough, and that worked to get his stomach filled, at least!

He sure could do with the company, too...

And that was also when, suddenly, the wind picked up.

Sougra didn't exactly see what happened. As soon as the wind suddenly whipped into action, and the clouds suddenly filled the sky at an unnatural rate, he'd given a gasp of alarm and had skirted behind his new friend, crouched down close to the ground. He didn't know what was happening, but whatever it wasn't natural...and the loud crashing sound, the sound of something striking the ground nearby with great force, didn't exactly make him want to come out of hiding anytime soon.

[whoo, sucky, sorry! XD]
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa