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Sasha, Imagination

Started by Eckhart_Von_Musel, January 08, 2018, 09:16:26 PM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name: She's had many, but she currently goes by "Sasha"
Age: When man invented fire, Sasha was there egging him on.
Gender: Usually looks like a girl, probably doesn't have a "real" gender
Species: Anthropomorphic Personification
Ethnicity: Right now she looks Essyrni
Height: 5'3", currently
Weight: At the moment, 107 lbs.
Occupation: Being the literal embodiment of imagination
Residence: Wherever she wants, really
Favorite Food: Whatever the last thing she ate was
Alignment: True Neutral

Art courtesy of Hex Entertainment
Character Theme:
Cartoon Heroes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Sasha's has looked like a lot of things over the centuries, but she currently takes the form of a young Essyrni girl. She wears a golden sundress, and her frizzy brown hair is tied back in pigtails. She's always barefoot, and seems to hate wearing shoes with a passion.

Overly enthusiastic and excitable, Sasha enjoys learning about people- and more specifically, what they make. She's the patron of all creative types, and is an avid consumer of art. She sees just as much value in the scribbles of a toddler as she does a masterpiece in a museum. If there's one thing that irks her, it's people who claim to have "lost their muse". She tends to berate people who say this to her, though she tries to be constructive about it.

She's also fucking nuts. Sasha thinks of stuff that nobody in their right mind would ever come up with. It's... honestly kinda scary.

For an immortal being, Sasha is surprisingly good at remembering people. She'll happily tell people about her one friend two hundred years ago who made that really cool thing everybody forgot about but her, and her other friend from last week she helped find their muse, and so on and so forth.

Okay, take everything you know about physics and logic and throw it out the window. If Sasha can imagine something, she can create it in the blink of an eye. A pink elephant? Sure! A sword that shoots lasers? Not a problem. Flaming water? No sweat! Just don't tell her what to make, that annoys her.

Sasha doesn't like fighting, and usually comes up with fun, inventive solutions to get her and other people out of it. If you force her hand however... yeah, just don't do it. You know that kid on the playground who's always like "Your bullets didn't hit me! I deflected them!"? Sasha's that kid, except the bullets actually do get deflected because she imagined an invisible shield around herself, also now she has a gun ten times bigger than yours.

Sasha is literally imagination. She's more or less a god, and people (unknowingly) worship her by thinking about stuff. Daydreaming is like attending her church, kinda. She's also been around since the beginning of time, so if I wrote down everything she's ever done I'd be here forever.

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