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Who... Err.. What are you? [Shizzy]

Started by Anonymous, May 31, 2011, 07:55:36 PM

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Blade walks carefully through the area. He was lost, he knew that. One of his rules is that when you are lost and don't know how others will act, be very cautious. He kept his blades to his arms and he eventually came to a lake. Blade smirked slightly, glad he found a place to rest, but he knew he couldn't rest for long. He sat down next to the water, looking around once before scooping water into his hands and starting to drink. Once the Vulpiblade had his fill, he rose again and waited, looking at the sky to figure out where he should go next.


A new batch of recruits came in, and that meant he got some time off while they trained and got used to everything. He found it to be an incredibly nice coincidence considering he was longing to see the calm fields of his farm once more, and the nice people of Lynnem once more. It was always such a treat to get back there, and since he had a bit of money now, he could travel in style! Style of course being on the back of a powerful horse, dutifully trained and perfect for long trips. It was true, he didn't used to take little vacations, they were long and frankly he loved his job, but there was always that itch.

The brown stallion trotted along the beaten path with ease, though it looked frightfully bored. Why shouldn't it? This was a horse of power, it had not been unleashed yet, as the rider seemed more content to take it slow and easy. That was his policy of course. Just relax, don't get excited over anything, and let the world go by slow enough that you get to enjoy it.

The rider didn't look like a rider, at least not one of nobility. He was a stout man, with a large build to him that just screamed farmer; and that is what he had been. At one point, he had been a farmer's son, but now he was a guard. He wore a relaxed attire though, muted greys and browns in a simple outfit of a tunic and some trousers with his classic large boots. Great boots, he loved his boots for they kept him warm and dry and were good for running or traversing muddy land. The man had a kind sort of face, warm and inviting, his deep forest eyes spoke volumes to his kindness, and the smile on his face definitely welcomed those that saw it.

"Almost to the lake you brute, then you can have a little drink." His voice was rough and deep, he reached down to pat the great horse on the side of the neck only eliciting a snort from the creature in return as it shook its head. The thing definitely had personality! He smiled to himself as they turned around the bend of the path, opening up to the large lake. However he quickly pulled the reigns of the horse, causing it to stop almost instantly.

There was something at the lake. A dark fur-clad figure with a tail. A tail! That set off many warning bells in his mind. He observed it carefully, his hand going to the sword strapped to his saddle. He didn't know what the creature was, but if it attacked he'd have to defend himself, and his horse. Hopefully it hadn't spotted him, but he was going to assume that something that looked like...that had good senses.


Blade's ears twitched. Somebody was near. He looked around before seeing the rider and his mount. He wasn't sure what to do, since he was in a new world and had no clue, so he shrugged and looked back to the sky. Fear and uncertainty descended upon the lake, and the Vulpiblade couldn't help but look at the rider again. He wondered if he would attack, and certainly hoped not.

(very... very short...)


"Easy boy...just...let's slowly back up." He gave the horse a small nudge, getting it to start moving again. The horse could smell it on the air, and it was getting to be quite nervous to say the least. It could even smell the fear and worry of its rider. The rider had no idea what the creature was that was out there, it could have been anything. While it was unknown if it was a magical beast or sentient creature, it still looked like it might be dangerous.

Anything that walked on two legs and looked like an animal could be just about any strange creation. He on the one hand, was not going to risk it.


Blade noticed that the rider and mount were shying away. That meant that an attack wasn't imminent. He slitted his eyes in thought before turning to face the rider. Blade bowed and disengaged his namesakes from his wrists, stabbing them into the ground and stepping away from them. He could leap for them, should the need arise, but it was best to be as non-threatening as possible. Blade bowed again before kneeling, keeping his head down. He wasn't sure how this rider would react, but if he were what he appeared to be, he should be comfortable enough to at least approach.


There was something very off about the creature in the distance.

He wasn't sure of it, his eyes were usually quite sharp but he hoped that they betrayed him now. This creature had just detached its arms as it bowed to him. As he squinted slightly, he saw that they had not been his actual arms...but they blades. Nelswan was many things, a brave man to be sure, but he was no fool. This creature still did bow to him, and it did not act hostile...but it seemed wholly unnatural to him. It was not man, it was not beast, it was a mixed perversion that sat between the two.

But was it magic? Though the swords that now sat stuck into the ground seemed normal enough, he still didn't trust the non-humanoid. However, it was his duty as a guard to protect, and with there being no Mordecai around, he was to investigate. Against all better judgement, he pushed the horse into a very slow trot forward, despite its wanton desire to turn tail and flee. He closed the distance slowly, his arm never leaving his sword hilt as he did so.

"Can you speak, creature?" Nelswan spoke, his voice confident and betraying no fear to his enemy. If this fox man was like the animal he resembled, it would certainly smell fear, and would no doubt have keen hearing. He would have to, for all intents and purposes...act like he had no fear.

Easy enough.


Blade looked at the rider, vaguely surprised that they could speak the same language. "I can speak, sir." He knew the human was afraid, but it was a reasonable fear. Not irrational. "I am Shaeran Derain, though I prefer going by 'Blade' for... obvious reasons." He motioned to his swords in the dirt. "I am..." He paused, as if choosing the proper word. "...lost. In more ways than one." The Vulpiblade kept his arms to his sides and appeared relaxed for the most part, but something about him portrayed the toned muscles of a warrior, hidden beneath his frail frame.

"If you could tell me where I am... Perhaps provide a map, as well, sir." He bowed again, showing he meant no harm.


Well he had heard a lot of...strange monikers before in his time. He knew of a guard who went by "Thumbs" because he didn't have any. But this thing did have...swords...and it wanted to go by Blade. It really wasn't helping his fear to say the least, but he'd...have to figure out what this thing was. If he wanted to humanize the thing, he was definitely going to call it Shaeran, a name that wasn't a moniker for something sharp and painful.

"I'm Nelswan...and ahm afraid I don't have a map or nothin' that kin help ya." Except for himself, but he was still feeling very uncomfortable around this strange fox thing. It had however, not used magic so he was a little more relaxed. It still was non-human, so there was much worry. "Iffin you need to find a city...just follow tha roads. That'll take you to any city...though a ah...being of yer calibre might wanna avoid cities and towns."


Blade raised an eyebrow. "The people around here aren't too fond of non-humans. I can tell based on how you are acting. Don't worry, I don't hold it against you or anyone. It's rational." He furrowed his brow and tried to think. "Could you perhaps turn my in the direction of the border? I... Kinda just popped into here and have no clue where I am at. It's a very long story." Blade smiled reassuringly. Perhaps I could even get a guide out of this...

(low muse for that post. sorry)


He could tell that from the reaction of one person? Oh this wasn't good at all was it? It meant that the creature was also probably a little quick to jump to conclusions. Funny how he was judging someone on that but...this was the land of his ancestors, and he had to protect it and the people in it. "Border? Yeah, that's not a trouble. Yeh just take the path to the cross roads, then jest follow the right path. That'll take ya all the way to the mountains...then yeh go over the mountains and you'll be outta Connlaoth."

That was good right? The strange creature could go to one of the other nations! "Jest ah...go around any towns and cities ya meet, but if you go south, you'll be there in no time." Couple of months, but unless the creature could find faster transportation, it probably would go a little faster."


Blade bowed before calmly walking over to his blades and retrieving them from the ground. There was no damage to them at all. He slid the hilts of the swords into his wrists and, with a flick of his arm, folded them against his forearms. "Thank you, sir. You have been most kind and helpful." He looked at the sky and determined which way was south before facing that direction. "It will be as if I were never here, aside from the memories that now reside within our skulls." He looked in the way he planned to go. He took a deep breath. The muscles in his legs bunched as he crouched. "Oh. If our paths were to meet again... I hope that you would be more open to the idea of a friendship with a non-human." With that, he leaped forward and bolted, disappearing out of site in a matter of ten minutes.