Spirits of the Earth

Flashback Threads => Flashback Threads => Serendipity FBs => Topic started by: GoblinFae on August 28, 2013, 08:59:01 PM

Title: Yule Tidings [Closed]
Post by: GoblinFae on August 28, 2013, 08:59:01 PM
Strains of laughter and music floated out of the manor, across the perfectly manicured lawn, and down to the back gate where a waif of a girl stood shivering yet smiling despite the cold that seeped in through her threadbare clothes. She startled as heavy hands placed warm fabric about her shoulders before sliding across her front in a loving embrace.

"You're going to catch your death if you stay out here, Lee-lee," the person whispered into her ear, his breath making tiny clouds in front of them both.

"Ro'or," she breathed out in relief, leaning back against him. "Don't scare me like that!"

The boy smirked and held his beautiful twin close in order to share body heat with her. For a few moments the pair stared ahead in silence, taking in the beauty of the lanterns that lit up the yard and the few couples that had ventured out of doors for fresh air or a quick kiss.

Amleah gave a heavy sigh as she sight of the household's daughter sneaking into the night. Tiraris was so primly dressed that she reminded the older girl of the porcelain doll her mother kept wrapped and hidden in a box beneath their only bed. The child herself though appeared to be no older than six if she was even that given her pixie-like features.

"Papa used to always say that the Firrakish's knew how to throw a Yule ball," she stated wistfully. Ro'or nodded, his eyes tracking the movements of the occupant in the bouncing blue dress.

Ribbons streamed behind her in delicate waves of royal blue silk. Moonlight reflected off the pearls and silver that decorated her intricately done red hair making her appear to glow like a little fairy.

"Look at her, Ro'or! She's so pretty!"

Startled from his gazing, the boy looked down to the girl ensconced in his arms and squeezed her close. "She is a spoiled brat with no knowledge of the real world. She is nothing but a doll clothed in rich garments," he hissed venomously. Softening his features, he turned the blonde in his arms around to face him.

"You are the beautiful one dear sister. Your heart shines through where hers is only drowned in fine clothes and soft living. Never forget that, Lee-lee. We're better than this. We know what it means to live."

A small, rag-wrapped hand reached up to lovingly touch the taller boy's cheek. "Thank you Ro'or. I will not forget. But, she is just a child. She cannot help the world she was born into anymore than we can."

His lips pressed thinly together as he refused to relent but also to argue. "Come home, Amleah. I have a surprise for you," he informed her with a mischievous look in his eyes while trying to pull her away. A small squeak of surprise though quickly stopped him in his place, causing him to turn back again.

Standing with her little face pressed against the metal fence was the very child he had just been insulting. Her red eyes stared up at him in silent curiosity that made Ro'or feel as if she were judging him. He would not doubt it either.

Amleah though was enamored by the child half her age and size. She crouched down to be face to face with the girl and cheerily greeted her. "Hello little one. What are you doing out here?"

For a moment Ro'or was sure she would not answer as her gaze eerily shifted from himself to his sister and stared at the older girl with the all-knowingly look of an owl.

"The carrot baby is scweaming and smells. I don' like him," she finally stated with a small pout upon her rosy lips. Amleah cooed and chuckled. Ro'or scowled.

"You don't like your little brother then," he heard his sister state with an indulging smile.

"He's not my brozzer!" the child exclaimed stamping a little foot. "We don' even look 'like. He has owange hair and mine is wed! He's from," the little girl paused, her brow furrowing as she struggled internally with something before finally spitting the word out, "Fairyhall."

Both twins chuckled with mirth to hear the child's pronunciation. Even Ro'or found himself amused by the girl's spirit. "Is he now," he rumbled, also crouching to look at her. "And where are you from?"

"Tirwial!" she squawked back indignantly, glaring over at the boy. "Why are you up? Shouldn't you be sweeping waiting for pwesents?"

"Shouldn't you?" he countered, laughing as he saw the little red eyes roll in a dramatic fashion.

"Weren't you listenin'? The carrot baby is-"

"Screaming, yes you said. Forgive me. We were just on our way home when we saw the lanterns. We wanted to look at them."

"Oh," came Tiraris' quiet reply. Her teeth had begun to chatter and despite her stubbornness to stay outdoors, she did cross her arms in an attempt to warm herself up.

Pitying the child, Amleah slid the heavy blanket from her shoulders and pushed it through the fence to wrap around the little girl. "There you go sweetie. Hold onto that until you get inside. Wouldn't want you gettin' sick, now!"

The boy rolled his eyes in frustration, hating the idea of losing the good blanket to a child whose family could afford hundreds of them. The little girl though stared down confusedly at the rough material, fingering it with her tiny hands as she tried to understand.

"But it's yours! I can't takes it. Here," she insisted, trying to remove it and give it back. Amleah simply rewrapped it around the girl and rubbed the child's covered shoulders.

"You keep it. I'm giving it to you. Now run along home before you're missed," she offered, nudging the red-haired child away. At first, Tiraris moved onward and the twins were sure she would head home yet as they too moved to leave the sound of rustling silks had them looking back again.

A tiny arm thrust a blue silken ribbon out through the fence. "Happy Yule," she chirped, thrusting it into Amleah's surprised hand before racing off back into the night, her blanket trailing like a long cape behind her.

Amleah fingered the ribbon in surprise before clutching it close to her chest and taking her brother's arm once more. As they walked home through the snowy streets, Ro'or was almost positive he caught a whispered "happy Yule, little one," coming from his sister as they hurried on their way home to a warm fire and a familiar bed.