Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Wanderers and Independents => Topic started by: visualspice on November 28, 2012, 01:20:18 PM

Title: Miersck, moth fae
Post by: visualspice on November 28, 2012, 01:20:18 PM
*All of my profile art was created by me, copy right to me.
If you'd like to check out my art page, please view it <a href="http://visualspice.deviantart.com/">here</a>!

__________________QUICK STATS
Name Miersck
Pronounced  MEE EAR SK
Age 18
Gender male
Species fae
Ethnicity moth fae
Height 5'5"
Occupation gatherer, but currently a wanderer (runaway)
Ancient Forests, but currently the open road (he wants to get as far away from home as possible)

And here (https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1043923_10201574742353014_642286099_n.jpg) is a drawing of Alycia and Miersck done by zozee!

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Miersck is a fae, though appears human sized, standing at about 5'5" in height with even taller, moth like wings that have a soft, powdery residue to them (like moths wings). Though his wings are rather delicate, and he's not exactly the strongest of men (though is toned because he is fit, but his body is relatively lithe and slender.) and if he had to carry someone while in flight, it would prove to be rather difficult since his wings don't have that sort of muscle developed.  He also is not much of a fighter, but is quick and agile, so if in danger, his specie can make an escape. They are by no means fighters.

His eyes are like an iridescent, ruby red jewel, with flecks of golds and oranges ribboned throughout.

His skin is a warm brown color, and has long, nimbly fingers, large hands and feet and long, nimble legs.  His ears are long and come to a point at the end, and has long, dark eye lashes framing his large, expressive eyes.

His hair is long, feathery and white, falling about to shoulder length with various layers thoughout and untamed bangs around his face. His face is very angular, with a long, pointed chin and nose and high cheek bones.  His eyebrow are the same white color as his hair and are slender.

He normally wears muted, earthen tones and no shoes.  His primary form of clothing is a form fitted long sleeve shirt and pants.  Most of the time his wrists and ankles are wrapped in white silk.  His clothing is normally made from unwrinkable silk and he'll adorn home made jewelery, mostly constructed from woven twigs, dried flowers or seeds.

Miersck is VERY stubborn, and is easily angered. Since he is nocturnal, he tends to be even grumpier during the day if he needs to stay awake.  With a short fuse, he can be irrational sometimes, and even if he realizes he's in the wrong, he can be far too stubborn to ever admit it (and most likely will not).  Ever since his parents had died, he had become more and more stand-offish every year until he began to become completely resentful towards his own kind, blaming them not only for his parents death, but the decay of the forest (he considers his own kind a weak specie).

He is VERY attracted to flames (fire) literally, and can be easily distracted by it since he can not find himself able to turn away and will be forced into a far-off stare once captivated by it (though this normally takes a certain type and amount of flame, though sometimes even a small, lamp can temporarily distract him).  He is ALSO very weak against fire, which is a poison to him (but also, somewhat of a addictive drug)

Because of his particular fae blood line, Miersck can fly (because of his wings) and can use illusional magics (temporarily used to trick his opponent so he can make an escape).  most of the time the illusions make the person under it's spell SEE what they want to see (like capturing and eating a moth fae, while the real moth fae makes his escape).
The powder from his wings is said to be somewhat magical, but really, it's only true properties that could be use are medicinal (it helps stop bleeding wounds, which is why his kind had once been pouched) and can also be used to temporarily blind a foe (it would't be fun to get powder in your eye, it sticks!) 

Miersk can also produce threads of silk, which most of his clothing normally comes from.  It comes out from his wrist (spiderman style lol). The silk can be wrather strong, even though it's frail appearing, and when the moth fae sleeps at night, he tends to use the silk from his wrists to secure him in place (so he doenst' fall from a tall tree when he's sleeping)

Miersck is also cursed, and the only thing remarkable he's found out from this curse is that he can sense whenever the darkness is close by, and hear how it wants to swallow him whole.

Alycia (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=13202.0)- a mermaid he has recently 'befriended'
Family- hasn't got any, his parents are dead


Miersck comes from the far away and nearly forgotten part of the ancient forest, where the decaying lands are growing ever closer to his home.  Because of the decay, his parents worried and wanted to investigate, but never came back (alive!).  To this day, he lives resentful that they so foolish left him to just die at the hands of the plague of the forest and had grown bitter and reclusive ever since.

Another thing to note is Miersck is cursed. He comes from the Ancient Forests, but the forests are dieing and the parts that are in decay emanate some weird, moldy, withering blackness.  The parts that are dieing, the ancient creatures there can almost hear their pleas for help, but so far, no one knows the cause of this until one day, Miersck had stumbled too far into the forest where he found himself coming face to face with the ancient Goddess of his Forest, Pithro (a massive, white wolf). She was fighting off some black, tendrils lashing from a tree, and the moth fae was too terrified to do anything but watch.  When the forest guardian told him to run away, he did not, and when she asked him to stay and fight, he only remained petrified.

In the end, he got in the way of the black mass as it attempted to gobble him up.  Moments later, when he was about to pass out, he caught a glimpse of the Ancient Forest Guardian and she told him his time was limited- that once this forest died, he too, would die with it as he possessed it's curse.  Only if the curse in the forest was lifted that he'd survive.  Then he passed out.  Once he awoke, he found a strange black mark burned onto the top of his left hand, and with each passing day, black, strained- vein like tendrils extend out from it beneath his flesh, and also are whiteneing the pieces of flesh it's been near (so his hand appears more snow-white in appearances, but the rest of him is still a gentle brown color.

It is uncertain what this cursed mark means, but every time there is a full moon, the mark grows bigger, and each time it does, the moth fae goes through excruciating amounts of pain.  It's almost as if each time the mark grows, the moth fae dies, because the pain is so extreme, he'll pass out and wake up with the mark growing larger up his arm.

Miersck has currently run away from home, hoping to slow the mark's growth on his hand, and to also escape the cursing from the forest, but no matter what, like clock work on the full-moon, the symbol grows and as it grows, he feels as if he can sense the pain of the dieing forests, calling out for help. He has had nightmares ever since.  Miersck wants to be anywhere but back at his home, and because of his unusual breed, he tends to hide his wings and ear as best he can, and has since wrapped up the mark on his arm.

He currently wears a heavy, brown cloak, which might look odd because of the lump it can produce on his back, but thankfully, since his wings are so thin, he can fold them up rather snuggly against his body.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
Alone and Unworthy (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=19249.msg251314#msg251314)

Complete Threads
 Rotten Logs, Rotten Luck (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=13842.msg117357#msg117357) - on hold
A Sticky Situation (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=18164.msg216455#msg216455)
Where the Wild Things Are (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=17967.msg210965#msg210965)