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A Warrior, a Healer, and an Accidental Adventure [Midnight] [Archive]

Started by DragonSong, October 31, 2015, 05:40:26 PM

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The Green Gander Inn and Tavern wasn't exactly what Dusk would have called the most desirable place to spend one's time, but the small town of Greentrail really didn't have a whole lot of other options. None, in fact. Besides, her room was cheap and the food was hot, so she supposed she really didn't have much to complain about.

Still, she couldn't help wishing the place was a bit less...unsavory seemed like a good word. The tap room was full to bursting with the town's just-off-work inhabitants who were currently in the process of enthusiastically drinking themselves into a stupor. But they weren't really too bad, just loud. It was the groups of travelers like herself that put her on edge, taking up the largest table in the middle of the room, roaring and laughing, "accidentally" smashing a plate and  then grabbing servant girls (and a few boys) round the waist.

She wrapped slim fingers around her own mug of distinctly nonalcoholic cider, drawing a little further into the hood of her oversized cloak. She'd tucked herself away in a corner near the stairs that led up to where rooms were for rent, hoping to down a quick meal before crashing into sweet oblivion. It had been another long day in a series of long days- in a series of rather long weeks, honestly- and she was exhausted.

Exhuasted enough that this crowded, stuffy room and its noise and tension became officially too much for her, empty belly or not. She pushed her half eaten dinner away and stood, giving a nod and a tiny, polite smile at the serving girl who saw her movements and threw her a questioning look. The girl nodded back, rolling her eyes at the rowdy group in the center of the room and giving her an understanding smile as she came over to clear her small table.

"Bit too much for you?" she asked kindly.

Dusk nodded again, blushing. "I'm just...tired," she whispered shyly.

"Can't say I blame you. You were just about dead on your feet when you stumbled in this afternoon, and this lot don't exactly make for a relaxing atmosphere," the girl chattered away in a friendly manner. "Go on and grab some shut eye. Will you be wanting breakfast in the morning?"

Once more she nodded, forcing out a soft, "Yes please," and wishing she had the courage to say more, to thank the stranger for her kindness and return the favor. But when she opened her mouth no sound came out, so she simply gathered her cloak around herself and made for the stairs.

Apparently she was even more tired than she'd originally thought, because she didn't even notice the giant of a man making his way back across the room from the bar before she ran smack into him. He jerked and swore, and suddenly she felt a warmish liquid dumped all over the top of her head. It stank of ale.

"Oh!" she gasped, looking up in shock and fear to see heavy brows set over dark eyes glaring down at her. "F-forgive me, sir. I-it was an a-a-accident-"

"I should bloody hope so," the giant growled, and she took a step back. "It think you owe me for  the drink, darlin'."

Dusk swallowed nervously, looking at her feet. "I'm v-very sorry, sir," she practically whispered, "but I don't have the m-money. I s-s-s-spent all my coin on a room for the night. Truly I'm s-s-s-s-sor-"

"'Sorry' don't pay my tab, do it?" the man barked. She cringed, hands fisting in the folds of her cloak. He took a step toward her and she took a step back. Her head knocked against wood and she winced; it seemed he'd cornered her up against the side of the stairs. The smell of alcohol reeked from him, strong enough to make her gag. Her mind raced, trying to come up with some way out of the situation. She glanced around, hoping someone would notice she was in trouble and would figure out a way to calm the man down.

Someone did notice. More than one someone. Unfortunately, "someone" was two of the rowdy bunch that had made her want to escape the taproom in the first place. She saw them glance over, talk to each other, then make their way across the room toward them.

"Whass'a trouble 'en?" one asked, so inebriated his words were barely distinguishable.

"Wench spilled my drink. Says she got no coin to pay for it." Dusk winced, shrinking- if possible- even further with fear.

"Well, payin' don't have to be in coin, necessarily," the third man offered, a crooked grin spreading across his face. Her eyes went wide and flickered around wildly, searching for a path of escape. They weren't quite boxing her in- if she moved quick enough.

Dusk darted forward between two of the men, meaning to hang a sharp right and bolt up the stairs. But someone grabbed her arm, the sudden strength against her slim frame actually jerking her backward off her feet. Too surprised and afraid to even cry out, she was spun around to face three pairs of hungry eyes.


OOC: Throughout this thread, Avalon's thoughts shall be blue and Elara's thoughts shall be pink in order to easily discern between the two.

It was getting late when Avalon saw Greentrail begin to come into view and the young traveler was tired from the past few days of walking. He never spent long in one place, unless he needed to. Whenever he came to a town that had some predicament or another, he would stay and help sort it out. Stopping bandits from pillaging the town, defeating giant monsters that terrorized the villagers, even slaying vile demons and their summoners; it didn't matter to Avalon.

But this time he was tired from all the justice he had brought to the world and as he got closer and closer to the town, his sister spoke to him. You need some rest, Avalon. Look for an inn in the town.

The next town isn't that far away. If everything is fine here, we should just keep going. Avalon told his sister, to which she replied, Don't push yourself so hard. You need to think about your own well being sometimes.

I guess we can stay here. If the town needs our help, we'll be staying anyway, right? Besides, he knew Elara was right and that he needed a break. She always seemed to know him better than he knew himself.

Upon finally arriving in the town, Avalon began to search for an inn. It wasn't long before he came across The Green Gander Inn and Tavern, which seemed to be quite busy at the time due to the large amounts of noise coming from inside. I guess this is it, then!

He entered the inn, ignoring the rowdy patrons and heading straight for the bar where the innkeeper was standing. "How much is a room for one night?"

The innkeeper picked something up and looked it over, which Avalon could only assume was the logs for who was staying there, and then looked back up at Avalon. "Yer in luck, son. I have one room left, fer twelve silvers."

Avalon took out a small pouch of coins and handed the money to the man, who then said, "Up the stairs, all the way down on the left. Enjoy yer stay."

Avalon smiled at the man politely and thanked him, then headed to the stairs. As he was getting closer, he could see a group of three men standing near the side of the stairs, as well as one woman. After a few more steps it was clear to see that the woman was being held by one of the men. She looked terrified, so rather then head up the stairs Avalon walked over, his shining white armor clanking with every step. "Excuse me! Is something wrong?"


Dusk could have cried with relief. Someone had seen, he was going to help her. She watched the stranger approach, taking in dark hair and shining armor. He looked pretty official; perhaps he could simply intimidate these men into letting her go. Her wide eyes met the hazel ones of her (quite literally) white knight and she opened her mouth, hoping she could explain what had happened. "H-he- I-I-I-"

"Shut up." The man who held her shook her sharply. Perhaps he was too drunk to realize the effect his strength would have on her slight frame, or perhaps he just didn't care, because he shook her hard enough to slam her back against the side of the steps. Her head snapped back and she saw stars. She slumped in his hold, dazed, and could only vaguely make out what the man she had bumped into was saying to the newcomer.

"-just got some business to take care of with the lass, and it ain't none of yours. Move along."

Regaining some of her mobility, Dusk strained against her captor's hold. She wasn't weak, not if she put her mind to it, but she avoided physical confrontation when possible and was out of practice. But if she could just break away from him, maybe-

"Oi!" The big man shook her again, this time shoving her into the hold of one of his companions. Thick arms came around her, pinning her in place while she squirmed. "Knock that off. You're only making things harder on yourself."

The arms around her tightened and she gasped, suddenly unable to get enough air. Wildly, her eyes sought out the knight again. She locked her gaze with his, begging silently, Please help...


The men all reeked of alcohol, but that was no excuse for their behavior. Avalon knew these men would act the same regardless of their state of mind. When the man spoke, Avalon looked at him with a blank expression on his face. Well? We need to show these guys a lesson!

Not until I can be sure the girl won't get hurt. Avalon replied to his sister. Seconds later, the man shoved the girl into the arms of one of his companions. As soon as the girl was in the other man's arms, Avalon grinned and threw an uppercut at the man who had originally been holding her, connecting with his chin and sending him rolling backwards. Nice one!

The man stayed down, for Avalon had knocked him out with a single punch. He then turned to face the other two men, a smile still on his face. "Let me ask again. Is something wrong here?"


The other two men stared at their fallen comrade, mouths agape. Dusk stared too, for a moment, blinking in surprise. Then she snapped her attention to the young man in armor, utterly bemused. He was smiling. How could he be so calm?

"You-!" Dusk flinched even though the anger was not directed at her; her captor's voice trailed off into a growl. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Easy," the other man said, clapping a hand to his shoulder before brushing past him to face the stranger. "I can take care of this." He cracked his knuckles.

He really was drunk. Or completely delusional. He stood no chance, not if that punch had been any indicator of skill. Dusk opened her mouth, trying to force out some sound, anything preferably a plea to desist from the violence. "Nn..." Her captor squeezed and she coughed.

The other man settled into what must have been intended as a fighting stance but was sloppy enough that she could have knocked him out of it. She could practically feel the aggression in the air, and somehow gulped in enough air to form two words.

"No, stop!" she called, though she knew it was pointless. And he attacked.


Avalon sighed at the man's reaction. He was hoping that he would be able to avoid any more conflict with that demonstration, but apparently he was wrong. His sister seemed to be thinking the exact same thing as him, Man, these guys are dumb!

As man rushed at him, Avalon simply stepped to the side and pushed the man with his right arm, causing him to fall over onto his side with a loud crash. Turning to face the last man, he offered him once last chance. "I'm tired of this. Why don't you just leave?"


Dusk could feel the man start to shake as he held her, though whether that was fear or rage she couldn't quite tell. Maybe both.

But fear apparently won out. With a curse and a muttered, "This ain't over," he released her with a shove and moved toward the stranger's newest victim. Dusk gasped, stumbling forward, almost collapsing to the ground as she tried to regain her balance.

She caught herself against something hard and smooth. Blinking, she looked up; it actually took a moment for her to register that she had been knocked into the armored stranger. She stepped back hurriedly, whispering, "S-s-sorry."


Avalon gave the girl a comforting smile, looking for the right words, though it was Elara who was the one who really wanted to talk. Ask if she's okay! She seems nice!

It was funny how the one who couldn't interact with the rest of the world was the more outgoing of the two of them. Elara always seemed to be right about other people, too. For some reason she understood them better than Avalon did. I know, I know! "Are you okay, miss?"


He had a nice smile, Dusk decided. Maybe a bit awkward, but honest. Not many people had that. "Y-yes, I'm f-f-f-fine," she stammered out, blushing. She hated her stutter. "Thank you for your h-help." She tried to shrink further into her cloak, hands nervously wringing the fabric.

She peeked up at her rescuer, trying to find words. Surely what he'd done for her deserved more than a simple "thank you" didn't it? Should she offer to buy him a drink? No, she had no money, that was what started this mess. Well, she should at least get his name shouldn't she? Or she should give him her name? Or-

Her thoughts twisted together into a nonsensical jumble and she blurted out, "Dusk." Her blush deepened and she added, much more quietly, "My- my name's Dusk."


"I'm glad you're okay." He said calmly, while Elara rambled on in his head. Aww, she's so cute. Introduce yourself!

"I'm Avalon." He added, intending to do so whether or not Elara had told him to. "It's nice to meet you."


Dusk felt a small smile curve her lips. His calm was almost catching it seemed "It's nice to meet you too," she said, voice raising a bit above a whisper now. "Avalon," she added, almost as an afterthought, just to see how the name sounded from her own mouth.

Almost unconsciously, her eyes flickered toward the fallen man. The other two had returned to their table (one using the other as a crutch) and appeared to be grumbling to their companions. But they had left the unconscious one behind. Biting her lip, Dusk glanced up again into Avalon;s face and said softly, "Excuse me a moment," before kneeling next to the fallen man. She reached into the pouch at her hip and pulled out a small, cylindrical bottle, dabbing the paste inside onto the new bruise forming on his jaw.

But that's all you're getting, she thought. She probably could have healed him of the headache he'd have when he woke, but she thought it might serve as a good reminder.


Avalon was a little surprised when the girl seemed to go tend to the unconscious man's injuries. After all, she was in a pretty nasty situation before he arrived. "That's rather kind of you."

He leaned against the side of the stairs, waiting for the girl to respond. He didn't really know what else to say. Normally he kept to himself.


"Oh. Um..." Dusk glanced at him, then down at her feet as she stood. "It's just...habit," she mumbled. She looked at him again out of the corner of her eye; then, steeling herself with a breath, she said in a rush, "I should- ah, I can I repay you for your help?"


Avalon shook his head. "No need. Someone needs to keep people like that in check."


That was a rare outlook. A soft, genuine smile tugged at her lips. "Well, thank you." She tilted her head slightly as a thought occurred to her. "Would you at least let me l-look at your hand?" A punch like that had to have resulted in bruised knuckles, at least.


"My hand?" Avalon said, confused as to why she would need to take a look at it. You know, the thing you just used to knock that guy out?

I know what my hand is! Though he had forgotten for a second that he had just punched a man as hard as he could, distracted by trying to hold a conversation with the girl. "Ah, right! Of course."

And so he took his hand out from the armored glove that covered it, holding it out for the girl to examine.


Like a miracle, Dusk's shyness melted away. Gently but still business-like, she took his outstretched hand between both of her own. "It's a good thing you wear armor," she told Avalon, probing along his skin with a feather-light touch, "otherwise you probably would have broken something." Yes, it would bruise, but not nearly as much as she would have expected. She supposed he must be used to knocking people out.

She released his hand, biting her lip. "I have another bottle of bruise salve you could put on it, but it's up in my room." She indicated the stairs with a nod of her head. "Should I fetch it down? Or-" her eyes flicked over toward the center of the room where the unconscious man's companions were throwing nasty looks their way. A few more drinks and they might be brave enough to have another go at the young man. "Perhaps it would be better if you came with me?"


Avalon noticed her take a quick look at the men and glanced over himself. "Still worried about them?"

It's still better to not have to beat anyone up, Avalon. His sister said, knowing what he was thinking. I know, I know.

"Though I would prefer to just be in a quiet place." He said, looking back at Dusk with a smile.


Dusk let out a quiet sigh of relief. Good, he wasn't going to confront them. While she was quite sure he could have handled himself, she was glad there wouldn't be an all out brawl. "Follow me, then," she said quietly, heading up the stairs. She followed the hall down to the last room on the right, where she had left her travel pack with her few extra supplies.

She stood back and held the door open, waiting for Avalon.


Avalon followed her up the stairs, looking over to the door of his own room when he came to it. He paused for a second, wondering if he should inspect his room, but decided there would be plenty of time for that after.

He entered the room and walked over to the bed, taking a seat on the edge and looking over at Dusk. He placed his glove down on his lap, trying to think of some way to have a conversation. "At least these rooms seem decent."