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Viper's Brothel - The Darkened Rose

Started by Celegwen, April 10, 2018, 03:55:18 PM

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Viper's Brothel

The Darkened Rose

"Everyone peddles fantasies. These just happen to be entertaining."

Possibly the most renowned establishments of its kind in the world, Lord Anthony "Viper" Drassett has a knack for knowing what makes people tick. These establishments are evident of this. This is one of many brothels he owns, though this is the one that receives the most attention from the man himself and esteemed clientele. The brothel is identified by the coiled viper sigil next to the doors.

The establishment itself is rather upscale and refined, considering what goes on within the walls. It's richly furnished with velvet and silk drapes and bedding, as well as the most expensive carpets and rugs money can buy. There is much artwork in the rooms, some of which has helped nameless artists gain a significant following by Lord Viper's displaying the works in his brothel. Harpists and other musicians provide lovely - usually sensual - music to serenade the common rooms. Food, wines, and ales are all provided - free of charge - as long as services are purchased.

This brothel is established in Reajh, the center of Connlaoth's politics and religion. Some religious officials speak against the brothel being so widely known and "celebrated," but it isn't all that rare to catch a glimpse of a church servant coming or going from one of the back entrances of the brothel.

This establishment is open for anyone, but there are some strict rules to follow. Lord Viper is the owner, so the majority of the brothel's income goes directly to him. Anyone who sticks their hand out for more without his offering first will likely get the hand metaphorically cut off. Though, that doesn't mean the employees aren't paid exquisitely. Plus, they are treated wonderfully, especially when compared to other businesses of this kind.

  • This is a classy establishment, so any abuse of the employees without prior consent of Lord Viper and the employee will get the client immediately escorted out of the brothel and banned from entering again. You will only be permitted back when a public apology is made - something most don't want to do.
  • You may request a "favorite" employee, but you must be willing to wait if the employee is currently occupied. You may also put in a request to reserve an employee ahead of time, but this request must be taken advantage of within two hours or it expires.
  • There is no time limit with the employees, but it is pay-by-the-hour, or there is a flat fee to purchase someone for twelve hours.
  • Payment is made upfront! Anyone who refuses to pay will not receive any services.
  • Everything within the brothel walls is confidential. Nothing that happens or is said inside leaves the brothel. The employees are sworn to secrecy, as many of the clients are upper class and important people.
  • Absolutely no weapons are allowed! The only ones with weapons are the brothel guards. If anyone is carrying weapons, they are required to turn them in at the door. They will be placed out of sight, but will always be returned when the person leaves the establishment.

The brothel caters to any and all tastes, some of which may be seen as obscene and immoral. Some of the tastes didn't even exist until they invented them. This brothel employs both male and female prostitutes, both which cater to men and women, if the customer is so inclined.

This is a rumor, never confirmed nor spoken publicly, but it is said that Lord Viper is known - on rare occasions - to discretely accommodate more unusual inclinations as a favor to powerful clients who can afford the extremely high price for these services. Such services have an extremely vast range, from providing amputees to even providing children. Even if these rumors are true, it has nothing to do with the main brothel, and Lord Viper caters to these clients on a case-by-case basis in a much more private setting.

As a very high-end establishment, the prices are just as high. Most people would not be able to afford the services, but those who do usually keep coming back. Though, sometimes, deals can be made with Lord Viper to reduce the prices. Keep in mind that these are special circumstances and are not guaranteed just because you asked nicely! Special services are more expensive than the rest, and they will not be openly discussed. Prices are rounded up if an hour is incomplete. For example, if you have a prostitute for two hours and ten minutes, you will be charged for three hours. It doesn't matter if you think it's unfair!
***Prices are assumed to be with one prostitute! Two prostitutes double the price, three triple it, and so on.

  • Five suns per hour
  • Twenty-five suns per 6 hours
  • Fifty suns per 12 hours
  • "Unusual" services are priced accordingly. Contact Lord Viper for these.
NOTE: These prices are based on a your average prostitute for this establishment, though even "average" here is extraordinary anywhere else. For any men or women with special skills or attractions, there is a small added on fee.

Though the brothel employees tend to be more of an NPC group, players are welcome to create or enlist characters to work in this brothel. There are several positions that are open. As of now, these are all filled with NPCs, but you may contact via PM or beneath this post if you would like to claim a position.

Owner: Lord Anthony "Viper" Drassett

*This is a position that can be fulfilled by an unlimited amount of characters. The prostitutes are both male and female, and no one under the age of 18 is employed. Every employee in this category should be expertly skilled in the art of sex, and there are absolutely no amateurs employed under any circumstances. This is a high-end brothel for a reason, and only the best are hired. If you have a "special skill" or service, that is definitely something that is sought out when hiring these workers.
NOTE: All prostitutes are "interviewed" by Lord Viper. He has never taken part in these interviews, but he will oversee as one of the other prostitutes takes part. The interviews will have two parts that must be played out; the dominant and the submissive roles. When Lord Viper sees something that must be improved upon - and he will - in the act, he'll comment and vocally instruct the new recruit while the senior prostitute acts as they normally would.
  • Kunani: a winged and tattooed woman from the Yoreiqi Isles

A man or woman who will be left untouched by clients! Someone to manage the food and drink services in the brothel. They will never be enlisted to participate in any of the acts or services the brothel offers, but they are required to make sure the food and drinks are always fresh and plentiful.

A select few musicians are chosen to play in the common rooms of the brothel, setting the mood and providing entertainment for everyone. They have a set playlist that goes on, but they can play a requested piece for a small price. Below are the instruments that play in different areas of the building:
  • Dulcian
  • Gemshorn
  • Hammered Dulcimer
  • Harp
  • Lute
  • Transverse Flute

The person who steps in and acts on behalf of Lord Viper when he isn't present. This person is the usually the lead prostitute and most trusted employee. This person cannot decide whether or not "special" services are provided, though. Those types of matters must be discussed personally with Lord Viper.

The brothel clientele can sometimes get a little too pushy or vocally abrasive towards employees, so on rare occasions, someone needs to remind them what kind of establishment it is. The four guards serve to prevent thievery, as well as make sure no harm comes to any of the other employees (unless agreed upon in a prior discussion).