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I call to thee, o spirits! (Rina! HAH!)

Started by Anonymous, August 10, 2009, 01:37:08 PM

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"I doubt that thou couldst, O Spirit, but I expect thee to stay out of mine bedroom whilst I sleep, and away from mine bathroom whilst I bathe...lest I have to trap thee in a warded area." The threat sounded very real, and she did seem to have some form of control over such a thing. Whether she actually had a warded area was anyone's guess however. Still, when you could see dead people, it was probably a good idea if they became a poltergeist or angry spirit.

Dal's bath lasted quite a while, she spent her time gently cleaning her hair and soaking up the rich full smells of the oils she had used. Her soul truly felt like it was getting a nice bath as well. She could feel all the tension melting from her body. She was however, ensuring that Zoran wasn't going to invade her privacy. The brother and sister were a very odd pair, there was something about Senka that seemed...overly friendly almost? Dal couldn't exactly put her finger on it though, but something was weird about the woman.

The brother on the other hand, acted like a typical male almost. She hadn't many encounters with the opposite sex in such manners, she could remember when a rather rugged man in a tavern once paid her a compliment...and a slap on her rear. Her face had blushed for hours and she had absolutely no response for it. She hadn't seen it coming either, she almost thought the Gods had directly stopped her from seeing this just to be funny.

With her bath done, Dal slipped out of the bath and retrieved herself a towel, drying herself off before she grabbed a large satin robe to wrap around herself. There was a layer of thick wool between the satin, which allowed her to stay warm despite wearing only the robe. She tied the belt up to keep it from falling open, and when she was thoroughly snuggled into the garment, she headed for her bedroom.

She did however, use a quick warding spell on the door to ensure she'd have no unwelcome spiritual visitors. She didn't know why but the thought of Zoran sneaking in to view her just seemed...disturbing in a way. It sounded like the beginning of a poltergeist or other violent spirit. Jealous of the living, an obsession with a still living person, wanting to be with them, and yet having no ability to. However, Senka and Zoran had been around for a while obviously, and he had not turned into a violent spirit yet, but precautions were still in order.

She was a chaste woman, who had gotten away from the affairs of the flesh and into the affair of the soul. Getting into bed, Dal pulled the comforters about her and rested her head on a few smaller pillows, allowing her eyes to close and slowly let herself drift off to sleep. Morning would come soon, and then she could set sail again back for the main island chain perhaps.


"Of course. And my name is Zoran. I don't like being called spirit."

There was no malice or anger coming from Zoran. There had been some dark times when they were younger, but nothing very bad. He seemed content to be at Senka's side. She did her best to accommodate him, finding him freshly killed bodies to use for a short time or on rare occasions, she would let him posses her.

Being Senka's twin, Zoran resembled her. They both had the delicate elven features, the two-toned hair, though both of his eyes were black. He had a thin build, almost scrawny, a strange mimicry of what he would have looked like. There was something odd about his spirit, almost more...alive.

Senka sighed, shaking her head, "He'll stay in my room. I promise." And he would if she demanded it. They had a strong bond and a strange power over each other. Senka spent a fair amount of time in her bath, having her brother help her with her hair.

Even in a strange bed, the necromancer slept deeply. It was much later then she normally slept and she only awoke when her brother gently shook her awake. Yawning, she sat up, her long hair pooled around her. She hadn't put it back, wanting to let it dry over night.

Padding over to the door, she opened it and barefoot and dressed only in her light shift she started looking for Dal, "Hello? Daaaal?" Her belly gave a loud rumble and she flushed, covering it with her hand. She wanted some breakfast!


Dal would have liked to have gotten a good sleep that night. However, the fates were strange and they were most assuredly not going to let her have the best of sleep. It was a vision that disturbed her rest, one of the strangest quality.

The air was musty, the floor was rocky and wet, in the distance she could hear the gentle trickling of water. A light source came from her hand, a torch that she was holding no doubt. The surrounding tunnel was rock, she was underground, she could feel it in her head, the pressure difference. She ghosted along however, going through a complex series of underground...and undersea tunnels. She could see flickers of gold and diamomds here and there, as well as skeletons lost to time. No doubt adventurers that had come to plunder.

There were some creatures...giant bugs, feeding on each other and a rather recently slain adventurer. However that was not it...something else was pulling her along. There were traps, ones she couldn't get a proper look at, but she knew would be dangerous. Pitfalls and perilous journeys over small chasms. This place was immense, but still she continued on.

Finally she came to a lower chamber, where there was...something there, stuck in a strange substance. It looked like darkness but it had a shine to it that she was unfamiliar with. There was a creature within what could have been a crystal...frozen almost in time. " me..." The creature stuck in it was in a ripped and tattered robe, but underneath she could see a pair of glowing eyes, one red, and one white. They burned with a strange intensity, one that seemed to look straight at her. "I...cannot help you...I doth not know your location." Dal found herself saying. "Please...please help me! I don't want to be here anymore! I'm sorry Father! Please save me!" The wailing of the voice pulled at Dal and she found herself coming closer to the creature, until she walked across the strange black substance to the creature that was frozen within a crystalline structure. There was cracking, and suddenly the creature was free, grabbing a hold of the side of Dal's face. "FIND ME!"

Dal awoke with a startled gasp, holding a hand to her chest as she tried to calm herself. She knew...she knew where to sail now. She had gotten the location from the creature...and luckily still within Thanatos waters. Dal slowly got out of bed and found herself a robe to wear, as well as her ceremonial blindfold which she affixed. Morning had come, and it was time to fix food.

Dal was in the galley when Senka awoke, already she was fixing up a meal for the two of them. There was a bit of bacon, some pan fried toast, and a bit of eggs. She also had some sliced up piece of potato done in a light oil, giving them a crispy texture. "Thou shalt find me within the galley Senka!" Dal called out over her shoulder. Sometimes it was handy when you could see a portion of the future. Sometimes.


Yawning, arms stretching over her head, Senka followed Dal's voice and the smells of food. Her belly rumbled again as she slid into a seat, taking her plate. It smelled heavenly and Senka carefully bit into a potato, fanning her mouth and rapidly moving it around to try and cool it, "Ack! It's hot! But it's so good! So domestic."

She gave Dal a wink, blowing on another slice of potato, "Would you like me to make some tea?" She was pretty good with tea, if she did say so herself. Tilting her head, the entropymancer studied the other woman, "Are you alright? You seem tired."


"Thou must be careful, tis freshly cooked and from the pan." She ignored the wink from Senka, not really understanding what it had meant. She did however know that this woman was a very strange one, unlike most of the people she had met who were peasant and commoners. Yes, Senka was a magical person like herself, gifted with an ability over the dead so to speak.

"Thy offer is generous, but I hath the water boiling as we speak." Dal said as she gestured toward the pot on the end of the stove. True to her word, the water was already boiling. She took it off and placed a teabag inside it, beginning the steeping of the tea.

"T'was a long night, mine friend." Senka said wearily as she brought the kettle to the table and sat down with a small sigh. "Certes I hath had enow of visions, last night during slumber I saw...a strange thing. A creature...a skeleton surrounded in strange magic and a sparkling trapped. It asked if I could hither to it and free it...Mine belief is that though locked in death, the spirit be trapped. It doth bring me surprise and I witnessed death time and again within the underground complex. Great beasts snacked 'pon explorers, yet the soul's call had been so great." In other words, Dal had plans to set sail today and try to find the island where this person resided. It wasn't something that she really looked forward to, as it had been so dangerous but...

She would go.

It was her nature to help those who asked her of it. More so if it had been a vision that asked her.


Senka just grinned at Dal and ate the potato, moving it rapidly around her mouth, sucking in air. It was amazing, even with the high heat. And she was starving. Swallowing the bite, Senka starts to serve herself a plate, trying to not stare at Dal wearing her robe. It wasn't scanty by any means, but somehow, it was still quite teasing.

She felt the air stir as Zoran found his way into the room. She could feel his hands touching her hair, ghostly fingers pulling through the thick, dark strands. Senka was used to the motion and paid it little attention, "Oh, well...fine. I just feel so useless. I feel I should earn my keep some how."

The mention of her dream had Senka frowning, "Are you sure you should go? That sounds....awfully fishy. Do you know why it is trapped? That sounds like it might have been a punishment for some great crime." She would go with Dal regardless, but she didn't exactly want to go release something bad.

"Well, either way, I suppose I'll have to go with you. Protect you and such." Senka took another bite, a little more careful this time, smiling happily at Dal. She was pretty sure Dal wasn't going to swing her way, but she could always hope.


"Thine company is enough payment, I hath not had the opportunity to converse with many." Dal did admit that she liked being to able talk to someone, and with Senka here she found it rather enjoyable. Zoran was a little bit strange, but he was also welcome company. Both of them were really. Still, her only fear was Zoran becoming jealous or angry at the living and turning into a poltergeist. That however...was probably not going to be that big of an issue. She had always been wary of spirits, but Zoran appeared very different. That was probably for the best.

"Thy worry is thankful, but...tis hard to explain." Dal looked to down to her food and began to eat, enjoying and savouring it. She took a deep sip of her tea and smiled at Senka. "I thank thee...allow me to try and...explain. Emotions and personalities in visions can be this vision...the creatured rushed toward me and grabbed mine person. T'was then I could sense the personality. The creature that we sail for, tis simply a jester, a joker, whatever it is that it does, simply means no harm. There be no harmful intent, there be no jealousy, tis simply...hurt, confused, and..." Dal rubbed the back of her neck as she thought about it. What was the word that she was looking for?

"It is...bored. Tis desiring to be free, hath been trapped there, alone, and wishes to be freed." Dal explained with a shake of her head. The creature was not a threat as far as she could figure. It was trapped, it wanted to be free, it didn't have any malice, any spite, it was just...bored. Dal felt that helping to free that poor creature would do no harm.

"After breakfast, I shalt clean up, then depart for the island. It shalt only be a few hours...less with thou helping however." Dal smiled at that thought, she hadn't really had anyone helping her with the ship. This would be interesting for sure. "I thank thee, and thou as well Zoran, for wishing to accompany me."


"You are going to give me a big head with all this flattery." Senka gave a small laugh. Her hair shifted softly, Zoran still playing with it. When she took a bite of  bacon, he tugged lightly on her hair. The necromancer blinked, "Oh. Zoran. I'm sorry. Dal, can you set aside a little plate for Zoran?"

Thank you.

"Sorry I forgot." She glanced over at Dal, "I give him offerings. Let's him enjoy it." She knew they were a strange pair. She had never met a ghost like Zoran before. But her brother showed no signs of becoming a jealous monster.

As Dal spoke, Senka listened. She didn't try to interrupt, she just took it all in. Taking a long sip of tea, Senka glanced up at Zoran. The spirit just shrugged, not really caring. He would go with her no matter what she picked.

"Well, if you can promise me that he isn't an evil creature, then I would be happy to help you. I'm not bad in a fight." She raised one hand, "Make things rot and go all crumbly."


"Tis only but the truth." Dal responded, a light giggle passing her lips before she went back to her food. The spirit, Zoran, was an amusing fellow, the fact he preened his sister was something of an adorable nature. They must have been together a long time. "Oh? Ye, I shalt prepare him an offering." The woman stood and went to get a small plate, putting a bit of potato, egg, and bacon onto it before she slid it in front of a third chair, setting out some silverware and a glass of juice. "Thy breakfast will get cold soon Zoran." She wanted to treat him as if he were just another person, and really, he was. He exhibited more behaviour and traits of a living soul than one that had died.

It was comforting.

"I promise thee that the creature sought shalt not be one of true evil." The creature still had an aura, but everything that Dal could sense of him spoke otherwise. Like he had been of evil, born of it, bathed in it, but he did not embrace it. It made her feel better about going after it, it meant the creature was good, or could be good, and had not succumbed to evil.

"Thy help shalt be most appreciated Senka. Now, we shalt finish breakfast, and then a grand adventure doth await." Dal smiled at Senka before she once more began to eat, sipping her tea liberally. She did enjoy a good glass of tea, and the juice she had in her storage wasn't bad either. A few simple necromantic enchantment spells helped to keep a lot of the good food from going bad, preserved it and kept it fresh almost. Sometimes it was good to know necromancers, for whatever reason the mainlanders didn't agree.


"Oh start." Senka knew she shouldn't read into it. Getting her hopes up over Dal would only lead to heartbreak. Dal was a Thanati, born and raised. Though that didn't stop Senka's eyes drifting down to Dal's ample breasts.

Zoran smiled at Dal, sitting in front of the food. He couldn't actually eat any of it, but he still could enjoy it. Senka smiled at her brother, glad that Dal wasn't bothered by him. He was very important to her, her precious brother and she hated when he got left out of things. But this felt nice and normal, sitting around with him and Dal.

"Well, as long as you promise." Senka didn't mind releasing some spirit if it made the other woman happy. But she also didn't want to unleash anything evil into the world. But she trusted Dal.

Taking a long sip of tea, she smiled again, "A grand adventure sounds good. Something exciting and romantic. That they will write books about in the future." She wasn't in any rush to leave the warm kitchen, so she savored the tea, comfortable and relaxed.


It was a slightly impish smile upon the seer's lips. The company was grand to have, if only a little...different than what she was used to. She might have started blushing constantly if only she knew where the gaze of the other woman was directed, and the thoughts that were coursing through her mind.

Luckily she was unaware.

"Mischievous perhaps, but the spirit hath no wrath within." She could sense the jester within that strange being. It was alive, it was dead, it was evil, yet it was good, it was bored and yet it was entertained. The creature, whatever Undead it may be, was not something normal, not something that any had encountered, at least, not to her knowledge. She had a few stores of books to her advantage, perhaps during their sail she would look into them and perhaps find what they were going to rescue. It had been the overall...look of the creature that stuck with her. The glowing eyes, the ripped and ragged robe it wore, the general feeling of it was one of wonder and...amusement.

"Thou speak as if we art to go off and save the world Senka. Tis only a creature in bondage that is to be saved."  As she slowly finished off her food, she began her rituals for the morning. It was more or less the act of cleaning the strip she used to cover her eyes, using an array of oils with varying scents to give the cloth the sweet smell of lilac and lavender, as well as a hint of vanilla. Once done, she lit a stick of incense and applied the garment over her eyes, gently folding and tucking the two pieces together. She never tied it in a painful knot, to her the cloth was almost sacred, it would have been an insult to do something so rough and careless to it.

As morning passed, their departure arrived, and soon the schooner was headed out to sea once more. She had done her duty to this island, she had helped the people and calmed the soul of the restless dead here. Now it was onto bigger things, onto stranger things. Senka and Zoran were welcome help, she was able to teach Senka a few things about sailing, but mostly she got the woman to steer. It was apparent that Dal was comfortable on the ship, even blindfolded she seemed to know everything that was needed. Whether it was letting out the sails, or tying a new knot, the boat and the woman were in sync. Once they were further away from the island, she was able to relax. A small table on deck served her purposes as she got a few books out, old crinkled things written in archaic languages.

She wanted to find out about this creature they were to save. Each time she came to the robe, to the eyes, it didn't end well. There was a trickster creature who only appeared at cross roads. Ancient and forever, the creature granted wishes, but they would often turn to complete disaster. She was afraid of such a being, it held such power, it held such...greatness to it. Other passages didn't work out so well, some spoke of vengeful liches, while others...spoke of the Grim Spectre himself. A Reaper, a being that collected the souls of the dead and shuffled them off to the great beyond. Things didn't add up, the eyes, it always came back to the eyes. This one had glowing eyes, vibrant growing eyes, and yet...none of the passages, none of the descriptions ever spoke of such things.

It was troubling for the seer. Maybe they were truly going to free a creature that wasn't part of their world. The thought was exciting, as it was a trifle terrifying.


Senka trusted Dal to make sure they weren't going to be releasing anything awful into the world. There were some dark things in the islands, sealed there by their ancestor, others drawn there by the magic the necromancer's used.

Licking her spoon free of tea, Senka smiled, "The world, one life. It's all the same really. Can't have one without the other."

The necromancer watched Dal's strange ritual for a little while. She didn't really know much about mediums. The only ghost she was able to communicate much with was her brother and he wasn't a normal ghost. After a bit, she excused herself, returning to her room to get ready as well.

She had her own rituals. Her's was a bit more physical, chalking outlines along the floor. Hopefully Dal wouldn't mind, as they washed away. Once those were completed, she took a deep cleansing breath and started a number of long, slow, complex stretches between the various symbols. It helped clear her mind and focused her magic.

Once that was done, Senka finished getting dressed, her brother helping do her hair up and lace her bodice, "Nice to see you making yourself useful."

The ghost smiled at her, almost identical to her own, "She's lovely."

"Very." Senka fussed with her bangs in the mirror, getting her hair perfect. Shame she didn't have anything to line her eyes with.

"She wont like girls you know."

That got the ghost a glare, "Rude! She might! At least I'm alive!"

Zoran just smirked, leaning over her shoulder to look in the mirror. It didn't reflect him at all, but he still seemed able to see himself in on. He fixed his own hair, looking smug, "She's a medium. I can be real to her. And I've got the right parts."

"What's that? I think that's the sound of no candy for a week." Glaring and huffing, Senka stood up, "And at least I will be able to talk her into a group bath. There's those amazing hot springs."

Heading out to find the seer, Senka followed the pulse of her life energy until she found her, surrounded by books, "Well hello. What's all this? Bit of light reading?"


"Waxing poetic, thou surprise me, but thou art correct." She couldn't argue with Senka's words and philosophy. She had to admit, they were the same. Life and the world were quite interchangeable. Dal wished she could put it into better words, but it was perhaps a little early to try and understand that particular philosophy at this time.

She let Senka do her own rituals, hers seemed a bit more interesting than her own, a lot more physical activity, while hers were more...well, they had a personal spiritual meaning. She hadn't met a medium like herself that did the same rituals as she. It was something that Dal had come to do out of comfort perhaps. Maybe one day soon she should ask Senka if she could...join her in the rituals that she was doing. They reminded her of a sort of...Zen art, slowly moving in different poses to open up energy flow and relax the body and focus the mind.

Her only worry would be opening her mind up and having more visions splash through.

The siblings were probably lucky that Dal was unaware of their current conversation, that the medium was so deep in her studying that everything outside of her little table was almost ignored. Not to mention that they were below deck and she was on the deck with her table and pile of books. She looked up when something broke into her thoughts and distracted her from her current reading. It was Senka. She smiled lightly to the woman and nodded as she put a silk bookmark into place and closed the book.

"Aye, I hath been trying to research what creature we art trying to rescue. I hath not been able to find any sort of creature to match what I hath seen, save for a Grim Reaper, but even then...the creature doth not match the description completely. I believe we art off to find a creature that hath not been documented." The thought, though scary, was also quite exciting really. They would meet with a creature that no one had ever seen before, that no one had ever written about. Dal and Senka would be able to even...perhaps publish some sort of research paper on the matter. The necromancers and mages would no doubt like to hear about it.

"Canst thou help me return these below deck? I believe I hath finished researching for the day." She picked up a stack of books and shot a smile at her friend before heading to the stairs below deck to the store room to put the books away. She very much enjoyed the idea of having a companion or two around, it made the trip less...solemn. Yes, that was the perfect word for it. Things were livelier, despite one of the companions being a spirit.

Odd how that worked.


"Of course." Senka beamed at Dal and started collecting the books. Even if Senka couldn't touch, Dal was beautiful. It wasn't a bad way to spend her time, plus the medium was pleasing to talk with. It felt so good after her time on the mainland. Zoran gathered a few of the books as well, though he couldn't take many at a time.

"Really? You really think it might be new?" That was an interesting thought and the necromancer shivered slightly in delight, "I hope so. I have never discovered a new creature before." Senka closed her strange eyes and sent up a quick prayer to Inima. "A Reaper? How would one of those be caught? They serve the Goddess, bringing souls to her so she can give them life again."

The twins followed after Dal, Senka holding the books out for Zoran who found their place on the shelf. Zoran paused while holding on book, filled with information on creatures of myth and legend, "May I borrow this one? It looks interesting." The ghost fingered the cover, though he couldn't actually feel it.

Senka frowned slightly. It had been a while since he had a body. She should let him use hers soon. Not much to do on the ship, but even so, it was better then not.


"Thy help is most appreciated Senka. Thou art gracious." Another friendly smile was given to Senka and Zoran. "So is thine Zoran." She started back toward the bowels of the ship. She really did like to have the help, they'd be able to make less trips, and having help was always great! She wouldn't have to do all the chores around here! Though, she'd never explicitly ask Zoran and Senka to help, but she would never turn the away if offered of course.

"Aye, tis seems to be the only logical explanation." It was a better thought than a reaper had been captured and was being held against the will of both the being and the Goddess. However, a new species was still just as bad because if it was the only one, someone had locked it away against its will. "Thy thought is a worrisome one verily, rest assured if it is, we will find ourselves in great favour with Her." The idea of the Goddess being pleased with them was one that made Dal feel a little tingly. To be favourable with a Goddess, and their Goddess none the less? It was an incredible idea, but she still hoped that it really was just a new species of some sort, because...someone capturing a reaper? The thought was...completely horrifying. Only a God should have such control over the reaper.

"Hm? Of course Zoran, thou may borrow any book that thy wishes! Thou doth not needst to ask." He was a friend after all, and she was more than happy to let him borrow whatever he wanted. He probably could use the distraction anyway, and reading was a great way to waste time anyway. The trip would be a few days at least, so they would need to find ways to entertain themselves. Though, Dal knew she would have some work to do, those giant insects she saw would cause a problem, and she would want to remove that particular problem. She could whip up an elixir or salve of some sort that would make the insects ignore them.

She took a book off from the shelf though, knowing she had to get the right ingredients for a particular sort of lotion she had used before. It had made a pack of wolves avoid her when she was in a forest once, and with just a bit of modification she was sure that the creatures would ignore them. She wouldn't need to make anything for Zoran, so it wouldn't need to be a huge batch, but enough for Senka and herself. She didn't know why, but she found a light blush creeping on her cheeks as she thought about it having to apply all that lotion to each other. It faded quickly however as she put it into a more logical thought. They were just women after all, and it wasn't like Senka thought differently! She was from Thanatos after all! They both were! That helped her to rationalize everything and made her feel better about the whole thing.

"If thou wants to help me once more Senka, I must make a lotion to help ward off other creatures I gazed upon in mine vision." It would help to go a bit faster, getting ingredients together and combining them, cooking them and creating the special lotion. It would greatly help the two of them get through the complex maze system that they would be walking into. She didn't much like the idea of being snacked upon by the monsters within.


The praise had both twins beaming. It had quickly become a contest between them to win Dal's affections. A little sibling rivalry never hurt anyone.

"I really hope it isn't a Reaper." Senka felt a chill at the very idea, rubbing her hand over her arms, "That would mean something very bad indeed." She very much liked the idea of the Goddess looking favorably on her, but the thought of anyone but Her being able to control the Reapers was terrifying.

She chewed lightly on her lip ring, "I hope it's just some new creature. Maybe a forgotten experiment?" That would be sad to have it left forgotten and alone, but much less horrifying then the alternative, "Or it just might be something rare. There might be records of it in the Church library?"

"It can't be a Reaper. I have met one. They are....I can't imagine one being bound by anything mortal." Zoran glanced over at Dal, expression serious, "If it is a Reaper, make sure you do not meddle where you shouldn't. It isn't wise to anger the divine." The spirit hugged the book to his chest, smiling then, "Thank you for lending me the book."

Shaking her head, Senka reached over and ruffled her brother's ghostly hair, "I'm sorry. I should really get you more books. And you can ride me later today, alright?" Her brother beamed again, nodding as he ducked away from her hand.

"Lotion? Of course. I'm not bad with potions and the like." That meant time alone with Dal. And it would be so warm while they boiled and cooked things. Have to strip down a bit. Her caramel skin all shimmery with sweat....Senka gave a small, happy sigh at the mental image before reluctantly returning to the present day.


If only Dal knew that the twins wanted her affection, that they were trying to vie for her attention and trying to win it. That however, did not cross her mind, she just thought them to be normal, to be her friends.

"Nay, the records will be of no use, if they were to be, I wouldst have glimpsed it 'pon the vision." If she was meant to know the creature, meant to have found out what it was, she probably would have seen it. There had been nothing though, and at least from her research she knew it wasn't anything known, at least, not in her books. They were books that had been written some time ago, but she made sure to get them updated, or purchase entirely new books and kept them on hand. She would have read something if it had been a reaper, but alas she had found nothing to really insinuate it was a Reaper.

"Nor can I gentle Zoran. I promise thee however, tis a creature of the Goddess, a Reaper as I doth fear, then we shalt have the utmost care and respect." She assured the spirit. He would know about the reapers more wouldn't he, having been taken by one before. There was a bit of comfort there, if it was one, then he could lend a hand when they found it. "Of course mine friend, I hope that thou finds it to be a good read."

There was something that really made Dal's eyebrow rise slightly. "Am assume 'ride thou', thy meaning is that he mayest inhabit thine body?" Once more, there was that slight tinge to Dal's cheeks. She wasn't completely naive, and the spirit could interact, but she didn't want to assume...such a debauched idea. They were siblings after all, but, she had heard of a lot...stranger incidents between two loving people.

She coughed uncomfortably and was glad that the subject changed. "Thy help is welcome then, we shalt start right away." With a rather bubbly smile to her friend she set off to the kitchen. She had to get out her scales, her mortar and pestle, along with a few other items to help cook and separate things properly. They'd have to be quite careful though, they could accidentally create the wrong thing, or spoil the ingredients involved. Dal went straight to the kitchen, all her alchemical equipment was stored there anyway, as well as the roots, herbs, and mineral water she would need. It was just like cooking a meal, but this one wouldn't be eaten. She began to get out pots and knives, her mortar and pestle bowl, as well as her scales and other equipment. She had to light a fire in the stove, though she opened a window since it was going to get quite warm in the room.

Now the recipe could be followed...after she retrieved the needed ingredients.


Senka shivered again. On one hand, finding something new could be wonderful, but on the other, she had a bad feeling about this. Who knew what they would find there. She just hoped that Dal's visions wouldn't lead them to someplace they shouldn't meddle.

Zoran smiled brightly at Dal, cuddling the book, "Thank you. I like reading." It was one of the few activities he could do on his own. Dal's response had both the twin's staring at her, their expression's almost identical looks of confusion. It took quite a moment before it occurred to either of them what else they could have meant.

"OH GODDESS! EW!" Senka's jaw dropped and she stared at Zoran with a look of horror. Her brother looked slightly ill, "Nonononono. I just inhabit her body!" They both leaned away from each other, slightly weirded out now.

"Kitchen. Yes. Good plan!" Senka smiled a little brighter then normal, trying to push aside that icky feeling the mention of fucking Zoran had brought on. The spirit just took his book and fled to their room, more then slightly creeped out. Senka loved her twin, very much. But....ew. That was just gross.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her delicately pointed ears, Senka examined the items Dal was laying out, "Just tell me what you need me to do." She edged closer to the window in the kitchen. Better make sure it wasn't open too far. Keep it nice and warm in here.


"Tis not a problem at all." She smiled at the spirit, glad that she could help him feel a bit better. He probably didn't have a lot of activities really, so reading would not doubt be something to help him quite a bit. At least he wouldn't be bored on the trip, he'd actually have something that he could enjoy and not need anyone's help.

The reaction of both the twins caused Dal's cheeks to go even darker as the realization came to both of them. It was funny that that most innocent and naive one of them was the one who had caught the innuendo for their particular conversation. Dal found her hand moving to her neck, embarrassed as she tried to push that particular thought out of her head. It was really quite...something actually. At least both of them seemed just as shocked at the particular thought. "That is...what I hadst hoped to hear." Just the thought make her feel...they were siblings after all.

She actually was glad she was a single child.

Dal started to get out her supplies, remembering the particular ingredients she would need, such as the different roots and herbs, as well as a bit of mineral water. Once that was all out, she put out a knife and a few of the roots. "I needst those to be finely diced, whilst I will mix herbs and a special spice." It was the key ingredient really, it wasn't exactly a spice, it was dried bug carapaces and a small bit of powder. The powder was to keep their skin moisturized and wouldn't dry out, making them sweat more, become dehydrated, and have the creatures within the cave smell them, and be able to sneak up on them. She began to use the mortar and pestle to grind up the herbs into a paste of sort, liberally adding the 'spice' to the mix as well as some mineral water. When all this was done, the end result would be a goopy pink mixture, but for now, it was just a bit of a strange greenish mix.

Closing her eyes, she reached up with her robe sleeve and wiped her brow. It was getting pretty warm in the ship's galley, but she had the window open so there was no real problem was there? She began to boil some water, adding her paste to the bubbling water. "Goddess, even with the window, tis getting rather warm in here." Dal commented as she once more wiped a bit of moisture from her brow again. "Mine choice of thick robe hath come back to haunt me." She commented as she looked to Senka, smiling, her face a little flushed. "Doth you hath those roots chopped?"


Senka was still feeling a little grossed out at the suggestion that she and her brother would sleep together. They were closer then most siblings were she supposed, and Zoran would scrub her back and help her wash her hair when she bathed...but...gah! It was all platonic!

Glad for something to distract her, Senka took the roots from Dal and began to dice them. Senka was a little slow with the knife, as she didn't often use them, but she was thorough and patient. Her hands moved steadily as she watched Dal. Watching the lovely necromancer move about the kitchen was just the balm her soul needed.

Glancing over at the window, Senka felt just a tad guilty. But really, who could blame her? Though it was getting warm. She could feel herself sweating as well, the loose strands of her thick hair sticking to her neck. She was glad she had dressed lightly, the thin fabric of her shirt already clinging to her, "I'm about ready to strip down myself, and you have it worse then I do."

Smiling, Senka gestured to her pile of chopped roots, "All done. What would you like me to do with them?"