Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Lore Submissions => Races => Topic started by: Scyrus42 on January 23, 2019, 12:18:34 PM

Title: Archons and related Subraces
Post by: Scyrus42 on January 23, 2019, 12:18:34 PM

An Archon is a nigh immortal being from the planet Archon Prime. their biology allows them to be stronger, smarter, more powerful than most, but they have a catch to it. any and all skill is translated genetically. more muscle memory than actualk memories, but the body also changes. a family line of body builders, if it were long enough, could have an Archon that could bench press mountains.

but their skills are limited in another way, their blood is finite, their bodies cannot produce more than what they ended pubety with. (archons take about 90 earth years to fully mature). the more blood they lose, the older they look. their bodies slow down to account for the lower amount of blood.

all archons at birth have a modicum of Psionic potential, but can lose it if they don't train it. it is through this that they have access to magical powers. they additionally have limited telepathy, they can sense one's intentions or base feelings, but cannot read their exact thoughts.

The history of Archons is long and split into several ages. Chronologically, any Archon characters would be from the third age. The third age is a time of war and progress. A ruling group known as the Elder Circle game into power of a large nation. The whole planet was split into nations led by ruling families and run by slave Labour. The Elder Circle, also known as the Nine, assembled an army and began taking over other nations. In doing this and freeing the people from tyranical rulers, they thanked the anime by sending their best and brightest mages and researchers to the capital. While wars raged the world over, immense progress was made.

Below are some of the subraces or groups of people as well as basic personality traits and physical abilities of each.
Title: Highborne Archon
Post by: Scyrus42 on January 23, 2019, 04:22:46 PM
Highborne Archons (sometimes known as Pureblood or Regal Archons) are descendants of ruling Families. With the wars going on, some escaped to this world, but the great majority stayed out of pride. Highbornes will likely be proficient in magic, due to that being their source of power over their citizens. Once the teaching of magic became more accessible and more common folk began practicing, they lost their biggest foothold. A curious facet of Archon history was that the Olde Archon Tongue began to change with the introduction of the ruling families. Because of this, people began using the surnames of royalty in place of certain words that the family was known for. (For example, a word that translates to lightning would be the same as the family name known for lightning magic).

A large portion of Highbornes are arrogant and demanding, still treating everyone around them like subordinates even in places they do not own. They often resort to magic whenever possible and can become enraged when they see someone they deem "lowborne" using magic of any type. They idolize pure breeding and given that most Highbornes were sorcerers, the vast majority of Highbornes are extremely proficient in magic, but next to worthless with much else.
Title: Highländr Archon
Post by: Scyrus42 on January 23, 2019, 04:37:02 PM
Highländrs are a almost separate civilization to the rest of Archon Prime. They are from a series of plateaus hidden in a mountain range. With so little area to grow crops, much of their diet relied on cattle and game. This, combined with the fact that evolution naturally favored those with larger bodies to climb the steep mountains and the strength to haul whatever they had, resulted in colossal beings with unstoppable physiology. Once they were discovered by other Archons, many of them were taken as slaves due to their powerful builds. This resulted in even greater power across their numbers, with many either being laborers or warriors to defend their people. A ttypical Highländr clears 7 feet tall and is primarily muscle.

They proved a great military asset when it was discovered that while they lacked natural magical talent, their bodies could withstand the strain of enchanting their bodies to be able to use magic. These were the first Warmages, magic channeled through runes and arcane circles tattooed onto the body. It was these that allowed the Nine to take over so many territories with only a single army.
Title: standard Archon/charachter creations basics
Post by: Scyrus42 on February 19, 2019, 02:13:53 PM
the last subspecies of Archon is the standard everyday folk. they lack the specilisation of the other subraces and are often a jack of all trades, some would have specific proficiencies, but usually at the cost of other abilities. most are farmers, hunters, soldiers, blacksmiths and the like. as mentioned, proficiency is aided by having previous generations be proficient, however not inevitable. an Archon with a family experienced in combat could certainly become an actor, but their natural talent lies in combat.

Archon Blacksmiths would have knowledge of the alloy known as Archon Steel, consisting of a mix of various metals, both fantasy and real, the actual mix is not super specific, and would certainly differ between smiths. the basic ingredients are Mithril, Adamantine, Iron, Silver, Carbon, Tungsten, and maybe certain other things for flavor like a drop of blood or something else. it is hallmarked by a pattern throughout the metal, both within and on the surface.

there is a language for this race, but for all intents and purposes it doesn't need to be focused on. the only situation where it would be especially important would be names and even then i don't care. in the event you want to keep your character as accurate as possible, feel free to dm me for more specifics.

in terms of body type and personality, the defualt is hovering around 6' and having a good head on their shoulders. body type matters little, but most are physically healthy with lean musculature.