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A son's true home (SilverDragonsBlood) {COMPLETED}

Started by almighyxcavus, August 19, 2017, 08:34:34 PM

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Daverro almost blinded himself from the reflection of the sun off the man.
"Thank you, I can't believe I hadn't noticed it was gone. You're welcome to come in if you like."
Aithusa strolled inside and sat on a nearby by chair that looked like an anvil.
Daverro placed two pints of hot sugar water onto the table between them.
He spoke to Aithusa:
"Look, I don't know what you're here for, but I doubt it was just to return my helmet, and my guess is since that you were the one standing next to that woman last night, I can only assume you're claiming to be my father now? Let me just tell you there's no way you can prove it to me, sorry, my parents are dead and that's a fact."
Daverro leaned back in his chair sipping his sugar water.


Aithusa put his right ankle on his left knee and leaned forward. "I'm going to be blunt because I think we both can see right through bullshit," he said, cracking his knuckles. "I haven't come here to try and convince you that you're my son. I don't even know if you are. I lost my boy twenty-five years ago. When he was taken from me, I quite literally fought tooth and nail to stop it. Still, I failed. And you have to know I feel just as guilty every single day, because I see Gwen go to touch her absent ring and a piece of her breaks."

The dragon sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He shook his head and stood up, walking over and leaning against the wall with his legs crossed at the ankles. "Look, kid. I'm not here to ask you to believe her because I don't even know if I agree. You don't even look like either one of us, but I sure as hell know my son looked like you. I know it's crazy and you probably don't even want to give it another thought. I never my father, and I some man walked up to me claiming to be him, is burn that guy to a crisp faster than he could finish the sentence.

"All I can say is I know that ring. I know my wife. Her mind is clearer than the sea on a sunny day. I'm not asking you to believe me or her because that's way too much. All I'm asking is you give her a chance to talk to you, really talk to you."

Daverro looked hesitant, and Aithusa really couldn't blame him. It was an incredible thing to ask someone, and even harder to ask of a boy who was thrown into the world without so much as a thought from anyone.

"I'll tell you all about my son if you'd like," Aithusa said, sticking out his hand. "What do you say?"


Daverro looked hesitant for a moment, he looked down and heaved a sigh of slight acceptance.
"I think that's fair enough. But if either of you try to trick me I will NOT, hesitate in the slightest to murder the both of you."
Daverro took Aithusa's hand outside, Daverro looked off to the side noticing the soldiers were awaiting orders for the day. Daverro released his hand gently, and soared into the sky, his voice booming like thunder:
The army booming with excitemnt:
The recruits began to cheer:
Daverro flew back to Aithusa.
"Sorry, they'll stand outside all day if I don't give them orders."


Aithusa smirked, nodding his head in acknowledgment. "Gwen and I are in command as well. Believe me, I get it." He shifted into his dragon form and took to the air with Daverro flying beside him. The dragon watched the young man in flight. He definitely had Celegwen's discipline, but Aithusa saw a bit of a carefree side to him that Daverro probably wasn't too open about.

The dragon glanced into the distance and saw a black shadow flying in the sunlight. He smirked. Xanu, you just might have a new friend. I'll introduce you later.

Aithusa landed outside of the tent and shifted back into his human form. "Just wait out here," he said, walking into the tent. "Hey, Gwen."

She stood from the wooden chair with a smile. "You're a goddamn miracle worker!"

"Of course I am," he said, pretending to be insulted. "Just take it easy on him. He isn't exactly excited to be here." Aithusa stuck his head out of the tent and Daverro came inside with him.

Celegwen smiled, folding her arms across her chest. "I don't think we've been really introduced. I'm Gwen, and he's Aithusa. What did they call you?"


"My name is Daverro, I wasn't given a last name because of my dragon origins. I was the blade of this land before the cunt Calent took over, thankfully my duke was able to convince Calent to let me live as the Commander of the recruits just outside of the duchy. If need be you can call me Verro for short."
Daverro stood tall in his obsidian armor, his voice was stern and awaited for further questions.


Celegwen detached her cape and removed the black tunic with the Dragonriders crest on it. "Daverro, you have my word we did not bring you here with hostile intent. My word is oak."

"You have her word that her work is oak," Aithusa said, sitting on the couch.

Celegwen glared at him. "Really? Now?" She sat on the arm of the couch, gesturing for Daverro to have a seat. "Please try... Do you remember anything-"

Aithusa put his hand on her arm. "Gwen, I promised him we'd tell him about our son," he said, leaning forward. "Verro, it's absurd to ask someone to remember his infancy.

"We named our son Kiron. He was a tiny little thing because he was born about a month too early. Had wings and a little smushed dragon's snout. Part of me was hoping he'd get my white color, but his scales were just like yours. Looked like a sunset when he flew, rather tried to fly. Gwen gave him her father's ring on a necklace."

Celegwen squeezed Aithusa's hand. "He was really stubborn!" She said, smiling. "Refused to walk anywhere. His wings weren't strong enough yet to support him, so Aithusa would run around with him over his head as Kiron flapped his wings.

"We kept him hidden for almost six months. I'd sing him to sleep, which was the only thing that would get him to settle down. Almost six months. People didn't take kindly to a being who was half Elf and half dragon. They said someone with that kind of potential power has no place in the world."

"Once the news of his birth spread, hundreds of people from all over tried to take him. Eventually, one succeeded. I don't know what happened to him after because I was never able to find him. This was twenty-five years ago."


Daverro looked at them, a little astonished, he didn't know whether he could believe them or not. But then he remembered.
I'll show them.
"What a convenient coincidence that I'm 25 years of age, and your son, that supposedly looks like me went missing in the same time frame, totally believable. I'll show you proof that this is isn't your ring. Follow me."
He motioned them to follow him. He soared into the sky, with Aithusa and Gwen following him. It took about half a days time to reach the spot in Connlaoth, the moon was hanging overhead as Daverro dived to the ground waiting for the pair to catch up.
He had landed in the front gate of a cemetery.
"Over here."
Daverro pointed to two gravestones, with names that were barely recognizable.
"These are my parents, these are their graves, case and point."
The graves seemed a little on the odd side, they just didn't look normal. But these were the graves that Daverro believed held his parents.


The dragon and Elf frowned, exchanging doubtful glances. Through their thirty-five years in the Dragonriders, they both had seen their fair share of makeshift graves, marked and unmarked. These gravestones were barely over twenty years old, which meant they couldn't have belonged to Daverro's parents if they died twenty-five years ago.

Celegwen crouched between the graves and held her hands out flat above the dirt with her eyes closed. "She's feeling for the souls of the people buried," Aithusa whispered. "I found it's better not to question."

She stood and rejoined the two men. "There's no one buried here," she said. Before anyone could say anything, she held up her hand and locked onto Daverro's crimson eyes. "I know you've grown up believing something and you've made your peace with it by now, but I'm asking you to cast it aside. As revolting as it may seem, I want you to give us permission to open the graves. If I was wrong and there are the remains of a man and a woman, we are at your mercy and you may do with us both as you will. If I'm right and these are false graves, you open your mind to a new possibility. Do we have a deal?"


Daverro on the brink of completely losing his mind spoke:
"I-I think that would be fair."
He started to tear up in his right eye in the slightest bit.
No, my parents are dead, this necklace is the only thing that remains of them. Theres no way they would just abandon me for 25 years, this cannot be happening.
A tiny spark ignited in himself.


Celegwen stood back, and Aithusa shifted into his dragon form. He easily moved the dry dirt away in large clumps, only needing to do it four times before the tops of the caskets appeared. He shifted into his human form and jumped into the whole. Celegwen and Daverro stood near it.

The dragon looked up at them nervously, and Celegwen swallowed. If there were bodies in the caskets, that meant they had just desecrated two graves and were eternally damned. Still, for the possibility of finding their son, it wasn't a question.

Aithusa ripped open both lids and gave an unnoticeable sigh of relief. He flung them both open and stepped to the side. Celegwen almost fell to her knees. "Empty," Aithusa said, climbing out of the grave.


Kiron stepped back about 10 or so paces.
"No, no, no, no NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Kiron became enraged, flustered, confused, he grabbed his face that was practically a river of tears and he began throwing himself side to side.
A blue flame with a white base sprouted just behind his horns, it snaked over his entire body going underneath his scales. His wings were covered in this flame, he unsheathed Zerros and slammed it into the ground, igniting the holes where the graves were. He left his sword in the ground while he soared into the sky. His voice booming, but clearly broken.
You could see the tear drops being instantly vaporized from his flames.
After a short spark, a gigantic beam of blue and white fire was headed straight for Celegwen and Aithusa.
Jeez, you two really need to step up your parenting game.
A voice that sounded like Zu's echoed in Aithusa's mind.
After the smoke had cleared, Celegwen and Aithusa were standing in the center of a giant crater of obsidian.
Out of nowhere, a celestial arrow hit Kiron out of the sky, he plummeted a good 100 ft before landing into the earth with a loud THUD.
Kiron was unconscious.


It's good to hear your voice, Aithusa thought, looking at the sky.

Celegwen ran over to Kiron, putting her hand over his armored chest. "He's just out cold," she said. "Come on. Get him back to the tent."

Aithusa shifted into his dragon form and lifted Kiron's limp body, cradling him in his large hand. Celegwen took hold of Kiron's sword and climbed onto Aithusa's saddle. They flew back to the Adelan camp, earning a few strange glances from random soldiers.

It took a few people to lift Kiron onto the couch in Celegwen's tent, since his thick armor added so much weight. Still, from a soldier's point of view, stripping a man of his armor can be perceived as a threat. Celegwen laid his sword on the table and sat next to him, putting a damp rag on his forehead. She softly sang the lullaby she used to sing to him to get him to go to sleep, the same one Aithusa's mother sang and the same one Aithusa sang for Celegwen under the tree twenty-seven years ago.

Aithusa blew three small flares into the air, then shifted into his human form. Three officers came running up to him and put their fists to their chests. "Captain," they said in unison.

"Captain Perkhimote is not to be disturbed," he said. "All official matters are to be run through me until further notice, and I expect you three are responsible enough to handle any petty matters that come up. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," they said.

Aithusa nodded. "Dismissed." The officers walked back to their tents, and Aithusa walked outside. He knew there was nothing he could do for Kiron until the man woke up and he knew Celegwen would be better off alone. She wasn't exactly in a conversational mood. Instead, Aithusa strolled around and let out a long whistle.

The large shadow above him started growing and Xanuthos landed in front of Aithusa. Hey, Xanu. Does Zukiro ever still talk to you?


Xanuthos soared through the sky as soon Aithusa had called him. His black scales shimmering through the night, he descended in front of Aithusa and replied:
Only. In. Dream. What. Happened.
Inside the tent, Kiron began to stir, he spoke a little, still unconscious:
"My mother is de... my father is de... who are you? Why are you doin..."
His words were broken, he spoke as if he was finally broken of some kind of control.
Then, Kiron started to open his eye's after a while, he saw his mother's mismatching eyes and spoke softly:
"M-m-mother? Is that y.."
He was fading in and out of consciousness.
Celegwen caressed her son as if he was still a toddler.


Aithusa folded his arms across his chest and kicked a rock, shaking his head. "Earlier today, before we got back, Gwen and I were fighting with..." He shook his head. "It's complicated. Bottom line is that I heard Zukiro. It was definitely his voice. Some arrow came seemingly out of a void in the sky and disappeared when it hit. Zu decided to be sarcastic and mock my parenting!"

The dragon smiled and chuckled breathily. "Nothing changes with that wolf, does it?"

In the tent, Celegwen tried to keep her heart hidden when someone was relying on her, but seeing her son in that state was breaking her heart. "Shhh," she whispered. "Your mom and dad are fine. And we're not going anywhere." She loosened his armor a little bit, allowing for some breathing room. "Not going anywhere."


Xanuthos layed down next to the tent.
Zu. Always. With. Me. His. Spirit. Guide. Me. But. I. Only. See. In. Dream.
Xanuthos looked up to the night sky and send a giant blue flame upwards.
He. Trying. To. Prank. Me.

In the tent Celegwen was tending to Kiron.
A couple of hours later, he started to finally wake, just as infant is born into the world and the first thing they see is there mother's eyes, this was about the same experience.
Kiron began to tear up, he sat up and gave his mother possibly the most tight hug in existence. He began to cry on her shoulder.
"What happened mother? Why did this happen? Who did this? Im sorry for what I did, im sorry for not believing you, please forgive me."
His armor had fallen off once he got up, his straps were very finicky, he was the only one who knew how to properly set them. His bare chest was revealed, quite muscular, but covered with his scales.


After hearing Kiron's voice, Aithusa jogged into the tent and smiled softly, leaning against a post. He had waited over two decades for his family to be complete, and though the circumstances weren't ideal, his family was in fact whole.

Celegwen couldn't help it as her cheeks were stained by the trails of rolling tears. She missed out on her son's entire childhood, but at that moment, it didn't matter. "It doesn't matter," she whispered in a breathy whisper, looking at Aithusa. "What's important is we found each other now. I'm so sorry. We should've protected you more."

Aithusa walked over and stood next to Celegwen, stroking her hair and squeezing Kiron's shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry for," he said, swallowing his tears back to be strong for his family. "Forgive us."


Kiron sat up, with tears rolling down his cheeks:
"No, it should be me apologizing, Im sorry mother for not believing you when you offered the ring, I should've known no random Adelan would cease their fighting for any reason other than family. Im sorry for disrespecting you with my outbreak. I-I thought I had killed you. When I learned about flare-flame I was never taught how to properly use it. It only happens when extreme emotions take over. Im am beyond happy that I didn't kill you two. If I had I wouldnt know what to do with myself.
He wiped away a tear from his cheek and looked to Aithusa
"Dad, I'm sorry for kicking that spear into your thigh. But I do have to admit, no one has ever been able to just swat me out of the sky. How'd you do it? And who did you learn that from? Cause it was really cool."
Kiron for the first time in a long time, had smiled.


Aithusa laughed, shaking his head. "I've had worse injuries, believe me. I learned that trick from a long gone friend. Actually...uh, learned it from your grandfather."

Celegwen smiled, wiping underneath her eyes.

The dragon cocked his left eyebrow and glanced upward. "I can teach you to control yourself better, if you'd like. Control that flare-flame, the spiral kick, and how to focus to the point you can do what I did. Just hope that you aren't as stubborn as your mom."

She hit him in the gut. "Wrong parent!"


Kiron for the first time in a long time laughed. The miracle that was finding his parents was a gift itself, and he cherished every possible moment.
"I would love for you to teach me fa- Dad. But i do want to add, I've never ever done that kick before, its almost as if I had known how to do it ever since I've started training, that and flare-flame, felt natural. Although the flames only seem to come alive when I'm in extreme emotion. Also, I have this weird feeling where I should be very witty. Is that normal? Also who was my grandfather and when can I meet him? Cause it sounds like he kicked your ass."
Kiron laughed as he pondered the questions to his parents.


"Those things should come naturally to you, kiddo," Aithusa said, pulling a chair over. He sat on it with his legs on either side of the back and his arms rested atop it. "Your mom and I are natural warriors! Sorry again about our rocky meeting. I just meant that I can help teach you to control yourself. I used to be a lot like you are, controlled and clouded by my emotions, but your grandfather helped to teach me to take control and use my emotions to my advantage."

Celegwen smiled and tucked stray hair behind her ears. "And you're right! He absolutely kicked your dad's ass. We actually named you in honor of him. His name was Zukiro...and he passed away before you were born."

"We do have someone else we want you to meet, though." Aithusa and Celegwen stood, leading Kiron out of the tent. The black dragon stood proudly under the stars. "Kiron, this is Xanuthos. He was your grandfather's best friend...his brother."

"Xanu, this is our son."