Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Adela => Topic started by: Blue on July 28, 2012, 12:59:01 AM

Title: Tommi; Thief
Post by: Blue on July 28, 2012, 12:59:01 AM
__________________QUICK STATS
Thomasina, but goes by 'Tommi'
Female (believe it or not)
Thieves Guild

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description Tommi could easily be mistaken for a boy if not for the pitch of her voice...although even that's not always enough to differentiate her. Scrawny and rough, Tommi definitely is not the picture definition of a lady. She has straw-blond hair that was chopped roughly at jaw level - or at least most of it was. It tends to have a layered sort of look...as in various parts sticking up in various directions at various times. You get the idea. Her eyes are a burnt orange color, large and expressive in her face - not that she needs any help expressing herself. She's relatively pale skinned, with an overdose of freckles across her face (that are usually obscured by the layer of dirt that can usually be found on her), shoulders, arms, back, and thighs. She's tiny and appears to have little to no curves - appears being the key word. Puberty has hit her to some degree, she just chooses to cover and bind those parts that are getting some added cushioning thanks to stupid hormones.
Always scruffy and dirty and in some state of disarray, Tommi tends to wear whatever is comfortable and tough. Tops and bottoms are always frayed and patched in at least two places, and she has a habit of going barefoot almost always - even if she has shoes, she tends to either forget or not give enough of a damn to stop and put them on. She is unadorned save for a single gold loop in her right ear.

Personality Probably not a surprise, but Tommi is tough as nails. She was raised more by the streets than by a person, and her lack of proper upbringing definitely shows. She is crude and crass and blunt as hell. She has a filthy mouth and a small vocabulary - you do the math. Size and gender matter not in her quest to be the baddest street urchin out there, and she's put a sound beating on more than one person despite her tiny stature. She is reckless and fearless, and surprisingly clever despite also being rather dumb - she's got the eyes of one who's had to keep herself alive her entire life, and so she misses very little when watching the goings on around her. Her sense of humor generally hinges on the misfortune of others, and she's known to make fun of anyone and everyone, though generally only with stupid verbal jabs at her fellow ruffians. She has a fiercely protective streak in her, as well as an almost equally large one of loyalty, and they often overlap when it comes to the people she considers 'hers'.

Pickpocket - she's basically got this down to a fine friggin' art.

Runs like the wind - or like she's being chased by a man three times her size. Usually the latter. She's quick and nimble and faster than greased lightning, even in crowded areas or tight spots.

Lock picking - learning this from her fellow thieves, she's picking up on it rather quickly.

Vahni (//http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=58613#p58613) - This cutie face is her 'brother' of sorts. They spent a brief time being raised together by the same elderly lady, as well as some time on the street after her death, but eventually they lost contact in the chaos that is street life.

Sachi (//http://spiritsoftheearth.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=58680#p58680) - Something like Tommi's mentor, she's a thief in the Thieves Guild as well. Tommi has attached to her like a little sister, and is quite eager to learn all she can from her.

Cadmus (//http://spiritsoftheearth.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=58669#p58669) - Shove off ya giant shithead!

She doesn't much remember her parents - for all she knows they too were homeless, or her mother was a prostitute, or what have you. She just knows she's been on the streets almost her entire life, and they are her home. She spent a brief stint with an old lady who took in a bunch of urchins, and who gave her the name 'Thomasina', horrid as it is! That's where she meet Vahni, and despite the fact the boy was both older and bigger than her, she took to protecting him as he was something of a big fat crybaby. She lost contact with many of her fellows once the old woman died, the streets and back alleys drawing them apart.
She ran into Sachi a couple of years ago, and has stuck to her like glue, knowing a good thing when she sees it!

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